Imitation can be tolerated in the Kramic path, but this is the Akram path! The light has been kindled all of a sudden and so come and light your wick with it. Then I will show you how to get rid of all the tubers of your mistakes that lie within you, but first you have to become a purush (Self-realized). You cannot achieve anything through the prakruti (the non-self). What is the form of all human beings? As long as they are not Self-realized, they are in the form of prakruti and whatever they do is all a play of the prakruti. They dance to the tune of the prakruti; the prakruti makes them dance and they claim, "I am dancing. I did it." That is garva (false pride; taking credit).
Bhakta Bhakti - Bhagwan [Worshipper or Devotee - worship or devotion - God]
Lord Krishna has defined four kinds of worshippers (bhaktas). There are countless types of non-worshippers and therefore we only need to know the categories of worshippers.
1. Arta bhakta: The worshipper only thinks of God during bad times and not during good times. When his leg hurts, he will pray, "Dear God, dear God, take pity on us." God understands that the worshipper thinks of him only when he is in pain. You see these kinds of worshippers everywhere.
2. Artharthi bhakta: This is a selfish and an opportunistic worshipper. He will say, "If I get a son, I will do this for you Lord." He asks God for a son. He does not understand the meaning of artharthi (the one who derives the meaning of it all) and therefore says, "I am an artharthi."
3. Jignyashu bhakta: This devotee has a strong desire to do darshan of the God.
4. Gnani bhakta: This devotee feels 'I am one with God (the Self)".
The Lord has said, "The Gnani is my direct Atma. He destroys not only his own paap karma but will destroy the paap karma of others too." That kind of Gnani Purush is here in front of you.
Out of these four worshippers, the jignyashu bhakta will achieve his spiritual work. There is no fifth category of worshippers. Some amongst the non-worshippers are such that