35. mare went 159
araardl 7 2 & aitgfis area adt we aT 3) (set were area ort
ar ngea aad fear ead dea HT VA wet HT TAT) 1
21. You guard this enigmatic palaceandstill your plightis mise-
rable, as. a woundedbeing has ne option butto suffer his malady for the
want of remedial knowledge. (Ignorance of spiritual consciousness
deprives oneofthe supreme knowledge).
sae oT fuss, aETeATIEA oTTTha ga |
& gafa 0 & gfe, arrears get aft nggu
gx. & arma! wfaerm ara wet. waar aTT 7ZA ATAT
famvir Wr wae 21 State ware ae get a ao aia
ara 8 te get dar 2 1
22, Be vigilant, O man. One inwardly alert is still conscious
while asleep. Indolentis never happy while thevigilant is ever happy.
raed git Re, Star avait Feat
were HTAT aT, THT are Rg
25. aerate ae aa & aig | eae: | ee wale ora B,
Se create (oer Bech arat) aedt gh ar aT ate & Bat at ze
art maT |
23. Avvigilant and brave being repels alt evils as fire repels a
aaa fad ge fart fara va fae oe ong ot greta
geared geqaraeait fer ast
ga wert ag fire, ga, faze, faery, faafiza, draot gh
eat amar & ate afasa & ga: ga Fare % at arar F 1
tan & (aq agrae/eeas Eft) TERT E|e
This is the means, then, for an aspirantto attain purity. enlighten
ment, emancipation, piety, abstinence and non-attachment. Such a being
is freed of the chain of reincarnations.
Thus, ! Uddalak, the seer, do pronounce.
sreran ara aceat sreucrs Goh gm 134