Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ron. Description.- Country paper thin, tough and greyish ; Jaina Deva
nägari characters with rare gratis ; very small, fairly legible, uniform and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two lines in red ink; red chalk used ; edges of each and every fol. gone ; condition on the whole tolerably good ; it appears that foll. must have been numbered in the right-hand margin; of course, now none of these numbers is to be seen; it may be that each fol. which is complete by itself may be forming a separate work by itself and even
then all the 3 foll, are put together ; complete. Age.- Samvat Is24. Author. Not mentioned. Subject. - Narratives mostly in Sanskrit and at times in Prākrit
and Vernacular. The first is about cheapness of flesh. IS Begins.- fol. 1* 10॥ श्रीरत्नशेखरमरिगुरुभ्यो नमः ॥
____एकदा श्रेणिक सभायामभयकुमारादिबहुसमुदाययुतायामेषा वार्ता
भूत् ॥ यदऽघुना किं वस्तु सुलभं etc. Ends.- fol. 30
रोह जवासा गादह दाणी । च्यारइ सूकइ पालरि पाणी ।। जूना कापड बुढा ढोर । तेहना दाम लेई गिआ चोर ॥१ .. जो सुंघडदंबद्वामणी नदा ऊतरणलंच। डाहा हुइ ज पंडिआ पहिलं ते जे पंच ॥२॥
श्री'तपागच्छनायकश्रीरत्नशेखरमूरिशिष्यशिरोमणिपंजिनमाणिक्य गणिचरणसरसीरुहेण भ्रमरेण सुमतिसारेण लिखितं 'प्रहलादनपुरे' सं(०). १५२४ द्वि. भा.
1325. No. 102
1891-95. Size.- 104 in. by 41 in. Extent.- 6 folios ; I7 lines to a page ; 56 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, rough and white; Jaina Deva
nagari characters with rare पृष्ठमात्रा; small, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk used%3; foll. numbered in