seal by Mr. Venkayya, and the second seems to be Maga[dha] (1. 2). The king bore the titles "lord of Kalinga" (1. 1 f.) and "son of Vasishthi" (1. 2) and issued his grant from Pishtapura ( 1. 1). The village granted by him was named Rak [s]l[u]va ( 14 ) and belonged to the Kalinga district (1. 3). The two last lines of the inscription state that this document was issued in the thirteenth year (of the king's reign), and that its writer was the minister Arjunadatta.
The village granted, Bāk [a]l[u]va, is evidently identical with the modern Ragölu, where the plates were discovered. Pishtapura, where the king resided at the time of the grant, is the ancient name of Pithapuram in the Godavari district and is mentioned also in the Allahabad pillar inscription of Samudragupta, in the Aihole inscription of Pulakesin II., and in the Timmapuram plates of Vishnuvardhana I.
First Plate, Second Side.
1 सिद्धिरस्तु ॥ स्वस्ति विजयपिष्टपुरात्कलिङ्गाधि2 पति [] कुलालङ्करिष्णुर्व्वासिष्ठीपुत्रो
3 महाराजश्रीशक्ति वर्मा कलिङ्गविषये
4 राकलुवग्रामे सर्व्वसमन्वागतान्तहपतितान्'
Second Plate; First Side.
5 आज्ञापयति [1] अस्टयेष ग्रामकोस्माभिः खपु6 ण्याल जा चन्द्रतारकादग्रहारं
7 [कृत्वा सावर्ण ] सगोत्रपञ्चार्षेयवाजसनेयि8 ब्राह्मणकुमारमष्टाभ्यच पु[य]
Second Plate; Second Side.
9 एवमेत मोजाय दत्तः अभटपावेाः 10 सर्व्वकरमदेयैव परितस्तात्वा युष्माभिः 11 पूर्वप्रवृत्तया मर्यादयोपस्थान
12 व्यम्मेयहिरण्यायचीपनेयम् [*]
Third Plate; First Side.
18 अमीषजाय वाचा: [1] यः प्रमादाशोभादास्य 14 सोपं कुर्य्या पचमहापातकसंयुक्तो भवेत् [i]
1 The same motronymic was borne by several Andhra kings; a00 Prof. Bapson's Coine of the Andhra Dynasty, ste., p. 232.
2 Dr. Fleet's Gupta Inscriptions, p. 13.
Above, Vol. VI, p. 11, verse 27.
From the original copper-plates.
Above, Vol. IX, p. 819.
The vowels of the second and third syllables of a are not quite certain. T Bend perhaps 'सान्तःप
● Bead सन्नात्वा.