Book Title: Isibhasiyaimsuttaim
Author(s): Vinaysagar
Publisher: Prakrit Bharti Academy

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Page 199
15 20. seme remot elements (earth, water, fire, air and ether) are disintegrated, thereexists no world. [a.] & fe & Aapene’ 2 acpRe ard & of aoTAeT- fezormgt, wreqauaminey “ay Ad” sft teRTTTeT wafa 18 af aaeTA | 3. Statenat fret wea 2? eetena BA wee BAT wea are Hava qoara afte area % areaT A TTT ser ar gedraeT TTT gala aa Hemeear 2 Pereaa aA aes, wer ag, Me ee eagar Fae FT ATT Baa aaaTa FT Paar FRAT g | NaraT wee Boag cateHET 3. Thethird school (Stenotkal) culls like ideas andillustrations from sundryscriptures to lend strength to its dogma. They are utterly dogmatic and opinionated in favour of theit ideology. They are least con- | siderate in disputations. | [v.] & fe & Qgamer ? agqane ad Fat “afer waa” afa fag siaer ancrfzcta mig aged aafa a aque ¢, tatemet Pea wea FB? tateaa aaa Zs at ae AT ' feces sarfira 4, tar eraTe ae ent arc a aaci ate agar gar, wear omen Ba ay eee HAT g Ta t aft array waa ¢ BE Sarena war aaT F 4. Tho fourth school (Deshotkal) concedes so far as the exis- tence of saul as an entity is concerned. Theytreatit as the non-doer and ignore one aspect of the saut. [x] & fe a aoaen®! ? eeqeet ne to “aca aeadaaTaT M aed, Beal TeAg HeaT afea’’ fo weasae aaa 1 a a aeaeee 4. adiena fr age 2? adkea we aga @ a are carat at apdeal Bl weatare wear 8 ate sfaafee eear & FH aes weit F


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