recognition get respect.' The vitarags would give respect to such people, but they would not lose their own path. They would not lose sight of the main path they had attained. They were very wise, they would not lose track of their path under any conditions whatsoever. This is also true for anyone in this day and age who follows the path of the vitarag. Some day, this bubble; the body of the Gnani Purush will burst but does that mean this path to liberation will also end? No, as long as there is a stipulation and an understanding that anyone who has an intense desire for liberation and nothing else and as long as that person allows himself to be deliberately fooled, the path to moksha will continue. No one can stop such a person from attaining moksha if he meets these two conditions. He can go to moksha on his own without any help from a Gnani within two life times!
Serious warning against misuse of intellect
Such is the path of the vitarag. Today however, this path has been completely smothered; people have been pushed into performing rituals. Really no one has pushed them into rituals, only their karmas. Those who follow these paths of rituals suffer from their own karmas. No one else is at fault here. People become increasingly entangled as a result of their own karmas. At the end of the day, the bull that works the oil mill press feels like he has walked forty miles, but when the mill owner removes the blinders covering his eyes, he realizes he is still in the same spot at the oil-mill. That is the state of the human beings of this world now. They have walked countless miles on their paths, but just like the bull in the oil-mill, they remain in exactly the same place; they make no significant progress. It would be fine if they were to remain in the same place, but instead they regress from being a two-legged human being to a four-legged animal. That is why 'we' have to say it aloud, "Listen here! For goodness sake, beware. At least beware!" Leave aside all talks of liberation, but at least get the benefit of a better life form. What
is the point of coming back as a human being again in this universe? What is to be gained from staying in this universe? There is pending doom of the approaching sixth Ara (time cycle of increasing destruction and degradation). Do something that will allow you to move away from this universe into another. It is possible to change your location; you have at your disposal all the means and instruments of the vitarag path. Today you have the support and the foundation of all the scriptures of Lord Mahavir, Lord Krishna, Vedanta and all other religions. The moment the sixth Ara begins, there will be no scriptures or religion. There will be nothing but doom and destruction. After eighteen thousand years, there will be nothing but darkness; this is what the vitarag Lords have seen in their vision. 'We do not have to say anything. This is not what 'we' are saying but what the vitarag Lords have said. "We are just telling you what the description is. It is the talk of vitarags, which is flowing through this medium of 'ours'. Will you not have to understand at least some of it? How can you allow things to go on without the understanding? Have you ever allowed yourself to be fooled deliberately? To do so is one of the highest mahavrat (major vow) of this Kaliyug (dusham kaal, the current era of this time cycle). There is no better vow than this for this current time period. Surely, we must attain the right path, must we not?
Questioner : People have turned excessively towards rituals.
Dadashri : It is because they did not find the right path. But even if the path had turned towards rituals, it would not have been a problem because they would be rewarded with the fruits of their rituals. If a man were to plant a nutmeg seed, he would be able to use the nutmeg that tree would bear, to put in desserts like basundi or shrikhand, but one can only reap the fruits if he sows the seed. So there is nothing wrong with their rituals, but all kinds of deceptive intents behind their rituals (deceptive dhyans) have arisen in the process. Dhyans that feed the mind