The Svetambara Narratives III १२॥ इति श्रीऋषिदत्तारास संपूर्ण ॥ गाथा पांचसई ५४३ ॥ संवत् १६८३ वर्षे माघसितेतर ५ शनौ ॥ पंडितश्रीसिंघविजयगणिना(s)लेखि [:] | गणिशिवविजयपठनार्थम् । श्रीनेमिनाथप्रसादात् । श्रीरानेर'.
बंदिरे ॥ N. B.- For other details see No.81.
1589. No. 84
1891-95. Size.- 10 in. by 41 in. Extent.-29 folios%3 II lines to a page3B 43 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper somewhat thick, tough and white;
Jaina Devanāgari characters; big, quite legible, uniform and beautiful hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; space between these pairs coloured red; dandas written in red ink ; foll, numbered in the right-hand margin ; fol. 1a blank; there is some space kept blank in the cenire of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well so as to form a design; in the left-hand margins the title is mostly written as raçar; edges of the first and last few foll. slightly gone; condition on the whole good;
complete. Age.- Not later than Samvat 1685. Begins.- fol. 10 ॥९६० ॥ ॐ नमः ॥
उदय अधिक दिन दिन हबई etc. as in No. 81. Ends.-- fol. 27
ऋषिदत्ता नई राय । etc. up to आस || as in No. 81. This is followed by the lines as under :
इति ऋषिदत्तारास संपूर्णः॥ Then in a different hand we have :
संवत् १६८५ वर्षे माघसुदि १ दिने साध्वीदेवकोनि श्रा०अमरादेई
परति बहिरावी॥ N. B.- For additional information see No. 81.