starred, afakad ware |
aradazdad, frend fafag at tig
Qe. 2a, ad, weed, cera wie araT asl are F fete Hae
are mag H falar ware aerart a ore eA 2
17. Gods, serpent-gods, angels animals and men—all are slaves
of desire and thus earn woesof all kinds.
aramngfafoegeat, ser eter fafafeaar t
farts Rater ced, gaeat qeaiaat west
ge. ait ere aie fitters wera areedt fara & gegee eT TT
ER gee Etat geared rope arene waa Meat are wT TAT
Soaly wage at oe ee are E
18. The mighty beings who have mastered their senses and freed
themselves of the demon of desire are salts of earth. Glory be te them.
Suchpious beings surmount the ordinarily insurmountable oceanic warld
in jiffy. a
& fied mresittg, rare ETI TRI
& dacha dar, arated AeEAT gal
ge. BT gor areaB rena BET ITT wd 83 apifreT
manda dane H reed 2, thera Fa tEA EI
19. Indulgentbeings have only one destiny—thatof interminally
plodding on the adyssey of mundanssufferings.
wet faeenfatin ara, serfaarat gefgat
fsa Treat’, wat feat alata URN
ATTN AEM sha Bed
Qo. 43 serra oafn frarfeal—faaciga ater H azeat, (Aer
BY ATRL) TL TT aT geaT HAT & faeg ae ata H el Tee Tat a1
darmde sree efe aT—