Only the one who can swim can save those who
are drowning It is critical to know the main path of liberation. For that we need the one who can give us the path of liberation; we need a liberator. And such a One has to be the one who has crossed the ocean of worldly life and can help others do the same. If the liberator' himself is drowning, how can he take you across safely? The bestower of moksha comes only to give you the gift of moksha and not to take anything away from you. What can the one who has come to attain moksha himself give you? Are you likely to get charity from a person who seeks it himself? Your work for attaining liberation will be accomplished through the Gnani Purush who has come to give the gift of moksha. It comes from the bestower of moksha who is moksha swaroop, who is verily liberated and has a stockpile of it! He is the only one who can give you moksha.
How can the whole world understand vitaragata and attain the path of vitarag? They may not attain moksha but at least they have to attain the path of the vitarag. Travel a mile but travel the vitarag path. Whatever religion you choose, travel the vitarag miles in that religion and it does not matter if there is only one such mile in it. That is all the Gnani Purush is telling you.
These books (Aptavanis) are like diamonds. The scriptures are like a mixture of few real diamonds and many imitation ones. If there is a true diamond merchant', a true seeker of liberation, he may be able to identify a worthy book, but there are no such merchants today and if there are, they are very few. The art of dealing with diamonds has disappeared hence there are no true diamond merchants left. That profession has disappeared and so has its art. So what do the scriptures do? They show you the path; they say, "Go to a Gnani." They say this because the Self is beyond words and cannot be described.
Vitarag Dharma What does the vitarag religion mean? It is where there is no controversy. There is no controversy or debate where the vitarag religion is concerned. There is no opposition there either. Here in this satsang, we have had spiritual talks and discussions for the last twelve years, but there has never been any controversy; how can there be controversy in speech filled with equanimity? Speech that is acceptable to the Muslims, the Europeans and all others. Everyone accepts this speech and if a rare person does not, then realize that it is his obstinacy. Obstinacy in a person is inevitable because of the excess of ego. Naturally, if a person has an excess live ego, he is inclined to be obstinate, is he not?
Now there will be progress in the path of the vitarag Lords. The vitarag Lords were vitarag and their path will progress will it not? How long can it remain covered with dirt? A true diamond is bound to shine some day! Lord Krishna has said too, "The path of the vitarag Lord is free of all fears; it is the path of liberation." How beautifully Lord Krishna has put it!
Revolutionary time in the world
Questioner : Today the entire Indian culture has been destroyed. It is influenced by the Western culture.
Dadashri : The destruction of our culture that is taking place is really the destruction akin to a building we were supposed to destroy ourselves, so we will not have to import any laborers to do this now. I realized a long time ago that the labor was coming from outside. We should not encourage it but from within we have to accept that we are getting free labor. The new building can only be constructed if the old one is destroyed.
These foreigners have 'improved so much that they have to take sleeping pills to fall asleep! Listen here people! Where did your sleep go? Rather then this people here sleep at peace.