126 ahora gr
12, Such a one is not tempted by the tender touches nor repulsed
bythe harsh ones and stays vigilant and equanimous to stop the Karmic
gerat dfaar Ga, derera ached 1
& Sa frafiray aed, siearotra water fe 23h
Raafodt eo giatia att ce Watat stra dene ar 2
anet € ace defeat sere wares Prafeas 21h ae Prater wr ay
amet ft
13. These reinless senses generate the world for theindividual.
Once restrained, these very sensesserve astools for deliverance.
sertiafaqgsen, grag eee aa |
gerate getty, areet ar mers gene
Qe. TT ot ge sftaat MRA eT aayTeva (HATH)
& aannt 1 ae gata are aria a1 coeet Hee HO
mt EI
14, Unrestrained senses drive the sou! along downward infemal
trends ag the wild stallions drag the chariot off the highwayto wilderness.
sfaufg qarafg, 0 darefe arate
faaaig gitig, arefgeat a dome ex
tu. frafna at ge staat goat ageact 214% aa;
Fanfare ova arefer at meres ATT Te oF Te Bh
15. Regulated senses are prone to move towards the creditable
path like trained steedsthatalwaysstick to the highway.
Rea areal fafa, are faraatat 1
faded wears, FA ar migaTgt eg
ae. Teeot fart srt we,flex fated arth v7 ares
gee, werd qeSaat sfi fara-apea at awe