However, there is no purusharth (real inner effort) on his part. Purusharth begins only after one attains the Self. After Gnan one comes to the state of the Self and then all clash and conflict begin to leave. Otherwise, when you get rid of one inner conflict (kashaya), four more take its place. If you do not guard against this, their whole army will move in. When are you able to guard against them? It is when you become the Self. An entire army that causes clash is present within you. If you do not have a 'security guard', all the thieves' will take over within.
If clash within (kalushit bhaav) does not decrease day by day, beastliness will prevail, not humanity.
What is the definition of worthiness of worldly worship and reverence (lokpujya)? In this era of the current time cycle, a status which people do not condemn (loknindya), the Lord calls this worthy of worship (lokpujya). The Lord was very wise about this. His disciples however are not they do not have the awareness that they should not let anything tarnish their praise worthy status which the Lord has thus defined. Otherwise persons truly worthy of worship and reverence are very rare; there may be hardly two or three in the whole world. The disciples today worship and respect their gurus the way they do a policeman. They talk behind the guru's back and say their guru is not even worth talking about! Krupaludev, Shrimad Rajchandra was truly worthy of worship by the world (lokpujya). Lokpujya status (gotra) is the highest of all status. The Lord was lokpujya. Ask for forgiveness and cleanse away whatever traits you have that beget criticism (loknindya).
What is the definition of God? It is people around him with similar viewpoint as his, who see only him as God. People with similar viewpoint as Jesus will see Jesus as God; if we were to show them Lord Mahavir; they would not accept Mahavir as God.
Even a 'Gnani Purush' is accepted as God by people.
The term God (Bhagwan) is an adjective. And 'we' are Shuddhatma without adjectives. The world has come about because of adjectives. Shuddhatma does not have any adjective and that is why our' state is devoid of any adjectives (nirvishesh).
To call 'us' God (Bhagwan), it is equivalent to making fun of the Gnani Purush. You too can be called a Bhagwan (God). if you do not have any clash tendency (kalushit bhaav) towards anyone, nor do you incite it in any one else. People call 'us' Bhagwan (God) too but 'our' state is beyond all adjectives; it is a state without any attributes or adjectives. This state is not to be found in scriptures; therefore no one should delve into using adjectives. 'We do not have any adjectives. Bhagwan is an adjective, it is not a noun. When a person becomes a B.Sc. he is called a graduate. Then if he studies for another ten years, it is belittling to then call him a graduate. To call a Gnani Purush Bhagwan, is the same as putting Him down to a lower level. Gnani Purush is a wonder. He is without any adjectives. But how are people to understand that? That is why they call Him, Bhagwan. The word Bhagwan comes from the root word bhag'. Just like the word 'bhagyavan' meaning fortunate from the word 'bhagya' (fortune), the word Bhagwan comes from 'bhagwat' meaning God like quality. Therefore the one who possesses God like qualities is called Bhagwan. The Gnani Purush has gone way beyond that. There is nothing else left for the Gnani to attain. There is nothing beyond that. 'We' lack only four degrees from attaining the Absolute state of Omniscience (keval Gnan). Lord Mahavir had completed 360° (perfect knowledge) and our' Gnan stopped at 356o and that too because of the peculiarity of the current era of this time cycle. But if you wish, 'we' can bestow that keval Gnan of 360° within an hour to you. You have to be ready for it. However because of the strangeness and peculiarity of this era of this time cycle, you will not be able to digest it completely. Though 'we' are