because 'we' are meddlesome and that is why 'we' say, "Sir, you will fall into the hole that lies ahead." The vitarags tellus, "Why do you worry about him?" But 'we' feel, 'When will this poor man come out of the hole once he falls in it?' All along it has been our inner intent and desire that no one falls (spiritually) and that everyone becomes free from the tangles of the worldly life. 'We have found the path to moksha and 'we' will take you along. 'We will sit with you for half an hour, but 'we' will take you back (home; the Self) with us.
The Lord has said, "The whole world is on the path to liberation. "So no one is going the wrong way, but what happens if you are on your way to New York from Washington and you end up in Miami? You arrive at the station and ask someone where you are. They tell you, you are in Miami. You ask them when the train will arrive at New York and they tell you that New York is in the opposite direction. This is how it is for people who are on the wrong path to moksha. The path of liberation is not like this. The path of liberation is not laden with physical suffering and misery (kasht). There is no moksha where there is kasht (subjecting body to penance) and where there is liberation, there is no kasht. The Lord considers kasht a form of obstinacy (hathagraha). What do the renunciants and ascetics on the path of liberation today claim? They say, "The Lord too endured physical suffering!" You fools! Why do you disgrace the Lord in this way? How can the Lord be so? Even this "Dada' does not subject his body to any punishment so why would Lord Mahavir do so? Gnanis never subject themselves to austerities (kasht). People say that the Lord renounced the world. You fools! He renounced the world at the age of 30 years after he had a child and he did so without hurting his wife and children. When the Lord went to his elder brother for permission, his brother told him to wait for two years. The Lord waited for two years and then, with the consent of his wife, he renounced the worldly life. The Lord did not have to renounce
anything: His renunciation was natural and spontaneous as an effect in his life on earth. Renunciation was his natural state. This is because the Lord was in mahavrat. Mahavrat means that which is part of one's state. He did not have to renounce anything. If he did' renounce then that would not have counted as a vrat (vow). There is a big difference between undergoing the act of renunciation and renunciation being an integral part of one's conduct. The two are completely different. A person, for whom renunciation is inherent in his conduct, will not even remember what he renounced.
The current ascetics, who renounce, keep track of all the things they leave behind. They will tell you, "I have left behind three children, a wife, huge homes, and enormous wealth. 'They are aware of all they leave behind. How can you say they have renounced when they cannot even forget what they have renounced? The Lord considers that which one forgets naturally as vrat, not renouncing (tvaga). There is anuvrat and there is mahavrat. He has said for the Jains to do anuvrat. Whatever becomes an integral part of one's conduct is the same as having come into anuvrat. When a person renounces the worldly life, he will have the intoxication of the ego (keyf) of having renounced and whatever he renounced will always remain on his mind: 'I renounced so much. I renounced this way and that way.' He can only find a solution to this entanglement if he understands all this. 'We never remember any such things. I never have thoughts of money or sex at all, but how can people believe this?
This is a completely different kind of calculation. The number in your multiplication, your "figure' is permanent (the real I is the soul) and you are trying to multiply with a 'number' that is temporary (the relative I - I am her husband... I am father), whereas both my numbers are permanent and therefore my multiplications have a solution. However, when you multiply, your one temporary number keeps replacing the previous temporary number and therefore your multiplications will never