Jaina Literature and Philosophy [246. Extent.- 176 folios ; 14 lines to a page ; 34 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin and greyish ; Devanagari chara
cters; big, clear and very fair hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines in red ink; foll. numbered as usual; foll. 1. and 176° blank; a piece of paper of the size of a fol. pasted to fol. 1'; same is the case with fol. 176b; strips of paper pasted to fol. 2'; condition on the whole good ; red chalk used; complete; composed as Kurkutesvara in Samvat
1676 in 9 adhikāras in ISIdhalas. .. 10 Age.- Sarhvat 1750. ___Author.- Gunasagara Suri, pupil of Padmasagara Suri of Vijaya
gaccha. He is the author of the following additional works :
(1) कयवना( कृतषुण्य )रास V. S. 1676. (3) शान्तिनाथउन्द
(3) शान्तिजिनाधिनतिरूप स्तवन. Subject.- The origin of Harivamsa narrated in verse in Gujarati.
In this work lives of Neminātha, Pandavas etc. are describ
... ed.
Begins.- fol. r' भीषीतरागाय नमः॥
श्रीजिन आदिजिनेसरूं । आदि तो करतार ॥ युगलीधरम निवारणो । वरतावण विवहार ॥१॥ etc. उतपति भी हरिवंशनी । हलधर कृष्ण नरस ॥
नेमि मदनयुग पांडवां । चरित भएं सविसेस ॥१८॥ etc. .35 - fol. 20° इति श्रीढालसागरहरिवंशप्रबंधे प्रथमोऽधिकारः ॥१॥ etc. ____Ends.- fol. 1760
गच्छ स्वच्छ प्रणांमसू रे । विजयवंत विसेस । श्री विजय गणराजीया | काई दीपइ रे गुरु धर्मनरेस कि ॥ ९५॥ विजय ऋषि विद्यावली रे। धर्मदास मुनीश | क्षिमासागरक्षेमजी । काई जेहनी रे जग मांहिंजगीस कि ।।९६॥ गा. पद्मसागररिजी रे । मुयशयसभरपूरि ।