afrsntis qr
Ro. ate sana
aed 3 qaat vy aeqasa YI
aia ware & gona arate aicies aon va SF ge aT g—
2. wodena, %. TIT, 3B. aaron, v. AereTeT aT aaeEAT TE
There are five schools of non-spiritual materialism =
[g.] & fe at ‘ogame! ? augen® ane & ci eosfagrant
iframe torte ‘agzatar farm “ofa
adiaral og Kiet” fa wanfaatset safe 1 a at eee 1
g. austen fet aga FF avciena gt wed g, ot ave (watt)
qua ae fete art & f aque arate, wea aie aferr fever
gareArt 8, gat sere wae
Baar 2. tat a vec at & we everaa wea Et
1. Oneschool(Dandotkal)relies on the parallel of a stick. They
insist that like the inseparable top, middle and end of a stick the soul is
an extension of, and is not conceivable separate from, body. Once the
hodyis shed the world exists no more.
[-] a fe a eogena’ ? cogent ord Foo tegfz-
zeae aqzatarRaMy “WaNgeqTETARafens Aare
dataateda aafa 1 & af tegETe |
y. eaaeEy Pea sea FP wegen GF vee goof coq (eee)
a gerne Frere a ag sfearfet ana % froia qia nergy sin
ar agaranra @, seatotha rr ere gay ateacs aét @ 1 ata aeryeiar
ar ga at darereeaer Ht eae a aa A Rar ot afrorfea TT
& arg wagers aga ZI
2. Another school (Rajjutkal) relies on the example of a rope.
Theyavail that the individualis 9 mere combination of the five elements.
Self does not exist away from these physical eloments. Once the five