15. agen srt 57
2. Accumulated Karmas yield pain. Let the saint regulate his
conductso as to exterminatealt sin,
aaa afa mean, qa aecita Tg)
fay caqananaten, agerta daar ug
% ge bere erage ga aaa ga aa st TE
ata % feats ga oe gel aaeraaay azt
3. Acclimberis sure to spread byvirtue of a stem that is suitable.
Germination always results in seedlings.
aura af waren, qt FA TATA |
wuradt afgarfaed, feat g auded tivn
x.at ar agua AT eed ger geafey masa Ahi
afeariqust aura Hi verfe a erat aena adie [aaiq qafees &
at arte sera gt ant G1 917 2, gatferg goa at ghez 3 |
4, A proliferating sin will yield woe. In the absence of clod
there can benopitcher.
aaa ofa eraea, HET aceita DET |
atard ag Fa, ag asta ART KN
X. eae BT agUTT TY TT SS aa Sa IT sect 2 ate Se
sige favfan ah 249 dara eh war & ga ighea gta 1
5. As the conduciveness of steme neourages a climber, and
getmination a seedting, so does sin to woe.
aTaaTa get Fae, YIBAIT HAT Ta t
fagta aaaiy, el araer dat? gu
§. SS ger ar are Hea ge Her ase Mt TAB aT A TT aT ATT
HA TT BE ate TAT Fi ars ger FH aT (fat) are A ge (HTT)
& ffe fart arg at aaga are gar Fast wer ar aa 8? ag ava
6. As fruition is exterminated by plucking off a flower, so woes
are eliminated by avoiding sins. If Ihe apical of a palm plant be punctured
with a needle the plant's non-fruition is preordained,