True renunciant A true renunciant is one who maintains: 'may the miseries of worldly people be mine and my happiness be theirs. 'If a person is unhappy himself, how can he make others happy? One will have peace if he maintains this much dharma (relative religion).
This world is at your disposal for enjoyment, but do not hurt anyone in the process. The one who wants to renounce should do so without hurting anyone. If a person wants to renounce his family, he must ensure that first he has the blessings from his wife. But instead men coerce their wives into giving them the permission. A person can only renounce if everyone around him is happy with his decision to do so.
The Lord has said that a true renunciant is he whose mere sight pleases others; he who evokes feelings of praise in those who look upon him; he who incites people to prostrate before him. He who makes people's worries disappears and calms their hearts.
The Self has never, even for a moment becomes the nonself and neither has it desired any thing of the non-self. The Self has nothing to renounce, no chants to sing or no penance to suffer. The renunciant has an illusion about renouncing for the Soul and the family man has an illusion about the soul's worldly life. Gnani's Agnas verily are penance and religion
There is no need to expend anything on the path of liberation; no need to renounce anything, no penance to perform, nothing needs to be done. You simply need to meet a Gnani Purush and His agnas then become your penance and your religion. After meeting the Gnani Purush, you will encounter a new kind of penance; internal penance. Internal penance will lead to moksha and external penance will beget the worldly life. If someone insults you, you should perform internal pratikraman
instantly; that is internal penance.
One has brought along with him this mind, speech and body from birth. These are the main illusionary attachments (moha) and the main acquisitions (parigraha). All other infinite forms of attachments and acquisitiveness (moha and parigraha) arise because of these three; which is why one cannot renounce everything. The worldly life is very orderly and precise and this order is never broken. If it is in a person's order (kram) to renounce, then he will but in return he will receive only the worldly life. There are infinite acquisitions (parigraha). Even if you have brought millions of parigraha, 'we' would still bless you by placing our' hand on your head and make you aparigrahi (without any possessions). This non-acquisitiveness comes only through an inner distinction in your understanding. This is the Akram path and the other is the Kramic path. In the Kramic path a person will renounce everything and then go away into the forest; however his mind, speech and body will still be with him. His parigraha of mind, speech and body will always be with him and they will give rise to a new worldly life, wherever he goes. In the path of Akram Vignan (step-less science towards Self-realization) however, there is liberation for one as he becomes non-acquisitive living amidst all there is to acquire. What was it like for Emperor Bharat? As an Emperor, he had all the pomp and luxuries of an empire, thirteen hundred wives, palaces etc. But despite all the material wealth, Lord Rushabhdev gave him the knowledge of Akram Vignan and because of that he was able to attain liberation despite living amidst all luxuries.
Many consider clothes as a parigraha and yet they will have one hundred and eight disciples! How can clothes hurt you spiritually? True living parigraha is that of the mind, speech and
Let me tell you how it is for us, the Gnani Purush. Even