(2) (a) Nemicarita-mabākāvya.
"श्रीनेमिचरित्र महाकाव्यं संस्कृतं गद्यपद्यमय बहुखंडितं १०९० वर्षे श्रीभोजराजराज्ये सूराचार्यकृतम्"
Jaina Sāhitya Samsodhaka vol. 1. No. 2. p. 13 (Brhattippanika Granthakramänka 510). The Prabhāvakacarita (p. 160 v. 254) refers to this work and writes : युगादिनाथश्रीनेमिचरिताद्भुतकीर्तनात् । इतिवृत्तं द्विसन्धानं व्यधात् स
artet: 1
It is noteworthy that the ms. of this work, available to the author of the Brhattipanika was mutilated. It seems it was a doublemeaning mahākavya. (b) Nemimahākāvyatippanaka - extent 1400 ślokas. (Brhattippanika No. 511) (3) Dānādiprakarana “दानादिप्रकरण सं. सूराचार्यकृतं सप्तावसरं काव्यादिबन्धं पत्र ३४”
Out of these three works, 'Dānādiprakarana' only is available to us and that too in one ms. only.
4. Brief Substance :
It is notworthy that this work has the literary division 'Avasara'. Very few works having this division has come down to us. It has in all seven Avasaras. We give below the avasara-wise contents.
Avasara I expounds the importance of Dharma and good actions which cause worldly and otherworldly happiness and finally lead to even Liberation.
Avasara II extensively deals with charity in respect of Jñana and emphatically pronounces that this charity is superior to all other charity. Knowledge of what is heya (things to be avoided) and what is upade ya (things to be accepted) is essential and basic for the spiritual progress. Knowledge purifies mind, speech and body, and leads to non-attachment. Hence the importance of the words of Jina, embodying knowledge, is stressed; mode of acquiring knowledge from the spiritual teacher is explained; importance of the teacher is pointed out; venerableness of the learned is emphasised; exhortation for acquiring knowledge is made; benefits of knowledge are recounted; thirst for knowledge is praised, futility of the life of man devoid of knowledge is demonstrated; and glory of Jñana is sung.
Jain Education International 2010_05
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