The Svetambara Narratives
'श्रीमालोद्भववंशमौक्तिकमणेः श्रीजावडस्यार्थनां । Har 'मालव' देशमंडन करे श्रीमंडपक्ष्माधरे । विद्वत्पुंगव तुंगसर्वविजयो यज्ञेऽधिकारः क्रमा दानंदादिमसुंदरेऽत्र सुकृतग्रंथेऽष्टमो जेजितात् ॥ ६७ ॥
इति 'श्रीमाल' कुलश्रीमालभारिमालवेश्वर श्री खलची गया सदीनगुरुनरेंद्र गजाधिकारिव्यवहारिशिरोरत्नानुकारि 'लघुशालिभद्रे तिबिरुदधारिपुत्रश्रीहीरजी भ्रातृसं लालाप्रमुख परिवार परिवृत संघपति श्री जावड समर्थाभ्यर्थनावशवर्त्तिसांप्रतीनकविचक्रवर्त्तिमहापंडितप्रष्टश्रीमत्सर्वविजयगणिवरविधी
No. 47
मानदेशनारस निधाने श्रीमदानंद सुंदराभिधाने धर्मशास्त्रप्रधाने श्रावक किंचिदुणलवव्या वर्णनो नाम अष्टमो (S) धिकारः ॥ Reference.— For additional Mss. see Jinaratnakośa ( Vol. I, p. 30 ). One of the Mss is dated as V. S. 551.
625. 1892-95.
Size.- 1og in. by 4g in.
Extent. - 108 folios; 13 lines to a page ; 40 letters to a line. Description.— Country paper thin, rough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with frequent qurars; big, quite legible, uniform and beautiful hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin ; fol. r blank : red chalk used; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well; yellow pigment used while making correc. tions ; some foll. have stuck together probably due to the 25 presence of gum in the ink used; edges of the first fol. slightly gone ; some of the foll slightly worm-eaten ; condition on the whole good; complete; this work is divided into eight adhikaras; the extent of each of them is as under:
9 [J. L. P.