68. ]
The Svetambara Narratives STANICT-PL
1294. No. 67
1887-91. Size. - 104 in. by 44 in. Extent. - s folios ; 16 lines to a page ; 55 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, rough and white; Jaina Deva
nāgari characters with occasional grass ; sufficiently big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; O borders ruled in three lines in red ink; red chalk used; to foll, numbered in the right-hand margin ; condition very good; yellow pigment used while making corrections;
complete. Age.- Pretty old. Author.-- Is he Carucandra, pupil of Bhaktilābha as stated in 15.
Jinaratnakośa ( Vol. I, p. 42 )? Subject.-- Life of Uttamacaritra. Begins.-- fol. 19 11 8011
FUT THTITÔT etc. as in No. 65. Ends.-- fol. sb 3(31) auteur etc. up to go arorati
This is followed by the line as under:-- gia a 13 JETTE II .........
W Reference. – Uttamakumāracaritra by Cărucandra is published by
Hiralal Hamsarāj in A. D. 1908. For its additional Mss. see Jinaratnakośa ( Vol. I, p. 42 ).
3 hara- .
kumārakatha No. 68
. 248.
A. 1882-83.. Size. - 104 in. by 41 in. Extent. - 6 folios; 17 lines to a page; 48 letters to a line.
1 Letters are made illegible by applying yellow pigment,