Book Title: Canonical Literature Of Jainas
Author(s): H R Kapadia
Publisher: Hindi Granth Karyalay
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________________ Price Five Rupees and four annas, exclusive of postage. All rights are reserved by the Publisher. Printed by Natverlal Iccharam Desai B. A., at the Gujarati Printing Press, Sassoon Buildings, Elphinstone Circle, Fort, Bombay No. 1 and Published by Hiralal Rasikdas Kapadia Sankdi Sheri, Gopipura, Surat.
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________________ PREFACE It was about a decade and a half ago that an idea struck me that I should write a comprehensive history of the canonical literature of the Jainas. This idea got crystallized when, on being invited by the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, I commenced preparing a Descriptive Catalogue of Jaina Manuscripts deposited in this Institute by the Government of Bombay. While I was engaged in this work, I found that barring A Sacred Literature of the Jainas, an English translation of the valuable German contribution by the late Prof. A Weber, and A History of Indian Literature (vol. II) by Prof. Maurice Winternitz, Ph. D., there was no work which presented the history of the Jaina literature as a connected whole. And as regards these two works, too, I found that the first one was hardly accessible, and that full justice was not done to the history of the Jaina canonical literature by either of these scholars, who had treated the extant exegetical literature in a cursory manner and had practically neglected the extinct Agamas. Prof. Winternitz was in a better position to do the needful; but, since he had selected a much wider field than the history of the Jaina literature, he could not devote to it as many pages as might be desired. So I undertook this work, and by the time two parts of vol. XVII of D. C. J. M. got published, I finished the spade-work. Subsequently I found that the task undertaken by me presented far greater difficulties than I had foreseen. So I had half a mind to wait till I had completely surmounted them. But, on realising that such a desirable stage may not be reached in near future and even the work as it stood, would be useful to students, if not to scholars, I have taken this bold step of placing it before the public. Incidentally I may invite the attention of veteran scholars to certain questions which require investigation. For instance they occur on pp. 37, 40, 71, 78, 116, 117 etc. In this work I have given quotations in extenso in order that the general reader may be saved the trouble of procuring the original works, and may still judge for himself. I have given at the end two Indexes. Of these the first deals mainly with the names of authors and other personages and sects and tribes and the like. It has been compiled and arranged according to the English alphabet by my eldest son Vipinacandra B. A. (Hons.). The second is more extensive. It includes the names 1 He has recently passed this examination with Samskrta (entire) and has secured the first class.
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________________ TV PREFACE of works, their sections etc., arranged according to the Nagari alphabet by my daughter Manorama, and it is checked by my younger son Vibodha. candra. For the purposes of Indexes only the modern transliteration-system has been adopted. Accordingly Gaina is given under "Jaina" and so on. Considering the various topics dealt within this book I have thought it desirable to give "Analysis". The portions pertaining to the main body of the work are printed in bigger types as compared with those used for the portions incorporated in foot-notes. Further, I have used abbreviations at times, e.g., D. C. J. M. for "Descriptive Catalogue of Jaina Manuscripts', Visesao for 'Visesavassayabhasa', Av. Lit. for 'Ubersicht uber die AvasyakaLiteratur', com. for 'commentary', p. for 'page' etc. I record my sense of gratitude to all those authors whose works I could consult and derive benefit from, and especially to the late Prof. Winternitz who used to take keen interest in my literary activities. Further, I thank Mr. N. I. Desai B. A., the Printer for the care and enthu. siasm with which he has printed this work. In the end I ackowledge my indebtedness to the Uuiversity of Bombay for the substantial help it has granted towards the cost of the publication of this book.* M. T. B. College I Hiralal R. Kapadia. Jou Surat. 19th August '41 1 * I am deeply indebted to the following Jain gentlemen each of whom has given me a sum of money by way of encouragement: (i) Raosaheb Kantilal Ishwarlal. (ii) Mr. Maneklal Chunilal, J. P. (iii) Messrs Vadilal Poonamchand & Sons.
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________________ ANALYSIS I Origin and utility of the authoritative works, impossibility of furnishing a complete list of names and details of all the schools of thought, continuities and extinctions of some of the Jaina scriptures, establishment of the Jain tirtha, 3 questions by Indrabhuti to Lord Mahavira and his replies - tripadi, 15 nisadyas, similarity of some of the dvadasargis even in words, explanations about the differences of opinion regarding the order of the composition of the 12 Angas and that of the 5 sections of the 12th Anga, contents of Anuoga, four anuyogas and their relative importance, various meanings of the word 'scripture', 2 definitions of sammasuya and micchusuya, enumeration of the Jaina scriptures, 300 Srutakevalins and their compositions, works of Bhadrabahusvamin, the 10 Nijjuttis and the works associated with them, works of Dasapurvadharas and Pratyekabuddhas, classifications of some of the Agamas as Mulasutrus, Chedasutras, Upangas and Prakirnakas and 147 adhyayanas recited by Lord Mahavira. ( Attribution of superhuman nature, kalacakra and its sub-divisions, 7 extinctions of the Jaina scriptures and the corroborative evidences pertaining to them, names of the 24 Tirthankaras of the present age, delivery of the sermon by Lord Mahavira, names of his 11 Ganadharas, definitions of nisadya, sat anl nitya, mention of tripadi and matrkapadas, formation of 9 ganas, names of the five sections of Ditthivaya, orders pertaining to the composition and arrangement of the 12 Angas, synonyms of Anuoga, an example of synecloche, etymology and description of the contents of Aruoga, three interpretations for Mulapadhamanuoga, description of Cittantaragandiya, reforences about the 4 anuyogas, a reason for mentioning only kaliyasuya, Ditthivaya, the fountain-head of scriptures, meanings of Apocrypha, a list of non-Jaina works, 3 varieties of the authoritative sutra, the date of Bhadrabahusvamin, comparison of the designations of Ganadhara and Srutakevalin, names of the 10 Nijjuflis, those of 6 Cheyasuttas, and those of the 10 Dasapurvadharas and the number of the Prakirnakas in a tirtha). II Five kinds of jnuna (knowledge), definition of srutajnana, 12 limbs of srulu burusa, various definitions of argapavittha and angabahira, a tabular representation of the main classes and sub-classes of srutajnana, definitions of kaliyasuya and ukkaliyasuya and a list of works grouped under these heads, 3 meanings of kaliyasuya, 6 popular groups of the Agamas, the usage of the word 'Anga' in Jaina and non-Jaina schools, references about the names of the 12 Angas, 6 Vedangas and their 4 Upangas, a list of the 12 Uvangas, differences of opinion regarding the
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________________ VI ANALYSIS association of some of the Uvangas with Angas and their sequence, the earliest references about the words Uvanga and Upanga, classifications of the Uvangas as kaliyasuya and ukkaliyasuya, 16 points about the Uvargas, 2 interpretations of Cheyasutta, the oldest reference about Cheyasutta, modern and ancient views about the number of the Cheyasuttas, the date of the loss of Pancakappa, its substitution by Jiyakappa, the dates of Pancakappa and its two Bhasas, Prof. Winternitz' view about the dates of Dasa, Kappa and Vavahara, interdependence of Nisiha on l'avahara, and the 1st 2 Culas of Ayara, different interpretations of the word Mulasutta, origin of the two Culas of Dasaveyaliya, authorship of Avassnya and Uttarajjhayana, the number and order of Mulasuttas, Pindinijutti, an off-shoot of Dasaveyiliya and Ohanijjutti, that of Avussaya, origin of the two Culas of Dasaveyaliya, the authorship of Avassaya and Uttarajshayani, references about Painnaga and Prahirnah, and the synonyms of the former, the no. of Painnagas, different lists of Painnagas and their authorship, 2 Culiyasuttas, various groupings of Agimas, the corresponding stand. points being anuyoga, the no. of their titles, a common ending and prefixes like culla etc., the Digambara classifications of the Agamas and their substitute canon viz. the 4 Vedas, and 45 and 84 Agimas. (5 kinds of nana, 14 and 20 varieties of suyanana, gonitidagi, a synonym of Anga, the meaning of Srutasthavira and that of paurusi, the dates of the origins of the Sthanakavasiu and Terapanthin schools, the Samskrta names for the 11 Angas and 12 Uvaigas, the date of Siddhasena Gani, works of Jinabhadra Gani Rsamasramana, names of the 3 different sets of Painnagas, the date of Jinavallabha Gani, a reference to 36 Nigimas, 10 names of Ditthivaya, 10 ajjhayanas of Dihadasa and the names of 10 Dasis). III Transmission of learning in olden days, 18 lipis taught to Brahmi by Lord Rsabha, her father, reasons for not writing the Vedas etc. in ancient times, the main object of Jaina saints for not reducing their sacred literature to writing, penalties for violation, an irony of fate, 12-year famines in the times of Skandila Suri and Nagarjuna Suri, councils summoned at Mathura and Valabhi by these Suris, the redaction of the Jaina canon under the presidentship of Devarddhi Gani K'smasramalla, differences of opinion regarding its date, 9 important features of this redaction, codification and composition of the Jaina canon as different entities, allegations of some of the Digambaras in connection with the Svetambara canonical literature, and their refutations and the nondevelopment of its exegesis at the hands of the Digambarns. (References to 12-year famines in the times of Bhadrabahusvamin, Arya Suhastin and Vajrasvamin, the lathigumpha inscription of the Emperor Kharavela, council at Pakaliputra, the 3 Bauddha councils, mention of the Nagar.
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________________ ANALYSIS VII juniyas, vanna and peyyalam, artifices employed while writing Mss., the code of Jainism, and the periods pertaining to the history of Zoroastrianism). IV An infinite no. of the Tirthankaras, loss of more than infinite dvadusangis and Painnagas, oblivion of Ditthicaya during the famine, approach to Bhadrabahusvamin, the gradual dissipation of the 14 Puvvus, mention of some of the Purvadharas, the complete extinction of Ditthivayu in Vira Samvat 1000, the Digambara view about the loss of 14 Puvvas and that of 11 Angas, the Digambara list of persons conversant with 14 Puvvus, 10 Puvvas, 5 Puvvas, 11 Angus and 1 Anga, reasons assigned for the loss of Puvvus by Professors Weber, Jacobi, Schubring, L. Alsodolf and others, Vira Samval 683, the Digambar date of the complete loss of the holy canon, extinction of Mahaparinna (i. e. Ayara, I, 7) and its date, constituents of Ayaru, (II), loss of a major portion of the 6th Angu and probably that of Angus 7 to 11, too, striking differences between the extant Panhavaguruna and one described in Nandi, a doubt about the genuineness of the available Candapannatti, restoration of Mahanisihu, extinction of several Nijjuttis, Bhasus and Cunnis on Pancamangalasuyakhandha and its incorporation in a Mulasutta, loss of two vacunas of Mahanistha and that of Pancaluppu as well, extinction of 17 kaliy works, 14 ukkaliyu ones, Utthanubariyavaniya, Thiminabhavana, Dogiddhidasa and 147 adhyayanas recited by Lord Mahavira, 9 reasons for the unique position of Ditthivaya. 7 varieties of Parikamma and their 83 sub-varieties, nayas and the 7 Parikammas, 22 Suttas and 4 view-points such as chinnacchedanuya, ucchinnocchedanaya etc., names, contents, budas and extent of the 14 Puvvas, quotations and works extracted from the Puvvas, the language and study of the Puvvas, 225 Vatthus, 84 Pahudas attributed to Kundakunda, 14 Pahudas of the Svetambaras along with their references etc.. extracts from the Anuoga, 34 Culiyas, the order in which the 5 sections of Ditthivaya were studied and became extinct, description of about 37 extinct works and that of 10 Dasas, untraceability of about 70 gathas quoted from Agamas in the extant ones, extinction of some of the Nijjuttis, the reasons for the loss of some of the ajjhayanus etc. and the survival of only 4 Agamas till the end of this ara and in the end, their extinction. (The sacred suttus of a period prior to the date of omniscience of Lord Mahavira, no reference to ayaguputa in the extant literature, Ditthivaya and Bhadrabahusvamin, periods of 7 vacanas, date of Aryaraksita Suri and his knowledge of Puvvas, 54 uttama purusas, the 9 ajjhayanas of Ayara, and their subject-matter, definition of pada, restoration of Mahanisiha, curriculum noted in Vavahara, the meanings of nijjuhana etc., references to Mahaprana, definition of antarmuhurta, inability to count 46 mauyapayas of Ditthivaya, Matikas of the Bauddhas, references about labdhis and names of the ajjhayanas of Antagududasa and Pupphacula). a
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________________ VIII ANALYSIS v 9+16 ajjhayanas of Ayaru, contents of Ayara (I) and those of its 4 Cilas forming Ayaru (II), the authorship of Culas III and IV, a controversy about the interpretation of Ayar (II, 1, 10, 6), metres of verses in Ayaru, Dhammapada and Suttanipata and their consequent dates, 23 significant ajjhayans of Suyugada, the antiquity of its language, titles of its ajihayanas II and IV, metres of the verses of Suyagada, 10 ajjhayanas of ? haya and its contents, the subject-matter of Sama vuya, 41 suis of Viahapannatti, the translation of its s. 557 and its refutations, names of the Agamos alluded to in this Aiga V, contents of this Anga, 29 sections and contents of Nayadhammakaha, elegical stanzas, graphic descriptions of a bed-chamber etc., 10 ajjhayanas of Uvasugadasa and their subject-matter, presentation of the social life, descriptions of Pisaca, an elephant and a serpent, 8 vaggas of Anga VIII and 3 of IX, 10 ajjhuyanas of Anga X, 2 suyakkhandhas of Anga X and the social life described therein, description of Campa, Punnabhadda etc., given in Ovavazya, contents of Uvaigas I and II, 9 pratipattis of Jivajivabhigamu, 36 payas of Pannavana, 20 pahudas of Suriyapannatti, 7 vakkhallvirus of Jambuddiva - pannatti, contents of Uvangas VIII-XII, 20 uddesas of Nisiha, 6 ujjhayanas of Mahanisiha and their contents, 10 uddes gas of Vavahini, 10 sections of Dascisuyakkhandha and their subject matter, 3 vulyas of Pujposunakoppa and their coutents, 9 vicanis, vydlih yanas or lisanas and public reading of this work, 6 uddesagus of Kappa and their contents, the subject-matter of Jiyakappa, names of the 36 ajjhayanas of Uttarajihayana, misunderstanding about Ugghaya etc., contents of Uttarajjhayana, discussion about the title Dasaveydliya, contents of the 10 ajjhayanas of this Mulasutta and their comparison with those of Ayura etc., Avassaga-sultas treated by Haribhadra Suri, contents of Ohanijjutti and Pindanijjutti, eulogy of 27 saints in Nandi, non-Jaina works noted in Anuogaddiira and their identification, Prof. A. B. Dhruva's misunderstanding, contents of Paklihiyasutta and 17 Painnagas, siguificance of the title Isibhusiya, and topics treated in Samsattanijjutti. (English renderings of suyalilihandha, ajjhayana, uddesaga, hole and gole, 16 diseases, an example of a gama and 8 interpretations of "auj 37138 277991 H ere", Prof. Jacobi's view criticized by Prof. K. H. Dhruva, vinya tribos, kinds of jewels and vessels, transference of the embryo, a list of commentaries on Pajjosanakappa, Krsna and his relatives, 10 conditions of a living being, and names of the 45 ajjhayanas of Isibhusiya). vi Two groups of the canonical literature, origin of exegesis, extinction of the exposition co-eval with Lord Mabavira, occasional admixture of the verses of Bhasa with those of the Nijjutti and the impossibility of separating them, definitions of Nijjutti and Bhasa, a tabular representation of the 4 redactions of Avassayanijjutti, 2 sections
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________________ ANALYSIS IX O Simiiyanijiutti and 9 sub-sections of the 1st toereof, 5 sub-sections of Padilkamannijjutti, contents of Pedhiri etc., the sinject--matter of Desire copulijanijjutti and those of other available Ninultis, the question of the identity of Pancakappa with Panalappanijjutti, 6 sub-sections of the 7th section of Miliyira, the order of the 10 Ninjuttis, explanation of the wori Nijjutti, the main constituents of Nijutti and its three-fold natere distinguishing features of Bhasa and Cunni, Bhusas of 11 Agamis, c bird's-eye-view of Visesi7and other Bhasas. Cunnis of 20 Agumas, contents of Aisilarischacuni, date of Nandicunni, contents etc. of Cunnis Anmgaddura, Avassa ya, Uttarajjhayama, Kappa, Vavukara, Dasusuyakkindha and Jiyakappa. Bhusas and Cunnis on some of the non-canonical works, the Sanskrta commentaries on Agamas and their dates, a tentative List of the extinct commentaries, synonyms of tila, super-commentaries, Cate of Kotyacarya and the question of his identity with Silanka, date of the tikas, tabo and its synonyms, Gujarati commentaries of Agamas, loss of 3 annyogas pertaining to scriptures, and Sargahanis. (A reference to Pravacanasiddhi, definition of sutta, the extent of Pancakappa, si curious order of the composition of Nijjuttis, examples of bhasaslesa, information about Padalipta Suri, extinction of Drasaptatiprabandha, some details about 3 Kalaka Suris, criticism about the identity of Tattvaditya and Tattvacarya, informatic? ilout Abhaya leva Suri, Prof. H.D. Velankar's view about Kotyacarya's period examined, some of the writers of svopajna commentaries, the period when the Jainas settled in Gujarat, and names of the Agamas translated into English). VII A clarion call of Prof. Winternitz, the Jaina contributions in the linguistic field and their evalution, intonation, versified commentaries, synonyms, nikkhota, nirutta, grammatical information, poetics, sutta, its significance, characteristics and equivalents, allegations about the use of the word sutta, gatapratyagatasutras, probably a peculiarity of the Jaina canon, origin of the prasnottara-paddhatti, ethics, maxims, metaphysics, logic, syadoida, saptabhangi, parallels in non-Jaina literature, the ascetic literature of ancient India, the Jaina literature, a wonderful store-house for stories, tales, fables, anecdotes, parables etc., folk-lore, music, staging of dramas, erotic, mathematics, alchemy, the science of medicine, modern branches of knowledge and their nucleus as embodied in the canonical literature, paleographic and educational data furnished by the canonical literature, ethnology, foot-wear and outfit, nautical, water, stick, and lullaby. (Evaluations of Irina literature lov occidental scholars from 1876-1903, the word sutra used in various senses in olden days, Prof. Charpentier's view bout the use of the word satra by the Jainas and the Bauddhas, articles on Jaina ethics, varieties of pramana. jaata and zicvida, references about Samanu and Bambhana, the legend about Sagara's sons and the descent of the Ganges, kinds of serpents, and 29 types of pupasruta.
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________________ CONTENTS Preface Analysis Chapter I Genesis of the Jaina Scriptures II Classifications of the Agamas III Redaction of the Jaina Canon , IV The extinct Agamas of the Jainas ... is v The extant Agamas of the Jainas ... VI The Canonical Exegetical Literature , VII Comparison and Evaluation Iudex I ... , II Additions & Corrections Pages iii-iv v-ix 1-19 20--58 59--69 70-110 111-170 171-205 206-231 232-240 241-264 265-272
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________________ By The Same Author 12 Nyayakusumanjali with translations in Eng. & Guj. (1922) Stngaravairagyatarangini with Guj. tran. & explanation (1923) *Stuticaturvimsatika (satika),, , , , (1926) 4 *Caturvimsatika ( ), >> >> >> >> (1926) 5-6 *Bhaktamarastotrapadapurtirupakavyasangraha Pt. I (satika) and Pt. II with Guj. trans. & expl. (1925, 1927) 7 Caturvimsatijinanandastuti (satika) with Guj. trans. & expl. (1927) 8 Tattvarthasutra with Guj. trans. (1928) 9-10 Tattvarthadhigamasutra Pts. I & II with Bhasya and tikas and Sans. & Eng. introductions (1926, 1930) *Sobhanastuti with 4 tikas and Sans. intro. (1930) Vairagyarasa manjari with trans. & notes in Guj. (1930) Navatattvasangralia & Upadesabavani (1931) 14 Arhata darsanadipika, an exposition of Jainatattvapradipa (1932) 15 *Bhaktamara, Kalyanamandira & Namiuna (satika ) with intro. in Sans. & Guj. (1932) Caturvimsatiprabandha with Sans. intro. & 9 appendices (1932) Priyankaranspakatha & Uvasaggaharathotta with Sans. intro. (1932) Padmanandamahakavya with intro. in Sans. & Eng. (G. O. S.) (1932) Jainadharmavarastotra (satika ), Godhulikartha & Sabdacamatkara with Sans, intro. (1933) 20 Anekartharatnamanjusa with Sans, intro. (1933) Dhanapalapancasika with 2 tikas & 2 Vira stutis along with Guj. trans. & notes (1999) Guj. trans. of Caturvimsatiprabandha with appendices etc. (1934) 28-28 *Athatajivanajyoti (Pts. I-VI) (1934, 1935, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1941) 29-31 Descriptive Catalogue of Jaina Manuscripts Vol. XVII, Pts. I-III published by Bhandarkar 0. Research Institute (1935, 1936, 1940) Ganitatilaka (satika) with Sans, intro. (Gaekwad's O. Series) (1937) *Patangapurana (1938) *Patangapothi (1939) Tattvarasikacandrika (Pt. I) (1939) 36 Anekantajayapataka with 2 tikas & Eng. intro. (G. O. s.) (1940) * This sign is used to indicate that the work is illustrated, 1 The 2nd edition is published in 1940. 19 22
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________________ XII BY THE SAME AUTHOR Haiya at a Glance (1940) 38 The Student's Englisi --Paiya Dictionary with 8 Appenilces (1941) IN FRESS 1-les. Cat. of Jaina JISS, Vol. XVII, Pt. IV. Vol. XVIII, P. ;; sekantajayapataka Vol. II (Gaekwad's Oriental Series 4 Tie doctrine of Karman in: Jain Philosophy 5 The Eng. trans. of Ganalara vays Select Articles Annals of B. O. R. I: A detailed Exposition of the Nagari. Gujarati and Noli Scripts (1939). The Journal of the University of Bombay: The Jaina System of Edu, cation (1940), The sarvajanikan: vANIvida (15:59). \\hat is r: "tar:h !!10). addhamAgarva bhASAnA abhyAsa mATenAM sAdhano (100), (iirimmaticall Topics in Pilva (111. dAMDIeH paeNDA tamAre peMDA ( 15), A pherInAM tAbUta (!!;}S). vIrazAsanaH zrImahAvIra prabhunI jayaMtI 002s), ATha prAtihA (10:37). jena yugaH prataraMgiNa (-\TI) (1.1-107). levANI e pratApa kAne ? (11; T), tDhI yAne tAvI (I::S). pratApa: prAcIna ane arvAcIna surata (L-11l) (1);37-19:35), tilaka (I::7), DIsAvAla. - jJAti ne jaina dharma (1:15), hariparAnI dhAsa (1995). gujarAtI: dhArmika vAcanamAlA (10:32), praznalaharI (I-II) (139:35), pAdhaDI ane TopI (1996), kamaLa (1997), vahu viSe vicAra (1983), tvara viSe vicAra (15:), hukko - 1503S), pataMgaparikaranI paribhASAne parAmarza (1980), badasUratInA benamUna namUnA ( 10:{}), keLavaNInAM keTalAMka kendro (100), arvAcIna bhASAomAM bhUtakALanAM rUpone dukALa !!!)), AkhaLiyo ane velaNa (1940), "pANI" rAnI vyutpatti (15111), 'tarI' antavALA keTalAka zabdanI vyutpatti (1:41 ). zrI phArbasa gujarAtI sabhA mahesavayaMthaH ApaNe lagnapraNAlikAnuM talanAtmaka avalo, kana (1010). zrI phArbasa gujarAtI sabhA trimAsika gujarAta ane lipikadaMbaka, lekhanasAhitya tathA . akSarazikSaNa (II-VII) (11:5-19.!!). mAnasI: nAmane prayAga (1990, "valaNa rasa (141, sIkarI te koNa? _1 See Mrs. Kapadia's prArthanA mana pravAsana samayano stra naM 4 ( pp. 8 & 9 ) where a list of 37 additional articles is given. This sign suggests that the pertinent article is connected with a philological discussion. 2 About to be published.
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________________ CHAPTER I GENESIS OF THE JAINA SCRIPTURES It seems that every person, male or female, likes the idea of substantiating his or her views, secular or religious, by quoting some authority or other. This becomes almost a necessity especially for those persons who profess to follow some religion at least, and who are anxious to prove the validity and superiority of their religious beliefs. They naturally refer to the original works of their school as the best and final authority, and attribute their author. ship either to God or to a human being free from any blemishes whatsoever. Humanity and religion practically go hand in hand. If so, it is no wonder, if we were to find that an enormously big number of religions has come into existence, and eeveral of them bave become a dead let ter by this time so much so that in spite of the advance science can claim to have made, we are not in a position to yive even a definite list of all these religions, leaving the question of their details apart. Out of the various religions that had their origin and development in India during the last several millenniums and that have not still disappeared, Jainism is here singled out for being treated at length, especially owing to its vast and varied literature. 1 Such a human being in his own times or thereafter is looked upon as super human, and in course of time, miraculous and mysterious stories gather round his life.
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________________ THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [ CHAP. With these preliminary remarks, I shall now take up the question of the genesis of the Jaina scriptures. According to Jainism, the universe is uncreated and unending. It has neither a beginning nor an end, though it undergoes modifications in every samaya, the minutest division of time. Taking the entire universe into consideration, Jainism flourishes for ever, and so do the Jaina scriptures. But if we were to examine this topic from the stand-point of India, we shall find that such is not the case. Even during the present cycle of time known as Munda avasarpini,' Jainism got completely wiped off seven times, and even its scriptures shared no better fate. But this refers to a very very remote age; for, for the last hundreds of millenniums, Jainism has been existing in this land, and to express it definitely, it bas not disappeared, once it here got promulgated by Lord santinatha, the 16th Tirthaikara, out of 24 who flourished during the present avasarpini period. This does not mean that all the Jaina scriptures that were then composed or compiled still survive in words, though, of course, in spirit they do exist even now in some form or other. This is what the Jaina tradition says. 1 Avasarpini has for its counter-part utsarpini, along with which it makes up a kila-cakra or the twelve-spoked wheel of time. This kala-cakra is the basis of law of time so far as 5 Bharata ksetras (zones) and 5 Airavata ksetras tre concerned. It is two-fold because of its division into avasarpini and utsarpini. There are six spokes in avasarpini beginning with unadulterated happiness and ending in utmost misery. Reverse is rather the case with utsarpini which, too, has six spokes. Cf the following lines occurring in Viahapannatti (xx, 8): eemu NaM tevIsAe jiNaMtaresu purimapacchimaesu aTTasu 2 jiNaMtaresu ettha NaM kAliyasuyassa avocchede 50 majjhimaesu sattasu jiNaMtaresu ettha NaM kAliyasuyassa vocchede pa0 samvattha vi NaM vocchinne didvivaae|" (1.999) Visesanavai (v. 103) of Jinabhadra Gani Ksamasramana, Pavayanasuruddhara (v. 430-431) of Nemicandra Suri and Sattarisayatthana (v. 213) of Somatilaka Suri may be consulted. " 'jaMbuddIve' NaM bhaMte ! dIve 'bhArahe' vAse imIse osa ppiNIe kati titthagarA pannattA ? goyamA! cauvIsaM titthagarA pannattA taM jahA-usabhamajiyasaMbhava abhiNadaNaM ca sumatisuppabhasupAsasasipupphadaMtasIyalasesavAsupujjaM ca vimalaaNaMtadhammasaMtikuMthuaramallimuNimuvvayanaminemipAsavaddhamANA 24 / " (sU. 676) - Viahapannatti (XX, 8) 3
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________________ GENESIS OF THE JAINA SCRIPURES Jainism enunciates a rule that on the attainment of omniscience, a Tirthaikara delivers a sermon,' and generally some persons do come forward to follow the noblest and highest path chalked out by him - technically speaking to take the Jaina daksi and thus to form a class of the Jaina clergy? Out of them, those who are going to be the greatest apostles, technically known as Ganadharas compose dvadasaigis, each of which forms a nucleus of the Jaina scriptures. Lord Mahavira had eleven Ganadharas lodrabbuti and others; and each of them composed a dvadasaigi. To enter into details, Indrabhuti after he had taken daksa, bowed to Lord Mabavira and asked: "f a " ( what is the essence underlying the animate and inanimate objects )? The Lord replied: "cas ai" (everything has a creation). Thereupon, once more, Indrabhuti asked the same question; for, he could not believe that there was nothing else but creation, when, with his own eyes he could see destruction and permanence as well. The Lord replied: "fanas ar" (everything perishes). This again led him to put the same question once more. This time the Lord replied: "az ar? (everything is permanent). This final answer solved his doubts, and he could catch the real spirit of Jainism. For, all this while the answers had set him 1 Kalikalasarvajna Hemacandra Suri observes in his Trisastisalakapurusacaritra (parvan X, sarga 5):-- "na sarvaviraterahaH ko'pyatreti vidnnpi| kalpa ityakarot tatra niSaNNo dezanAM vibhuH / / 10 // " 2 By clergy, I here mean both monks and nuns. These together with the Jaina laity comprising Sravakas and Sravikas form the fourfold church known as caturvidha sangha to whom even the Tirthaikara pays due respect. 3 Bhadrabahusvamin says in his Avassayaniijutti: " paDhamittha iMdabhUI biio uNa hoi aggibhUi tti / taie ya vAubhUI tao viyatte suhamme ya / 593 / / maMDiya moriyaputte apie ceva ayalabhAyA y| meyaje ya pabhAse gaNaharA hoMti vIrarasa // 594 // " 4 In this connection I may quote the following lines from Haribhadra Suri's coor mentary (p. 277a) on Avassaya and its Niijutti (v.735):"tatra gautamasvAminA niSadhAtrayeNa caturdaza pUrvANi gRhiitaani| praNipatya pRcchA nissdyocyte| bhagavAMzcAcaSTe-'uppaNNei vA vigamei vA dhuvei vaa'| etA eva tisro niSadyAH, AsAmeva sakAzAd gaNabhRtAm 'utpAdanyayadhrauvyayuktaM sat' iti pratItirupajAyate, anyathA sattA'yogAt / tatazca te parvabhavaH If Hit will Haufen ".
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________________ THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP. thinking, and as if by way of sudden realization, the ideas had rushed past in his mind in the following vein: "What can be the distinguishing feature of a substance (dravya)? Well, it must be sat, and what is sat? It is nothing but a simultaneous possession of birth, decay and permanence.! And what is permanence ? It means indestructibility of the essence or quality of the substance, though accidental qualities of this substance can and do undergo a modification." This realization of facts spurred him on to compose a dvadasangi, an act evolving out of the fructification or operation of Ganadhara-nama-karman. Before we proceed further and examine the question of other Ganadharas composing a avadasaigi, we may note that each of the three questions asked by Indrabhuti, is styled as niscjja in Prakrta3 and nisadya in Samsksta. Furthermore, all the three questions are collectively known as nisadyatraya in Samskrta. Similarly every answer that the Lord gare, goes by the name of pada or matnkapada in Sanskrta 1 Ci. "37919921 . HL", the 29th sutra of Tattvarthadhigamasastra (adhyaya V) composed by Umasvati Vacaka:2 "76191044 faceta 1"-Tattvartha (V, 30 ) 3 The Cunni (p, 370) on Avassaya and its Nijjutti (v. 735) may be here quoted as under: "taM kahaM gahita goyamasAmiNA ? tivihaM ( ? tIhiM ) nisejjAhiM coddasa puvANi utpAditANi / nisejjA NAma paNavatiUNa jA pucchaa|" 4 See p. 8, fn. 4. 5 See p. 3, fn. 4. Also see the following (last) line of the 2nd verse of Apapapurisan ksiptakalpa of Jinaprabha Suri: "3qrafurat H ogart a faggiato". Kalpakiranavali (p. 120b) of Dharmasagara Upadhyaya may be also referred to. Haribhadra Suri in his com. (p. 7a) on Dasaveyuliya and its Nijjutti (v.8) says: "Ta H1791191, 1 991-309a ar' carf, 999efear samastanayavAdabIjabhUtAni mAtRkApadAni bhavanti, tad yathA-uppannai vA, vigamei vA, dhuvei vA." 6
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________________ GENESIS OF THE JAINA SCRIPTURES and all collectively, by the name of tripadi' or padatrayza or the like. It appears that we have no means to know the number of nisadyas pertaining to the remaining 10 Ganadharas; but it is certain that at least one of them had a recourse to fifteen nisadyas. This shows that this particular Ganadhara, at least, was rather backward in intelligence as compared with Indrabhuti; or else why should he have been obliged to put such a big number of ques. tions as 15 ? Furthermore, we do not know the actual answers given by Lord Mabavira by way of replies to these 15 nisadyas; but it seems highly probable that tripadi might have played therein the main part, if not the sole part, As already said on p. 3, on the whole, 11 dvadasangis were composed by 11 Ganadharas, one by each of them. It, however, so happened that the dvadasangis of the Eth and the 9th Ganadharas not only tallied in meaning, but even in the compilation of words, and so did the dvadasangis of the 10th and the 11th Ganadharas.5 1 2 See the following verse of Dhanapala's Tilakamanjari: __ " namo jagannamasyAya muniindraayendrbhuutye| yaH prApya tripadI vAcA vizvaM viSNurivAnaze // 19 // " Muniratna's Amamacaritra, Devananda Suri's Gautamastaka (v. 2), Laksmivallabha's Kalpadrumakalika (p. 1412 and p. 1416 ) and Vinayavijaya Upadhyaya's Subodhika (p. 1182) may be also consulted. See the following verse of Trisasti (1, 3): "utpAdo vigamo dhrauvyamiti puNyAM padatrayIm / uddideza jagannAthaH sarvavAGmayamAtRkAm // 658 // " Devendra Suri, too, has used this word in his com. (v. 1) on his own work Kammavivaga (v. 60). I do not remember to have noted a Praksta equivalent of tripadi like tivai, in the Jaina literature. 3 4 The following lines from the Cunni (p. 337) on Avassaya may be here consulted:"jadA ya gaNaharA savve pavvajitA tAhe kira eganisejjAe egArasa aMgANi coisahiM coddasa puvANi, etaM tA bhagavato attho kahito, tAhe bhagavaMto egapAse suttaM karaMti, taM akkharehiM padehi vaMjaNehi samaM" 5 Cf. Trisasti (x, 5):" evaM racayatAM teSAM saptAnAM gaNadhAriNAm / parasparamajAyanta vibhinnAH sUtravAcanAH // 173 // akampitA'calAbhAtroH shriimetaary-prbhaasyoH| parasparamajAyanta sadRkSA eva vAcanAH // 174 // "
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________________ THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP. This is rather a curious coincidence;' for, there is no wonder, if the underlying spirit of one dvadasangi does not differ from that of another, when each has the same basis viz. tripadi to fall back upon. A dvadasanga means no doubt a collection of 12 Angas. But it should be borne in mind that there is a difference of opinion regarding the order of these 12 Angas which constitute a dvadasangi. Some believe that the 12 Angas were composed in the following order: (1) Ayara, (2) Suyagada, (3) Thana, (4) Samavaya, (5) Viahapannatti, (6) Nayadhammakaha, (7) Uvasagadasa, (8) Antagadadasa, (9) Anuttarovavauyadasa, (10) Panhavagarana, (11) Vivagasuya and (12) Ditthivaya.? Others maintain that 14 Puvvas which make up Puvvagaya, one of the five sections of Ditthivaya, were first composed, and they were followed by the composition of the rest of the dvadasangi. There is no explicit statement, so far as I know, 1 2 This concidence led to the formation of 9 ganas (schools) instead of 11; for, otherwise there would have been 11 schools, one school for each Ganadhara out of 11. That only 9 schools came into existence is borne out by the following line occurring in the Cunni (p. 337) on the Avassaya:"akaMpiya-ayalabhAtINaM ego gaNo, meyaja-pabhAsANaM ego gaNo, evaM Nava gaNA hoti / " / These are the titles of 12 Angas. Angas 6 to 11 have their titles in plural; so some mention them in the nominative as Nayadhammakahao, Uvasagadasao, Antagada dasao, Aruttaravaiyadasao and Panhavigaranaim. See Samavaya (s. 136 ) and Nandi (s. 45 ). The pertinent portion in Nandi (s. 57) which mentions these five sections is:-- "didivAe NaM savvabhAvaparUvaNA Aghavijjai, se samAsao paMcavihe pannatte, taM jahA-parikamme 1 suttAi 2 puvvagae 3 aNuoge 4 cUliA 5 // " Cf. the following lines of the Cunni (pp. 56-57) on Avassaya:-- "se kiM taM puvvagayaM? kamhA puvagataM ti ? ucyate-jamhA titthakaro titthapavattaNakAle gaNaharA savvasuttAvArattaNato puvvaM puvvagatasuttatthaM bhAsai tamhA 'puvvaM' ti bhaNitA, gaNaharA suttarayaNaM karentA AyArAirayaNaM kareMti ThaveMti ya, aNNAriyamateNaM puNa pudhagatasuttattho puvvaM arahatA bhAsiyA gaNaharehi vi puvvagayaM ceva puvvaM raiyaM pacchA AyArAi, evamutto codaka Aha-NaNu puvAvaraviruddhaM, kamhA ? AyAraNijjuttIe bhaNita-'savvesi AcAro0' gAhA, AcArya Aha-satyamuktaM kintu ThAvaNA, imaM puNa akkhararayaNaM paDucca bhapita, puvaM puvA katA ityarthaH" / Malayagiri Suri has reproduced this very view in his com. (p. 240b) on Nands. Abhayadeva Suri, toy, has done the same as can be seen from his 4
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________________ GENESIS OF THE JAINA SCRIPTURES which says that on 14 Puvvas being composed, the remaining portion of Ditthivaya was composed, and then the 11 Angas commencing with Ayara and ending with Vivagasuya. But this seems to be the natural course to have been followed; for, it is too much to believe that the composition of the 14 Puvvas was immediately followed by that of the 11 Angas, thus leaving the remaining 4 sections of Ditthivaya to be attended to, last. From the above survey we come to the conclusion that 12 Angas were no doubt composed, but the difference of opinion exists with regard to their order of composition, some believing Ayara to be the first and Ditthivaya to be the last, whereas others believing Ditthiraya to be the first and Ayara, Suyagaoa and other Angas as following it. This finishes the question about the composition of 12 Angas, but there remains one more knotty problem to be tackled before we can finish the discussion about the genesis of the dvadasangi. It refers to the order of the composition of the various sections of Ditthivaya. As already noted on p. 6, there are five sections of this Ditthivaya viz. (1) Parikamma, (2) Sutta (at times used in plural), (3) Puvvagaya, (4) Anuoga and (5) Culiya. Now we find that these 5 sections are mentioned in two different orders in the religious works of the Jainas. For instance, Nandi, on one hand, mentions the five sections in the order noted above, whereas some works such as Hemacandra Suri's Abhidhanacintamani (II, 160), Devendra Suri's com. (p. 17) on his own work com. (pp. 1306-1313 ) on Samavaya. Siddhasena Gani has also endorsed this very view in his com. (p. 208b) on Pavayanasaruddhara. In Siddhasena Gani's bhasyanusarini tika (p. 94) on Tattvartha (1, 20 ) and in Trisasti ( x, 5, 172 ) only one view is mentioned i. e. to say 14 Puvvas were first composed. Anyhow we can see that there have been two views propounded in this connection at least as early as the date of the Cunni referred to on p. 4. i "fa-2a-galau-gana-afect: Ya fearaat: gaffo agetuft gara 11 880 11" 2 "parikamma 1 sutta 2 puvvANuoga 3 pubbagaya 4 cUliyA 5 evaM / paNa diTTivAyabheyA caudasa puvAI pucagayaM // "
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________________ THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP. Kammavivaya (v. 6), Vinayavijaya Upadbaya's Lokaprakasa (III, 792') and A kalanka's Tattvartharajavartika (p. 51) assign to Puvvagaya, the 4th place rather than the 3rd, and to Anuoga, the 3rd place instead of the 4th, the order of the rest being the same as before. This means that we have two orders as under:I (1) Parikanma, (2) Sutta, (3) Puvvagaya, (4) Anuoga and (5) Culiya. II (1) Parikamma, (2) Sutta, (3) Anuoga, (+) Puvvagaya and (5) Culiya. And hence the knotty problem before us. Is this difference really an outcome of some deliberate understanding or is it purely accidental, and as such it has no such significance as we may be inclined to attribute ? In other words, did this difference arise because in course of enumerating the sections of Ditthivaya, no special attention was paid to their order-the order being then looked upon as immaterial and enumeration the main goal to be achieved ? I do not know, if there is any source which throws light upon this problem. So I may try to solve this problem, by assuming for the present that these orders represent two different views regarding the composition (racana) and the subsequent arrangement (sthapana) of the five sections of Ditthivaya with a view to facilitate their study. I have not come across any reference explicit or implicit wherefrom we can deduce that it was rather some other section of Ditthivaya which was first composed and not Puvvagaya comprising 14 Puvvas. It is true that there is a possiblity to construe that the composition of the 14 Puvvas is not to be taken in quite a literal sense; but it, after all, refers to the composition of Ditthivaya in its entirety, though 14 Puvvas are specifically 1 2 Herein there is the same verse as noted on p. 7, fn. 1. "sa paMcavidhaH parikarma sUtraM prathamAnuyogaH pUrvagataM calike ceti / " Taking this reference together with those noted on p. 7, fn. 1-2, we see that instead of Anuoga (Sk. Anuyoga), we live its synonyms Puvvanuoga (Sk. Purvanuyoga) and Prathamanuyoga (Pr. Padhamanuoga).
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________________ 1) GENESIS OF THE JAINA SCRIPTURES mentioned' in virtue of their importance and the consequent unique position they hold, not only so far as the 12th Anga is concerned but all the 12 Aigas are concerned. But even this construction does not at all improve our situation, It appears that looking to the nature of the five sections, they must have been composed in the very order in which they are mentioned in Nandi, and that the other order only reflects the attitude that can be taken regarding the study and teaching of Anuogu, the 4th section of Ditthivaya. To put it explicitly, on seeing that upakrana, niksepa, anugama and naya form the four entrances to unuyoga or exposition, one inay be inclined to believe that the Anuoga in question, too, is associated with these four entrances. If this is correct, it may be added that it is an open secret that one has to go through the first two entrances before studying a scripture (strictly speaking its portion), and the last two entrances are resorted to, after one has been initiated into the portion concerned. Some may therefore look upon the first two entrances as the main ones; for, it is after mastering them that the study of the portion concerned is commenced, whereas others may attach more importance to the last two as they help in cultivating and culminating the real study. It is this difference of opinion which may lead to the cliange in the assignment of the orders for Puragayu and Inuogu. For, those who hold the first view may assign to Anuoga, a place prior to that meant for Puvvayaya, whereas those who hold the second view may place Puvvugaya ahead of Anuya. This means that some may believe that the right place for Anuoga, is just where it is first made use of, whereas some may believe that the initial stage is not so important as the culminating one, and that the latter follows the initiation of the work in question, and hence it cannot be assigned a place prior to that work but only one following it. 1 This so to say furnishes us with an example of the figure of speech known as synccclochu'.
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________________ 10 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP. This is what can be roughly said by taking into account the subject-matter of Anuogaddara and the etymology' of the word anuyoga'. But it may be argued that this is not the correct view; for, the nature of Anuoga as expounded in the sacred works of the Jainas hardly warrants or justifies this state of affairs.? On the contrary, the two main divisions of Anuoga viz. Mulapadhamanuoga and Gandiyanuoga and their contents lead us to 1 In the Cunni (p. 58) on Nandi (s. 57) we have:__ "aNuyogo tti anuyoga ityetat , anurUpo yoga anuyoga ityevaM sarva eva sUtrArthoM vAcyaH, iha janmabhedaparyAyazikSAdiyogaH vivakSito'nuyAgo vAcyaH, sa ca dvividho mUlapaDhamANuyogo gNddikaavishissttshc|" Malayagiri Suri observes while commenting upon this sutra:"atha ko'yamanuyogaH? anurUpo'nukUlo vA yogo'nuyogaH sUtrasya svenAbhidheyena sArdhamanurUpaH sambandhaH" Hemacandra Suri has said the same thing almost ad verbatim in his com. (p. 105) on Abhidhinacintamani (III, 160). See the ending portion of the Cunni quoted here in fn. 1. The lines that follow it may be also noted: " tattha mUlapaDhamANuyoge tti, iha mUlabhAvastu tIrthakaraH, tassa prathamaM pUrvabhavAdi athavA mUlassa paDhamA bhavANuyogo ettha titthagarassa atItabhavabhAvA vaTTamANavayajammAdiyA bhAvA kahejjaMti, ahavA je mUlassa bhAvA te mUlapaDhamANuyogo, etya titthakarassa je bhAvA prasRtAste pariyAyapurisattAi bhANiyantrA; gaMDiyANuyogo tti ikkhumAdiparvakaDikAvat ekAdhikArattaNato gaMDiyANuyogo bhaNNati, te ca kulakarAdiyAto vimalavAhaNAdi. kulakarANaM puvabhabajammaNAmappamANa. gAhA, evamAdi jaM kiMci kulakarasya vattavvaM taM sanma kulakaragaDiyAe bhaNitaM, evaM titthagarAdigaMDiyAsu vi" From this it can be seen that the Curnikara interprets Mulapadhamanuoga in three ways while commenting upon the following portion of Nandi (s. 57):-- "mUlapaDhamANuogeNaM arahaMtANa bhagavaMtANaM puvvabhavA devagamaNAI AuM cavaNAI jammaNANi abhiseA rAyavarasirIo pabajjAo tavA ya uggA kevalanANuppayAo titthapavattaNANi a sIsA gaNA gaNaharA ajjapavattiNIo saMghassa caunvihassa jaM ca parimANaM jiNamaNapajjavaohinANI sammattasuanANiNo a vAI aNuttaragaI a uttaraveuviNI a muNiNo jattiA siddhA siddhIpaho jaha desio jacciraM ca kAlaM pAo. vagayA je jahiM jattiAI bhattAi cheittA aMtagaDe muNivaruttame tagaraoghavippamukke mukkhasuhamaNuttaraM ca patte evamanne a evamAibhAvA mUlapaDhamANuoge kahiA, settaM muulpddhmaannuoge|" 3 This consists of several kinds of gardiyis. One of them is Cittantaragandiya and is described in the Cunni (pp. 58-61) on Nandi (s.57) as under: ___ cittaMtaragaMDiya 'tti, cittA iti anekArthAH aMtare iti usabhaajiyaMtare vA diTThA. gaMDikA iti khaMDa bhato cittaMtare gaMDikA didA, to tersi parUvaNA puvAyariehiM imA niddiTThAAdicajasAdINa usabhasma paoppae NaravatINaM / sagarasuyANa subuddhI iNamo saMkhaM parikathei // 1 // codasa lakkhA siddhA NivaINako ya hoti sabaDhe / evekeke ThANe purisaguNA hota'saMkhejjA // 2 // puNaravi caudasa lakkhA siddhA zivadINa doNi savvaDhe / jugaThANe vi asaMkhA purisajugA hoMti NAyavvA // 3 // jAva ya laksA codama giddhA paNNAsa hoti savvadve / paNNAsANe vi ya purisajugA honisaMkhejA / / 4 //
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________________ GENESIS OF THE JAINA SCRIPTURES assume that this Anuga deals more or less with the biographies of the Tirthaikaras, the Kulakaras" (patriarchs), the Ganadharas and several other persons who attained liberation or were born in the Anuttara vimanas during the period that began with the life of Lord Rsabha and ended with the birth of Jitasatru, father of Lord Ajita. In short, Anuoga is dharmakathanuyoga which consists of kathas having mostly for their central figures, persons who attained liberation or who were about to attain liberation in the next birth or so. Relying on this view, one may try to explain as under, the difference in the orders of the 3rd and 4th sections of Ditthiraya: A student of Jainism knows it full well that there are four anuyogas3 viz. (1) dharmakathanuyoga, (2) ganitanuyoga, (3) dravyanuyoga and (4) caranakarananuyoga permeatinga the entire sphere eguttarA dulakkhA sabaTThANe ya jAva pnnnnaasaa| ekkekuttaraThANe purisajugA hoMti'saMkhejjA / 5 / / viparIyaM sabaDhe coddasa lakkhA ya nivvuo ego| sacceva ya parivADI paNNAsA jAba siddhIe // 6 // teNa paraM lakkhAdi do do ThANA ya samaga vaccaMti / sivagatisabaDhehiM iNamo tAsiM vidhI hoi // 7 // do lakkhA siddhIe do lakkhA NaravadINa sambaTe / evaM tilakkhacau paMca jAva lakkhA asaMkhejjA / / 8 / / sivagatasavvadverhi cittaMtaragaDitA tato curo| egA eguttariyA egAdi bitiuttarA taiyA // 9 // tatiegAdi tiottara nigamAdi ottarA cautthe ya / paDhamAe siddhako doNNi ya savvadRsiddhami / / 10 / / tatto tiNi NariMdA siddhA cattAri hoti sabaDhe / iya jAva asaMkhejjA sivagatisabaTu siddhehiM / / 11 / / tAe biuttarAe siddhakko tiNNi hoMti savvaTe / evaM paMca ya satta ya jAva asaMkhejja do tinni / / 12 / / ega cau satta dasagaM jAva asaMkhejja hoMti dotinnnni| sivagatisambaTrehiM tiuttarA ettha NeyavvA / / 13 / tAhe tiyagAdibiuttarAe aUNatIsa tu tiyaga ThAveuM / paDhame u Nasthi khevo sesesu ime bhave khevA / / 14 // " __In all, there are 32 verses; but I have here given only 11. 1 For the lives of 7 Kulakaras the reailer should refer to Samoviya (s. 157), Paumacariya (III, 50-58) and Trisasti (I, 2, 137-206). 2 This is, of course, a rough rendering. 3 Cf. the following lines occurring in Silanka Suri's com. (p. 1b ) on A yura: "ataHprArabhyate'rhadvacanAnuyogaH, sa ca caturdhA, tad yathA-dharmakathAnuyogo gaNitAnuyogo dravyAnuyogazcaraNakaraNAnuyogazceti, tatra dharmakathAnuyoga uttarAdhyayanAdikaH, gaNitAnuyogaH mUryaprajJaptyAdikaH, dravyAnuyogaH pUrvANi sammatyAdikazca, caraNakaraNAnuyogazca AcArAdikaH, sa ca pradhAnatamaH, zeSANAM tadarthatvAt" For further references and some details about 4 anyogas, see Malallarin Hemacandra Suri's com. (pp. 931-932) on Viseshvassayabhasa (v. 2295), santicandra Upadhyaya's Prameyaratnamanjusi, a com. (pp. 2a-2b) on Jambuildivapannatti, etc. 4 Avassayanijjutti (v. 227), Avassayabhasa ( v. 774 ) and Visesavassa yabhasa (v. 2288) bear testimony. All these three verses are identical, and the first of them is reproduced in the latter two works ad verbatim ag under:
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________________ THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS ( CHAP of the Jaina scriptures. Furthermore, he must be aware of the fact that it is possible to say that kathanuyoga is more beneficial and more appealing than dravyanuyoga so far as laymen are concerned. So it is not unnatural if one assigns to Anuoga, a place prior to Purvagaya, on the ground that Anuoga is mostly, if not entirely, associated with dharmakathanuyoga (probably of a higher type), and Puvvagaya, with drevyanuyoga', which is, in a way, subordinate to kathanuyoga. Similarly one who may be attaching the greatest importance to dravyanuyoga in preference to any of the rest of the anuyogas, may very well turn the tables against Anuoga and assign to it a place next to Puvvagaya, and not ahead of it. These are the only solutions I can think of, at present. Conse. quently I shall not now any more dwell upon this problem. This finishes a rough survey of the genesis of the dvadasanga; but that does not mean the termination of the topic of this chapter. For, there are a good many Jaina scriptures besides the dvadasangi, though they are practically evolved out of this dvadasangi, "deviMdavaMdiehiM mahANubhAvehiM rakkhiyajjehiM / jugamAsajja vibhatto aNuogo to kao cauhA / / 227 / / " The following verses of the Avassayanijjutti may be also consulted :"jAvaMti ajavairA apuhuntaM kaaliyaannuogss| teNAreNa puhuttaM kAliyasuya didvivAe ya // 225 / / apuhutte aNuogo cattAri duvAra bhAsai ego| puhutANuogakaraNe te attha tao vi vocchinnA / / 226 // " These very verses occur in Avassayabhasa as v. 763 and 773 and in Visesavassayabhasa as v. 2284 and 2286. It may be noted that it is only kuliya suya which is mentioned here. This has been done with a view to show that it is mukya (principal), and that ukkaliya suya is gauna (subordinate). So says Hemacandra Siri in his com. (p. 928) on Visesivassayabhasa (v. 2289). 1 Cf. the following verse of the Avassayamulabhisa: --- "kAliyasuyaM ca isibhAsiyAI taiA ya mrpnnttii| maJco ya didivAo cautthao hoi aNuogI // 124 / / " This very verse occurs in l'isesivassayabhasa as v. 2294. 2 So far as this dvadasiingi is concerned, its 12 Angas are evolveil out of Ditthivaya also known as Bhuyivaya, So says the following verse of Visestivassayabhasa:"jA vi bhUyAvAe muvassa vaomassa oyAro / nijjahaNa tahAvi hu dummehe pappa itthI ya / / 551 // "
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________________ GENESIS OF THE JAINA SCRIPTURES 13 and that they are not the immediate compositions just coeval with the establishment of the tirtha by the Tirthaikara in question. This means that I should, first of all, define the phrase "Jaina scriptures" and then indicate the scriptures which are not included in the dradasangi. To begin with, I may note the varions meanings of the word 'scripture' as given in The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English (p. 1072 of the new edition revised by H. W. Fowler). They are: "The Bible with or without the Apocrypha' (usually without article; also Holy scripture or the Ss.; a doctrine not found in S. or the Ss.); a or the quotation from the Bible; (attrib.) taken from or relating to the Bible (a s. text, lesson; cf. scriptural); sacred book of non-Christian community; (archaic) inscription." From this it follows that leaving aside the archaic meaning of the word 'scripture' viz. 'inscription', it signifies a sacred book of any community, Christian or non-Christian. So one may naturally take the phrase 'Jaina scriptures' to mean sacred books of the Jainas. This view is correct, but I may add that the phrase can be interpreted in another way, too. In order that this may be easily realized, I shall give here two definitions, of sammasuya (Sk. samyak-sruta), and two of micchusuya (Sk, mithya-sruta), as well. According to the 1st definition the dvalasangi and other scriptures based upon it-the works which are composed by the Jaina saints of a very high calibre are classed as sammasuya whereas the works composed by the non-Jainas who are wanting in right knowledge 1 The meanings of Apocrypha are given in this Dictionary on p. 10. They are: "Books of old Testament included in Septuagint and Vulgate, but not originally written in Hebrew, nor counted genuine by Jews, and excluded from Canon at Reformation. In order that we can follow this, we may note the meanings of Septuagint and Vulgate. They are respectively as under: "Greek version of O. T. including the apocrypha said to have been made about 270 B. C. by seventy translators." "Latin version of the Bible prepared by Jerompte in the 4th c."
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________________ THE CANONICAT, LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [ CHAP. are classed as.micclhrisuyu. According to the 2nd definition, all the works included in these two classes are sammasuya so far as a samyagdrsti (one having a right sort of faith) is concerned, whereas they are micchiscy so far as a mithyadisti (one having wrong faith) is concerned.2 Consequently, according to this second definition, any and every sacred work, Juinn or non- Jaing is a Jaina scripture to a scomyagdisti. But I here do not use the phrase Jaina scriptures' in this wide sense but in the previous sensethe restricted sense. That is to say, I interpret "Jaina scriptures' as authoritative works4 composed by eminent Jaina saints such as the Ganadharas, Srutukeralins, Dasapurvadharas, Pratyekabuddhas and the like. To be explicit, I should now enumerate these works. Bhadralahusvamins is the last i. e. the 5th Srutakevalin, in case we use this word Srutakecalin in the strictest sense; if not, 1 "jaM imaM aNNANiehi micchAdiTTiehiM sacchaMdabuddhimaivigappiaM taM jahA-bhArahaM rAmAyaNaM bhImAsurukkhaM koDillayaM sagaDabhaddiAo khoDa( ? ghoDaga)muhaM kappAsiaM nAgasuhamaM kaNagasattarI vaisesiyaM buddhavayaNaM terAsi kAvAliaM logAyayaM sadvitaMtaM mADharaM purANaM vAgaraNaM bhAgavaM pAyaMjalI pussadevayaM lehaM gaNiaMsauNaru nADayAI, ahavA bAvattari kalAo cattAri aveA saMgovaMgA, eAI micchadihissa micchattapariggahiAI micchAsuaM, eyAI ceva sammadiTTisma sammattapariggahiAI sammasuaM, ahavA micchadihissa vi eyAI ceva sammasuaM, kamhA ! sammattaheuttaNao, jamhA te micchadihiA tehiM ceva samaehiM coiA samANA kei sapakkhadiTTIo cayaMti, se taM micchaasu|" --Nandi (s. 42). "jaM imaM arahaMtehiM ... paNIaM duvAlasaMgaM gaNipiDagaM ... codasapuvvissa sammasuaM AbhiNNadasapuvvissa ___sammasuaM, teNa paraM bhiNNesu bhayaNA, se taM sammasuaM"-Nandi (s. 41 ). See also in. 1. 3 This is true in the case of some of the mithyadrstis too, in case works like the Vedas lead them to the right path and thus enable them to leave the non Jaina fold and to become followers of Jainism. See the concluding lines of fn. 1. 4 In this connection, I may quote the following verse: ' arhatproktaM gaNadharadRbdhaM pratyekabuddhadRbdhaM ca / sthaviragrathitaM ca tathA pramANabhUtaM tridhA sUtram // " This is quoted by Drona Suri, in his com. (p. 3a) on Ohanijjutti in support of his statement as under:" arthatastIrthakarapraNItaM mUtrato gaNadharanibaddhaM caturdazapUrvadharopanibaddhaM dazapUrvadharopanibaddhaM pratyekabuddhopanibaddhaM c|" This idea can be seen in the following verse of Vattakerasvamin's Mulayara (V), too: "sutaM gaNadharakathidaM taheva patteyabuddhikathidaM c| sudakevaliNA kathidaM abhiNNadasapudhakathidaM ca // 80 // " 5 He died in Vira Samvat 170. So says Hemacandra Suri in his Parisistaparvan (IX, 112). 6 The strictest sense means to use the word 'Srutak evalin' for one who is conversant with all the 14 Puvvas, both in words and meanings.
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________________ I) GENESIS OF THE JAINA SCRIPTURES 15 he is last but one, and Stl ulabhadra' is the last. All the 11 Ganadharas of Lord Mahavira were Srutakovalins, and there were other saints of His, 289 in number, who, too, were Srutakevalins. hey were followed by Jambusvamin2 and 4 Srutakevalins viz. (1) Prabhavasvamin, (2) Sayyambhava Suri, (3) Yasobhadra Suri and (4) Sambbutivijaya. Out of all these Srutakevalins, we have already dealt with Ganadharax and 12 Angas composed by each of them. It is said that Avassaya is composed by Indrabhuti, the very 1st Ganadhara; but since the opinions differ in this connection and since the question of its genesis requires a lot of space, I reserve it for subsequent treatment. As regards 289 Srutakevalins, we do not know, if any one of them had composed any work. The same is the case with Jambusvamin and Prabhavasvamin. Sayyambhava Suri, a junior contemporary of Prabhavasvamin and a predecessor of Bhadrabahusvamin, has at least one work viz. Dasaveyaliyu attributed to him. This and the two Culiyas3 associated with it, I shall deal with, in due course. As regards Yasobhadra Suri and Sambhutivijaya, we are again in the dark. Then comes the case of Bhadrabahusvamin. He is an author of ten Nijjuttis. Over and above that, he is looked upon as the author of Pajjosanakappa, the 8th chapter of Dustisuynkkhunilha and other 1 He completely knew the meaning of the 1st 10 Puvvas only, though he had studied all the 14 Puvvas in words. 2 He is the last of the persons to have attained omniscience in this vasarpini. No doubt, he, too, is a Srutakevalin. But as Gavadharas are usually styled as Ganadharas and not Srutakevalins, as the former designation is superior to the latter, similarly it is more consistent to say that Jambusvamin is kevalin than to address him by an inferior designation of Srutakevalin. In short, the word Srutakeralin is generally used for such persons who do not attain omniscience during their life but at the same time master the complete brutajnana. This will explain why I have separately mentioned Jambugvamin. 3 There are two Culiycis in the case of Ayur, too, its we shall see hereafter. This is what Bhairalahusvamin has himself sail in the following verse of his Arassayanijjutti:'Avassayassa dasakAliyasma taha uttrjjhmaayaare| mUyagaDa ni jatti vocchAmi tahA dasANaM ca !! 82 / / kapparama ya niunati vavahArameva prmniunnrmaa| mariyapaNNattIpa.voccha isibhAsiyANa ca / / 83 // "
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________________ THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP. Chedasutras viz. Vavahara and Kappa, and that he is said to be an author of Pindanijjutti and Ohanijjutti as well. The ten Nijjuttis here referred to, are versified commentaries in Prakrta on the following 10 works: 16 (1) Avassaya, (2) Dasaveyaliya, (3) Uttarajjhayana, (4) Ayara, (5) Suyayada, (6) Dasasuyakkhandha, (7) Kappa, (8) Vavahara, (9) Suriyapannatti and (1C) Isibhasiya. Out of these ten works, we had an occasion to mention (1), (2), (4) and (5) up till now. As regards (3), it appears that it is not a work of one single author, though Prof Banarasidas in his Ardhamagadhi Reader (p. 45) attributes its authorship to Bhadrabahusvanin. Works (6), (7) and (8) come under the class of works known as Chedasutrus, and they are said to be the compositions of Bhadrabahusvamin. Works (9) and (10) are rather anonymous, and out of them, the last is said to be a work consisting of 45 ajjhayanas narrated by 45 Pratyekubuddhas, one by each of them.3 Before proceeding further, I may mention that all these 10 works which are commented upon by Bhadrabahusvamin, a Srutake valin, deserve to be included in the list of Jaina scriptures (and I accordingly do so, though a work like Suriyapannatti is anonymous. For, its author, whoever he was, must have been an outstanding personality, and this work of his must have been 1 In all, there are, roughly speaking, six Chedasutras viz., (1) Nisiha, (2) Mahanisiha, (3) Vavahara, (4) Dasasuyakkhandha, (5) Kappa and (6) Pancakappa or its substitute Jiyakappa. 2 Cf. the following verse of Pancakapbabhasa composed by Sanghadasa Ksamasramana:-- "vaMdAmi bhavAhuM pANaM carimasayalasuyaNANiM / suttatthakAragamimi dasANa kappe yavavahAre // " For this verse see pp. 259 and 67 of Descriptive Catalogue of Jaina Manuscripts (vol. XVII of Des. Cat. of the Govt. collections of Mss. deposited at Bhandarkar O. Research Institute), and Peterson, Report IV. p. 100. 8 Cf. the following lines occurring in Yaso deva Suri's com. (p. 67a) ou Pakkhiyasutta: 'isibhAsiyAI ti iha RpayaH pratyekayuddhasAdhavaste cAtra neminAthatIrthavartino nAradAdayo viMzatiH, pArzvanAthatIrtha vartinaH paJcadaza, varddhamAnasvAmitIrthavartino daza grAhyAH, tairbhASitAni paJcacatvAriMzatsaGkhyAnya. dhyayanAni zravaNAdyadhikAra (bha) vanni RSibhASitAni / " C
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________________ 1] GENESIS OF THE JAINA SCRIPTURES of a very high order as not only to attract the attention of a Srutakevalin but to lead him to comment upon it. " To this list of the Jaina scriptures so far enumerated, may be added works composed by Sthulabhadra. But we do not know whether he at all composed any work. This finishes the enumeration of the works of one and all the Srutakevalins. Now we may turn to the works of Dasapurvadhuras.' Vajrasvamin is said to be the last in the lot. We do not know if he or any other Dasapurvadharas except Syama Suri who preceded him, ever composed any work. Pannavana is said to be the work of this very syama Suri. It may be added in this connection that some of the Sangra. hanis on Upangas are compositions of some of the Dasapurvadharas; for, this is what we learn from Drona Suri's com. (p. 3a)3 on Ohanijjutti. This means that it now remains to examine the question of the works of the Pratyekabuddhas. Some of the ajjhayanas of Uttarajjhayana are said to be the works of some of the Prateyaka, buddhas. Moreover, some of the works known as Prakirnakas are attributed to them about which we shall refer to, hereafter. This rough discussion about the works that can be termed as Jaina scriptures, gives us an idea as to the number of works of which the genesis remains to be attempted. They are: (1) Avassaya, (2) Dasaveyaliya, (3) Uttarajjhayana, (4) Dasasuyakkhandha, (5) Kappa, (6) Vavahara, (7) Suriyapannatti, (8) Pindanijjutti, (9) Ohanijjutti, (10) Culiyas and (11) Pannavana. 1 This is due to the fact that in this avasarpini, there has not flourished any such saint who knew 13, 12 or 11 Puvvas. The following lines from Drona Suri's com. (p. 3a) on Ohanijjutti may be quoted in this connection : "asyAmavasarpiNyAM caturdazapUrvyanantaraM dazapUrvadharA eva sAtA na trayodazapUrvadharA dvAdazapUrvadharA ekAdaza det at " 2 In Subodhika (p. 169b) it is said: ." mahAgiriH 1 suhastI ca 2 sUriH shriigunnsundrH| zyAmAryaH 4 skandilAcAryoM 5 revatImitrasUrirAT 6 / / zrIdharmo 7 bhadraguptazca 8 zrIgupto 9 vjrsuuriraatt| yugapradhAnapravarA dazaite dshpuurvinnH||" 3 The pertinent line is as under:--- "dazapUrvadharA api zAsanasyopakArakA upAGgAdInAM saGgrahaNyuparacanena hetunA"
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________________ THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP. It may be noted that out of these 12 works, the first three along with the 8th and the 9th form a group known as Multi.sutrch. The 4th, 5th and the 6th are classed under the name of Chedasitic, while the 7th and the 11th, under the name of the Upinga. This will show that over and above the Jaina scriptures noted up till now, there are some more jaing sacred works; for, the number of the chedasutroos as already stated is 5 or 6, and that of the Upangas 12. No doubt, almost all of these works are anonymous, and it is very very difficult to ascertain their dates of composition. Even then an attempt must be made to examine their genesis, too; for, they are also after all, Juina scriptures, though perhaps not in the strictest sense. But as this chapter has already outswollen in size, I have to reserve this topic for subsequent treatment. I may therefore conclude this chapter by mentioning only two facts as under: (1) There are works known as Prcikerrckas. They were composed by the 14,000 disciples of Lord Maha vira-the disciples who were endowed with four types of moti-jircond. These disci. 1 There is a difference of opinion as to whether these are the direct pupils of Lord Mahavira or the indirect ones, and as such they are not necessarily conteniporaneous with Lord Mahavira. In this connection I may reproduce the following lines from Malayagiri Suri's com. (p. 208b) on Nandi : "eke sUrayaH prajJApayanti-idaM kila caturazItisahasrAdikaM RSabhAdInAM tIrthakRtAM zramaNaparimANaM pradhAnasUtraviracanasamarthAn zramaNAnadhikRtya veditavyaM, itarathA punaH sAmAnyazramaNAH prabhUtatarA api tasmin 2 RSabhAdikAle AsIran, apare punarevaM prajJApayanti-RSabhAditIrthakRtAM jIvatAmidaM caturazItisahasrAdikaM zramaNaparimANaM pravAhataH punarekaikasmin tItheM bhUyAMsaH zramaNA veditavyAH, tatra ye pradhAnasUtraviracanazaktisamanvitAH suprasiddhatagranthA atatkAlikA api tItheM vartamAnAstatrAdhikRtA draSTavyAH, etadeva matAntaramupadarzayannAha'athave'tyAdi, athaveti prakArAntaropadarzane, yasya RSabhAdestIrthakRto yAvantaH ziSyAstItheM autpattikyA vainayikyA karmajayA pAriNAmikyA caturvidhayA buddhayA upetAH-samanvitA AsIran tasya-RSabhAdestAvanti prakIrNakasahasrANyabhavan , pratyekabuddhA api tAvanta eva, atraike vyAcakSate-iha ekaikasya tIrthakRtastIrthe'parimANAni prakIrNakAni bhavanti, prakIrNakakAriNAmaparimANatvAt , kevala miha pratyekabuddharacitAnyeva prakIrNakAni draSTavyAni prakIrNakaparimANena pratyekabuddhaparimANapratipAdanAt , syAdetat-pratyekabuddhAnAM ziSyabhAvo virudhyate, tadetada. samIcInaM, yataH pravrAjakAcAryamevAdhikRtya ziSyabhAvo niSidhyate, na tu tIrthakaropadiSTazAsanapratipannatvenApi, tato na kazcid doSaH, tathA ca teSAM grantha:-iha titthe aparimANA padannagA, painnagasAmiaparimANataNao, kiMtu iha sutte patteyabuddhapaNIyaM painnagaM bhANiyanvaM, kamhA?, jamhA paiNNagaparimANeNa ceva patteyabuddhaparimANaM kIrai, (iti) bhaNiyaM 'patteyabuddhA vi tattiyA ceva' tti, coyaga Aha-'naNu patteyabuddhA sirasabhAvo ya virujjhae' mAyario Aha-'titthayarapaNIyasAsaNapaDivannattaNao tassIsA havaMtI'ti, anye punarevamAhuH-'sAmAnyena prakIrNakaistulyatvAt pratyekabuddhAnAmatrAbhidhAnaM, na tu niyogataH pratyekavuddharacitAnyeva prkiirnnkaaniiti'|"
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________________ GENESIS OF THE JAINA SCRIPTURES ples, as some say, are not necessarily the Pratyekabuddhas;t but whatever it may be, we have no means to know exactly which works were composed by them. The works styled as Prakirnakas and enumerated under the two groups known as kaliya-suya? and ukkaliya-suya: are perhaps some of the works composed by these Pratyekabuddhas. Whether it is so or not, their genesis will be taken up hereafter. (2) As stated in Pajjosanakappa (s. 147)4 and in Trisasti (X, 13, v. 223-2245), Lord Mahavira when he was about to attain nirvana, recited 55 adhyayanas dealing with the fructification of punya (merit), 55 pertaining to the fructification of papa (demerit), 36 though unasked, and one more named as Pahana? (Sk. Pradhana). We do not know whether he did or did not inform the audience as to whose compositions they were, Hence the problem before us, of deciding their authorship. Roughly speaking, we may attribute the authorship of all these 147 adhyayanas to Lord Mahavira; but even then the question as to whether any one of these adhyayanas is incorporated in the existing canon, remains practically unsolved. 1 See the ending portion of fn. 1 of p. 18. 2-3 See pp. 23-24. 4 The pertinent lines are as under : "chadreNaM bhatteNaM apANaeNa sAiNA nakkhatteNaM jogamuvAgaeNaM paccUsakAlasamayaMsi saMpaliaMkanisaNNe paNapannaM ajjhayaNAI kalANaphalavivAgAI paNapannaM ajjhayaNAI pAvaphalavivAgAI chattIsaM ca apuTTa vAgaraNAI vAgarittA pahANaM nAma ajjhayaNaM vibhAvemANe 2 kAlagae" 5 They are : kalyANaphalapAkAni paJcapaJcAzataM tthaa| tAvantyadhavipAkAni jagAvadhyayanAni tu / / 223 // . . SaTtriMzatamapraznavyAkaraNAnyabhidhAya c| pradhAnaM nAmAdhyayanaM jagadgururabhAvayat // 224 // " 6 One may be tempted to belive that some of the ajjhayanas of Vivagasuya, the latter portion of Ovavaiya and the like may have something to do with some of these 110 adhyanas. 7 This is explained in Subodhika (p. 125b) as below: "gara Hooge48"
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________________ CHAPTER II CLASSIFICATIONS OF THE AGAMAS Jainism deals with five kinds of knowledge (nana). One of them is known as suya-nana (Sk. sruta-jnana). It can be roughly translated as scriptural knowledge. It is derived from the reading or preaching of scriptures or through an object known by sensitive knowledge (abhinibohia-nana3). It can be variously classified. According to one of the classifications, it is two-fold: (i) angapavittha (Sk. anga-pravista) and (ii) ananga-pavittha (Sk. anangapravista). The former means 'contained in the Angas', and the latter, 'not contained in the Angas'. Ananga-pavittha is designated as anga-bahira (Sk. anga-bahya), too; for, it comprises works standing outside the Angas-not belonging to the Angas. 1 Cf. the following sutra of Nandi: "nANaM paMcavihaM pannattaM taM jahA - AbhiNibohianANaM suanANaM ohinANaM maNapajjavanANaM kevalanANaM / " (su. 1) The following sutia of the Tattvartha (1) may be also referred to: "matizrutAvadhimanaHparyAyakevalAni jJAnam / " (sU. 9) 2 " zrutamAptavacanamAgama upadeza aitihyamAmnAyaH pravacanaM jinavacanamityanarthAntaram." This line OCcurring in the Bhasya (p. 88) on Tattvartha (I, 20) gives the synonyms of sruta. 3 This is also known as mai-nana. 4 (i) This is borne out by the following sutra occurring in Nandi: "suyanANaparokkhaM coddasavihaM pannattaM taM jahA - akkharasyaM 1 aNakkharasuyaM 2 saNNisuaM 3 asaNNisuaM 4 sammasu 5 micchatuaM 6 sAiaM 7 aNAiaM 8 sapajjavasiaM 9 apajjavasiaM 10 gamiaM 11 agamizraM 12 aMgapavihaM 13 aNaMgapaviTTaM 14 / " (sU. 38) (ii) Devendra Suri in his Kammavivaga (v. 6) has mentioned these very 14 varieties, but in the following verse, he has referred to 20 varieties: "" pajjaya 1 akkhara 2 paya 3 saGghAyA 4 paDivatti 5 taha ya aNuogo 6 / pAhuDapAhuDa 7 pAhuDa 8 vatthU 9 puvvA 10 ya sasamAtA // 7 // " 5 See the ending portion of the 1st part of the above fn. 6 Cf. "taM samAsao duvihaM paNNattaM taM jahA - aMgapaviTTaM aMgabAhiraM ca / " - Nandi (s. 44 )
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________________ CLASSIFICATIONS OF THE AGAMAS The anga-pavittha suya-nana has 12 sub-divisions, each of which is known as an Anga'. Thus it is identical with the dvadasanga which consists of 12 Angas viz. Ayara etc., and which is so often referred to as duvalasanga ganipidaga (Sk. dvadasanga ganipitaka ) in the canonical works of the Jainas. These 12 Angas are looked upon as the 12 limbs (angas ) of a fruta-purusa or the fruta personified. They are: 2 padas (feet), 2 janghas3 (lower legs), 2 zirusu ( thighs ), 2 gatrardhas ( back and belly), 2 bahus (hands), 1 griva (neck) and 1 siras (head).5 Ayara and the other 11 Aigas are respectively compared with these limbs so that Ayara and Suyagada stand for the feet of the sruta-purusa, whereas Ditthivaya, for the head. On the other hand, so far as ananga-pavittha suya-nana is concerned, it does not form a part and parcel of this fruta-purusa;for, it comprises such scriptures as are not included in the dvadasangi. This furnishes us with only one of the definitions of the two kinds of suya-nana above referred to; for, there are two more. According to one of them, what is composed by the Ganadharas is anga-pavittha whereas what is composed by Srutasthavirasz is ananga-pavittha. According to the other definition, i Anga is also known as Ganipidaga. This is what I surmise from the following line occurring in Samavaya (s. 57): "tiNhaM gaNipiDagANaM AyAracUliyAvajjANa sattAvannaM ajjhayaNA pannattA, taM jahA-AyAre sUyagaDe ThANe" 2 1 For instance we come across "gatott TITS" twice in Samavaya (s. 148) and great for sit" in sutras 1 and 136 of this very work. See also . p. 14, fn. 2. 3-4 In The Standard Sanskrit English Dictionary by L. R. Vaidya, the meanings of these words are respectively given as "leg from the ankle to the knee" and "the thigh." That a distinction is made between jargha anil iru in Jaina works is borne out hy Samaraiccacariya (vide the description of Aggisamma given in the 1st bhava ). 5 Cf. the following verse occurring in the Cunni (p. 47) on Nandi: "pAdayugaM jaMghorU gAtaduvagaM ca do ya bAhU tA / gIvA siraM ca puriso bArasaaMgo sutpvittttho||" 6 See the opening lines of fn. 1 of p. 22. A Sruta-sthavira means one conversant with ? hana and Samavaya, Cf. << zro- A q ui FAO furie gy41"-Thana (III, 2; s. 159),
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________________ 22 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS ( CHAP. that sruta which exists in every tirtha-in short which is niyata, is anga-pavittha, and the rest of the gruta is ananga-pavitthg. It may be noted that Anandasagara Suri has recently propounded a view in Siddhacakra (IV, 8, p. 1752) that even a Ganadhara can be an author of the ananga-pavittha works, and thus Avassaya, though coming under the class of ananga-pavittha, is a work composed by a Ganadhara. If this view is accepted, it follows that though the author of anga-pavittha is none else but a Ganadhara, the author of anangapavittha is a Ganadhara and a non-Ganadhara as well. Furthermore, in Siddhacakra (IV, 8, p. 175) he has said that ananga-pavittha may be also associated with a question from a Ganadhara. But this is an erroneous statement as can be seen from Malayagiri Suri's com. (p. 48b) on Avassaya where it is distinctly stated that ananga-pavittha has nothing to do with a question or questions of a Ganadhara, though it may be however the outcome of a question or questions from some one else or that without any body asking a question to a Tirthaikara, he himself may have expounded a subject, and later on, it may have been embodied in words by some devotee of his. As regards the genesis of anga-pavittha, there are no such options; for, it after all originates from the nisadyas and tripadi.4 1 "iccetassa sutapurisassa jaM sutaM aMgabhAgaThitaM taM aMgapavilu bhaNai, jaM puNa etasseva sutapurisassa vairege ThitaM aMgabAhiraM ti bhaNNati, ahavA gaNaharakayamaMgagataM jaM kataM therehiM bAhiraM taM ca / NiyataM aMgapaviTTha aNiyayasutaM bAhiraM bhaNitaM // " -Cunyi (p. 47) on Nandi. The 550th verse of Visesavassayabhasa may be also referred to. It runs as under: "gaNaharatherakayaM vA AesA mukkavAgaraNo vA / dhuvacalavisesao vA aMgANaMgemu nANattaM / / 550 // " 2 For the pertinent portion see my Gujarati work Arhata jigamonun avalo kana yane Tattvarasi kacandrika (Pt. I, p. 63). 3 "vAratrayaM gaNadharapRSTena satA bhagavatA tIrthakareNa yat procyate 'uppanei vA, vigamei vA dhuvei vA' iti padatrayaM tadanusatya yanniSpannaM tadaGgapraviSTa, yat punargaNadharapraznavyatirekeNa zeSakRtapraznapUrvakaM vA bhagavato mutkalaM vyAkaraNaM tadadhikRtya yaniSpannaM jambUprajJaptyAdi, yacca vA gaNadharavacAsyevopajIvya dRbdhamAvazyakaniyuttayAdi pUrvastha. viraistadanaGgapraviSTaM yadi vA yat sarvatIrthakaratIrtheSvaniyataM tadanaGgapraviSTa, sarvapakSeSu dvAdazAGgAnyaGgapraviSTa, zeSamanaGgapraviSTaM" Maladbarin Hemacandra, too, has practically said the same thing as can be seen from the following lines of his com. (p. 298) on Visesivassayabhasa: P. 00).
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________________ II) CLASSIFICATIONS OF THE AGAMAS This finishes a discussion about anga-pavittha and ananya-pavit. tha. So we shall now deal with the divisions of the latter. They are: (i) avassaya and (ii) avassaya-vairitta. Out of these, avassaya has six sub-divisions viz , (i) samauya, (ii) caivisatthava, (iii) vandanaya, (iv) padlikkamana, (v) koiissagga and (vi) paccakkhana, whereas avassayavauritta has two viz. (i) kaliya and (ii) ukkaliya.' Before we mention the various works coming under the categories of kaliya and ukkaliya, we may present the results of this dichotomy in a tabular form as under: Suyanana Anga-pavittha Anaiiga-pavittha or Anga-bahira Ayassaya Avassaya-vairitta Kaliya Ukkaliya Samaiya Cauvisatthava Vandanaya Paaikkamana Kaussagga Paccakkhana From this discussion, it will be seen that there are four principal divisions of the sacred canon of the Jainas viz. (1) angapavittha, (2) avassaya, (3) kaliya and (4) ukkaliya. Leaving aside the six sub-divisions of avassaya, we may define kaliya and ukkaliya as under: "vAratrayaM gaNadharapRSTasya tIrthakarasya sambandhI ya AdezaH-prativacanamutpAda-vyaya-dhauvyavAcakaM padatrayamityarthaH, tasmAd yad niSpannaM tadaGgapraviSTaM dvAdazAGgameva, mukta-mutkalaM-apraznapUrvakaM ca yad vyAkaraNamarthapratipAdanaM tasmAd niSpannamaGgabAhyamabhidhIyate, tacca AvazyakAdikam / " / Here, instead of tripadi we have its synonym padatraya. Malayagiri Suri, in his com. (p. 3a) on Jivabhigama has used the phrase matykapadatraya as can be seen from the following line: " bhagavAn hi vaDhamAnasvAmI...etanmAtRkApadatrayamuktavAn-uppannei vA vigamei vA dhuvei vA" "se kiM taM aMgabAhiraM ? aMgabAhira duvihaM paNNattaM, taM jahA-AvassayaM ca AvassayavairittaM c| se kiM taM Avassaya ? AvassayaM chavihaM paNNattaM, taM jahA-sAmAiaM cauvIsatthavo vaMdaNayaM paDikkamaNaM kAussaggo paccakkhANaM, setaM AvassayaM / se kiM taM AvassayavairittaM ? AvassayavairittaM duvihaM paNNattaM, taM jahA-kAlimaM 738ffesa a I"-Nandi (s. 44) 1
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________________ 24 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [ CHAP.. That sruta which is studied-recited during the first and last paurusist of both day and night, is styled kaliya-suya, while that sruta which is studied-recited at all times except kalavela, is designated as ukkaliya-suya.? As already noted in the concluding lines (p. 12) of fn. 4 (p. 11), kaliya-suya is principal whereas ukkuliya-suyu is subordinate. But, in Nandi etc., the works of the former class are mentioned after the enumeration of those of the latter class. Before proceeding further, we may take a note of the works coming under the classes of kuliya-suyu and ukkaliyu-suya. A list of these works is supplied by Nundli; and Pukkhiyasutt<
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________________ ti i CLASSIFICATIONS OF THE AGAMAS but they differ in some respects. In order that this may be realized, I give below the names of works forming a group known as kaliya-suya as given in Nandi (s. 44):-- (1) Uttarajjhayana', (2) Dasa', (3) Kappa, (4) Vavahara, (5) Nisiha, (6) Mahanisiha, (7) Isibhasia', (8) Jambuddivapannatti, (9) Divasagarapannatti, (10) Candapaunatti, (11) Khuddiya-Vimanipavibhatti, (12) Mahallia- Vimanapavibhatti, (13) Angaculiya, (14) Vaggaculiya, (15) Vivahaculiya, (16) Arunovavaya, (17) Varunovavaya, (18) Garulovavaya, (19) Dharanovavaya, (20) Vesamanovavaya, (21) Velandharovavaya, (22) Devindovavaya, (23) Utthanasuya, (24) Samutthanasuya, (25) Nagapariyavania', (26) Nirayavaliyas, (27) Kappiya', (28) Kappavadimsiya?, (29) Pupphiya', (30) Pupphaculija' and (31) Vanbidasa.10 On comparing these names with those given in Pakkhiyasutta (p. 664 and p. 66"), we find: (1) The following 7 additional works are mentioned there: (a) Surapannatti, (b) Vanhiyah, (c) Asivisabhavana, (d) Ditthivisabhavanals, (e) Caranabhavana", (f) Mahasuminabhavana's and (g) Teyaganisaggato. (2) There is no mention of Dharanovavaya. (3) In all, there are 37 works noted under the group known as kaliya-suya. Though in the printed edition we have Vanhia and Vanhidasa, it is doubtsul, if there is really any work like Vanhia; for, Yasudeva Suri while commenting upon Pakkhiyasutta takes no notice of it. vijAcaraNaviNicchao jhANavibhattI maraNavibhattI AyavisohI saMlehaNAsuyaM vIyarAgasuyaM vihArakappo caraNavihi AurapaJcakkhANaM mahApaccakkhANaM " (p. 61) "Namo tesiM khamAsamaNANaM jehi imaM vAiyaM aGgabAhiraM kAliyaM bhagavantaM taM jahA-uttarajjhayaNAIdasAo kappo vavahAro isibhAsiyAI nisIhaM mahAnisIhaM jaMbudIvapannattI sUrapannattI candapannattI dIvasAMgarapanattI khuDDiyAvimANapavibhattI mahalliyAvimANapavibhattI aMgacUliyAe vaggacUliyAe vivAhacUliyAe aruNovavAe varuNovavAe garulovavAe vesamaNovavAe velandharovavAe devindovavAe uTThANasue samuTThANasue nAgapariyAvaNiyANaM nirayAvaliyANaM kappiyANaM kappavaDiMsayANaM (p. 663) puSphiyANaM pupphacUliyANaM vahiANaM vaNhidasANaM AsIvisabhAvaNANaM diTThIvisabhAvaNANaM cAraNabhAvaNANaM mahAsumiNabhAvaNANaM teyaganisaggANaM" (p.66b) 1-16 All these names are mentioned in plural.
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________________ THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [ CHAP. As regards the works coming under the group known as ukkaliya-suya, Nandi (s. 44) mentions the following: 26 (1) Dasaveyaliya, (2) Kappiyakappiya, (3) Culla-Kappasuya, (4) Maha-Kappasuya, (5) Uvavaiya, (6) Rayapaseniya, (7) Jivabhigama, (8) Pannavana, (9) Mahapannavana, (10) Pamayappamaya, (11) Nandi, (12) Anuogadara1, (13) Devindatthaa, (14) Tandulaveyaliya, (15) Candavijjhaya, (16) Surapannatti, (17) Porisimandala, (18) Mandalapavesa, (19) Vijjacaranavinicchaya, (20) Ganivijja, (21) Jbanavibhatti, (22) Maranavibhatti, (23) Ayavisohi, (24) Viyaragasuya, (25) Samlehanasuya, (26) Viharakappa, (27) Carapavihi, (28) Aurapaccakkhana and (29) Mabapaccakkhana. This list differs from the one given in Pakkhiyasutta (p 61) in the following respects: (1) There is no mention of Surapannatti there. (2) In all, there are 28 works, all of which, of course, tally with those mentioned in Nandi. From this it follows that according to Nandi, Surapannatti belongs to the class known as ukkaliya-suya, whereas according to Pakkhiyasutta, it belongs to the class known as kaliya-suya. I may note en passant that some mention 32 works as belonging to kaliya-suya.. Out of them 29 works are the same as noted in Nandi, and the additional ones are as under: (1) Nirayavisoli, (2) Maranavisohi, and (3) Ayavibhatti. Further, there are several works which come under the class of kaliya-suya. They are not only anonymous but we have no idea about them except that they are Painnagas. It may be here noted that none of the 12 Angas is included in any of the two groups viz. kaliya-suya and ukkaliya-suya. So there arise two questions as under: (1) Why are the 1st 11 Angas referred to as kalika-sruta by Abhayadeva Suri in his com. (p. 792b) on Viahapannatti (XX, 8; s. 677) and by Hemacandra Suri in his com. (p. 931) on Visesavassayabhasa (v. 2294)? 1 This name occurs in plural. 2 For the pertinent portion see Tattvarasikacandrika (pt. 1, p. 68).
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________________ II ) CLASSIFICATIONS OF THE AGAMAS 27. (2) How is it that the Cunni (p. 47); of Nandi (s. 44) and Malayagiri Suri's com. (p. 203a)? on this very Nandi, refer to Ayara etc., as works belonging to the kaliya-suya group ? The answer appears to be that the word kaliya-suya is here used in the 2nd sense out of 3: (i) in contrast with the word ukkaliyi, (ii) etymologically and (iii) as a synonym of caranakarananuyogr. The 2nd sense conveys that while studying the 11 Angas-the entire sruta, kala (time) is taken into account, and consequently each of the works so studied is called kaliya. This finishes the discussion about one type of classifications of the Jaina scriptures; but there remains another to be attended to, though this is not probably as old as the former one. It is however more popular than the former. According to it the scriptures are divided into 6 groups viz. (1) Anga, (2) Uvanga, (3) Cheyasutta, (4) Mulasutta, (5) Painnaga and (6) Culiyasutta, Before we deal with these groups, we may note that it is only the murtipajaka Sretambaras who use all these six designations; for, the Sthanakavasins4 seem to use only first four, while the Digambaras, only the 1st and the 5th. Aiga Anga is a word common to both the Prakrta and Samsksta languages. It is a term to be met with in the Vaidika literature wherein it signifies the six auxiliary sciences (helpful in the study of the Vedas ) viz. (1) Siksa (phonetics ), (2) Chandas (prosody ), (3) Veyyakarana (grammar), (4) Nirukta (philology ), (5) Kalpa (ritualism ) and (6) Jyotis (astronomy). In the Bauddha literature, too, we come across this word. For instance, in the Majjhimanikaya 22 (I, p. 133) and in several passages in the Anguttaranikaya, there is mention of a division of the Canon into 9 Angas viz. (1) Sutta (prose sermons), (2) Geyya (sermons in a mixture of prose and verse), (3) Veyyakarana 1. "* = APPET STAITIfa Fridagi " 2 " 414 at taifa ya I". 3 This is what the Cunni (p. 2) on Dasaveyaliya says. The pertinent line is: " TUTTOTTOTETT OTA Ifugu" 4. These represent a non-idolatrous (amurtipujaka) section of the Svetambaras which originated in Vikrama Samvat 1530. It is said that a subsection known as Terapanthis arose from this section in Samvat 1816. 5 Cf. the lines reproduced from the com. on Anuogaddara on p. 29.
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________________ THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP. (explanations, commentaries), (4) Gatha (stanzas), (5) Udana (pithy sayings), (6) Itivuttaka (short speeches beginning with the words "Thus spake the Buddha'), (7) Jataka (stories of the former births of Buddha), (8) Abbhutadhamma (reports of miracles) and (9) Vedalla (teachings in the form of questions and answers). This is what is suggested by the late Prof. Winternitz in his work entitled A History of Indian Literature (vol. II, p. 10). He there adds: 28 "This division does not allude to a canon complete in itself, or to definite books, but is only meant to classify the various types of Buddhist texts according to their form and contents." As already noted, in the Jaina literature, too, we find this word. Herein, it stands for a limb of the sruta-purusa, there being such 12 limbs, in all. Under these circumstances, it is difficult to say as to which school first used this term 'Anga' and as to which school subsequently borrowed it. Prof. M. V. Patwardhan, however remarks: "The Svetambara Jains have also borrowed the term Amiga from their Brahmanical opponents, to denote the first twelve principal works of their canon, while the Digambara Jains have also borrowed the term Veda from the same source, to denote the principal divisions of their sacred literature." 2 It hardly remains to be added that the canonical texts that go by the name of 12 Angas form the very first and fundamental group out of six, and that all the 12 Angas are mentioned in Samavaya (s. 13 and 1364), Nandi (s. 455), Anuogaddara (s. 42deg), Pakkhiyasutta (p. 70), the Bhasya (p.108) on Tattvartha (1,21) etc. 1 For instance see p. 21 and the following line from Vivagasuya (I): "dasamassa aGgassa paNhAvAgaraNANaM ayamaTThe pannatte, ekkArasamassa NaM bhante ! aGgassa vivAgasuyassa" See The Dasa vaikalikasutra: A study (pp. 19-20). 2 3 " AyAre 1 sUyagaDe 2 ThANe 3 samavAe 4 vivAhapannattI 5 nAyAdhammakAo 6 uvAsagadasAo 7 aMtagaDadasAo 8 aNuttarovavAidasAo 9 paNhAvAgaraNaM 10 trivAgasue 11 diTTivAe 12" 4 There is the same passage as noted above, except that for the 9th and the 10th works we have: "aNutarovatrAiyadasAo 9 paNhAvAgaraNAI." 5 " AyAro 1 sUyagaDo 2 ThANaM 3 samavAo 4 vivAhapannattI 5 nAyAdhammakahAo 6 uvAsagadasAo 7 aMtagaDa sAo 8 aNuttarovavAiadasAo 9 pahAtrAgaraNAI 10 vivAgamuaM 11 diTTivAo " 6 We have the same passage here ad verbatim as in Nandi (s. 45). 7 Here the passage differs from that in Nandi only regarding the 10th Anga; for, here we have paNhAvAgaraNaM instead of paNhAvAgaraNAI. 8 "AcAraH, sUtrakRtaM, sthAnaM, samavAyaH, vyAkhyAprajJaptiH, jJAtadharmakathAH, upAsakAdhyayanadazAH, antakRdazAH, anuttaropapAtikadazAH, prabhavyAkaraNaM, vipAkasUtraM, dRSTipAta iti / "
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________________ II] CLASSIFICATIONS OF THE AGAMAS 29 As regards the date of the word Anga, it may be said that it is as old as the composition of the Angas; for, this word occurs in Vivagasuya (I) etc., and the word Duvalasanga in Samavaya etc. Uvanga- This word has Upanga for its Saniskrta equivalent. But it seems that neither Uvanga nor Upanga is used by the Bauddhas to indicate any work or works of their school. On the other hand the Vaidikas have used the word Upanga for the following four works (rather branches ) associated with the six Jedaiigas: (1) Purana, (2) Nyaya, (3) Mimamsa and (4) Dharmasastra. That there are Angas and Upangas for the Vedas is corroborated by Nanda (s. 42) and Antogaddara (s. 41). Besides Hemacandra Suri, too, in his com. (p.366) on Anuogaddara says: "catvArazca vedAH sAmaveda-Rgveda-yajurvedA-'tharvaNavedalakSaNAH sAGgopAGgAH; tatrAGgAni zikSA-kalpa-vyAkaraNa-cchando-nirukta-jyotiSkAyanalakSaNAni Sad; upAGgAni tavyAkhyAnarUpANi taiH saha vartante iti saanggopaanggaaH|" Just as the Vaidikas have four Upangas, so have the Jainas 12. Prof. W. Schubring in his WVorte Mahaviras (p. 8) says that there were originally only five Upangas,' Up till now I have not come across any source earlier than Suhabohasamayari (Anutthanavihi), a work of the 12th century of the Vikrama era which specifies the number of the Uvangas as 12 and which gives their names. It is composed by Sricandra Suri, pupil of Dhanesvara Suri. Therein, on pp. 316-32a we have: - "iyANi uvaMgA-AyAre uvAiyaM uvaMga 1 sUyagaDe rAyapaseNaiyaM 2 ThANe jIvAbhigamo 3 samavAe panavaNA 4 bhagavaIe sUrapannattI 5 nAyANaM jaMbuddIvapannattI 6 uvAsagadasANaM caMdapannattI 7 tihiM tihiM AyaMbilehiM ekekaM uvaMga vazcai, navaraM tao pannattIo kAliyAo saMghaTaM ca kIrai, sesANa paMcaNhamaMgANaM mayaMtareNa nirAvaliyAsuyakhaMdho uvaMga, tattha paMca vaggA nirayAvaliyAu kappavaDiMsiyAu puphiyAu puSphacUliyAu vaNhIdasAu"2. 1 See A His. of Ind. Lit. (p. 435, fn. 3). 2 The late Vijayadana Suri (born in Samvat 1924 ) in his work Vividha prasnottara (p. 159 ) has quoted a portion from some samacari which he says is composed by a praana Acarya. This portion gives us the same information about the association of the Uvangas with the Angas as we have seen in this work. It runs as under; . . .
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________________ 30 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP. From this we get the names of the 12 Uraigas. They are also suggested in the following verse (p. 349) of this very work:.."u0 rA. jI. panavaNA sU0 jaM0 caM0 ni0 ka0 ka0 pu0 pu0 vhridsnaamaa| AyArAiuvaMgA nAyavvA ANupubIe // "I Viyarasara (also called Viyaralesa) of Pradyumna Suri, too, furnishes us with the Prakrta names of the 12 Uvangas. The pertinent verses are as under: "ovai rAyapaseNIya jIvAbhigamo taheva pannavaNA / caMdassa ya sUrassa ya jaMbuddIvassa pannattI // 347 // nirayAvaliyA kappiya puphiya taha pupphacUliovaMgaM / paNhidasA dIvasAgarapannattI mayaviseseNa // 348 // " From this we learn that at least in the time of this Pradyumna Suri who flourished in the 14th century of the Vikrama era, a difference of opinion had arisen as to which work was to be considered as the 12th Uvanga. Further, in this connection it may be added that Pradyumna Suri differs from Sricandra Suri and Jinaprabha Suri as well; for, he mentions Candapannatti as the 5th Uvanga, whereas the other two Suris mention Surapannatti as the 5th Uvanga, and similar is the case with the 6th and the 7th Uvangas. Yasodeva Suri, strikes altogether a different note; for, 1 - "AyAre ovavAiyaM 1 muyagaDe rAyapaseNiyaM 2 ThANe jIvAbhigamo 3 samavAe pannavaNA 4 ee ukkAliyA bhagavaIe sUrapannattI 5 nAyAdhammakahANaM jaMbuddIvapannattI 6 uvAsagadasANaM caMdapannattI 7 ee kAliyA sabve vi a uddesasamuddesaaNunatthaM AyaMbilatigeNa vacaMti / annesiM puNa pannavaNavajja tajjogamajjhe AyaMbilatigapUraNeNa tinni vi vccnti| aMtagaDadasAiyANa paMcanhamaMgANaM nirayAvalisuyakakhaMdha uvagaM, taMmi paMca vaggA 1kappiAo, 2 kappavaDisayAo 3 puriphAo, 4 puSphaculiyAo eesu dasa dasa ajjhayaNA vanhidasAsu bArasa evaM diNa 5 suakhaMdhe diNa 2 savve vi diNa 7 / " Practically this very verse with a slight difference is found in Vidhiprapa of Jinaprabha Suri. None of these verses, however, gives us the complete titles of all the 12 Uvangas. At best we know therefrom only two titles viz. Pannavana and Vanhidasa in full, and the rest are indicated by their initial letters. Jinaprabha Suri's Siddhantagamastava (v. 21-31) supplies us with the Samskxta names of these 12 Uvaigas as under: (1) Upapatika, (2) Rajaprasniya, (3) Jivabhigamadhyayana, (4) Pra jnapana, (5) Jambudvibaprajnapti, (6) Candraprajnapti, (7) Surya. prajnapti, (8) Nirayavalika, (9) Kalpavatamsika, (10) Puspika, (11) Puspacilika and (12) Vrsnidasa.
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________________ CLASSIFICATIONS OF THE AGAMAS 31 in his com. (p. 63b) on Pakkhiyasutta, he says that Prajna. pana and Brhatprajnapana are two Upangas for Samavaya.' This is rather strange; for, I have not come across any authority who mentions more than one Uvanga for any one of the Angas. Usually we find references wherein only one Uvanga is mentioned for every Anga. It appears that Hiravijaya Suri has made an attempt to reconcile this difference 3 by saying that Prajnapana and Mahaprajnapana are not two different works. This fails to satisfy me. But at the same time, I am not in a position to explain this situation. Will any veteran scholar of Jainism be therefore pleased to do so. ? : We shall now examine the exegetical literature of the 12 Uvaigas if that can throw any light regarding their number and their relation with the corresponding Aigas. The earliest com. on Ovavaiyas, - available at present, is composed by Abhayadeva Suri, the navangavrttikaras. Therein he simply says that this is the Uvanga of Ayara, but does not mention its number. The same 1. "tathA 'paNNavaNa tti' jIvAdInAM prajJApanaM prjnyaapnaa| bRhattarA mhaaprjnyaapnaa| ete ca samavAyAGgasyopAGge iti|" 2 It seems that the following verse of Abhidhanacintamani (kanda II), suggests that only the 1st 11 Angas had each an Uvanga: "ityekAdaza sopAGgAnyaGgAni dvAdazaM punaH / dRSTivAdo dvAdazAGgI syAd gaNipiTakAhvayA // 159 // " From its com. (p. 104) we can infer that Aupapatika is the 1st Uvanga. 3 In Prameyaratnamanjusa (p. 2a), its author Santicandra has made the following observation after he has pointed out as to which Uvanga belongs to what Anga (this is just in accordance with Suhabohasamayari): "atra ca upAGgakrame sAmAcAryAdau kazcid bhedo'pyasti" 4 This is what I infer from fn. 1 (p. 1b) to Prameyaratnamanjusa where the following line occurs: "gifera ATACATSO Trafirargat: (TT:o)" It may be noted that in fn. 2, on this very page it is said: "getituitofa Fara (etro)." This 2nd fn, is in connection with Candraprajnapti. 5 Some name this work as Uvavazya. 6 This title is justifiable since he has commented upon Angas 3 to 11 as the earlier commentaries on these Angas were lost. by his time. In Samvat 1120 he commented upon the 3rd, 4th and 6th Argas, and in 1128 on the 5th. 7 " rand, Tati...... Atqu1AE9959" (p. 14).
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________________ The CANONICAL LITERATURE ON THE JAINAS [ CHAP. is the case with Malayagiri Suri' who has commented upon Uvaigas 2 to 7 viz, Rayapaseniya?, Jivabhigama), Pannavanam, Surapannatti, Candapannatti and Jambuddivapannatti. In his com. on the 3rd Uvaiga, he refers to an earlier com., but he has not mentioned the commentator. So this does not help us. His com. on the 7th Uvanga was lost at least by the time Prameyaratnamai jusa was composed 8 in Samvat 1661. So this also does not improve the situation. Sricandra Suri has commented upon Uvaigas 8 to 12, in Samvat 1228. But he is silent so far as the number of the Uvangas is concerned. So it now remains to be seen as to what Haribhadra Surio, well-known as the dharmasinu of Yakini Mahattara has said in his com, on Pannavana, the 4th Uvanga. It exists in a Ms. On going through the first few folios of one of its Mss., I came across the following line:-- - "tacAGgopAGgaprakIrNakAyanekabhedamidaM...apavargAvahamiti kRtvA tadekadezabhUtaprajJApanAkhyopAGgapradezAnuata: griya 1" This only informs us that Pannavana is an Uvanga; but it throws no further light on this problem. 1 He was a contemporary of Kumarapala; for, in some of his works he has said kumArapAlarAjye and in his grammar he has said: "aruNat kumArapAlo'rAtIn." "UTFAYF? 38a gira " (p. 19). 3 "acterstar Ferrari...... father Natur BansfertszitcatureTfenth." . (p. 12). 4 astrafa : Faru: ?...... 9 Fatre agerturat" (p. 24 and p. 26). 5 It seems, nowhere in the com., it is said that it is an Uvanga, much less that it is an Uvanga of such and such an Anga, 6 The com. on this work is in a Ms. form and is not available to me at present. 7 See the ending portion of fn. 3. 8 "upAGgAnAM ca madhye prathamamupAGga zrIabhayadevasUribhirvivRtaM. rAjaprabhIyAdIni SaT zrImalaya giripAdevivRtAni, paJcopAGgamayI nirayAvalikA ca zrIcandra prabha] sUribhirvivRtA, tatra prastutopAGgasya vRttiH zrImalayagiriHTTSO Hafa sau a fogai" According to Gathasahasri composed in Samvut 1630, he died in Samvat 535. Another tradition which can be traced till the 13th century gives 529 A. D. as the date. But several modern scholars believe that he lived from A. D. 700 to 770 or so. 10 For a My. See D. C. J. M. (vol. XVII, pt. I, pp. 203-204).
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________________ CLASSIFICATIONS OF THE AGAMAS Turning to Siddhasena1 Gani's com. on Tattvartha (I, 21) and its Bhasya (p. 94), we come across the following line:"upAGgAni - rAjaprasenakIyopapAtikAdIni" This very line occurs in Haribhadra Suri's com. (p. 76") on Tattvartha (I, 21) and its Bhasya. From this it follows that these two commentators look upon the 2nd and 1st Uvangas as Upangas and include some more works in the same group; but unfortunately we do not know as to what they are. One more point worth noting in this connection is that the order of the 1st two Uvangas as mentioned by both of these commentators of Tattvartha, differs from that noted before. Can we therefore infer that here the order is immaterial and enumeration, the main object? Or is it that in the time of these commentators, Rajaprasenakiya was looked upon as the 1st Uvanga and Aupapatika as the 2nd, and subsequently3 the order was reversed? I am not in a position to give a final answer to these questions at present. So leaving them aside I may note that at least by the time the Bhasya on Tattvartha was composed, a certain class of works was no doubt designated as Upanga, and the same was the case at least by the time when Nirayavalisuyakkhandha was composed.5 II ] 1 He flourished sometime between the 6th and the 9th centuries. Probably he is an author of the com, on Ayara-the com. lost by the time Silanka commented upon it, and he is the very one designated as Gandhahastin. 2 This name Rajaprasenakiya is rather unique, and the same is the case with the name Rajaprasenajit occurring in Devendranarakendraprakarana composed by Municandra Suri, the guru of Vadin Deva Suri; for, usually, in Samskrta we come across the name Rajaprasniya. It may however be added that the Samskrta equivalent of Rayapasenaiya, a name occurring in some of the Mss. of Nandi may be Rajaprasenakiya. 3 33 1 5 Hemacandra considers Aupapatika as the 1st. This is what can be inferred from his com. (p. 104) on Abhidhanacintamani (II, 159). There he says: " ityekAdaza pravacana puruSasya aGgAnIvAGgAni sahopAtraiH aupapAtikAdibhirvartante sopAGgAni " "tasya mahAviSayatvAt tAMstAnarthAnadhikRtya prakaraNasamApyapekSamaGgopAGganAnAtvam......anyathA hyanibaddha19: AIL GREATAIA FAIL"-Bhasya (p. 94) on Tattvartha "uvaMgANaM bhaMte! samaNeNa, jAva saMpatteNaM ke aTThe pannatte ? // 3 // evaM khalu jaMbU ! samaNeNaM evaM uvaMgANaM paMca vaggA pannattA, taM jahA - nirayAvaliyAo 1 kappavaDiMsiyAo 2 puphiyAo 3 puSkacUliyAo 4 aforcero 5 / " (pp. 3-4 ) Did all these 5 vaggas form one text originally, and were they separately counted subsequently? 5
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________________ THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS Before I deal with the 3rd group viz. Cheyasutta, I think, I should recapitulate the results arrived at, during this investigation about the names and the number of the Uvangas. They are: 34 [ CHAP. (1) There is no mention of the group Uvanga in any of the Angas. (2) This word is not found in any canonical work earlier than Nirayavalisuyakkhandha. (3) Its Samskrta equivalent Upanga is met with in the Bhasya on Tattvartha, and in no other Samskrta Jaina work prior to it, so far as I know. (4) Only 5 Uvangas are mentioned in Nirayavalisuyakkhandha and 2 in the Bhasyanusarini tikas of Tattvartha, though more are alluded to, in these tikas. (5) The earliest work to mention all the 12 Uvangas is Suhabohasamayari. (6) Viyarasara is perhaps the earliest work to note that some look upon Divasagarapannatti as the 12th Uvanga instead of Vahnidasa. (7) It appears that none except Yasodeva Suri mentions more than one Uvanga for any one of the Angas, and he, too, does so in the case of the 4th Anga only. (8) The usual list of the 12 Uvangas is: (i) Ovavaiya, (ii) Rayapasenaiya, (iii) Jivabhigama, (iv) Pannavana, (v) Surapannatti, (vi) Jambuddivapannatti, (vii) Candapannatti, (viii) Nirayavaliya, (ix) Kappavadimsiya, (x) Pupphiya, (xi) Pupphaculiya and (xii) Vanhidasa. (9) Out of these, the 4th was regarded as Uvanga as early as the date of its com. composed by Haribhadra Suri. (10) Sulabohasamayari is perhaps the very first work to mention the 12 Angas to which the 12 Uvangas belong. (11) Abhayadeva Suri has noted that the 1st Uvanga belongs to the 1st Anga. Malayagiri Suri has similarly mentioned
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________________ 35 .II] CLASSIFICATIONS OF THE AGAMAS that the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Uvangas are respectively associated with Angas 2 to 4.1 (12) We come across the names of certain works in Nandi (s. 44) which tally with those of all the 12 (or 13) Uvangas. If these works are identical, these Uvangas are at least as old as the Nandi. From fn. 3, p. 17 it may be inferred that some of them, if not all, are not later than Samvat 114, the year in which Vajrasvamin died. (13) In Nandi, the names of the Uvaigas 1 to 5 are found included in the kaliya-suya group whereas the names of the rest, in the ukkaliya-suya group. (14) Only the name of the author of the 4th Uvanga is recorded whereas the rest of the Uvangas are anonymous. (15) The 12 Uvangas are not arranged according to their dates of composition; for, otherwise the 5th Uvanga would have been assigned a place prior to the 4th on the ground that it was commented upon by Bhadrabahusvamin about 200 years before Arya Syama Suri composed the 4th Uvanga; for, this Suri is said to have been living in Vira Samvat 376 or 386. Consequently the underlying principle adopted in fixing the order of the Uvangas seems to be based upon the consideration of their associations (real or assumed) with the 12 Angas viz. Ayara etc. (16) The Uvangas are subsidiary to the Angas; but on that account they are not their glosses or explanations but they rather develop some point or points referred to in the Angas. Cheyasutta-This word or its variant Chedasutta is a term which is to be found only in the Jaina canon; for, it seems that neither the Vaidikas nor the Bauddhas have adopted it, to denote any class of their sacred or secular works. Chedasutra is its Samskrta equivalent. It does not seem to have been defined anywhere. So its meaning has become more or less a matter of conjecture. Prof. 1 Malayagiri Suri has referred to a Cunni on Jivabhigama, in his com. (p. 73) on Rayapasenaiya (s. 29). So it remains to be ascertained if any association of this Uvanga with any Anga is specified therein.
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________________ 36 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP. Schubring (Kalpasitra, p. 8 and Orientalistische Literaturzeitung, 1924, 484) assumes that the expressions Cheda-sutra and MulaSutra are derived from Cheda and Mula, two kinds of penances mentioned in Jainism. It may be added that the Mulasutra, at least in their present form seem to have nothing to do with penances, Cheda means 'cut', and consequently Chedasutra may be construed as a treatise which prescribes cuts in seniority (diksa-paryaya ) in the case of the Jaina clergy on their violating any rules of their order.3 This is one of the conjectures. The other and more plausible conjecture I may make, is based upon the following verse of Pancakappabhasa quoted in Abhidhanarajendra (vol. III, p. 1361):"pariNAma apariNAmA aipariNAmA ya tivihA purisA tu / NAtUNaM chedasuttaM pariNAmaNe hoMti dAyavvaM // " From this it follows that a class of works which can be taught to the parinata pupils only, and not to the other two types of pupils viz. aparinata* and atiparinata, is designated as Chedasutta. These are the two conjectures I may note at present. So I shall now refer to the oldest source where the word Cheyasutta or its variant Chedasutta is to be met with. The former word occurs in the Avassayanijjutti, the pertinent verse being as under: "jaM ca mahAkappasuaM jANi asesANi cheyasuttANi / caraNakaraNANuoga tti kAliatthe uvagayANi // 777 // 7 1 2 3 In all there are 10 types of penances. See liyakappa (v. 4). See A His. of Ind. Lit. (vol. II, p. 461, fn. 4). Prof. W. Schubring has expressed this very view in his introduction (p. III) to "Dasaveyaliya Sutta". For, there he has said: "another group of texts which are intended to lay down rules of monkish life and to fix the course of procedure in case of transgression, is called Cheyasutta after the 4 (On), a punishment which consists in "shortening" the seniority of the culprit, thus degrading him in rank." Undeveloped; not properly developed in intelligence etc. Overdeveloped; hyperlogical. The word Cheyasuya occurs in liyakappacunni (v. 9) of Siddhasena Suri. The verse in question is as under: "jeNa ya cheyasuyatthA AvattIdANavirayaNA jattaNaM / purisaviseseNa phuDA nijjUDhA jIyadANakappammi vihI // 9 // " This verse is incorporated as v. 2295 in Visesuvassayabhasa. 4 5 6 7
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________________ II ] CLASSIFICATIONS OF THE AGAMAS The latter word occurs in Pascakappabhasa.' Though the word 'Cheyasutta' thus occurs as early as the date of Avassayanijjutti, there is no mention about the number of Cheyasuttas till we come to a very very late date. The earliest source which I remember at present, and which mentions the number and names of Cheyasuttas is Bbavaprabha Suri's com. (p. 94) on his own work Jainadharmavarastotra (v. 30). There this Suri who attained this status in Samvat 1772 says: "37e Falaftet 9 HETnizItha 2 vyavahAra 3 dazAzrutaskandha 4 bRhatkalpa 5 jItakalpa 6 iti SaT chedprnthaaH|" On this very page he has quoted the following verse which shows that in his days at least, the number of the Cheyasuttas was fixed as six: "ikArasa aMgAi 11 bArasa uvaMgAi 23 dasa payannAI 33 / cha cheya 39 mUla cauro 43 naMdI 44 aNuyoga paNayAlA 45 // " In modern days, too, the very six works noted above are looked upon as Cheyasuttas. Furthermore, Jiyakappa is considered as a Cheyasutta owing to the extinction of Pancakappa which used to be looked upon as the 6th Cheyasutta. In this connection, it may be mentioned that some of the modern Jaina Munis believe that Pancakappa formed a part and parcel of the Bhasa on Kappa, and somehow it came to be looked upon as a separate treatisea case similar to Ohanijjutti and Pindanijiutti. I am not at present in a position to point out either the actual date since Pancakappa began to be considered as a separate treatise or the actual date when it got lost. It is however suggested in Jaina granthavali (p. 16 )3 that Pascakappa was available till Samvat 1 In Visehacunni (XVIII, fol. 469), we come across this word in the fol lowing lines quoted by Muni Kalyanavijaya, in his article " qut qiza" published in Jaina Yuga (1, 3, p. 87):___ "NisIhamAdiyassa chedasuttassa jo attho Agato suttaM vA mokalANi vA pacchittavihANANi maMtANi vA joNipAhaDaM vA gAto aNNatthAgAheti" This is also called Dasa and Ayaradasa as well. 3 "paMcaka95nuM mUla saMvata 1612 sUdhI mojuda hatuM, paNa hAlamAM te guma thayuM che. enA saMbaMdha bahu zodha karatAM paNa enI prata hAtha AvI nathI. Dekkana kaoNlejanA saMgrahamAM paNa te malI nathI. phakta eTalo patto maryo che ke khaMbhAtamAM garajI devacaMdajInA pAsa je pustaka che tema te prata pAnA 10 nI tenI TIpamAM lakhelI jaNAya che to te tyAM hovAno saMbhava che, mATe sUtrarucizodhaka janee tyAM tapAsa karavI joiye chIe."
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________________ * THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS (CHAP. 1612. Whatever it may be, it is possible to fix terminus ad quem and terminus a quo so far as the date of the composition of Pancakappa is concerned. A student of Jaina literature knows it full well that there are two Bhasas on the Pancakappa viz. Laghubhasa and Vuddhabhasa. The authorship of the Pancakappa is attributed to Bhadrabahusvamin in its Cunni. If this is correct, it may be inferred that Pancakappa is not posterior to the life-time of Bhadrabahusvamin. As regards Vuddhabhasa, its authorship is attributed to Sanghadasa Ksamasramana, whose exact life-period is not known, but who is supposed to have flourished not later than a millennium after the nirvana of Lord Mahavira. This Vuddhabhasa seems to be preceded by Laghubhasa. If so, the date of Pancakappa is at least anterior to that of Laghubhasa and a fortiori to that of Vuddhabhasa. Whatever may be the date of Panacakappa, I do not think it is as old as Dasa, Kappa and Vavahara on each of which a Nijjutti is composed by Bhadraba. husvamin. If it were at least equally old, how is it that there is no mention of it even in Nandi ? I am aware of the fact that some believe that this Pancakappa along with Nisiha and Mahanisiha was composed by a Ganadhara but can they give any proof for it? With these remarks about Pancakappa, I may now say a few words about Dasa, Kappa and Vavahara'. They are mentioned together in several scriptures, e. g. in the following line of Vavahara (X, para 20):-- "paJcavAsapariyAe kappai dasA-kappa-vavahAre uddisittae" 1 "adhunA'sminnAmaniSpanne nikSepe paMcakalpasaMjJake yenedaM dazAkalpasUtre pravacanahitArthAya pUrvAdAhRtaM tasya nama Ti Polf 4 1: 1 : 1"-D. C. J. M. (vol. XVII, pt. II, p. 257) It is said that in Vicaramotasangraha Kulamandana Suri has suggested that Sanghadasa is the author of Pancakappa. 2 "mahatpaMcakalpabhASyaM saMghadAsakSamAzramaNaviracitaM samAptamiti" -D. C. J, M. (vol. XVII, pt. II, p. 261) 3 These are mentioned in various works e. g. in Avassayanijjutti (v. 82-85), Nandi (s. 44) etc. They are also noted in the following line occurring in Siddhasena Suri's Cunni (p. 1) on Jiyakappa: "ko vi sIso viNIo Avassaya-dasakAliya-uttarAyaNA-''yAra-nisIha-sayagaDa-dasA-kappa-vavahAra. mAiyaM aMgapaviThTha bAhiraM ca "
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________________ II ] CLASSIFICATIONS OF THE AGAMAS It may be noted that in the Bhasya (p. 90) on Tattvartha, (I, 20), this very order is preserved,' but Dasa is there separately mentioned from Kappa and Vavahara, whereas the last two, jointly. These groupings of the three works in two different ways at least suggest that they are somehow connected. In A His. of Ind. Lit. (vol. II, p. 464), the question about the dates of the Cheyasuttas is discussed. The pertinent lines are as under: "The old, genuine Kalpa-Sutra is the fifth Cheda-Sutra, which is also called BIhat-Kalpa-Sutra or Bshat-Sadbu-Kalpa-Sutra. It is the principal work on the rules and regulations for the monks and nuns. A necessary supplement to it is the Vavahara, the third Cheda-Sutra. The Kalpa-Sutra teaches liability for punishment, and the Vavahara the meting out of the punishment. The Nisiba, the first Cheda-Sutra, containing regulations for punishment for various transgressions against the rules of daily life, is a later work. It has embodied the major portion of the Vavahara in its last sections, and has numerous similar Sutras in common with Culas I and II of the Ayaramiga. Probably both these works originated in one and the same earlier source... The Pinda-Nijjutti and Oha - Nijjutti, which also deal with discipline, are also occasionally classed among the Cheda-Sutras. A still later work than these two Nijjuttis is the Maha - Nisiha-Sutta, which appears as the second, and sometimes as the sixth Cheda-Sutta, but which in reality can scarcely be attributed to the Canon with correctness. The principal contents of the text which we have before us and which perhaps took the place of an earlier canonical Maha-Nisiha that went astray, are rules regarding confession and penance, which are emphasized as the most important steps towards liberation." From this we see that according to the late Prof. Winternitz the following is the order of the composition of the Cheyasuttas mentioned in this para: (1) Kappa?, (2) Vavahara, (3) Nisiha, (4) Pindanijjutti, (5) Ohanijjutti and (6) Mahanisiha (available at present). 1 "ENT: +49-604rt fararten." Why Kalpa and Vyavahara are here jointly men tioned is explained by Yasovijaya in his com. (p. 514-51b) on this work as under: "AbhavatprAyazcitta-dAnaprAyazcittayoH kalpanAd bhedanAd vyavaharaNAd dAnAcca kalpa- 1. 3 fayre. zcittajJApakatAyA ubhayatra paryAptatvAd dvitvavizrAntapadAbhidhAnam" / 2 In the Nijjutti (v. 266) on Kappa, it is stated that Kappa has no ananu purvi when thought of in connection with Vavahara, and that it occupies the
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________________ 40 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP. I may add that since Nisiha is mentioned in the Ayaranijjutti" by Bhadrabahusvamin, it is not later than this work of his. But it is difficult to say whether it is his composition or that of a Ganadhara, and in the former case whether it prece les any of his 3 works viz. Dasa, Kappa and Vavahara, which, in the opinion of some Acaryas, form one srutaskandhai. It may be mentioned that in the kaliya-suya group we come across the following names in a serial order: -- Dasa, Kappa, Vavahara, Nisihu and Mahanisiha. This suggests that probably originally there were these 5 Cheyasuttas only, and that in course of time Pancakappa was reckoned as the 6th Cheyasutta, and when it was lost, it was replaced by Jiyakappa of Jinabhadra Gani.As stated in the ending portion4 of the Bhasa on Jiyakappa, this Jiyakappa represents the essence of Kappa, Vavahara and Nisila. Whatever may have been the number of the Cheyasuttas in the beginning, it appears that at least one work of this type must 1st place from the stand-point of purvanupurvi and the 12th place from that of pascanupurvi, when Dasa is taken into account. The pertinent verse is as under: "duNhaM aNANupuvI na havai puvANupunvio paDhamaM / pacchANupugvi biiyaM jai u dasA teNa bArasamaM // 266 // " While commenting upon this verse Malayagiri Suri says on p. 81: "kecidAcAryAH prAhu:-kalpa-vyavahAra-dazA ekazrutaskandhaH, tanmatena yadi dazA api gaNyante tadA pUrvAnupUrvyA prathamaM pazcAnupUrvyA dvAdazamam." 1 "AyArassa bhagavao cautthacUlAe esA nijjuttI / paMcamacUlanisIhaM tu sA ya uvari bhnniihaamo||" -D.C. J. M. (vol. XVII, pt. I, p. 7) 2 If Pascakappa is a part of the Bhasa on Rappa as suggested on p. 37, its enumeration as the 6th Cheyasutta must have taken place after its having attained a status of being looked upon as an independent treatise. 3 He is the author of (i) Visesavassayabhasa, (ii) its Samskrta, (iii) Sanghayani popularly known as Byhatsangrahani, (iv) Khetta samasa, (v) Visesanavai, (vi) Jhanasaya and perhaps (vii) & Bhasa on Nisiha. He is said to have died in Vira Samvat 1115. 4 The pertinent verses are as undur: "appagganthamahattho iti eso vaNNio samAseNaM / paMcamato vavahAro nAmeNaM jIyakappo tti // kappa-vyavahArANaM udahisaricchANa taha NisIhassa / sutarataNabinduNavaNItabhUtasAresa nnaatvco||"
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________________ II ] CLASSIFICATIONS OF THE AGAMAS have been composed during the life-time of a Ganadhara;' for, a work dealing with exceptions to the general rules for asceticism can have its origin almost side by side with the work embodying the general code. Even then if we were to assume for the time being that such a work owes its existence to a degenerated state of affairs that may have prevailed in the Jaina clergy after the nirvana of Lord Mahavira, it is in no way later than the date for the Avassayanijjutti. As recorded in the Mahanisiha available at present, it is so to say a patch-work; for, several Suris had a hand in giving it a final shape, since the Ms. of this work was awfully worm-eaten.? It seems rather strange that even in Viyarasara where a list of 45 Suttas (together with Pancakappa, Jiyakappa, Pindanijjutti, Ohanijutti, Nijjuttis, Bhasas and Cunnis) is given, there is no mention whatsoever of Mahanisihu. Furthermore, here there is not i single work spoken of as a Cheyasutta, though the following works well-known as Chcyasuttas are noted as under:-- "kappa 25 nisIha 26 dasAsuya 27 vavahAro" Can we hereby infer that the order and the number of the Cheyasuttas were not fixed for a pretty long time ? We may end this topic by noting one more point. Is Mahakappasuya which is mentioned in the Avassayanisjutti (v. 777), a Cheyusutta? If so, why is it not mentioned along with other Cheyasuttuos such as Kuppa3 etc ? Besides, does not this very verse lead us to believe that at least two to three Cheyasuttets existed prior to the composition of Avassayanijjutti ? Mulasutta-I have not come across any Prak'ta or Samskrta work of sufficient antiquity" where the word Milasutta or Mulasuya 1 Can we infer from fn. 1 of p. 37 that Nisiha is the oldest ? 2 See D. C. J. M. (vol. XVII, pt. II, pp. 32-33). 3 This cannot be identified with Mahakappasuya; for, the latter is ukkaliya, whereas the former kaliya. Vide p. 24, fn. 3. The late Prof. Weber in his Indische Studien (XVII, 41 ) has said that the term Mulasutra does not occur anywhere in the canon; but it is however found in Avassayanijjutti (XI, 61). But this is his slip; for, there the expression mulasuttagaha is used in contrast with the gathas of the Nijjutti,
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________________ 42 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP. or its Samskata equivalent Milasitra occurs. Moreover, it seems that this nomenclature like that of the Cheyasuttu is purely an element of the Svetambara school of thought. Further, no Jaina saint of olden days seems to have defined the word Mulasutta or Mulastra. Such being the case, modern scholars have expressed their opinions in this connection. For instance, in 1 His. of Ind. Lit. (vol. II, p. 466, fn. 1) we have: "Why these texts are called "root-Sutras" is not quite clear. Generally the word mula is used in the sense of "fundamental text" in contradiction to the commentary. Now as there are 'old and important commentaries in existence precisely in the case of these texts, they were probably termed "Mula-texts." The explanation given by Charpentier (Uttaradhyayana-Sutra, Introduction, p. 32): "Mahavira's own words," does not seem to me to be justified in any way.' Schubring (Worte Mahaviras, p. 1, cf., also O LZ 1924, +84 and above, II, p. 461, note 4) is of opinion that "the Mula-Sutras are" as their name indicates, "intended for those who are still at the beginning (mula) of their spiritual career."2 Guerinot (La Religion Djaina, p. 79) translates Mula-Sutra by "trates originaux"." 1 This view is however upheld by Prof. Patwardhan. For, he says in "The Dasavaikalikasutra: A Study"? (p. 16) as under: "We find however the word Mula often used in thc sense of "original text," and it is but reasonable to hold that the word Mula appearing in the expression Mulasutra has got the same sense. Thus the term Mulasutra would mean "the original text" i. e. "the text containing the original words of Mahavira (as received directly from his mouth)." And as a matter of fact we find, that the style of Mulasutras Nos. 1 and 3 (3777 447 and force) is sufficiently ancient to justify the claim made in their favour by their general title that they represent and preserve the original words of Mahavira. We must of course make liberal allowance for alterations and modifications in such cases, so that the expression "original text" or "original words", is to be understood in a slightly loose sense." This is what Prof. Schubring practically repeats in his introduction (p. III) to his edition of "Dasaveyaliya Sutta". There he says: "This designation seems to mean that these four works are intended to serve the Jain monks and nuns in the beginning (73) of their career... At an early stage the monk has to become acquainted with the principal tenets and rules of the Order. To the latter belong the Avassaga (319597) formulas and the rules regarding the acquisition of alms (fque) from which two of the Mulasuttas derive their name." 2
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________________ 11 ] CLASSIFICATIONS OF THE AGAMAS 43 In Jaina-tattva-prakasa (p. 218) the significance of this term Mulasutra is explained as under: If the root of a tree is strong, that tree can last long and can have a number of branches etc. Similarly the class of treatises which when studied can strengthen the root of the tree of samyaktra and make it develop into the form of the ten-fold religion for the clergy, can be designated as Mulasutra. These are the various explanations. My personal view is the same as one expressed by Prof. Schubring' and mentioned on p. 42. Usually the following works are designated as Milasuttas:-? (1) Uttarajjhayana, (2) Dasaveyaliya, (3) Avassaya?, (4) Pindanijjutti and (5) Ohanijjutti. Occasionally some mention even Pakkhiyasutta as a Mulasutta.4 It may be mentioned en pressant that none however considers the number of Mulasuttas as five or six. Their number is either counted as 3 or 4. The Sthanakavasins ignore Pindanijjutti and Ohanijjutti altogether; for, they do not look upon these works as those composed by Bhadrabahusvamin. So they fix 3 as the number of Malasuttas. Prof. Weber and Prof. Biihler, too, mention this very number, but not for the same reason as advanced by the 1 2 It may be noted that Prof. Schubring has ollered another explanation for Mulasutta (vide p. 36). But there I liffer from him. The earliest source I can mention in this connection at present is Bhavaprabha Suri's com. (p. 94) on Jainadharmavarastotra (v. 30). There it is said: "atha uttarAdhyayana 1 Avazyaka 2 piNDaniyukti tathA oghaniyukti 3 dazavakAlika 4 Iti 3 It seems that the word tatha is to be construed as "or"; if not, the number of the Mulasuttas will be five and not four. In the introduction (p. III) to "Dasaveyaliya Sutta" Prof. Schubring has made an erroneous statement (this is probably his slip). For, instead of Avassaya, he bas mentioned Avassaganijjutti. The pertinent lines are as under: "Together with the Uttarajjhaya (commonly called Uttarajjhayana Sutta), the Avassaganijjutti and the Pindanijjutti it forms a small group of texts named Mulasutta." See A His of Ind. Lit. (vol. II, pp. 430 and 471). 4
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________________ 44 . THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP. Sthanakavasins. It may be that they may have been led to the same conclusion on the following understanding: Pindanijjutti seems to be alluded to in the following verse of the Nijjutti on Dasaveyaliya (p. 161"):"bhAvassuvagArittA etthaM davvesaNAi ahigAro / tIi puNa atthajuttI vattavvA piMDanijjutti // 239 // " So it may be inferred that Pindanijjutti is an off-shoot of the Dasaveyaliyanijjutti and hence, in a way, that of Dasaveyaliya as it after all supplements the information given in Pindesana, its fifth ajjhayana. Similarly Ohanijjutti, too, is an off-shoot of Avassayanijjutti (v. 665) and somehow that of Avassaya. Consequently, if these off-shoots are not separately counted but are somehow looked upon as included in the works of which they are the off-shoots, the number of the 5 Mulasuttas comes to 3. Dr. Charpentier, Prof. Winternitz and Dr. Guerinot add to this number Pindanijjutti, and thus they consider the number of Mulasuttas as four. There are persons who, instead of looking upon Pindanijjutti as the 4th Mulasutta, consider Ohanijjutti as the 4th. This will explain why I say that there is none who considers the number of Mulasuttas as 5. Nevertheless, apparently Prof. Schubring seems to be an exception to this rule; but I think he, too, is not keen on believing or maintaining that the traditional number of the Mulasuttas is anything else but three or four. Just as there is a difference of opinion regarding the number of the Malasuttas, so is the case with the orders in which they are enumerated by different scholars. They are: (1) Uttarajjhayana, Avassaya and Dasaveyaliya. (2) These three works in this very order with Pindunijjutti as the 4th. While commenting upon this verse Haribhadra Suri says on p. 1629 and p. 1620: "sA ca pRthakasthApanato mayA vyAkhyAtaiveti neha vyAkhyAyate." The editor of this work has written a foot-note on this as under: "piNDaniyuktaH pRthakasthApitatvAt tatra bhagavAhasvAminA'rthayuktirvyAkhyAteti nAtrAdhyayanArthAdhikAre tadavyAkhyAnam / anyathA vA'sti haribhadrasarikRtA piNDaniyuktivRttiriti tAmAzrityApi syAdidaM vacaH / "
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________________ II] CLASSIFICATIONS OF THE AGAMAS 45 (3) Uttarajjhayana, Dasaveyaliya, Avassaya, Pindanijjutti and Ohanijjutti. (4) These five works with Dasavcyaliya as the last. Out of these various orders, the first is mentioned by Prof. Weber and Prof. Buhler; the second by Dr. Charpentier, Prof. Winternitz and Dr. Guerinot; the third by Prof. Schubring;' and the 4th by Bhavaprabha Suri. It is very difficult to say as to which order is to be preferred in view of its being more scientific than the rest. If we were to examine this question from the stand-point of authorship, we may allot to Pindanijjutti and Ohanijjutti, the last place in the lot. Previous to them may be assigned a place to either of the remaining three Mulasuttas, and their inter-arragement may vary according to the stand-point we may take regarding their authorship. As for Dasavcyaliya, there is no difference of opinion pertaining to its authorship so far as the text embodying the 1st 10 ajjhayanas is concerned. This is of course the work of Sejjambhava (Sk. Sayyambhava) Suri who was probably born in Vira Samvat 36 and who died in Vira Samvat 98. The probable date of this composition is Vira Samvat 72. The question of the authorship of the two Culiyas viz. Raivakka and Vivittacaria may be here taken up. Haribhadra Suri is silent about the authorship of the 1st Culiya while as regards the 2nd, he says that according to the urddhavada, some Arya (a Jaina nun) brought it from Lord Simandharasvamin.? Hemacandra Suri, the well-known polygrapher observes in his Parisista parvan (IX, v. 83-100)that Jyestha, one 1 See my Preface to D. C. J. M. (vol. XVII, pt. III). 2 "evaM ca vRddhavAdaH-kayAcidAryayA'sahiSNuH kuragaDukaprAyaH saMyatazcAturmAsikAdAvupavAsaM kAritaH, sa tadA rAdhanayA mRta eva, RSighAtikA'hamityudvignA sA tIrthakaraM pRcchAmIti guNAvarjitadevatayA nItA zrIsImandharasvAmisamIpaM, pRSTo bhagavAn, aduSTacittA'ghAtiketyabhidhAya bhagavatemAM cUDAM graahiteti|" In the very lst verse of Vivittacariu, of which the above lines form an explanation, it is said that this Culiya is told by an omniscient being. The pertinent line is: "afasi I waarfa ya afufa" 3 "tato'yustAH punastatra svarUpasthaM nirUpya ca / vavandire sthUlabhadraM jyeSThA cAkhyannijAM kathAm // 83 // zrIyakaH sabhamasmAbhirdIkSAmAdatta kintvsau| kSudhAvAn sarvadA kartu naikabhaktamapi kSamaH // 84 / / mayoktaH paryuSaNAyAM pratyAkhyAhyadya pauruSIm / sa pratyAkhyAtavAnukto mayA pUrNe'vadhau punaH // 85 //
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________________ 46 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP. of the sisters of Sthulabhadra and a Jaina nun brought from Lord Simandharasvamin, as a present to the Jaina church, four adliyayanas viz., Bhavana, Vimukti, Ratikalpa and Vicitracarya. Out of them, the first two were allotted by the Jaina church, a place in Ayara as its two Culas and the last two, as the two Culus of Dasaveyaliya. This will show that the two Calas of Dasaveyaliya are composed and assigned a place in the Jaina scriptures during the life-time of Sthulabhadra and his Guru Bhadrabahusvamin, too; for, the narration about the 4 Culas takes place soon after Jyestha's conversation with Bhadrabahusvamin.' According to some printed editions, there are verses expounding these Culas, and they form a part of Dasaveyaliyanijjutti, and thus the Culas under consideration belong to the same period as that of Bhadrabahusvamin. tvaM pratyAkhyAhi pUrvAdha parvedamatidurlabham / iyAn kAlaH sukhaM caityaparipATyA'pi yAsyati // 86 // pratyapAdi tathaivAsI samaye'bhihitaH punaH / tiSThedAnImastvapArthamityakArSIt tathaiva saH // 87 // pratyAsannA'dhunA rAtriH sukhaM suptasya yAsyati / tat pratyAkhyAhvabhaktArthamityuktaH so'karot tthaa|| 88 // tato nizIthe samprApne smaran devguruunsau| kSutpIDayA prasarantyA vipadya tridiva yayau // 89 // RSighAto mayA'kArItyuttAmyantI tatastvaham / puraH zramaNasaGghasya prAyazcittAya DhaukitA // 90 // saGgho'pyAkhyad vyadhAyIdaM bhavatyA shubhbhaavyaa| prAyazcittaM tato neha kartavya kiJcidasti te / / 91 / / tato'hamityavocaM ca sAkSAdAkhyAti cejinaH / tato hRdayasaMvittirjAyate mama nAnyathA // 92 / / atrArthe sakala: saGghaH kAyotsargamadAdatha / etya zAsanadevyoktaM brUta kArya karomi kim / / 93 // saGgo'pyevamabhASiSTa jinapArzvamimAM ny| sA''khyannirvighnagatyartha kAyotsargeNa tiSThata / / 94 / / saGke tatpratipedAne mAM sA'naiSIjjinAntike / tataH sImandharaH svAmI bhagavAn vandito mayA / / 95 / / 'bharatA'dAgatAyeMyaM nirdossetyvdjjinH| tato'haM channasandehA devyA''nItA nijAzrayam / / 96 / / zrIsaGghAyopadAM praiSInmanmukhena prasAdabhAk / zrImAn sImandharasvAmI catvAryadhyayanAni ca // 97 / / bhAvanA ca vimuktizca ratikalpamathAparam / tathA vicitracaryA ca tAni caitAni nAmataH / / 98 / apyekayA vAcanayA mayA tAni dhRtAni ca / udgItAni ca saGghAya tat tathA''khyAnapUrvakam / / 99 / / AcArAGgasya cUle de Adyamadhyayanadvayam / dazavaikAlikasyAnyadatha saGghana yojitam // 10 // " 1 " vihArakramayogena 'pATalIputra' pattanam / zrIbhadrabAharAgatya bAhyodyAnamazizriyat // 77 / / yakSAdayo'pi vijJAya vatinyo'trAntare tu tAH / bhaginyaH sthUlabhadrasya vandanAya samAyayuH // 78 / / vanditvA gurumUcustAH sthUlabhadraH ka nu prabho ! / laghudevakule'stIha tAsAmiti zazaMsa saH / / 79 / / tatastamabhicelustAH samAyAntIvilokya saH / AzcaryadarzanakRte siMharUpa vinirmame // 80 // dRSTvA siMhaM tu bhItAstAH marimetya vyajijJapan / jyeSThAya jagrase siMhastatra so'dyApi tiSThati // 81 // jJAtvopayogAdAcAryA'pyAdidezeti gacchata / vandadhvaM tatra vaH so'sti jyeSThAryo na tu kezarI / / 82 // "-1bid. 2 For instance, in Prof. K. V. Abhyankar's edition, the last verse of this Nijjutti runs as under: "Ao do cUlAo ANIA jakkhiNIe ajjaae| sImaMdharapAsAo bhaviyANa vibohaNaTTAe / 447 // "
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________________ II) CLASSIFICATIONS OF THE AGAMAS 47 It may be that these verses come from the pen of one who composed bhasa on Dasaveyaliya. If so, we cannot argue on the basis of these verses alone, that they belong to the period of Bhadrabahusvamin. Anyhow, we may, for the time being, assume that the two Culas are composed during the life-period of Bhadrabahusvamin; but even then the question of the order of these two Culas with Pindanijjutti and Ohanisjutti remains practically unsolved. So far as Avassaya is concerned, its authorship is either attributed to Indrabhuti or to a contemporaneous Srutasthavira. Of course, here, by Avassaya, I mean that portion of Avassaya on which we have Bhadrabahusvamin's Nijjutti and not the entire portion rightly or wrongly included in Avassaya at present. If we were to accept the view of the majority that Avassaya was composed by Indrabhuti on the very day he composed dvadasangi, it certainly deserves a place prior to the rest of the Mulasuttas. Bhadrabahusvamin's Nijjutti (v. 4)' throws light on the authorship of Uttarajjhayana which consists of 36 ajjhayanas. There it is said that some of the ajjhayanas are taken from Anga, some are propounded by Jina, some by Pratyekabuddhas, and some are discourses (samvadas). Vadivetala santi Suri in his com. (p. 5)2 to this work observes that the 2nd ajjhayana is taken from Drstivada, the 10th is propounded by Lord Mahavira, the 8th is the work of Kapila, and the 23rd is a samvada between Kesin and Indrabhuti. Some even go to the length of saying that all the 36 ajjhayanas have been revealed-propounded by Lord Mahavira when he was about to attain nirvana. This view is challenged and rightly by the late Vijayananda Suri alias atmaramji Maharaja, with whom I, 1 "aMgappabhavA jiNabhAsiyA ya ptteybuddhsNvaayaa| baMdhe mukkhe ya kayA chattIsaM uttarajjhayaNA / / 4 // " 2 "aGgAd-dRSTivAdAdeH prabhavaH-utpattireSAmiti aGgaprabhavAni, yathA pariSahAdhyayanaM, vakSyati hi "kammappavAya puvve sattarase pAhuDaMmi je sutaM / sanayaM sodAharaNaM taM ceva ihaM pi NAyavvaM // 1 // " jinabhASitAni yathA drumapuSpikA'dhyayana, taddhi samutpannakevalena bhagavatA mahAvIreNa praNIta, yad vakSyati"taMNissAe bhagavaM sIsANaM dei aNusaTuiM" ti, 'caH' samuccaye, pratyekabuddhAzca saMvAdazca pratyekabuddhasaMvAdaM tasmAdutpannAnIti zeSaH, tatra pratyekabuddhAH kapilAdayaH tebhya utpannAni yathA kApilAdhyayanaM, vakSyati hi'dhammaTThayA gIyaM tatra hi kapileneti prakramaH, saMvAdaH-saGgatapraznottaravacanarUpastata utpannAni, yathA-kezigauta10, agafa 7-"mapatay Harga HP CARE I"
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________________ 48 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP. too, concur. I am at present inclined to believe that Utturajjhayana of multiple authorship is anterior to Dasaveyaliyu. On this basis I may tentatively suggest the following order for the Mulasuttas according to their composition: (1) Avassaya, (2) Uttarajjhyana, (3) Dasaveyaliya, (4) its two Calas, (5) Pindanijjutti and (6) Ohanijjutti. Painnaga-This is a term used in Nanda (s. 44 etc. ),' and its Samskrta equivalent Prakarnaku occurs in Trisusti (1, 3, 5812 ) etc. Instead of Painnaga we have at times Paznnagajjhayana' (Sk. Prakirnukadhyayana ) and Painna 4 (Sk. Prakirna ) as well. Thus a particular group of the sacred works of the Jainas is named in l'rakrta in three ways: (i) Painnaga, (ii) Paznnajjhayana and (iii) Painna. Out of these the 1st and the last can be translated as "a miscellany", whereas the second as "a miscellaneous lesson', but this is not what this special group stands for. It practically conveys the sense of avassayu-vuaritta-a fact one can infer from the Cunni (p. 50 )6 on Nandi (s. 44). One may even go a step forward and equate it with anga-bahira. Number-As retards the number of the Paznnugas, it is not fixed like the number of the Angus which is, of course, 12 for one and all the tirthas. This number differs from tirtha to tirtha. 1 See p. 18, fn. 1 and p. 24, fn. 3. 2 "vistRtaM bahudhA pUrvairaGgaupAGgaiH prakIrNakaiH / syAcchabdalAJchitaM zeyaM zrutajJAnamanekadhA / / 581 // " 3 "padaNagajjhayaNA bi savve kAliya-ukkAliyA caurAmIi sahassA" --Cunni (p. 50) on Nandi (s. 44) 4 "taMdalaveyAliyayA 33 caMdAvijjhaya 34 taheva gaNivijjA 35 / nirayavibhattI 36 AurapaJcakkhANA 37 iya painnA / / 350 // " From this it appears that only the 5 works mentioned here are Painnagas. 5 In A His. of Ind. Lit. (vol. II, p. 429) the word Painnas is translated as * "scattered pieces", whereas on p.473, the word "Prakirnakas" as "miscellanea". Further, on p. 458 it is said: "The ten Painnas or "scattered pieces" correspond to the Vedic Parisistas, and are, like the latter mostly metrical and deal with all kinds of subjects pertaining to the Jaina religion." 6 Soe f'n. 3.
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________________ II] For instance, there were 84000 Painnagas in the tirtha of Lord Rsabha, sankhyata in the Tirthas of subsequent 22 Tirthankaras, and 14000 in the tirth of Lord Mahavira; or in every tirtha the number of the Painnagas was as many thousands as the number of pupils endowed with four types of mati, a Tirthankara had. At the time when Nandi was composed, the names of 60 (31+29) Painnagas were noted while at the time Pakkhiyasutta was composed, the names of 655 (37+28) Painnagas were noted. But at least since the time of Bhavaprabha Suri, the number of Painnagas is fixed as ten. In his com. (p. 94) on Jainadharmavarastotra (v. 30) the 10 Painnagas are mentioned as under: I 2 CLASSIFICATIONS OF THE AGAMAS Here, through over-sight, one Painnaga is left out. Probably it is Mahapaccakkhana. 49 Though the number of the Painnagas has been fixed as ten at least for the last 200 years, there is no uniformity as to which works are to be so looked upon. However, in Weber's Verzeichniss der 5 7 " atha causaraNa payannu 2 AurapaccakkhANa 3 bhaktaparijJA 4 taMdulaviyAliyaM 5 caMdAvijaya 6 gaNavijA 7 maraNasamAhi 8 devendrasUtra 9 saMstAraka 10 iti daza prakIrNakANi / " 7 3 See pp. 25 and 26. 1 Its date is to be settled, but it is certainly prior to Samval 1180, the year in which Yasodeva Suri commented upon it. See pp. 25 and 26. 6 See p. 37. This is borne out by Jaina Granthavali where three different sets of 10 Painnagas are mentioned as under: ( i ) catuHzaraNa, AturapratyAkhyAna, bhaktaparijJA, saMstAraka, taMdulavaicArika, caMdravedhyaka, devadastava, gaNividyA, mahApratyAkhyAna and vIrastava - pp. 44-46 See p. 24, fn. 3. This cannot be dated later than the date of the redaction of the canon which is either Vira Samvat 980 or 993. (ii) ajIvakalpa, gacchAcAra, maraNasamAdhi, siddhaprAbhRta, tIrthodvAra, ArAdhanApatAkA, dvIpasAgaraprajJapti, jyotiSkaraMDaka, aMgavidyA and tithiprakIrNaka mpp. 62-64 (iii) piMDavizuddhi, sArAvali, paryaMtArAdhanA, jIvavibhakti, kavacaprakaraNa, yoniprAbhRta, aMgacUliyA, baMgacUliyA, vRddhacatuH zaraNa and jaMbUpayanno - pp. 64-68 On p. 72, all these three sets are given; but through over-sight Pindaniryukti is mentioned there, instead of Pindavicuddhi.
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________________ 50 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS CHAP. Sanskrit und Prakrit-handschriften der Koniglischen Bibliothek zu Berlin (vol. II, pt. 11), in Lu Religion Djaina by Guerinot, in A His. of Ind. Lit. (vol. II, p. 429) and in D. C. J. J. ( vol. XVII, pt. 1) the following works are noted as 10 Parnnagas: (1) Caisaruna, ( 2 ) Aurapaccakkhanu, (3) Bhattuparinna, (4) Santharaga, (5) Tandulaveyaliya', (6) Candavijjhayo, (7) Devindotthaya, (8) Ganivijja, (9) Mahapaccckkharu and (10) Viratthara.? In the edition published by Rai Dhanapatisinli Bahadur, in A. D. 1886 we have the following 10 Painnagas: (1) Cutulisurana, (2) Tandulavaicarika, (3) Decendrustuvu, (4) Ganividya, (5) Samstaraka, (6) Aturapratyakhyanu, (7) Bhaktaparijna, (8) Candravedhyaka, (9) Mahapratyakhyanu and (10) Maranavibhakti (also known as Maranasamadlii). In the Aganodaya Samiti Series the following 10 Puingus have been published in A. D. 1927 in the order noted below: (1) Cactuhscruruca, (2) Aturuprutyakhyand, (3) Mahapratyirkhyanu, (4) Bhuktupurijna, (5) Tanduluvuicarika, (6) Sumstaruku, (7) Gucchacuru, (8) Ganividya, (9) Devendrusturco and (10) Jarancsumadhi. In Prof. Schubring's Dic Lehre der Juinus nach der ulten Quellen durgestellt, the very 10 Painnugas noted in D. C. J. M., etc, along with two more viz. Tirthodgaliku (Pr. Titthogaliya) and Aradh. nuputaka (Pr. Arukunapadaya) are dealt with. In D. C. J. M. (vol. XVII, pt. I, pp. 317-388), I have des cribed the following works as supernumerary Puinnugas: (1) Angaculiya, (2) diguvijja, (3) Ajavokappcc, (4) Aurupuccukkhanu, (5) Arahanapadaya, (6) Kavuyaddara, (7) Goyc1 In Hemacandra's com. (p. 5a) on Anuogaddara, this work is named as Tandulavicarana. The pertinent line is ag under:__ "AvazyakAdiSu taNDulavicAraNAdiprakIrNakeSvapi caiSa eva vidhiH" 2 The Samskyta titles of these ten works are as under: (i) Catuhtarana, (ii) Aturapratyakhyana, (iii) Bhaktaparijna, (iv) Samstaraka, (v) Tandulavaicarika, (vi) Candravedhyaka, (vii) Devendra. stava, (viii) Ganividya, (ix) Mahapratyakhyana and (x) Virastava.
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________________ II ] CLASSIFICATIONS OF THE AGAMAS chayara, (8), Jambusamiajjhayana, (9) Joisakarandaga, (10) Titthogali, (11) Divasagarapannattisangahani, (12) Pajjantarahana, (13) Pindavisuddhi, (14) Maranavihi, (15) Jonipahuda', (16) Vargaculiya, (17) Saravcili and (18) Siddhapahuda. In this connection it may be mentioned that as suggested by Prof. Schubring, Kavayaddara is a part and parcel of Arahanapalaya (dara 30, from v. 25). Thus there remain 17 works for which the designation Paunniga should be justified. Out of these works (3), (4), (7), (8), (14) and (17) are referred to as Painnagas in their corresponding Mss.), whereas the rest in Jaina Granthavali (pp. 62-68). As a passing reference it may be noted that 13 Painnagas are mentioned in the following verses of Siddhantagamastava-a fact noted in its vivrti by a pupil of Visalaraja": "77EUR FTUARIE griega ''-'ssget'aqqi saMstAra-candravedhyaka-bhaktaparijJA-catuHzaraNam // 32 // vIrastava-devendrastava-gacchAcAramapi ca gaNividyAm / nougfa tuggaaifoi a ga: 11 ??!!! Authorship-Most of Painnagas are anonymous, but some of them viz., Caisarana, Aurapaccrokkhanas and Bhattaparinna are attributed to Virabhadra. Some take this Virabhadra to be a 1 2 This work is also known as Jonivihana referred to in the following verse of Visesuvassayabhasa as can be seen from its com. (p. 750) by Maladharin Hemacandra Suri: ___ "iti rukkhAyuvede joNivihANe ya visrisehito| dIsai jamhA jamma suhamma! taM nAyamegaMto // 1775 // " See the German Review of D. C. J. M. (vol. XVII, pts. I and II) published in Orientalistische Literaturzeitung (1937, Nr. 3, p. 185). Here it is said that Divasagarapannattisangahani is a part of Jivabhigama. See D. C. J. M. (vol. XVII, pt. 1). See my article entitled "Methods adopted by Jaina writers for recording their names and those of their Gurus in the works composed by them" and published in The Annals of B. (. R. 1. (vol. XVII, pt. I, pp. 84-86). That the author of this work is Virabhadra is suggested in its com. See D. C. J. M. (vol. XVII, pt. I, pp. 276-278). : 4 5
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________________ 52 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP. pupil of Lord Mahavira, who himself had given him diksa, whereas others believe that Virabhadra, the author of these works ( as available now) is the same as the author of Arahanapadaya which is composed in Samvat 1008," and which refers to Bhattaparinna.? Vangaculiya (Vaggaculiya) is composed by Jassabhadda, Jonipahuda by Panhapravana (?), Pajjantarahana by Soma Suri and Pindavisohi by Jinavallabha Gani. As regards Gacchayara, its author whoever he may be, has not flourished prior to the compositon of Mahanisiha, Kappa and Vavahara since as specifically mentioned in this Gacchayara, it is based upon these works. Culiyasutta-This is a designation used for only two works Nanili and Anuogaddara. Culikasutra is its Samskrta equivalent. How this name has arisen is not clear. Does it mean that these works are as it were appendages to the fundamental works and hence they are so named ? I do not know of any source of sufficient antiquity that employs this terminology for these two works. The earliest work I can point out at present is Epitome of Jainism4 (Appendix C, p. xxxvii) by Nahar and Ghosh. This finishes a rough survey of the main types of classifications of the Agamas. So I shall now try to classify them from other stand-points. To begin with, I may group them according to the specific anuyoga they are associated with. Of course, such a state of affairs did not exist prior to the time of Arya Raksita Suri. It is this Suri who on seeing that his pupil Puspamitra I See D. C. J. M. (vol. XVII, pt. 1, p. 329). 2 Vide Muni Punyavijaya's private communication to me wherein he refers to his article " 37174914711 sitt ach " published several years ago in Jaina Hitaisi. 3 For his life and works see Apabhramsakavyatrayi (intro. pp. 5-37). He died in Samvat 1167. In Samvat 1125, he corrected Samvegarangasala of Jinacandra Suri. C.4 Herein, over and above the names of 45 Agamas, those of 36 works known as Jaina Nigamas or Upanisads are given.
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________________ 53 II ] CLASSIFICATIONS OF THE AGAMAS fund it difficult to remember all the four anuyogast associated with the Agramas, divided them into four groups according to the anuyoga with which they were mainly concerned. On this basis we learn that the 1st 11 Angas and Dasaveyaliya are associated with carrozakaraanuyogo; Uttarjhayana and Isibhasiya, with dharmakathanuyoga; Surapannatti, Jrambuddivaipanncitti and the like, with ganitanuyogre; and the Puvragnya, with dravyanuyoga.? This information is incomplete; for, several scriptures are left out. It is however possible to fix the particular anuyoga in their case, too. Consequently instead of doing so, I shall define the four anuyogrs. C'aranirikarananuyoga takes into account the rules and regulations governing the life of a Jainaa clergy; dharmakathanuyoga3 deals with religious stories, parables and the like: ganitanuvoaof which kala4 is a synonym, is associated with mathematics; and muyogres deals with philosophy-metaphysics, logic etc. The Agamcis can be also classified according to the number of their titles; for, there are at least some Agaimas which have more than one title. For instance, out of the 12 Aigas, the 2nd has 3: Sutagada, Suttakada and Suyagada;o the 5th 5: Bhagwataviyahroprinnitti, Bhagrivati, Viuhapannatti, Vivahapannatti and 1 The earliest source mentioning the 4 anu yogas seems to be the Nijiutti on Dasaveyaliya.. The pertinont verses are as under:" suyanANe aNuogeNAhigayaM so cauniho hoi / caraNakaraNANuoge dhamme kAle ya davie y||3|| apahuttapuhuttAI nidisi ettha hoi ahigaaro| caraNakaraNANuyogeNa tassa dArA ime honti // 4 // " In the Cunni (p. 2) on this Nijjutti, we have: " so ya caunviho, taM jahA-caraNakaraNANuyogo, dhammANuyogo, gaNiyANuyogo, davvANuogo," 2 Cf. "UNTOUTTA alfoni, THUHET glaufATTE 57759yufa, fool(?)gatit Arqooft viataqoof vanife, fra T TH fafcati"--Dasaveyiliyacunni (p. 2) 3 For this we have in Prakrta Thammikahunuoga anil dhammanuoga. 4 See fn. 1. 5 In Praksta we have for this, davvunuoga and daviyanuoga, too. 6 This is what we learn from the following verse of Suyagadanijjutti: "mUyagaDaM aGgANaM biiyaM tassa ya imaanni| sUtagaDaM suttakaDaM mUyagaDaM ceva goNNAI / / 2 // "
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________________ 54 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS Pannatti1; the 10th 2: Panhavagarana and Panhavagaranadasa and the 12th 10: Ditthivata, Heuvata, Bhuyavata, Taccavata, Sammavata, Dhammavata, Bhasavijata, Purvagata, Anujogagata and Savvapanabhutajivasattasuhavaha. It may be mentioned en passant that the 6th, 7th and 9th Angas have more than one title in Samskrta, though each has only one in Prakrta. To be explicit, the 6th Anga has 3: Jnatadharmakatha, Jnatadharmakatha and Jnatrdharmakathas; the 7th 2: Upasakadasa and Upasakadhyayanadasa; and the 9th 2: Anuttaraupapatikadasa and Anuttaropapatikadasa. Turning to the anga-bahira works, we find that some of them, too, have more Prakrta titles than one. As for example, the 1st Uvanga has 2: Ovavaiya and Uvavaiya; the 3rd 2: Jivabhigama and Jivajivabhigama; and the 8th 2: Nirayavaliya and Kappiya. Out of the remaining Agamas, Nisiha has 4: Nisiha, Nisihajjha yana, Ayarapagappa and Paggappa; Dasasuyakkhandha, 4: Dasasuyakkhandha, Ayaradasa, Dasa and Dasasuya; Uttarajjhayana, 2: Uttarajjhayana and Uttarajjhaya; Dasaveyuliya, 2: Dasaveyaliya 1 This name occurs in Antagadadasa (vagga VI, para 2) and in Vivagasuya (suyakkhandha I, ajjhayana 2). The pertinent lines are respectively as under:" tae NaM se makAI gAhAvaI imIse kahAe laTThe jahA paNNattIe gaMgadatte " 'indabhUi nAmaM aNagAre jAva lesse chaTTachaTTeNa jahA paNNattIe " "E [CHAP 2 Justead of this we have Bhuyavaya, too (vide p. 12, fn. 2). 3 "diTTivAyarasa NaM dasa nAmavejjA paM0 taM0-diTTivAteti vA heuvAteti vA bhUyavAteti vA taccAvAteti vA sammAvAteti vA dhammAvAteti vA bhAsAvijateti vA puvvagateti vA aNujogagateti vA savvapANabhUtajIvaget "-Thana (X; s. 742). See p. 28, fn. 8. See the following line of Tattvartharaja vartika (p. 51): "tadyathA - AcAraH, sUtrakRtaM, sthAnaM, samavAyo, vyAkhyAprajJaptiH, jJAtRdharmakathA, upAsakAdhyayanaM aMtakRddaza, anuttaraupapAtikadaza, prabhavyAkaraNaM, vipAkasUtraM, dRSTivAda iti / " 4 5 6 7 8 This word occurs in Nisihabhasa as can be seen from the following line occurring in D. C. J. M. (vol. XVII, pt. II, p. 10): "" AyArapagappassa u imAI goNNAI NAmadhijjAI " See also Ayaranijjutti (v. 291). Cf. D. C. J. M. (vol. XVII, pt. III, p. 487). See p. 43, fn. 3.
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________________ IN] CLASSIFICATIONS OF THE AGAMAS and Dasakaliya; Caisarana, 2: Causarana and Kusalanubandhiajjhayana; Maranavihi, 2: Maranavihi and Maranasamahi; and Jonipahuda, 2: Jonipahua and Jonivihana. So far as the Samskata titles of the anga-bahira works are concerned, the 2nd wanga has 3 titles viz. Rajaprasniya, Rajaprasenakiya and Rujaprasenajit (vide p. 33, fq. 2). Same is the case with Tandulacuicurika. For, besides this title it has two more: Tanidulavicarnina and Tandulavaitalika (vide p. 50, fn. 1 and p. 51). As noted on p. 2, some of the scriptures have their titles in plural. So they can be divided into two classes: (i) those having their titles in plural and (ii) those having them in singular. sngas 6 to 11, Crucigas 8 to 12, Uttarajjhayana, Dasa and Isibhusiya belong to the former class whereas the rest to the latter class. It may be mentioned in passing that Pajjosanakappo has a popular title viz. Kalpustitra, and Kappa, Brhathul pasutru. Another stand-point which can be utilized for the classification of the Agumas is to note as to which of them have a common ending. On this basis we can form groups of Agamas which end in (i) dusi, (ii) raruya, (iii) suya, (iv) ajjhayana, (v) bhavana, (vi) pannutti, (vii) ribhatti, (viii) culiya, (ix) nijjutti, (x) visohi, (xi) thayu, (xii) vijja, (xiii) vihi, (xiv) veyaliya, (xv) paccakkhana and (xvi) puriyavuniy. The detailed list of all these 16 groups having corresponding endings may be given as under: I digas 6 to 11, Vanihadasa, Ayaradasa, Bundhadasa, Do. giddhidasa, Dihadasa' and 2 Sankhevitadasi.3 1 This has 10 ajjhayanas some of which agree in name with those of Nirayava lisuyakkhandha-Narakavalikasrutaskandha as suggested by Abhayadeva Suri in his com. (pp. 512a-513a) on Thana (X; s. 755). : As stated in Thana (X; s. 755) it has the following 10 ajjhayanas:-- "khuDiyA vimANapavibhattI 1 mahaliyA vimANapavibhattI 2 aMgacUliyA 3 vaggacUliyA 4 vivAha cUliyA 5 aruNovavAte 6 varuNovavAe 7 garuloravAte 8 velaMdharovavAte 9 vesamaNovavAte 10" 3 Cf. the following sutra of Thana ( X): " dasa dasAo paM0 taM0 kammavivAgadasAo uvAsagadasAo aMtagaDadasAo aNuttarovavAyadasAo AyAradasAo paNhAvAgaraNadasAo baMdhadasAo dogidvidasAo dIhadasAmao sNkhevitdsaao|" (sR. 755) The 1st suyakkhandha of Vivagasuya is known as Kammavivagadasa,
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________________ THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS | CHAT. II drunovarayu, Garulorcovaya, Devindovaraya, Dhuranovaraya, Varunovavaya, Velandharovaviya and Vesumanovavaya. III Utthunasuya, Culla-kuppasuya, Jaha-kappasuya, Viyarayu suyu, Sameharasuyu and Samuttharusuya. IV Cltura;jhayanu, Kusalanubundhiujjhayana, Jumbusamih yana, Nandicjhayana and Virzhajjhayana. VAsivisubhurwi, C'arqubhavana, Thiminuibhavuna, Ditthiri sabhavana and Jahasumirubha vuna. VI Candapannutti, Jambuddiva ponnatti, Divusagarapannuutti and Surupannutti. VII Khudiyi-vimanupucibhatti, Jhan vibhatti, Muranavibhatti and Malulliya-vimcinapirvibhutti. VIII Angaciliya, Vaggcuculiya and Vivetheculiya. IX Ohanijjutti, Pindanijjutti and Samsattanijjutii. X Ayavisohi, Nirayavisohi and Maranavisohi. XI Devindatthaya and Viratthaya. XII Ingavijja and Ganivisja. XIII Caranavihi and Marandvihi. XIV Tundulaveyciliyco and Dusaveyaliya. XV Aurapaccakkhanct and Mahapaccakkhana. XVI Utthanipariyavaniya and Nagapariyavuniyu. To all these classifications of Agamas, one more may be added. This is based upon the fact that some of the Agamas have practically the same title except that the word meaning small or great is used as a prefix. They are: (i) Culla-kappasuya and Maha-kappasuya, (ii) Khulliya-vimanapavibhatti and Mahalliya-vimanapavibhatti, (iii) Nisila and Mahanisila and (iv) Pannarana and Mohapunnavara'. So much for the Agemees of the Svetembarus. The Digambaras, too, divide their Agamas into two classes: (i) unga-pravista and (ii) anga-bahyu. The former has 12 sub-divisions, and their names 1 It may be noted that at times even Pindanijjutti has the word mahalliya prefixed to it, in order to distinguish it from the Pindesana-nijjutti which is smaller than this and which forms a part of Dasaveyaliya-nijjutti. See D.C.J.M. (vol XVII, pt. III, No. 1116).
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________________ II ] CLASSIFICATIONS OF THE AGAMAS almost tally with those of the 12 digas. The latter has many sub-divisions, kalika and utkalika being chief of them. Uttaradhyayana is mentioned in this connection in Tattvartharujarartiku (p. 54); but it is there neither specifically referred to as kalika nor utkrilika. Turning to Tattvarthasirulipiku', we learn that Purikurma, one of the five sections of Destivala includes works such as Cendruprajapti, Suryaprajapti and Jambidvipaprajapti. The aligu-bahyu group is said to consist of 14 works, each of which is styled as Prakirnaka. The first four of them are entitled as Samayika, Caturvimsutistara, Vandrina and Pratikramana. These seem to correspond with the four sections of Arassaya, out of six. The other works worth noting are: Dasavaikalika, Uttarilh yayand, and Kalpa-Vyacahara since they remind us of the corresponding works of the Scetamburus. It may be mentioned that the Digamburas believe that it is long since that all the canonical treatises of the Juinas have been lost, and the Srctrimbara canonical works are not genuine. Besides, the Digamburas have a secondary canon or a substitute canon. This canon which is spoken of as the four Velas, consists of works of a later date. These works are divided into 1 anuyogas. As for example, the Puranas or the legendary works like Padman purundi, llarivamsa-puruna, Mahapuranci, Uttara-purana etc., are looked upon as forming a group known as prathamanuyoga. Similarly cosmological works such as Suryaprajnapti, Candraprajnapti etc., come under the group karananuyoga. The works on the arsanika (philosophical ) literature e. g. Kundakunda's Pavaydnusara, Umasvati's Tattvartha, Samantabhadra's Aptamimamsi etc., form the third group styled as Iravyanuyoga. Ritualistic works like Vattakera's Mulucaru and Trivarnacara, Samanta bhadra's Ratnakarandasrivukaciru make up the fourth group known as carananuyoga. This is what we learn from a llix. of Ind. 1 On the basis of this work, it complete survey of the canonical treatises of the Digambaras is given in Bhandarkar's Report for 1883-4, p. 106 fl. As stated in A His. of Ind. Lit. (vol. II, p. 473 n) this may be compared with Weber, HSS.-verz. II, 3, 823 f., Guerinot, p. xxx f., and J. L. Jaini's preface (p. 1. 11.) to SDJ (vol. V).
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________________ THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS Lit. (vol. II, p. 474) where the following note occurs by way of substantiating this information: 58 "Cf. G. Buhler, in Ind. Ant. 7, 1878, p. 28 f.; Farquhar, Outline, 218 f.; Guerinot, La religion Djaina, p. 81 ff., 85 f. A somewhat divergent division of the Anuyogas is given by S. C. Ghoshal in SBJ, i, p. xi." We may now end this chapter by noting that the number of the Agamas was fixed as 45 at least by the time Viyarusara was composed, and this number is acceptable even now to several Murtipujaka Svetumbaras who look upon 11 Angas, 12 Urangas, 6 Cheyasuttas, 4 Mulasuttas, 10 Painnagas and 2 Culiyasuttas as the 45 Agamas. Some of them however believe that the number of the Agamas is 84 consisting of the following works: 11 Angas, 12 Uvangas, 5 Cheyasuttas, 3 Mulasuttas, 30 Painnagas, 2 Culiyasuttas, Pakkhiyasutta, Khamanasutta, Vandittusutta, Isibhasiya, Pajjosanakappa, Jiyakappa, Jajiyakappa, Saddha jiyakappa, 10 Nijjuttis, Pindanijjutti, Samsattanijjutti and Visesavassayabhasa. The late Rajendralal Mitra in his Notices of Sanskrit Manuscripts (vol. III, p. 67) has given a list which is strikingly different from the traditional one. 1 These are also known as Suttas and Siddhanta as well. 2 This has been published from Calcutta, in A. D. 1874.
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________________ CHAPTER III REDACTION OF THE JAINA CANON In ancient days in India, it was customary to transmit learning from generation to generation orally, and that this state of affairs continues down to the present times at least in the case of the olden type of pathasalas which teach Jainism, Samskrta or the like. This will show that it is not the want of knowledge of the art of writing to which this state of affairs can be ascribed. For, according to the Jaina tradition Lord Rsabha who flourished in the 3rd ara (spoke) of the present avasarpini period, taught this art of writing-18 lipis to his daughter Brahmi with his right hand.3 The Vaidika Hindus, on the other hand, ascribe it to Brahman, the Creator of the Universe. Leaving aside these prehistoric items of a very remote age, and turning to a period only 4000 years preceding the present century, we can give ample proofs of the fact that India knew the art of writing in the remote past. Various scripts such as Brahmi, Mohenjo Dero etc., bear full testimony to this. It however seems true that the art of printing was unknown in ancient days in India. 1 For a brief description see my paper on The Jaina System of Education (pp. 218-219) published in "Journal of the University of Bombay (vol. VIII, pt. 4). 2 For exposition of these 18 lipis see my paper on Outlines of Paleography (pp. 93-94) published in J. U. B. (vol. VI, pt. 6). 3 Cf. the following line occurring in the Bhasa on Avassaya : " lehaM livIvihANaM jiNeNa baMbhIi dAhiNakareNaM" 4 77 Abhayadeva Suri's com. (p. 36b) on Samavaya (XVIII) and his com. (p. 5a) on Viyahapannatti, Trisasti (I, 2, 963), Amaracandra Suri's Padmananda mahakavya (X, 79) and Subodhika (p. 149b) may be consulted in this connection. Rev. H. Heras has written an article on "The Eastern Island script and the script of Mohenjo Dero". See A. B. O. R. I. (vol. XIX, pt. II, pp. 122-126).
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________________ 60 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP. That the sacred works of the Jainas were not freely reduced to writing for several centuries and thus for this period the servi ces of the art of writing remained practically unutilized for lightening the burden of the memory, requires a satisfactory explanation. In the case of the Vaidika literature, it may be argued that its sacred character was partly responsible for this; for, it was probably feared that the most sacred possession of the race might pass into profane hands, if the Vedas were committed to writing. Furthermore, the necessary guidance for cultivating proper accent and intonation-a point of great importance could be had from the lips of an animate teacher and not from the pages of an inanimate book.2 Over and above this, there was a danger of a scribe committing dittographic and haplographic errors and at times misreading the characters and thus transforming the original out of recognition. I do not think, it is any one of these considerations that weighed heavily in the minds of the Jaina saints and that prevented them from reducing to writing the sacred works of their school. On the contrary, it appears that their desire of strictly observing their noble and ennobling mahavrata viz. aprigraha prevented them from resorting to writing. Moreover, those saints who kept Mss. were denounced. This is borne out by the Cunni (p. 214) on Dasareyaliya, the Bhasas on Nisiha, the Bhasa on Kappa etc. Further, penances were prescribed to those who wrote even one letter. But the times, as it were, willed it otherwise, and in course of time these rules had to be modified, so much so that permission was given for keeping any of the five types of Mss. pertaining to the Nijjuttis of kaliyasuya, on find1- See Dr. A. S. Altekar's Education in Ancient India (pp. 145-146). 4 " potyaesa ghetpaMtasu asaMjamo bhavaH" 5-6 "potthaga jiNa dito vaggura leve ya jAla cakke ya" 7 "jattiyamettA vArA muMcati baMdhati va jattiyA vArA / jati akkharANi lihati va tati lahugA jaM ca Avaje ||" - Bhasa on Kappa 8 In the Cunni (p. 21) on Dasaveyaliya, it is said: "kAlaM puNa paDu caraNakaraNaTTA avocchittinimittaM ca geNhamANassa potthae saMjamo bhavai / " 9 See my paper Outlines of Paleography (pp. 101-102). 10 In the Bhisa on Nisiha (XII) it is observed: "a dei fff"
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________________ 111] REDACTION OF THE JAINA CANON ing that the intellect, the grasping power and the retentive capacity were getting deteriorated.' Later on, it was found absolutely necessary to prepare a number of Mss. of the Jaina canonical literature. How this happened may be briefly described as under: 61 It was in the time of Skandila Suri that a famine2 lasted for 12 years. Some say that it worked a havoc on the Jaina scriptures while others say that it so happened that all the principal Anuyogadharas except Skandila Suri died in Northern India. So Skandila summoned a council of Jaina saints at Mathura and made up the kaliyasuya by taking a note of whatever could be gathered from them.4 A similar attempt to this Mathuri5 or Skandili vacana was almost simultaneously made by Nagarjuna at Valabhi 1 In the Vischacunni on Nisiha, it is remarked : "mehA - ogahaNa - dhAraNAdiparihANi jANiUNa kAliya suyaNijjuttiNimittaM vA potthagapaNagaM gheppati / koso tti samudAo / " 2 In the Jaina literature we come across references about three twelve-year famines prior to this. They occurred in the time of Bhadrabahusvamin, Arya Suhastin (c. 1'ira Samvat 291) and Vajrasvamin respectively. The first of them was terrible; for, it made all the Munis except Bhadrabahusvamin forget Ditthivaya (for details see Ch. IV). As regards the other two famines, it appears that it did not affect the knowledge of the Jaina scriptures in the case of the servivors. But these famines must have severely told upon the scarcity of food-an inference we can draw from the following lines occurring in the Cunni (pt. I. p. 404) on Avassaya: "ito ya vairasvAmI dakkhiNAvahe viharati, dubbhikkhaM ca jAyaM bArasavarisagaM savvato samatA chinnapaMthA, nirAdhAraM jAtaM / tAhe vairasvAmI vijAe AhaDaM piMDaM taddivasaM ANeti" 3 Cf. the following lines occurring in the Cunni (p. 8) on Nandi: "bArasasaMvaccharIe mahaMte dubbhikkhakAle bhattaTThA aNNato ThitANaM gahaNa - guNaNA-'NuppahADabhAvato sute vippaNaTTe puNo subhikkhakAle jAte 'madhurA 'e mahaMte sAdhusamudae khaMdilAyariyappamuhasaMgheNa jo jaM saMbhara tti evaM saMghaDitaM kAlitasutaM / jamhA ya eyaM 'madhurA'ya kayaM tamhA 'mAhurA vAyaNA' bhaNNati / X X X aNNe bhaNati - jahA sutaM Na NaTTaM tammi dubbhikkhakAle, je aNNe pahANA aNuyogadharA te viNaTTA, ege khaMdilAya rie maMthare, teNa 'madhurA 'e aNuyogo puNa sAdhUNaM pavattiyo tti sA 'mahurA vAyaNA' bhaNNati / " 4 It appears that this happened sometime between Vira Samvat 827 and 840. 5 As this vacana took place in the Saurasena region, it is possible that the Sauraseni Prakrta may have influenced it. G Ilis vacana is known as Nagarjuni or Valabhi.
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________________ 62 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP. (modern Vala of Kathiawar).' Hemacandra Suri, in his commentary (p. 207) on Yogasastra says that the Ayamas were got written by Skandila Suri and Nagarjuna Suri. Unfortunately it so happened that the version of one did not tally with that of the other in its entirety. So an attempt to improve this situatoin was however later on made by the council that met at Valabhi, under the able presidentship of Devarddhi 1 "atthi 'mahurA'urIe suyasamiddho khaMdilo nAma sUrI, tahA 'valahi'nayarIe nAgajjuNo nAma mUrI / tehi ya jAe bArasavarisie dukkAle nivvaDabhAvao viphuTTi (?) kAUNa pesiyA disodimi saahvo| gamiuM ca kahavi dutthaM te puNo miliyA sugaale| jAva sajjhAyati tAva khaMDukhuruDIhUyaM puvvAhiyaM / tato mA suyavocchittI hou tti pAraddho mRrIhiM siddhtuddhaaro| tattha vi jaM na vIsarIyaM taM taheva saMThaviyaM / panhuTThANaM uNa yoqrafiqtag a rra FT HEUT"-A Ms. of Bhadresvara Suri's Kahavali 2 "jinavacanaM ca duSpamAkAlavazAducchinnaprAyamiti matvA bhagavadbhirnAgArjuna-skandilAcAryaprabhRtibhiH pustakeSu nyastam / " 3 "iha hi skandilAcAryapravRttau duSSamAnubhAvato durbhikSapravRttyA sAdhUnAM paThanaguNanAdikaM sarvamapyanezat / tato durbhikSAtikrame subhikSapravRttau dvayoH saGghayormelApako'bhavat / tad yathA-eko 'valabhyA'meko 'mathurA'yAm / tatra ca sUtrArthasaGghaTane parasparaM vAcanAbhedo jAtaH / " -Malayagiri's com. (p. 41 ) on Jorsakarandaga This is thus the 3rd council that tried to restore the Jaina scriptures, and in a way it is the 4th, in case we admit that a council had met at Pataliputra in the life-time of Sthulabhadra. Some believe that the following rendering of the Ilathigumpha inscription of the Emperor Khi ravela suggests this: "The four-fold Auga-saptika of 64 sections lost in the time of the Maurya king, he restores."-J. B. O.R.S. (IV, p. 236). In A His. of Ind. Lit. (vol. II, p. 431 n) it is said: "If Sten Konow (Acta Or. 1, 1922, p. 20 11: ) is right in his explanation of the Hathigumphu inscription of Kharavela, then this inscription would furnish a confirmation of the Jaina tradition regarding the Council of Pataliputra and the Ditthivaya, and King Kharavela (170 B, C.?) would in that case have compileil a recension of the Angas in 64 sections. Konow's explanation is ingenious, but very much open to doubt." Turning to the Bauddha literature, we find parallels to these Jaina councils. For instance as noted in A His. of Ind. Lit. (vol. II, pp. 4 and 5) 3 councils were convened in connection with the restoration and adjustment of the Baudha scriptures: The 1st council was organized by the immediate disciples of Lord Buddha and was held in the city of Rajagaha ( modern Rajgir); the 2nd was held at Vesali, 100 years after the nirvana of Lord Buddha; and the 3rd was convened in the time of King A soka when the compilation of a real canon of the sacred texts of the Bauddhas was undertaken.
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________________ III ] REDACTION OF THE JAINA CANON Gani Ksamasramana, after the terrible famine which had lasted for 12 years, came to an end. At this council, all the important works of the Jainas then available were written down. This event is technically known as pustakarohana of the Jaina Agamas or 'Redaction of the Jaina Canon'.' It appears that the Skandiliyas who had attended this council believed that this Redaction of the Jaina canon could be dated as Fira Samvat 980 whereas the Nagarjuniyas said that the correct date was Vira Samvat 993 (vide p. 64, 11. 4-6). Thus this difference had its origin in the fact that some saints thought that 980 years had then elapsed since the nirvana of Lord Mahavira, whereas others thought that 993 years had elapsed. Whatever may be the exact date, this Redaction of the Canon has been a momentous event in the Jaina annals. Its importance lies in the following particulars: 63 (i) Not only were the works written formerly at Mathura and Valabhi again written and codified, but some more were written. Of course, we have neither a complete list wherein these works are enumerated nor any source which mentions the order in which they were written. (ii) A serious attempt was made to reconcile the differences in the two versions pertaining to the councils held at Mathura and Valabbi. (iii) In cases where this failed, it was thought desirable to note the variants, either in the original Agamas or their commentaries. In the former case, the variants were 1 " zrIdevarddhigaNikSamAzramaNena zrI vIrAdazItyadhikanavazata (980) varSe jAtena dvAdazavarSIya durbhikSavazAd bahutarasAdhuvyApattau bahuzrutavicchittau ca jAtAyAM bhaviSyad bhavya lokopakArAya zrutabhaktaye ca zrIsaGghAgrahAda mRtAvaziSTatadAkAlIna sarvasAdhUn 'valabhyA' mAkArya tanmukhAdavicchinnAvaziSTAn nyUnAdhikAn truTitAnutruTitAnAgamAlApakAnanukrameNa svamatyA saGkalayya pustakArUDhAH kRtAH / tato mUlato gaNadhara bhASitAnAmapi AgamAnAM kartA zrIdevarddhigaNikSamAzramaNa eva jAtaH / " - Samacarisataka of Samayasundara 9 Cf. "vIranirvANasaMvat aura jaina kAlagaNanA" ( pp. 118-119 ). 3 None seems to have fixed the order of the canonical works available at present. So I have taken up this problem. On a cursory examination I find that some of the Uvangas etc. were written first and then some of the Augas. See Tallvarasikacandrika (pl. 1, p. 19).
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________________ 64 1 2 66 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP. generally introduced by the words aria ga, of which a typical example is furnished by the following lines occurring in Pajjosanakappa (s. 147): (iv) Practically the entire Jaina canonical literature was written according to the version of the Mathura council, as a connected link. I use the word practically to denote that Joisakarunduga is based upon the Valabhi version. (v) Several cannas which were occurring in more than one Agama were written out at full length only once, and then they were not reproduced ad verbatim, a second time, but only a reference was made to them 46 " samaNassa bhagavao mahAvIrassa jAva savvadukkhappahINassa nava vAsayAI vizkatAI, dasamassa ya vAsasayassa ayaM asIime saMvacchare kAle gacchara, vAyaNaMtare puNa ayaM teNaue saMvacchara ii dIsai ". 'nAgArjunIyAstu paThanti evaM khalu0 / " - Tikit (p. 245 ) on Ayara 'nAgArjunIyAstu paThanti - samaNA bhavissAmo0 - Ibid., p. 253 p. 256 In the latter case there was a reference to the Nagarjuniya school.' "" 'nAgArjunIyAstu paThanti - je khalu0 / " 'nAgArjunIyAstu paThanti-puTTho vA0 / " 6" p. 303 " atrAMtare nAgArjunIyAstu paThanti so UNa tayaM uvaTTiyaM0 / " - Zika (p. 64 ) on Suyaugada Ci nAgArjunIyAstu paThanti - palimaMthamahaM viyANiyA0 / " Ibid, p. 64 d. Vanna (Sk. varnaka) means a description. This word is placed after any one of the following words or the like of which the description is to be supplied from the foregoing portion or another work: A city, a sanctuary, a great forest, trees, a dais of earthen blocks, Jambu, Mahavira, a king, a queen, a dream, a gymnasium and the physi cal exercises, a bath-house, an audience-chamber, a palace and a procession. It may be noted in this connection that at times legends related after a stereotyped pattern are often represented in the Jaina canon as a mere skeleton which the reader is left to fill in with set words and phrases like cliches. As observed in A His. of Ind. Lit. (vol. II, p. 450, fn. 3) "we find something similar in the canon of the Sarvastivadins." Furthermore, there on p. 280, fn. it is said: "Cliches of the same kind, also occur in the Bengali poems, s. Dinesh Chandra Sen, History of Bengali language and literature, p. 585 f."
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________________ III ] REDACTION OF THE JAINA CANON : 65 by writing the word vannau', by indicating their source, by alluding to a parallel person or an object, by mentioning the words occurring in the beginning and the end* or by writing the word java', a stenographic symbol. The ulavagas, too, were similarly treated. (vi) The former practice of referring to a third party all the controversial questions, was set aside, and the codified works were thence forth looked upon as final authorities. 1 Cf. "au faro au 'FT ara 79EUR Bicari qoutait "OTH #gi qoutart": -Dr. P. L. Vaidya's edition of "Uvusagadasao" (1, 1) 2 "aui 19H 'af ' 70, ATT Tourity I"--Ibid., (I, 79 ) 3 Cf. "M i es hi to Eta Tera fase BTA , FET TOTI"-Ibid., (I, C6) ___Cf. "teNaM kAleNa teNaM samaeNaM ajasuhamme samosarie jAva jambU pajjuvAsamANe evaM vyaasii|" -Ibid., (1, 2) 5 In the Pali literature, the use of peyyalam serves almost a similar purpose as java; for, it is there used for curtailing the recurrence of identical passages. Vide Dr. P. L. Vaidya's intro. (p. x) to "Uvasagadasao". In Ayara and Ovavaiya, descriptions are not curtailed unless they are once given there, Uvasagadasa furnishes us with a strange case; for, in its $ 59 we have java, and what is thus curtailed, is given in full later on in SS 206-208. 6 The idea of lessening the trouble in writing and perhaps of saving in matcrials like paper or palm, seems to have given rise to these artifices and some more to be just noted-the artifices which may have been resorted to, at the time of this redaction or subsequently when manuscripts were written. The additional artifices are as under:(a) Instead of writing the entire form of the gerund when it is preceded by the very verb of which it is a gerund, only the number 2 along with tta is written after the verb concernou. See (b), III, (1) Sometimes only a number such as 3, 4, 5 or so occurs after a word. This suggests an association of similar ideas or topics, or at times it refers to a part of the usual formula. In order that this may be fully grasped I may quote the following examples :(i) "a pa af 3'-Uvasagadasa (I, 86 ) and "The Hd FETOUT gquuffe leaf 3"-Ibid., (1, 17) (ii) " 3 HH ATT fazo TAUTY!-Ibid., (1, 66 ) (ii) M T 519 facit 94 HETTE"-Ibid., (1, 66), " fat" 4 faTHAT 4"-Ibid., (II; 95) and "918, AT ET -Ibid., (11; 99) Cir $1 & "-Ibid., (11;113) and "gia & TTATHI y face"-Ibid., (VIII; 244 ) 7 See J. S. E. (pp. 226, 227 and 246 ). 9
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________________ THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [ CHAP. (vii) Important events and incidents which were subsequent in origin to those noted in the original works and which were even at times almost contemporaneous with the sitting of the council held for the Redaction of the Jaina canon, were embodied in words by this council. It incorporated them in the works composed long ago, even at the cost of anachronism, For, it appears that it was believed that if they were not to be so noted, it would not be so well preserved for the later generations. But it seems that though this purpose may have been served to some extent, it has added to our difficulties so far as the fixing of dates of certain persons, events and the like is concerned. (viii) Devarddhi Gani Ksumasramunu, in a way, virtually became the author of the works codified under his supervision.5 1 Some may be inclined to suggest that this council has nothing to do with this embodiment as this came from the very pens of the original authors of the corresponding works-the authors who could foresee what was going to happen in future. But it seems that such a suggestion can hardly carry any weight at least in these days. It appears that the question of anachronism is not of so vital importance to a Jaina as the soundness and veracity of what he accepts as a part and parcel of Jainism. Whatever is said or written by a Gitartha, is looked upon by him with as much authority as an Agamu, provided that Gitartha is really so. Such being the code of Jainism, the council may not have hesitated in making necessary additions. llad they noted the additions separately, they would have been obliged to mention their locations in the corresponding works, not by pointing out the pages and lines but by reproducing the necessary portion to which they were to be appended. Even such an attempt would not have been so very serviceable as embodying the required portion in the very work itself. For, the reader would have been then often obliged to refer to this Appendix, which, if not by his band, was likely to be neglected by him. No Jaina author of the olden days was prepared to say that he was contributing something original; for, he believed that the omniscient did know whatever he said. Consequently he was satisfied if his work became helpful to the pupils concerned-no matter even if it was looked upon as a compendium. This view, too, may have induced the council to take the step it did. O See p. 63, fn. 1,
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________________ III] REDACTION OF THE JAINA CANON (ix) This codification acted as a preventive from further modernization of the sacred works. 67 Before concluding this chapter, I think it necessary to point out the pitfall to which some are likely to succumb, in case they confound this codification of the Jaina sastras with that of their composition by identifying these two different events. It will be a sheer folly, therefore, to believe that the dates of the compositions of the various sastras codified at Valabhi are none else but the date of their codification. This folly, if committed, will not only amount to accepting at best terminus ad quem as the date of the sastras but taking it to be the same as terminus a quo. In short, the dates of the composition of the various sastras codified are much earlier than the date of their codification though it is true that the dates of the new portions that may have been then incorporated in the sastras are the same as that of the codification. There is another pitfall one should be beware of. Some of the Digambaras maintain that all the canonical treatises got forgotten during the 12 years of famine in the reign of Candragupta Maurya, and the canon as shaped at Pataliputra by the Svetambaras is at best a patch-work and is not genuine. They believe that the end of the Vira Samvat 683 or so marks the complete extinction of the Jaina canon. This sounds very strange; for, one can understand if some works or their parts get forgotten in course of time, in adverse circumstances; but a sweeping remark that not even an iota of the Jaina canon survived the year Vira Samvat 683 or so passes comprehension, unless it may be due to a miracle or a catastrophe of terrible intensity. So far as I know, there is no record or reference to any such thing in the annals of the Indian History. 1 There is no mention of any overflowing of the banks by some gigantic river or that of the shores by the Arabian sea or the Indian ocean leading to the submersion of the country all around and the consequent death of each and every one who knew the Jaina canon in part or entirety. No deluge is referred to as submerging this sub-continent. There is no reference to any volcanic eruption of which the lava reduced the surroundings to nothing. No conflagration laying its cruel hands on the country inhabited by the Jainas,
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________________ THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP. No migration of the Jainas is referred to as leaving this land for some other country as was the case with the Zoroastrians who left their native land as suggested by scholars, on being persecuted by the followers of a different faith. Even then, they do possess at least some fragments of their Holy scriptures. Moreover, there is no mention of any political or social revolution-a cataclysm that seriously disturbed the atmosphere. Even granting that any one or more of the catastrophes here alluded to or the like may have befallen the unlucky, how is it that it could produce such a terribly adverse effect only so far as the knowledge of the Jaina canon was concerned, whereas it failed to produce any perceptible effect on the Holy scriptures of the non-Jainas who were the coinhabitants of the Jainas ? : Without any further dilation, I may add that this idiosyncrasy to which some of the Digambaras seem to have fallen a prey-the view that the lamp of the Jaina canon ceased to burn and illuminate from Vira Samvat 683 or so is a thing I shudder at. It has deprived us of the valuable legacy we could have got, by way of the preservation of at least some part or parts of the Jaina canon and its enrichment by way of its exposition at the hands of emi. nent Digambara scholars like Akalauka and others. As regards the allegations viz. (1) that the Svetambara canonical literature is a patch-work and (2) that it is not genuine, I do not think it worth while to refute them; for, it appears that Vincent Smith's The Jaina Stupa and other Antiquities of Mathura is mentioned to have occurred. No earthquake on a huge or small scale is referred to as having brought about the ruins of the Jainas. Nowhere the crust of the earth seems to have given way and swallowed all it could lay hand on. 1 Cf. History of Zoroastrianism by Dastur Dr. M. N. Dhalla (Oxford Uni versity Press, New York). In its review published in the moffusil edn. of the "Times of India" dated 15th oct., 38 it is said: "The History of Zoroastrianism falls into three well-defined linguistic periods: The Gathic, the later Avestan, and the Pahalvi. Its beginning is lost in the mist of forgotten ages, and the scriptures that have survived are only blurred and broken fragments."-P. B. V.
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________________ III] REDACTION OF THE JAINA CANON 69 and the learned opinions of Indologists can very well serve the necessary purpose. Moreover, I do not intend to enter into a controversy in this connection; but at the same time I am prepared to hear convincing arguments that may be advanced to support the allegations, and if satisfied, I shall identify myself with persons making these allegations. But, at least for the present I hold a contrary view, though I admit that some passages here and there appear to wear a colour of a patch-work. Under these circumstances, I shall therefore sum up this discussion by quoting the following lines from the late Prof. Jacobi's introduction to The Sacred Books of the East (vol. xxii, p. xxxix ): "Devarddhi's position relative to the sacred literature of the Gainas appears therefore to us in a different light from what it is generally believed to have . been. He probably arranged the already existing MSS. in a canon, taking down from the mouth of learned theologians only such works of which MSS. were not available. Of this canon a great many copies were taken, in order to furnish every seminary with books which had become necessary by the newly introduced change in the method of religious instructions. Devarddhi's edition of Siddhanta is therefore only a redaction of the sacred books which existed before his time in nearly the same form. Any single passage in a sacred text may have been introduced by the editor, but the bulk of Siddhanta is certainly not of his making. The text of the sacred books, before the last redaction of the Siddhanta did not exist in such a vague formas it would have been liable to if it were preserved by the memory of the monks, but it was checked by MSS." 1 Cf. A His. of Ind. Lit, (vol. II, pp. 434-435).
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________________ CHAPTER IV THE EXTINCT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS In each of the two cycles of kalacakra, avasarpini and utsarpini there flourish 24 Tirthankaras in this Bharata ksetra and Airavata as well. Moreover, an infinite number of kalacakras has elapsed by this time. Hence we can easily conclude that the number of the Tirthankaras that have flourished by this time is infinite. According to the traditional view of the Jainas, all the Ganadharas of each of these Tirtharkaras composed dvadasangis. Furthermore, several direct or indirect disciples of every Tirthankara, who were endowed wilh four kinds of mati must have composed Painnagas as stated in Nandi (s. 44). Leaving aside the sacred literature that came into existence after the omniscience of Lord Mahavira, the preceding one seems to have been practically irrevokably lost for ever. No record is available for it. This is perhaps natural; but it may appear certainly wonderful that there is no complete record to be found regarding the scriptures which were composed during a millennium beginning from 500 B. c. and ending with 500 A. D. Hereby I mean to suggest that we have no means to exactly point out all those scriptures which are now lost to us and of which 1 I use this word to indicate the following items:(i) Lord Mahavira while renouncing the world uttered a Samaiyasutta. Probably this very one is preserved in the Avassaya. (ii) He performed an iryapathiki kriya, after having crossed a river, prior to his attainment of omniscience. So on this occasion he may have uttered some sutra similar to the Iriyavahiyasutta occurring in the Avassaya. (iii) Some scholars believe that the 14 Puvvas belonged to a predecessor of Lord Mahavira, and at least some extracts from them are available at present.
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________________ THE EXTINCT AGAMAS OF THE JAIRASING2421 the composition does not go beyond 2550 years. It is a pity that we do not possess even a list regarding the scriptures codified at the Valabhi council, convoked by Devarddhi Gani. So our attempt, however serious and sincere it may be, to make a note of all these extinct works cannot yield the desired result. Even then it should be made so that we can have as least a glimpse of the works lost to us by this time. This endeavour of ours would have been surely facilitated, and the results we are going to arrive at would have been quite precise in case a scientific Catalogus catalogorum of Jaina manuscripts had been prepared and published by this time. In the absence of such a source, it now remains to examine the Jaina works wherein incidentally a loss of some work or works may have been noted; but owing to the want of sufficient time and free access to printed and unprinted works, a thorough investigation of these materials is not possible for the present writer. Even then an attempt is being made in this direction with the hope that it will act as a stimulus to others finally leading them to a complete success in view of the thorough investigation of this problem they may be inclined to carry out in near future. Broadly speaking we can divide the Agamas into two groups: the Angas and the Painnagas. The number of the former is fixed as 12; but such is not precisely the case with the latter, if the number 14000 is not taken to be correct. Anyhow the exa tion regarding the latter is more difficult than the former. We shall therefore proceed with the first group first. Therein we find that Ditthivaya is lost, though not, all of a sudden. To be quite explicit, I may mention some of the details that throw light in this direction. It was in the time of Bhadrabahusvamin that Magadha had to face the calamity resulting from a twelve-year famine. This seriously affected the study of the Jaina saints who could hardly get sufficient alms even by begging from door to door. This resulted in their forgetting Ditthivaya-a fact those saints became I That some portion is lost is certain; for, in the extant literature, there is no mention of an ayagapata. Further, there is no reference to Kha. ravela except in Himavanta Theravali.
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________________ THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP. conversant with, when they assembled after subhiksa had set in, and durbhiksa had disappeared, Thereupon, they sent a pair of Munis, technically known as sanghataka to Bhadrabahusvamin who was practising mahaprana in Nepal; for, he was the only one who was then in a position to remember and teach Ditthivaya. He, however, declined to teach Ditthivaya on the ground that he was then engaged in practising mahaprana, a dhyana, he could not attend to, during the twelve-year famine. The two Munis on their return informed the sangha accordingly. It thereupon sent another pair of Munis asking them to put a question to Bhadrabahusvamin as to the penalty prescribed for disobeying the order of the Jaina church, and to prescribe this very penalty to him for the same offence committed by him. The two Munis reached Nepal and asked the desired question to Bhadrabahusvamin. He answered: one who does not obey the order of the Jaina church deserves to be excommunicated. Thereupon, the two Munis said that the Jaina church assembled in Magadha, had prescribed this very penalty to him inasmuch as he had refused to teach Ditthivaya. Bhadrabahusvamin quickly realized the situation and conditionally agreed to teach Ditthivaya.' The underlying condition was that he would neither talk to the taught nor the taught should talk to him-exchange a single word with him when he was engaged in teaching or even otherwise, and that he would impart lessons by seven instalments during a day. This being agreed upon, 500 1 "tammi ya kAle bArasavariso dukkAlo uvdvito| saMjatA ito ito ya samuddatIre acchittA puNaravi 'pADali. putte' militA / tesiM aNNassa uddesao, aNNassa khaMDa, evaM saMghADitehiM ekkArasa aMgANi saMghAtitANi, didvivAdo nasthi / 'nepAla'vattaNIe ya bhadabAisAmI acchaMti codasapubvI, tesiM saMgheNaM patthavito saMghADI 'didvivAdaM vAehi' ti| gato, niveditaM saMghakajaM taM, te bhaNaMti-dukkAlanimitaM 'mahApANaM' na pabiTTho mi, iyANiM paviTTo mi, to na jAti vAyaNaM daatuN| paDiniyattahiM saMghassa akkhAtaM / tehi aNNo vi saMghADao visajjitojo saMghassa ANaM atikkamati tassa ko dNddo?| te gatA, kahitaM, to akkhaai-ugghaaddijjd| te bhaNaMti-mA gra|TE, THE herat, ha qiyamTfO "-Cunni (pt. II, p. 187) on Avassayu Paribistaparvan (1x, 68-69) and Titthogaliya (v. 736) seem to differ from each other so far as the periods for the vacanas are concerned. The pertinent portions are respectively as under:"tatraikA vAcanAM dAsye bhikSAcaryAta aagtH| tisRSu kAlavelAsu tisro'nyA vAcanAstathA // 68 // sAyApratikramaNe jAte tisro'parAH punH| setsyatyevaM saGghakArya marakAryasyAvibAdhayA // 69 // " "pAriyakAussaggo, bhattadvito va ahava sejjaae| nito va aiMto vA evaM bhe vAyaNa dAhaM / / 736 // "
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________________ Iv) THE EXTINCT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS Jaina Sadhus with two attendants for every one of them, came to Nepal and tried to prosecute their studies. But all except Sthulabhadra left the place as they could not face this situation.! He (Sthulabhadra), too, could not completely master all the 14 Puvous as for some reason or other Bhadrabahusvamin withheld the ineaning of the last four Purvas from him. Thus the meaning of the last 4 Puvuas got lost in Vira Samvat 170, the year in which Bhadraba husvamin died. Later on, with the death of Sthulabhadra, even the verbal embodiment of these four Puvvas came to an end, as he was debarred from teaching them to others. Then, for some time at least, there flourished persons who were conversant with the first ten Puvvas, Vajrasvamin being the last in the lot. After his svargagamana, there remained none who knew all the ten Puvvas in toto. Aryaraksita Suris who survived him, knew at least 9 Puvvas plus 24 javiyas of the 10th 1 "ujjuttA mehAvI, saddhAe vAyaNaM alabhamANA / aha te thobA thovA, savve samaNA vinissariyA // 741 // eko navari na muMcati, sagaDAlakulassa jasakaro dhiiro| nAmeNa thUlabhaddo, avihIsAdhammabhaddo tti // 742 // "-Tilthogaliya 2 "aha bhaNai thUlabhado aNNaM rUvaM na kiMci kaahaamo| icchAmi jANiu je ahamaM cattAri puvAI / / 800 / / nAhisi taM puvAI suyamettAI vimuggahA hiMti (?) dasa puNa te aNujANe jANa paNAI cattAri / / 801 / / eteNa kAraNeNa u purisajuge aTThamammi vIrassa / / sayarAheNa paNaTThAI jANa cattAri puvAI / / 802 // "-Ibid. 3 For his life see Avassayacunni (pt. I, pp. 397-415). He died in Vira Samval 584, the very year when a schism named "A baddhaditthi' arose in Dasapura. But according to Valabhi Theravali, he died in Vira Sanvat 597. It may be noted in passing that this furnishes us with an example of the difference of 13 years in calculations in the case of the Skandiliya and Nagarjuniya schools. See p. 68. 4 In Avassayacuuni (pt. I, p. 404) it is said: "acireNa nava puvvANi adhitANi, dasamamADhatto ghettuM, tAthe ajavaharA bhaNaMti-javiyAI karehi, eyaM parikammameyassa, tANi ya suhumANi, gADhaM gaNite taM suhumaM, cauvIsa javiyA, so vi tAva taM ajjhaai|" Cf. the following lines occurring in Hemacandra's com. (p. 1003) on Visesavassayabhasa (v. 2509): - "zeSastu AryavairasvAminaH samIpe'dhIto yAvad nava pUrvANi, tathA caturvizatiyavikAni / In Prabhavakacaritra (II, v. 117), there is mention of nine and a half Puvvas, and this very thing is noted there in the case of Aryanandila, too. 10
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________________ 74 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS ( CHAP, but he did not master the 10th completely. It appears that since his time the knowledge of the Puvvas went on getting curtailed so much so that by Vira Samvat 1000, all the Purvas got forgotten, and thus Ditthivaya became extinct.' It may be noted that in this cycle of time, there is no in. termediate stage so far as the reduction of the knowledge from 14 Puvues to 10 Purvas is concerned. For, there has fourished none who knew 13, 12 or 11 Puvras. So says Drona Suri in his com. (p. 3a) on Ohanijjutti. Some believe that Nagahastin or his contemporary knew five Puvvas, and that Skandila, Himavanta, Nagarjuna, Govinda Vacaka, Samyamavisnu, Bhutadinna, Lohitya Suri, Dusya Gani and Devarddhi Gani Ksamasramana and several Carnikaras, knew at least the first Puvva, over and above the 11 Angas. It may not be amiss if we were to take a note of what the Digambaras say regarding the gradual loss of the 14 Puvveus. There is no unanimity of opinion in this connection; for, different versions are given in different works. Subhacandra's Angapannatti, Brahma-Hemacandra's Suyukkhandha, Indranandi's Srutavatara, Jinasena's Adipurana, Uttarapurana, Ilarivamsapurana and some of the Digambara Pattavalis in Praklta may be cited as instances. This is not the place where I can try to examine each of them separately and come to any definite conclusion by attempting reconcilations where possible. I shall therefore remain contented by giving only one version in this connection-the version noted in Jainasatyaprakasa (I, 7, pp. 213-214). Therein it is said: In Vara Samvat 62, Jambusvamin attained liberation. He was the last kevalin. Visnukumara, Nandimitra, Aparajita, Govardhana and Bhadrabahusvamin I were conversant with 14 Puvvas. This brings us down to a period upto Vira Samvat 162. Then 1 "jaMbuddIve NaM dIve 'bhArahe' vAse imIse osappiNIe devANuppiyANaM ega vAsasahassaM puSvagae annusjjisti|" 2 See p. 17, fn. 1. 3 Sce Muni Darsanavijaya's article entitled as "feria a n a ?" and published in Jainasatyaprakasa (I, I, p. 15).
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________________ IV) THE EXTINCT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS 75 came the era when we had persons who knew only 10 Puvvas. Their names are: Visakha, Prosthila, Ksatriya, Jaya, Nagasena, Siddhartha, Dhrtisena, Vijaya, Buddhilla, Deva (Gangadeva ) and Dharmasena. This covers a period upto Vira Samvat 345. In Srutavatara it is said that in the time of Nagahastin, some one knew at least five Puvvas. Acarya Dharasena is said to be conversant with two Puvvas. As a passing reference, I may add that amongst persons who knew only 11 Angas and who were thus not conversant with any one of the Puvvas, are mentioned Naksatra, Jayapala, Pandu, Dhruvasena and Kamsa. The last died in or about Vira Samvat 565, Then we come across the names of persons who knew Ayara, the 1st Arga only. They are: Subhadra, Yaso. bhadra, Bhadrabahu II and Loharya. This brings us down to Vira Samvat 683. The end of this year marked the extinction of the Jaina Agamas in their entirety. This view, strange as it is, is advocated by some of the Digambaras, and it has led some of the Svetambaras to question the very authority of the Digambara extant works. From this exposition it must have been seen that one and all the 14 Puvvas were not simultaneously lost or forgotten, but that their knowledge gradually dwindled so that by Vira Samvat 1000, the Puvvagaya became extinct. This finishes the discussion about the loss of the main section of Ditthivaya. So it now remains to note the stages about the loss of its remaining four sections. But as it requires an investigation about their contents, I defer its treatment for the time being, and in the meanwhile I note the various reasons assigned by modern scholars for the loss of Ditthivaya in general and the 14 Puvvas in particular. Prof. Jacobi in his intro. (p. XLVI) to S. B. E, (vol. XXII) observes: " Professor A, Weber assigns as the probable cause of the Drishtivada being lost, that the development of the Svetambara sect had arrived at a point where the diversity of its tenets from those embodied in that book became too visible to be passed over. Therefore the Drishtivada, which contained the Parvas, fell into neglect. I cannot concur in Professor Weber's
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________________ 76 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP. opinion seeing that the Digambaras also have lost the Purvas, and the Angas to boot. It is not probable that the development of Gainism during the two first centuries after the Nirvana should have gone on at so rapid a pace that its two principal sects should have been brought to the necessity of discarding their old canon. For, as stated above, after the splitting of the church in these two sects the philosophical system of the Gainas remained stationary, since it is nearly the same with both sects. As regards ethics, both sects, it is true, differ more. But as the extant canon of the Svetanbaras is not falling into neglect, though many practices enjoined in it have long since been abandoned, it is not more probable that they should have been more sensible on the same score at the time when the Parvas formed their canon. Besides, some of the Purvas are said to have continued to be extant long after the time which we have assigned for the formation of the new canon. At last they disappeared, not by an intentional neglect, I presume, but because the new canon set into clearer light the Gaina doctrines, and put them forward more systematically than had been done in the controversial literature of the Purvas." The latest information we can gather on this point is to be found in L. Alsdolf's article A new version of the Agadadattae story published in New Indian Antiquary" (vol. I, No. 5, August 1938). There on p. 287 it is said: "I must confess that I do not believe in the legendary and biographical contents of the fourth part of the Drstivada but regard the Jaina tradition on this point as unfounded. I agree with SCHUBRING (Lehre der Jainas, $ 38) who has made it at least very probable that the real contents of the Destivada, consisted of an exposition and refutation of heretical doctrines, and that this was the reason of its loss: it was thought undesirable to preserve these old discussions because their study could lead to a revival of heretical views and actions'. The four parts of the Dystivada?, viz. parikamma, suttaim, puvvagaya, and anuyoga, contained the introductions", the "teachings" and the "purvapaksa" (this, and not "old texts" being the real meaning of "puvva"!) which were refuted by the "investigation" (anuyoga). This well-nigh excludes the possibility of legendary and biographical contents of the Anuoga; and I think the renson why such contents were ascribed to it later is not difficult to find. It is certain that, though the traditional subdivision of the Destivada is probably genuine, the detailed tables of contents giren in the Nandi and in the 4th Anga are entirely fantastic because at the time when they were composeil 1 If this view is accepted, how is it possible to account for the several heretical doctrines one comes across in Suyagada? 2 This has 5 parts in all, Culiya being the last.
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________________ IV] THE EXTINCT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS the text was already lost and its contents were no longer known'. Now when the real contents of the Dystivada had been forgotten, this text became a convenient place where everything could be located which it was thought. desirable to invest with canonical authority. And since a continuous and systematical account of the Jaina mythology and hagiology, the "History of the 632 Great Men", was not found in the existing canon, it was attributed to the last part of the Drstivada. The Vasudevahindi, too, solemnly professes to be derived from the prathamanuyoga portion of the Dystivada, but it need hardly he pointed out that the Jain version of the Byhatkatha is not likely to have formed part of one the oldest works of the Jain canon." In my humble opinion, Ditthivaya got lost as its major portion Puvvagaya was extremely difficult to be remembered and studied in view of its gamasi and bhangas, the latter requiring a great deal of the mathematical ability to grasp them. In short, this 12th Anga was a hard nut to crack. With this digression, if it can be so called, I shall once more take up the thread of the Svetambara, trend of thought and notice what it has to say regarding the loss of works other than Ditthivaya already referred to. Turning to Ayara we find that out of the nine ajjhayanaswhich form its first suyakkha. 1 2 3 It is not a rule that on a work being lost, its contents get forgotten. It appears that originally we had 54 uttama-purusas as is borne out by Samavaya (s. 54) and Silacarya's Caupanna-mahapurusacariya (composd in Samvat 933), and it is Hemacandra Suri who was probably the 1st to have dealt with 63 salakapurusas by adding 9 Prativasudevas to the list of 54 great men viz., 24 Tirthaikaras, 12 Cakravartins, 9 Baladevas and 9 Vasudevas. Cf. fati i TAS? t. 318i ifosai gu"-Nandi (s. 44). In this connection, in Nandicunni (pp. 46-47) it is said: " HITTET a forfa fajuttaM suttaM dugAdisataggaso paDhijjamANaM gamitaM bhaNNati, taM ca evaMvihaM ussaNNaM didivAe." See my intro. (p. xiii) to Ganitatilaka published along with Simhatilaka Suri's com. in G, 0. Series as vol. LXXVIII. Cf. the following verses occurring in the Ayaraniijutti: "satthapariNNA 1 logavijao 2 ya sIosaNija 3 sammattaM 4 / taha logasAranAmaM 5 dhuyaM 6 taha mahApariNNA 7 ya // 31 / / aTThamae ya vimokkho 8 uvahANasuyaM 9 ca navamagaM bhaNiya / iccaso AyAro AyAraggANi sesANi / / 32 // " 4 5
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________________ THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP. ndha, Mahaparinna, its seventh ajjhayana is lost at least, by the time of Silanka Suri; for, he has mentioned this loss as a reason as to why he is not commenting upon it.2 It is rather strange that at least some of the verses, if not all, which form a part of the Ayaranijjutti and which are said to pertain to this Mahaparinna, are preserved and are seen printed in the editions of Ayara containing its Nijjutti and Silanka Suri's com. It is difficult to say for certain as to when this Mahaparinna, got lost. It seems to be extant at least in the time of Vajrasvamin; for, he restored the extinct3 akasagamini vidya from this ajjhayana.* The second suyakkhandha of Ayara now-a-days consists of the four Culas viz. (1) Pindesanais, (2) Sattasattikkaga, (3) Bhavana and (4) Vimutti, and it had one more Cula viz. Nisiha, in the time of. Bhadrabahusvamin. Out of them, the 2nd Cula has been evolved out of this Mahaparinna as stated in Ayaranijjutti (v. 290)7; but 78 1 See p. 77, fn. 5. It is however the 9th ajjhayana according to Samavaya (s. 9). From Ind. Stud. (.vol. XVI, p. 251 seq.) we learn that Nandi, Avassayanijjutti and Vidhiprapa, too, say so-S. B. E. (XXII, intro. p. XLIX). 2 " adhunA saptamAdhyayanasya mahAparijJAkhyasyAvasaraH, tacca vyavacchinnamiti kRtvA'tiladhyASTamasya sambandho vAcyaH / " 3. Cf. " mahApariNAe vijjA pahuTTA AsI sA padANusAriNA teNuddharitA" Avassayacunni (pt. I, p. 394) 4 See the following 769th verse of Avassayanijjutti : " jeNuddha ribhA vijjA AgAsagamA mhaaprinnaao| vaMdAmi ajjavairaM apacchimo jo a suaharANaM // 769 / " 5 It seems that there is no specific name for the 1st Cula. So I have suggested this to facilitate the discussion. 6 This is corroborated by the following verse of Ayaranijjutti: 66 NavabaMbhaceramaio aTThArasapayasaha ssio veo / havai ya sapaMcacUlo bahubahutarao payaggeNaM // 11 // " From this verse, it may be inferred that the name of each of the ajjhayanas at least of the first suyakkhandha is Bambhacera. and that the entire work is styled as Veu (Veda). Silanka Suri, while commenting upon this verse has said: " paJcamI nizIthAdhyayanaM, 'bahubahutarao padaggeNaM'ti tatra catuzcalikAtmakadvitIyazrutaskandhaprakSepAd bahuH, nizIthAkhyapacamacUlikAmakSepAd bahutaraH ' "" 7 A question may here arise as to who incorporated Nisiha in Ayara and who again separated it and restored it to a position of a separate treatise. See Chap. V.
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________________ IV) THE EXTINCT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS 79 according to S. B. E. (vol. XXII, intro. p. 1)', all the Culas. The onding portion of the Nijjutti on Mahaparinna explains the meanings of the two words which make up Mahaparinna from the standpoint of the four niksepas, whereas its 34th versesays that it deals with parisahas and upasargas, the outcome of infatuation. It may be added that Mahaparinna is a satisaya adhyayana. So says Malayagiri Suri in his com. (p. 46) on v. 146 of Kappanijjutti. By taking into account the description of Nayadhammakaha as given in Nanda (s. 51), we may inser that the portion of this Anga which exists now is practically a drop in the ocean. For, hundreds of akhyayikas, upakhyayikas and akhyayikopakhyayikas are lost. All these seem to have been extinct at least by the time of Malayagiri Suri, if not by the time of Jinadasa Gani. ingas 7 to 11 are said to have sankhyeya pada3-sahasras (vide Nandi s. 52-56). So it may be that they, too, are not available in toto. If we examine the extant Panhavagarana, in the light of the contents of the 10th Anga noted in Nandi (s. 55), we are led to either of the two conclusions:-- (i) The old 10th Anga is altogether lost, and one similar in name is substituted for it by some one who flourished prior to Abhayadeva Suri. (ii) The extant Panhavagarana is a fragment of the old one of which the contents have not been fully noted in Nandi. 1 Here 'saisayattanena' is wrongly translated as 'supertluous'. ) "nissaMgA ya chaTe 6 mohasamutthA parIsahuvasaggA 7 / nijANaM aTThamae 8 navame ya jiNeNa evaM ti 9 // 34 // " This verse along with the 33rd throws light on the subject matter of Ayara. So it may be here noted as under: __ "jiasaMjamo 1 a logo jaha bajjhai jaha ya taM pajahiyavvaM 2 / suhadukkhatitikkhA viya 3 sammattaM 4 logasAro 5 ya / / 33 // " 3 I do not know if there is any Svetambara source which defines pada. But in The Sacred Books of the Jainas (vol. II, p. 29), a madhyama - pada is said to consist of 16, 34, 83, 07, 888 letters, and on pp. 29-31, are given the specific numbers of these madhyamapadas for one and all the 12 Angas.
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________________ THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [ CHAP. This finishes a rough survey about the loss pertaining to the dvadasangi of Sudharman.' As regards the 12 Uvungas, it is doubtful how far the Candapannatti available at present is genuine; for, it almost tallies with Suriyapannatti ad verbutim. So if this is not genuine, it must be looked upon as lost. So far as the 6 Cheyasuttes are concerned, some portion of Mahanisiha must have been lost in the days Haribhadra Suri tried to restore it, when several leaves of its Ms. got decayed.' As stated in its 3rd ujjhayana, by this time several Nijjuttis, Cunnis and Bhusas composed to explain Pascumangalasuyakkhandha had become extinct. This Pancamangalasuyakkhandha was once a separate work by itself, and was later on incorporated in a mulasutta by Vajrasvamin, who had a pudanusarina labdhi. 1 He outlived the rest of the Ganadharas, and as explained in J. S. E. (pp. 204-205), only his gana continued. So the dvadufuiigis of the other Ganadharas practically came to an end by the time they took up anasana, and handed over their pupils to hini. 2 Cf. the following 26th verse of Siddhantagamastava: . . . "praNamAmi candrasUryaprajJaptI yamalajAtake nvye|| gumphavapuSaiva navaraM nAtibhidA'rthAtmanA'pi yayoH / / 26 // " 3 "etya ya jattha jattha paeNANulaggaM suttAlAvagaM na saMpajjai / tattha tattha suyaharehiM kulihi ya doso na dAyavvo tti| kiMtu jo so eyassa aciMtaciMtAmaNikappabhUyassa mahAnisIhasuyakkhaMdhassa puvAyariso Asi tahiM ceva kkhaMDAkhaMDIe uddehiyAiehiM heUhiM bahave pattagA parisaDiyA tahAvi accatasuhamatthAisayaM ti| imaM mahAnisIhasuyakkhadhaM kasiNapavayaNassa paramasArabhUyaM paraM tattaM mahatthaM ti kaliUNaM // pavayaNavacchallate (tte) Na bahubhavvasato. (ttA)vayAriyaM ca kAuM tadA ya AyahiyATTayAe AyariyaharibhaddeNaM jaM tatthAyarise diTuM ta (naM) savvaM samatIe sAhiUNaM lihiyaM ti // annehiM pi siddhaseNadivAyara-buDavAi-jakkhaseNa-devagutta-jasavaddhaNakhamAsamaNasIsaravigutta-NemicaMda-jiNadAsagaNikhamagasavvarisi( ? saccasiri )pamuhehiM ku(ju gappahANa suyaharehiM bahumanniyamiNaM ti"-D.C. J. M. (vol. XVII, pt. II, pp. 32-33) 4 "eyaM tu jaM paMcamaMgalasuyakkhaMdhassa vakkhANaM taM mahayA pabaMdheNaM aNaMtagamapajjavehiM suttassa ya pihabbhUyAhi nijjuttI-bhAsa-cuNNIhiM jaheva aNatanANadaMsaNadharehi titthayarehiM vakkhANi(yaM) taheva samAsao vakkhANijjata Asi / ahannayA kAlaparihANidoseNaM tAo nijjuttI-bhAsa-cunnIo vucchinnAo iu (? o) ya vaccaMteNaM kAlasamaeNaM mA payANusArI vayarasAmI nAma duvAlasaMgasuyahare samuppanne teNeyaM paMcamaMgalamahAsuyakkhaMdhassa uddhAro mUlasuttassa majjhe lihio mUlasuttaM puNa suttattAe gaNahare hiMatthattAe arahaMtehi bhagavaMtehi dhammatitthakarahiM tilogamahiehiM vIrajiNiMdehiM pannaviyaM ti / esa dhudduusNpyaao|"-lbid., p. 82
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________________ Iv] THE EXTINCT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS In Jaina Granthavali (p. 16) it is said that there were 3 vacanas of Mahanisila. Out of them only the byhadvacana is available now.' So far as Pascakappa is concerned, it is not available now; but its Cunni and Bhasa exist. Turning to Paznnagas we find that only very few are available at present. For, firstly, out of 14,000 Painnagas, only 60 have been specifically mentioned in Nandi, and so probably a majority of them were lost in those days. Secondly, out of these 60 works, 12 kaliya works are lost. Their numbers are 11, 12, and 16-25. The following 5 additional kaliya works noted in Pakkhiyasutta are also lost: Asivisabhavara, Ditthivisabhavana, Caranabhavana, Mahasu. minabhavana and Teyaganisagga. Turning to Nandi, we find that 14 ukkaliya works are lost by this time. Their numbers are 2, 3, 4,9,10, 17, 18, 19, 21 and 23-27.3 From Pakkhiyasutta, no additional information can be had. Thus, in all 17 kaliya works and 14 ukkaliya works are lost so far as Nandi and Pakkhiyasutta are concerned. Taking Vavahara (X) into account, we find that Utthanapariyavaniya and Thiminabhavanas 1 "bRhataTippanikAmAM enI lagvAcanA, madhyama vAcanA ane bRhadvAcanA ema traNa vAcanA anukrame zlo. 3500-4500-4548 nI nodhI che, paNa hAlamAM enI bRhadvAcanA ja Gavdha yAya che." 2 For their names see p. 25. See p. 26. 4 "20 tivAsapariyAyassa samaNassa nimAnthassa kappai Ayarapakappe nAma ajjhayaNe uddisittae / 21 cauvAsa. pariyAe kappai sUyagaDe nAma aGge uddisittae / 22 paJcavAsapariyAe kappai dasa-kappa-vavahAre uddisittae / 23 aTTavAsapariyAe kappai ThANa-ptamavAe uddisittae / 24 dasavAsapariyAe kappai viyAha nAmaM aGge uddisittae / 25 ekkArasavAsapariyAe kappai khuDiyAvimANapavibhattI mahalliyAvimANapavibhattI acUliyA vaggacUliyA viyAhacUliyA nAma ajjhayaNe uddi sitte| 26 bArasavAsapariyAe kappai aruNovavAe gahalo. vavAe dharaNovavAe vesamaNovavAe velaMdharovavAe nAmaM ajjhayaNe uddisittae / 27 terasavAsapariyAe kappaha uhANapariyAvaNie samuTThANasue devindovavAe nAgapariyAvaNie nAma ajjhayaNe uddisittae / 28 codasavAsapariyAe kappai dvimiNabhAvaNA nAma ajjhayaNe udisittae / 29 pannarasavAsapariyAe kappai cAraNabhAvaNA nAma ajjhayaNaM uddisitte| 30 solasavAsapariyAe kappai AsIvisabhAvaNA nAma ajjhayaNe uddisittae / 31 sattarasavAsapariyAe kapai diTThIvisabhAvaNA nAma ajjhayaNe uddisittae / 32 egUNavIsavAsapariyAe kappai diTThIvAe nAmaM aGge udisittae / 33 vIsavAsapariyAe samaNe nigganthe savvasuyANuvAI bhavai / " Instead of giving the pertinent portion, I have here given the entire sutra as it throws light as to what works were known and probably even existed at least when Vavahara was composed; for, they form a curriculum. 11
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________________ THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [ CHAP. are extinct, and looking to Thana (X, s. 755) Dogiddhidasa and portions of some of the remaining 9 dasas1 are extinct. Over and above these works, 147 adhyayanas recited by Lord Mahavira at the time of his nirvanu are lost, with the exception of those that may have been existing in the available Agamas. These are the extinct works I have been able to trace up till now. So I shall now try to give details about them as far as possible and shall accordingly commence with Ditthivaya. Ditthivaya holds a unique place in the Jaina canon for several reasons, some of which are as under: 82 (1) It is the first work composed by each of the Ganadharas.2 (2) According to the opinion of Bhadrabahusvamin3 and others, females owing to some of their weaknesses are not entitled for its study. Thereby it is suggested that it is not within the reach of one and all, but it is meant for the deserving few. (3) There is not a single subject or a topic which does not come within its compass. It deals with mantras, tantras, and yantras, too. (4) It has got ten significant names, and thus it forms a glaring exception to the rest of the Jaina scriptures. (5) It is the very first work lost by the Jainas. 1 See p. 55, fn. 3. 2 For a difference of opinion see pp. 6-7. 3 " tucchA gAravabahulA calindiyA dubbalA dhiIe ya / iti aisesajjhayaNA bhUyAvAoM ya no tthINaM / / 146 / / " - Kappanijjulli This very verse occurs in Visesavassayabhasa as v. 552. 4 By others I mean Jinabhadra Gani, Kotyacarya, Maladharin Hemacandra, Malayagiri Suri, Jinadasa Gani Mahattara and Haribhadra Suri. 5 See fn. 3 and J. S. E. (p. 239). 6 In Avassayacunni (pt. I, p. 35) it is said: "bahave dummedhA asattA diTTivAyaM ahijjiu~ appAuyANa ya AuyaM Na pahuppati, itthiyAo puNa pAeNa tucchAo gAravabahulAo calindiyAo dubbaladhiIo, ato eyAsiM je atisesajjhayaNA aruNovavAyamisIhamAiNo diTTivAto ya teNa dijjaMti / "
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________________ LV.) THE EXTINCT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS 83 ... (6) Its contents are so to say preserved by the Svetambaras and the Digambaras as well, though they differ in some of the details.. . (7) It is a splendid example of the gamika sruta.' (8) It abounds in bhangas. (9) Some of the works3 either partially or wholly are ex tracted from this Ditthivaya.. As already noted on p. 6, Ditthivaya is divided into five sections viz., (1) Parikamma, (2) Sutta, (3) Puvvagaya, (4) Anuoga and (5) Culiya, out of which at least the 1st two had become extinct at least by the time Jinadasa Gani Mahattara wrote his Cunni on Nandi. Parikamma-Just as it is necessary to know fundamental operations such as addition, subtraction etc., before one can solve arithmetical problems, so one should study Parikamma before one can commence the study of Sutta, Puvvagaya etc. Thus Parikamma is a stepping-stone for further study. It is of seven kinds: (1) Siddhasenia-parikamma, (2) Manussasenia-pari, (3) Putthaseniapari', (4) Ogadhasenia-parios, (5) Uvasampajjanasenia-pario, (6) Vippajahanasenia-pari' and (7) Cuacuasenia-parideg. Each of these kinds has sub-varieties which, in all, come to 83. Siddhasenia-pario has 14 sub-varieties: Maugapaya, Egatthiyapaya, Athapaya?, Padhoamasapaya, Keubhua, Rasibaddha, Egaguna, Duguna, Tiguna, Keubhua, Padiggaha, Samsarapadiggaha, Nandavatta and Siddhavatta. Manussaseniao, too, has 14 sub-varieties. Out of them the names of 13 are practically the same as those noted for Siddhasenia, the 14th being Manussavatta. Putthaseniao has 11 sub-varieties. The names of them are Padhoamasapaya upto Nandavatta as noted before, 1-2 See p. 77. 3 For their list see pp. 88, 89 and 96. 4 See p. 84, fn. 1 and 2. - f. "parikamma tti jogakaraNaM, jadhA gaNitassa solasa parikammA taggahitatattho sesagaNitassa jogo wafa, a esqfT FAITU HENTET TA FTTT nafa"--Nandicunni (p. 55). 6-9 In Samavaya (s. 147) we have Ogahanasenia-pari', Padott hapaya, Agasa paya and Siddhabaddha respectively.
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________________ THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [ CHAP. the 11th being Putthavatta. Each of the rest has 11 sub-varieties. The names of the 1st 10 of them are the same as noted for Putthasenia, while the respective names for the 11th are: Ogadhavatta, Uvasampajjanavatta, Vippajahanavatta and Cuacuavatta. Sec Nandi (s. 57). Practically we know next to nothing about all these 83 sub-varieties. Even there is no explanation given as to why Keubhua is mentioned twice, while enumerating the 14 sub-varieties of Siddhasenia. 84 Out of these 7 kinds of Parikamma, the first six which refer to svasamaya, come within the range of the 4 nayas viz. Sangaha, Vavahara, Rjusutta and Saddai. Negama is of two kinds: Sangahiya and Asangahiya. The former is included in Sangaha, and the latter in Vavahara. The Saddai nayas which are 4, are to be counted as one. So says the Nandicunni (p. 106). It further says: All the 7 kinds are accepted by the Ajivagas, and they are propounded by Gosala, and they are looked at in three ways. It seems Jinadasa Gani, the author of this Nandicunni makes no difference between the followers of Gosala, the Ajivagas and the Terasiyas. Sutta-This term is explained as one suggesting the meaning of all drayas, paryayas and nayas. There are 22 Suttas as under in this section: (1) Ujjusuya, (2) Parinayaparinaya, (3) Bahubhangia, (4) Vijayacariya, (5) Anantara, (6) Parampara, (7) Masana, (8) Sanjuha, (9) Sambhinna, (10) Ahavvaya, (11) Sovatthiavatta, (12) Nandavatta, (13) Bahula, (14) Putthaputtha, (15) Viavatta, (16) Evambhua, (17) Duyavatta, (18) Vattamanappaya, (19) Samabhirudha, (20) Savvaobhadda, (21) Passasa and (22) Duppadiggaha. See Nandi (s. 57).3 1 " taM ca parikammaM siddha seNitaparikammA dithUlabhedayo sattavidhaM uttarabhedayo tesItividha mAtuapadAdI, taM ca savvaM mUlattarabhedaM suttatthao vocchiNNaM jadhAgatasaMpadAtaM vA vaccaM " -- Nandicunni (p. 55 ) 66 2 'suttAiM ti ujjusutAiyAI bAvIsa suttAI, savvadavvANa savvapajjavANa savvaNayANa savvabhaMgavikappaNovadaMsagANi savvassa Naya ( ? puvva ) gatassa yatthassa ya sUyagatti sUyaNato suttA aNitA jadhAbhihANatthAto, te ya idANiM suttatthato vocchiNNA, jahAgatasaMpra ( pa ) dAyato boddhavvA " - Ibid., (p. 56 ). 3 In Samavaya (s. 147), the 4th, 7th, 10th and 21st Suttas are named as Vippaccaiya, Samana, Ahaccaya, and Panama respectively.
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________________ 85 IV) THE EXTINCT ACAMAS OT THE JAINAS No information is available regarding the contents of any one of these. We may however note that herein we find names which remind us of the two nayas viz, Evambhuta and Samabhirudha. The 22 Suttas are chinnacchetlanayika for svasamayikas whereas they are acchinnacchedanayikus for the Ajavagas. Further, they are trikanayikas for the Terasiyas, while they are catuskanayikas for svasamayikus. According to the chinnacchedanaya, all the sutras of the Agamas are independent of one another i.e. to say the preceding one has nothing to do with the subsequent one or ones nor has the subsequent one anything to do rith the preceding one or ones. Reverse is the case according to the acchinnacchedanaya which believes that the preceding and following sutras are inter-connected i, e. to say they are not independent of one another. The four view-points from which 22 Suttas can be seen and which are just mentioned, give us 88 varieties of this section in all. Purprigaya-This is fourteen-fold inasmuch as it consists of the following 14 Puvvas : (1) Uppaya, (2) Agganiya, (3) l'iriu, ( 4 ) Atthinathippavaya, (5) Nanappavaya, ( 6 ) Saccappavaya, (7) Ayappavaya, (8) Kammappavaya, (9) Procerikkhanapparaya, (10) Vijjanuppavaya', (11) Avanjha, (12) Panaii, (13) Kiriarisala and (14) Lokabindusara. These names are here given according to the Nandi (s. 57). In Pavayanasaruddhara (dvara 92), we come across almost these very names except that for Kammappaviya, we have Samayappavaya and for Lokabindusara, Bindusara. For contents according to the Svetambara point of view, one may refer to the Cunni ( pp. 57-58) on Nandi, Abhayadeva Suri's com. (p. 131a and p. 131b) on Samavaya, Siddhasena Gani's Tiki (pp. 207-208) on Pavayanasaruddhara etc.? From these sources we learn: The 1st Puvva deals with the origin of all the dravyas and paryayas; the 2nd, with their measurements (parimana); the 3rd, with the potentialities-powers of the animate and inanimate objects; the 1 For a variant see p. 90. 2 A list of the names of the 14 Puvvas along with their contents is found in the Digambara works, too, e. g. in Tattvartharajavartika (pp. 51-53).
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________________ THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAT) 4th, with the existence and non-existence of objects from the stand-points of dravya, ksetra, kala and bhava; the 5th, with five kinds of knowledge; the 6th, with samyama and truth and their opposites; the 7th, with an exposition of atman from various stand-points; the 8th, with eight kinds of karman and their subdivisions; the 9th, with pratyakhyana; the 10th, with vidyasmiraculous lores; the 11th, with merit and demerit and their fructifications; the 12th, with 10 types of prana and various kinds of ayusya; the 13th, with activities pertaining to samyama etc.; and the 14th, with a subject not mentioned. In the Cunni (pp. 57-58) on Nandi, in Malayagiri Suri's com. on it and in Pavayanasaruddhara (dvara 92), the number of the padas each Puvva consists of, is given; but some times, they differ. e. g. in the case of the 1st, 7th, 8th and 10th Puvvas. Incidentally it may be noted that as stated in Subodhika, the quantity of ink required for writing the 1st Puvva equals the volume of one elephant, that for the 2nd, that of 2, for the 3rd, that of 4 and so on in G. P. so that for the 14th it equals that of 213 i. e. 8192 elephants. Quotations from the Puvvas-Maladharin Hemacandra Suri in his com. on Visesavassayabhasa has at times given the alavagas etc., from the Puvvas.' He believes that v. 117 of this Visesao which runs as under belongs to Puvvagaya: "soiMdiovaladdhI hoi suyaM sesayaM tu mainANaM / Al Frui saagi acest a Ag II 996 11" He ends the explanations of this verse with the words "fet garramie HERTTE: " That this v. 117 belongs to a Puvva, is corroborated by the words "asfaqifat i qafaanfer" occurring in Devendra Suri's vivrti on Kammavivaga (v. 4). These words are followed by the 117th verse noted above. Maladharin Hemacandra while commenting on v. 128 ("afero)" identifies it as a gatha from a Puvva. While commenting on v. 2335 of Visesao he observes on p. 946:1 It seems in doing so, he has probably followed Kotyacarya's com. on Visesa". 2 In Kotyacarya's com. (p. 53) we have: "la garantaretru:"
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________________ IV] THE EXTINCT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS .... "AtmapravAdanAmakaM pUrvamadhIyAnasya tiSyaguptasyAyaM sUtrAlApakaH sA(? sa)mAyAtastad yathA"ege bhNte| jIvapaese jIve tti vattavvaM siyA ? / no iNaTe samaTe / evaM do, tinni, jAva dasa, saMkhejA, masaMkhejjA bhaMte ! jIvapaesA jIva tti vattavvaM siyA ? / no iNaTe samare, egapaesuNe vi NaM jIve no jIve tti vattavvaM siyaa| se keNaM aTeNaM / jamhA NaM kasiNe paDipunne logAgAsapaesatulle jIve tti vattavyaM siyA, se teNe aTeNaM" iti| In the com. (p. 960) on v. 2390 of Visesao he says: "tatra cchinnacchedanakanayavaktavyatAyAmAlApakAH samAyAtAH, tada yathA-"paDappannasamayaneraiyA savve vocchijissaMti, evaM jAva vemANiya tti, evaM bIyAisamaesu vi vttvvN"|" Abhayadeva Suri in his com, (p. 9a ) on Pancasaga, notes the following verse as occurring in Puvvagaya: "jArisao aibheo jaha jAyai jaha ya tattha dosgunnaa| jayaNA jaha aiyArA bhaMgo taha bhAvaNA neyA // " For, there he says: "na ceyaM gAthA na pramANa, pUrvAntargatatayA'syAH pratipAdanAt / " Vinayavijaya in Lokaprahasa (III, v. 803 f.) says on p. 51":"uktaM ca bhASyakRtA "sadasadavisesaNAo bhvheujhicchioblNbhaao| nANaphalAbhAvAo micchaddiTrissa annANaM // " -pUrvAntargateyaM gAthA / " So this gatha, too, belongs to some Puvva. Before we proceed further we may note that in Visescio (v. 2513), its author alludes to Kamappavaya Puvva. The pertinent verse is as under: "kammappavAyapuvve baddhaM puTuM nikAiyaM kammaM / jIvapaesehiM samaM suIkalAvovamANAo // 2513 // " Entracts from the Puvvas:-According to the Juina tradition the Dasapurvadharas extract portions from the Puvvas necessarily and the Caturdasapurvadharas, if a special occasion arises. This 1 Cf. Kotyacarya's com. (p. 687). 2 In Kotyacarya's com. (p. 699) we have a variant paDhamasamayauppannA" for this. It appears that the entire alavaga is not given here. 3 This very verse occurs four times in Visesao as v. 115, 319, 521 and 2844. 4 The Prakrta word for this is nijjuhana whereas the Samskrta one, niryuhana. The former occurs in Visesa (v. 551), and there it means "composition" (racana). The words nijjUDhaM, nijjUhana and nijjUhiyA are found in verses 12, 14 and 15 of
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________________ THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS is what we learn from the following line occurring in Haribhadra Suri's com. (p. 12) on Dasaveyaliya:-- 88 "uddagoat kahi vi kAraNe samutpanne NijjUhati, dasapubbI puNa apacchimo avassaafa"-Cf. Dasaveyaliyacunni (p. 7) I may give below the names of works along with those of the Puvvas from which they are extracted: [CHAP (I) Uvasaggaharathotta, some Puvva;' (II) Ohanijjutti, Paccalkhanappavaya2, (III) Kammapayadi, Karmaprakrti Prabhrta; (IV) Pratisthakalpa, Vijjuppuraya; (V) Sthapunakalpu, Paccakkhanappavaya; (VI) Siddhaprabhrta, Agganiya; (VII) Pajjosanakappa, Paccakkhanapparaya; (VIII) Dhammapannatti, Ayappavaya; (IX) Pindesuna, Kammappavaya; (X) Vakkasuddhi, Saccappavaya; (XI) the rest of the ajjhayanas of Dasaveyaliya; Paccakkhanappavaya; (XII) Parisahajjhayana; Kammap Dasaveyaliyanijjutti. Haribhadra Suri in his com. on this work says: "fa pUrvagatAduddhRtya viracitaM" ( 1. 92 ) and " niryUhaka pUrvagatoddhRtArtha viracanAkarttAraM " ( p. 10b ). The editor of this work observes: " yUhaM uddharaNa ityAgamiko dhAturiti nyAyasaGgrahaH " (p. 12, fn.). In spite of these explanations; it remains to be ascertained whether nijjuhana means a re-production ad verbatim or that of an essence embodied in words by the author concerned. 1 See Rajasekhara Suri's Caturvimsatiprabandha (my edn., p. 7). 2 See Malayagiri Suri's com. (p. 341') on Avassayanijjutti (v. 665 ), Hemacandra Suri's com. (p. 842) on Visesa (v. 2010) and Drona Suri's com. (p. 1b) on Ohanijjutti. In this last com. it is said: "-stafagfin, dazadhA sAmAcArI 'icchA micchetyAdi, padavibhAgasAmAcArI-kalpa vyavahAraH / tatra oghasAmAcArI ca navamapUrvAntarvarti yat tRtIyaM sAmAcArIvastvasti tatrApi viMzatitamAt prAbhRtAt sA anugrahArthaM bhadrabAhumvAminA nirvyUDhA, dazadhA punaruttarAdhyayanebhyo nirvyUDhA icchAmicchetyAdikA " 3 See Malayagiri Suri's com. (p. 220) on Kammapayadi. 4 See Sakalacandra Gani's Pratisthakalpa. 5 See Yasovijaya Gani's Sthapanakulakasvadhyaya published in Pancapratikramana at Mhesana. Sec Subodhika (p. 7). 6 7-10 " AyavyayAyaputrvA nijjudA hoi dhammapatnattI / kamavAyacA piMDasa u esaNA tivihA // 26 // saccapavAyapuvvA nijjUDhA hoi vakkasuddhA u / avasesA nijjUr3hA navamassa u tayavatthUbha / / 17 / / "
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________________ IV) THE EXTINCT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS pavaya;' (XIII) Pancakappa, a Puvva;? (XIV-XVI) Dasasuyakkhandha, Kappat and Vavaharas, Paccakkhanappavaya; (XVII) Mahakappa, a Puvva;" (XVIII) Nisiha, Paccakkhanappavaya;? (XIX) Nayacakra, Nanappavaya; (XX) Sayaga, a Puvva;o (XXI) Pascasangaha, a Puvva;10 (XXII) Sattariya, a Puvva;' (XXIII) Mahakarmaprakrtiprabhrta, a Puvva;12 ( XXIV) Kasayaprabhrta, a Puvva13 and (XXV) Jivasamasa, a Puvva ( ? ).14 The language of the Puvvas-This is usually supposed to be Samskrta and not Praksta. This view is probably based upon the following references: (i) Vijayananda Suri in his Tattvanirnayaprasada (p. 412) quotes the following verse, with "ja 3PATTA"15 prefixed: " mutaNa dihivAyaM kAliya-ukAliyaMgasiddhataM / 27-218712TUTTRY 91844i fanath 11"16 (ii) Prabhacandra Suri in his Prabhavakacaritra (VIddhavadiprabandha, v. 114 ) observes: 'caturdazApi pUrvANi saMskRtAni purA'bhavan // 114 // " 1 See Vadivetala Santi Suri's com. (p. 56) on Uttarajihayana where the following verse from it is quoted : "kammApavAyapuvve sattarase pAhuDammi je sutt| saNayaM sodAharaNaM taM ceva ihaM pi NAyavvaM // 2-69 // ". 2 See D. C.), M. (vol. XVII, pt. II, p. 257). 3 Ibid., p. 60. 4-5 Ibid., p. 239. 6 See Hemacandra Suri's com. (p. 932b) on Visesao (v. 2295 ). 7 Cf. "TTTTT7991 gor TYFETTIA 474 37791achfesor zat 4852 1128811" -Ayaranijjutti 8 See Prabhavakacaritra (Mallavadiprabandha, v. 14). See the Hindi prastavana (pp. 16-17) to Devendra Suri's Kammavivaga published by "Sri Atmananda Pustaka pracaraka Mandala in A. D. 1918. There it is said: ___zvetAmbara-sampradAya meM 1 karmaprakRti, 2 zataka, 3 paJcasaMgraha, aura 5 saptatikA ye 4 grantha aura digambara-sampradAya meM 1 mahAkarmaprakRtiprAbhRta tathA 2 kaSAyaprAbhRta ye do grantha pUrvoddhata mAne jAte haiN|" 10-13 See fn. 9. 14 See Jivasamasa (v. 285), 15 Up till now I have not been in a position to trace this Agama. 16 As stated in the upodghata (p. 9) to Paiyasaddamahannava (pt. 1v ), this verse is quoted in Acaradinakara by Vardhamana Suri. 9 s 12
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________________ 90 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS (CHAP. (iii) Some of the Svetambaras of the present days state that the following 3 works written in Samskrta have been extracted from Puvvagaya : (1) Namo'rhat, (2) Namo'stu Vardhamanaya and (3) Visas lalocana. . While trying to verify this statement, 1 find that in Hiraprasna also called Prasnottrasamuccaya (prakasa III, p. 286) it is stated that Namo'rhat is extracted from a Puvva. It may be however noted that the quotations from the Puvvas given on pp. 86-87 suggest that the Puvvas were composed in Prakrta, in case these are reproductions ad verbatim. The study of the Puvvas-A Caturdasapurvadhara can go through all the 14 Puvvas, both in word and meaning in a muhurta', in case he has practised 'mahaprana dhyana'. This is what is said in Parisistaparvan (1x, 623). Padmamandira Gani, however, in his com. (p. 1836)4 on Dharmaghosa Suri's Rsimandalaprakarana (v. 181) observes that in virtue of this dhyanu having been practised, a Caturdasapurvadhara can in an antarmuhurtas have the gunana of all the Puvvas from the beginning to the end and in the reverse order to boot. Vatthus-The 14 Puvvas have sections known as Vatthus. Their numbers are respectively 10, 14, 8, 18, 12, 2, 16, 30, 20, 15, 12, 13, 30 and 25 ( vide Nandi s. 576). In all, they come to 225. 1 This is the 30th part of a day, and practically it equals 48 minutes. 2 This is alluded to in the following verse of Sirisirivalakaha: "mhpaannjjhaayduvaalsNgsutttthtdubhyrhsso| sajjhAyatapparappA esappA ceva uvajjhAo / / 1330 // " 3 "mahAprANe hi niSpanne kArye karimazciMdAgate / sarvapUrvANi guNyante sUtrArthAbhyAM muhUrtataH // 62 // " 4 "pUrNe tasmin mahAprANe pUrvANi guNayet kila / Adito'ntaM yAvadantAdAdi cAntarmuhUrtataH // 188 // " 5 This means a period which ranges from 9 samayas to a muhurta less by one samaya, as can be seen from the following verse of Lokaprakasa (111): - "samayebhyo navabhyaH syAt prabhRtyantarmuhUrtakam / samayonamuhUrtAntamasaGkhyAtavidhaM yataH // 34 // " 6 "dasa codasa aTTha(s)dvAraseva bArasa duve a vatthUNi / solasa tIsA vIsA pannarasa aNuppavAyammi / / bArasa ikArasame bArasame teraseva vtthuunni| tIsa puNa terasame codasame pnnnnviisaao|" From this it follows that the 10th Puvva is here named as Anuppovaya instead of Vijjanuppavaya,
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________________ 91 IV] THE EXTINCT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS Nowhere I have come across the names of all these Vatthus. Only the name of the 3rd Vatthu of the 9th Puvva is mentioned as Samayari in Drona Suri's com. (p. 1b) on Ohanijjutti and that of a Vatthu of the 10th as Neuniya in Visesao (v. 2390). . The Pahudas In Kammavivaga. (v. 7) we find twenty varieties of suyanana referred to. Out of them Pahudapahuda, Pahuda and Vatthu and each with the word "samasa' added it deserve to be here noted. Devendra Suri in his com. (p. 19) on Kammavivagu (v.7) explains them as under: "srcardaaf faitlanta: sam78 97 agafcaffiged rapuasamAsaH 14 / vastvantarvartI adhikAravizeSaH prAbhRtam 15 / tadvyAdisaMyogastu prAbhRtasamAsaH 16 / pUrvAntarvartI adhikAravizeSo vastu 17 / taddyAdisaMyogastu vastusamAsaH 18 // " . Siddhasena Gani's com. (p. 94) on Tattvartha (I, 20 ) also throws light on this topic. There it is said: "aeafa garaient saq:, arga: prAbhUtamalpataraM, prAmRtAt prAbhRtaprAbhRtamalpataraM, tato'dhyayanaM pranthato'lpataraM, tata uddezako'lpatara iti / " From this it follows that Vatthu (Sk. Vastu) is a section of a Puvva, and Pahuda (Sk. Prabhrta) is a sub-section of this section.' This Pahuda has sections each known a Pahudapahuda. Vatthu is bigger than Pahuda and Pahuda is bigger than Pahudapahudai The Digambaras believe that Kundakunda Acarya has composed 84 Pahudas out of which 8 are available at present; but, herein I am not dealing with any one of them; for, I am here concerned with the Svetambara literature on this point, and, moreover, these 8 extant Pahudas do not form a part of the canonical literature. I may say that in this literature, nowhere a list of all the Paludas? is given; but we can surely collect the stray references which give us the names of the following Pahudas:1 It may be noted that this Pahuda has nothing to do with the 20 pahudas of Suriyapannatti and 21 pahudas of Joisakarandaga. 2 There seems to be no such work which mentions either the number or the names of the Pahudas of each Vatthu. From p. 89, fn. 7, we learn that the 3rd Vatthu of the 9th Puvva has at least 20 Pahudas, and that the name of this 20th is Ayara. From p. 89, fn. 2, we learn that the 8th Puvva has at least 17 Pahudas, and from p. 92, fn. 1, we see that the 5th Vatthu of the 2nd Puvva has 20 Pahudas, and its 4th Pahuda is named as Kammapayadi.
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________________ 92 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP (1) Ayarapahuaa, (2) Kappapahuda. (3) Kammapayadipahuda , (4) Jayapahuda, (5) Jonipahuda, (6) Dukkhmapa. huda, (7) Nadayavihipahuda, (8) Nimittapahuda, (9) Paztthapahuda, (10) Vijjapahuda, (11) Vinnanapahuda', (12) Sadda. pahuda, (13) Sarapahuda an d (14) Siddhapahuda. Out of these, Ayarapahuda (Acaraprabhrta ) is mentioned by Bhadra bahusvamin whereas Kappapahuda (Kalpaprabhrta ) and Vijjapahuda ( Vidyaprabhrta) by Jina prabha Suri in his Vividhatirthakalpa on pp. 5 and 6 respectively. Kammapayadipahuda ( Karmaprakrtiprabhsta) is similarly mentioned by Malayagiri Suri in his com. ( p. 219 )2 on Kammapayadi (v. 474 ) and Jonipahuda (Yoniprabhrta) by Ksemakirti Suri in his com. (p. 401) on Kappa (I). Jinadasa Gani, too, has mentioned Jonipahuda in his Visehacunni where Nimittapahuda (Nimittaprabhrta) is referred to. Bhadresvara Suri in his Kahavali, has mentioned Jonipahuda and Nimittapahuda as well as Vijjapahuda and Siddhapahuda (Siddhaprabhrta) while narrating the life of Padalipta in the section known as "Palittacarita". Saddapahuda (Sabdaprabhrta ) is noted by Siddhasena Gani in his tika (p. 50) on Tattvartha (I, 5). The pertinent line is:-"ara sfa, Tegund aa desfea ga od 1%Tuaza, 2: Jagra at arafa a gyant gata aatfa sogfafari" Sarapahuda (Svaraprabhrta ) is mentioned by Abhayadeva Suri in his com. (p. 3956) on Thana (VII, s. 553). Similarly Nadayavihipahuda (Natyavidhiprabhrta) is referred to by Malayagiri Suri in his com. (p. 526) on Rayapaseniya (s. 23). Dukkhamapahuda is mentioned by Devendra Suri in his yantra viz. Dvisahasrayugapradhanasvarupa where he attributes this work to Bhadrabahusvamin. See D. C. J. M. (No. 828 of 1895-1902), Paitthapahuda is alluded to by Ratnasekhara Suri in his com. on Sraddhavidhi. See (p. 95). In the introduction to Nirvana-kalika (p. 6) attributed to Padalipta Suri, it is said that the Pahudas were composed between the period ranging from the life-time of Bhadrabahusvamin 1 This is mentioned in the intro. (p. 6) to Nirvanakalika. 2 "tatra ca dvitIye'grAyaNIyAbhidhAne'nekavastusamanvite pUrva paJcamaM vastu viMzatiprAbhRtaparimANam / tatra karma prakRtyAkhyaM caturtha prAbhRtaM caturvizatyanuyogadvAramayam / tasmAdidaM prakaraNaM nItaM AkRSTamityarthaH / "
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________________ IV] THE EXTINCT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS 93 to the 2nd century A. D. If so, these cannot be looked upon as sections of the Puvvas composed by the Ganadharas. .. Ayarapahuda, Kappapahuda and Kammapayadipahuda-I have not come across a description pertaining to any one of these Pahudas except that as stated in Vividhatirthakalpa (p. 5) Bhadrabahusvamin extracted Satrunjayakalpa from Kalpaprabhrta, and Vajrasvamin and Padalipta Suri abridged it.. Jonipahuda-In the com. (pp. 401 and 753) on Kappa it is said that this is a section of Puvva. Visehacunni throws greater light on it. There it is said that animate objects from ckendriyas to pancendriyas can be generated by one who knows this Jonipahuda, and Siddhasena Suri had accordingly generated horses. The pertinent lines are: "ang aturfag grafagife gafas a stories fot, STEI fagdarefigo Far qat 1"--Jatnayuga (1, 3, p. 90) In the Visehacunni (XVIII, 469) we have:___"NisIhamAdiyassa cchedasuttassa jo bhattho Agato sutaM vA mokalAmi vA pacchittavihANANi matANi vA joNipATuDaM vA gAhaMto aNNattha gAheti." In Hemacandra's com. (p. 750) on Visesao (v. 1775) it is said: "yonividhAne ca yoniprAmRte visadRzAnekadravyasaMyogayonayaH sarpasiMhAdiprANino maNayo hemAdayazca padArthA nAnArUpAH smuplbhynte|" In Prabhavakacaritra (Padaliptaprabandha, v. 115-127) we come across a narrative where it is said that Rudradeva Suri was teaching Yoniprabhrta to his pupil when there came the portion dealing with the method of generating fish. A fisherman who was staying beside this place heard this conversation and carried on his profession accordingly. The Acarya, later on, came to know about this and dissuaded the fisherman from generating fish. In this very narrative (v. 128 ) we come across a line where it is said that lions were generated. A photo-copy as well as the original Ms. of a work known as Jonipahuda can be had at the Bhandarkar 0. R. Institute; but as this work is in a fragmentary condition and even several folios are not properly arranged, it is difficult to make out a head or 1 This act of generation is known as nirvartanadhikara.
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________________ THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [ CHAP. tail out of it. Even then some lines are given by me in D. C.J. M. (vol. XVII, pt. I, pp. 383-384). From this we learn that this work is composed by Panhapravana Muni, and it is copied in Samvat 1582. In another place, we notice the name Prasna sravana mahamuni. Some take this work to be the same as Jonipahuda, but I have grave doubts about it. See my "Preface" (p. xxiv) to D. C. J. M. (vol. XVII, pt. III). In the introduction (p. 6) to Nirvanakalika it is said: "Dharasena composed the Yoni-prabhrita about 135 A. D." that we Dukkhamapahuda and Nadayavihipahuda-It seems have no description available of any one of these Pahudas. All the same, it may be inferred that the latter must be dealing with dramas and their staging. 94 Nimittapahuda-This is defined in Kahavali as under:" jattha uNa kevaliyAjoisasayaNAinimittaM suttijjai taM nimittapAhuDe / " From this it follows that it deals with nimittas including astrology (jyotis) and the science of dreams. It may be noted that nimitta includes jyotis; if not, it would have been separately mentioned in Nisiha etc., where the Jaina clergies are forbidden to get alms by yogacurna vidya and nimittaprayoga. Nimitta is defined in Visesa (v. 2163) as under: "lakkhijjaI subhAsubhamaNeNa to lakkhaNaM nimittaM ti / bhomAi tadahavihaM tikAlaviSayaM jiNAbhihiyaM // " That nimittajnana is looked upon as valid can be seen from the following verse occurring in Suyagada (I, 12, 9):"saMvaccharaM suviNaM lakkhaNaM ca nimittadehaM ca uppAiyaM ca / ahaMgameyaM bar3have addittA logaMsi jANaMti annaagyaaii||" Nimitta may be either eight-fold or six-fold. The former is referred to in the following gatha: "bhoma sumita likkhaM divvaM aMgaM saralakkhaNaM taha ya / vaijaNamahavihaM khalu nimittameva muNeyavvaM // " When nimitta refers to happiness, misery, profit, loss, life and death, it is looked upon as six-fold. It seems that Gosala knew this six-fold nimitta; for, in Viahapannatti (xv; s. 539) it is said that he knew six types of nimitta. In Silanka Suri's com. (p. 218) on Suyagada we come across the following passage: "atra cAGgavarjitAnAM nimittazAstrANAmanuSTubhena chandasA ardhatrayodaza zatAni sUtraM tAvantyeva sahasrANi vRttiH tAvatpramANalakSA paribhASeti / "
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________________ IV] THE EXTINCT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS This means that the text of nimittasastras, Angas apart, comes to 1250 slokas, its vrtti to 12500 and its paribhasa to 12 lacs and a half. It remains to be ascertained as to which this text is. Is it Nimittapahuda or some other work probably based upon it ? There is a work known as Prasnavyakarana on which the late Mr. C. D. Dalal has noted 3 commentaries viz. Cudamani, Jyoti and anonymous. He has suggested that Jayaprabhrta is another name of Prasnavyakarana, but Muni Kalyanavijaya expresses his doubt about it. Vide Jainayuga (1, 3, p. 93). Pahudas 9 to 13-We have practically no details available about these Pahudas except what I have practically already noted. About Saddapahuda I may add that Hemacandra Suri while commenting upon a grammatical portion (p. 1506) occurring in Anuogaddara (s. 130 ) expresses his inability to explain some part of it as Sabdaprabhrta is lost (vide Chap. VII). Jinamandana Gani, in his Kumarapalaprabandha (pp. 986-99a) has said that 21 names of Satrunjaya are noted in Vidyaprabhrta. In the svopajna vitti (p. 566) of Sraddhavidhi we have:"pratiSThAprAbhRtAt zrIpAdalitoddhRtapratiSThApaddhatau ca yathAmaNitam" From this it follows that Padalipta's Pratisthapaddhati is based upon Pratisthaprabhrta. Siddhapahuda--This is defined in Kahavale as below:"jastha pAyalebaMjaNaguDivAIhiM siddhA sa(: ? porUvijaMti taM siddhapAhuDaM" . It appears that Aryasamita Sthavira could stop the flow of a river by yogacurna on account of his knowledge of Siddhapahuda. That Padalipta Suri and Nagarjuna Suri could fly by applying some thing on the sole of a foot, is probably due to their knowledge of this work. It may be added that probably it was the knowledge of this Pahuda that helped the two pupils of Susthitacarya in remaining invisible by means of some asjana applied to eyes and in sharing the food of King Candragupta. In this connection it may not be amiss to state that we have another work available at present and named as Siddhapahuda. It is extracted from Agganiya (vide p. 88), but it should not be on that account confounded with the one in question.
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________________ THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP. **Anuoga-Etymology of this word is already given on p. 10. Furthermore its main divisions and their contents are also noted on pp. 10-11. So, there remains very little to be said here. * Extracts from the Anuoga-Some of the biographical sketches of the great men may have been extracted from Padhamanuvga.? Vasudevahindiz is probably so; if not, it is at least based upon it as can be seen from the following lines occurring in it:... "tattha tAva suhammasAmiNA jaMbunAmassa paDhamANuoge titthayara-cakavaTi-dasAravaMsaparUvaNAgayaM vasudevacariyaM kahiyaM ti tasseva pabhavo kaheyavvo, tappabhavassa ya pabhavassa tti / " Bambhadattacariyat is said to be extracted from Ditthivaya and hence perhaps from Padhamanuoga. Culiya-These Culiyas are also known as Culla-vatthus. Only the first four Puvvas have Culiyas. Therein the 1st Puvva has 4 four Culiyas, the 2nd 12, the 3rd 8, and the 4th 10. In all we have 34 Culiyas. They are studied last.? 1 In the com. (p. 93) on Siddhantagamastava, Aiuoga is styled as Purvanuyoga, and it is there described as having two sections viz Prathamanuyoga and Kalanuyoga. 2 It may appear that Padhamanuoga was not only extant but even available to Jinadasa Gani, as can be inferred from the following words occurring in his Avassayacunni (pt. I, p. 160): "etaM savvaM gAhAhiM jahA paDhamANuyoge taheva ihapi vannijati vitthrto|" Moreover, the following lines thereof seem to substantiate this statement:(i) "opiat faaatiftar fq2391 519 FT ara fa"-Ibid., pt. I, p. 214 (ii) " T rate, derfor fier foratif qu'-Ibid, pt., I, p. 488 From this it follows that Cittantaragandiya was available to him-a fact corroborated by its description given by him in Nandicunni. But this inference is not valid. For, by taking into account the date Saka Samvat 598 (Samvat 733 ) mentioned by him as the year in which he completed Nandicunni and the date of the extinction of Puvvagaya viz.. Vira Samvat 1000 (Samvat 530), it seems more reasonable to believe that he got the traditional information about the contents of the Anuoga rather than to say that he had this part of the Agama directly accessible to him. 3 This is referred to in Avassa yacunni (pt. II, p. 324). 4 This episode is given by Haribhadra Suri in his com. on Uvaesapaya (v. 357). 5 . "cattAri duvAlasa aThTha ceva dasa ceva cullavatthUNi / 61 tous HATUT af af 1"--Nandi (s. 57) 6-7 "ar a la fesyoqlu gus, o force 99 Hogafi ofaat qfesifa al,... quacy fe quate "-Nandicunni (p. 61 )
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________________ IV) THE EXTINCT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS 97 This finishes the exposition about the contents of Parikanma etc. So, as stated on p. 75, I shall now deal with the order in which the five sections of Ditthivaya' became mostly2 extinct. Up till now none seems to have tackled this problem. I am probably the 1st to have done so in 1939 in Tattvarasikacandrika (pt. I, pp. 52-55) in Gujarati. I do not know if any one has even criticized my views by this time. So, once more I express them in this connection and request the veteran scholars to examine them and to give their verdict. It appears that a work gets obliterated when its study ceases. . If so, it means we should note how the 5 sections were being studied. It is well-nigh certain that the study of the 1st two sections preceded that of the rest. As regards Parikamma, it seems that at least some persons carried on its study side by side with and that, too, ahead of the corresponding Puvva-an inference I draw from Aryaraksita Suri's episode. On this basis it can be suggested that the study of the Parikamma pertaining to each Puvva ended with the extinction of that Puvva; for, it was no use preparing the Parikamma of that Puvva which had ceased to exist. If this suggestion is correct, it follows that the Parikamma associated with the study of the last 4 Puvvas became a dead letter by 1 As stated in Samavaya (s. 46), Ditthivaya has 46 Mauyapayas. Each of the 14 varieties of Parikamma has only one Mauyapaya (vide p. 83). So it follows that some other section or sections of Ditthivaya must have Mauyapayas. Abhayadeva Suri in his com. (p. 696) on Samavaya (s. 46 ) makes a tentative suggestion in this connection as under: ___"'didvivAyassa' tti dvAdazAGgasya 'mAuyApaya' tti sakalavAGmayasya akArAdimAtRkApadAnIva. dRSTivAdArthaprasavanibandhanatvena mAtRkApadAni utpAdavigamadhrauvyalakSaNAni, tAni ca siddhazreNi-manuSyazreNyAdinA viSayabhedena kathamapi bhidyamAnAni SaTcatvAriMzad bhavantIti smbhaavynte|" 2 "Hafitai yrat ozafogoti" - Malayagiri Suri's com. (p. 238b) on Nandi (s. 57). 3 These are rather somewhat revised ones. 4 For a tentative treatment of this topic see J. S. E. (pp. 235-287). 5 This assumption is based upon the fact that in all the references about the 5 sections of Ditthivaya, I know of, Parikamma is invariably assigned the 1st place and Sutta the second. 6 See p. 78, fn. 4. 13
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________________ THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [ CHAP. the time Sthulabhadra died, and a similar inference can be drawn for the Parikamma pertaining to the rest of the 10 Puvvas. 98 ma. There is another alternative regarding the study of Parikam Just as even now-a-days some persons complete the study of the Samskrta grammar before they enter the field of literature, so Parikamma being a stepping-stone to Puvvagaya, some may have been mastering it completely before they began to study even the 1st Puvra. As regards the study of the Sutta, the Jaina literature-even the narrative branch of it, seems to be completely silent. So I may suggest that the case of the extent of the study of the Sutta - is parallel to that of Parikamma, and equally so is its loss. So far as the Puvvas are concerned, it appears that their study must have been preceded by that of the pertinent portions or the entire ones of the Parikumma and the Sutta. The study of Anuoga may have been partly preceded and partly followed by that of the corresponding Puvva, in case it dealt with upakrama etc., as suggested on p. 9. As regards the branch of hagiology, its study may have been taken up after that of the corresponding portion of the Puvva or it may have preceded it, in case either the taught were inquisitive to know the lives of the persons referred to in the Puvva they were about to learn or the teacher wanted to create interest about the pertinent Puvva amongst his pupils. Whatever it may be, it is almost certain that the study of the Anuoga which may have been taken up in instalments corresponding to each Puvva or which may have been altogether reserved after that of the Puvva in question or to take an extreme case after that of all the Puvvas, was given up as soon as the study of the Fuvvas came to an end. If so, it may be said that the loss of the last 4 Puvvas was followed by the cessa. tion of the study of the corresponding Anuoga or as an extreme 1 The Sutta seems to be an index to the aphorisms of Puvvagaya and their meanings. If so, it is more or less a tabulated summary-an analytical digest of the contents of Puvvagaya in extenso, and thus it may be compared with the Matikas of the Bauddhas, and it may be looked upon as forming a background for the study of the Puvvas.
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________________ IV) THE EXTINCT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS case by that of the Anuoga in its entirety, and this cessation must have finally led to its loss. The loss of the remaining Puvvas gives rise to a parallel case for the loss of the corresponding Anuoga. Turning to the Culiyas, we find that though they are said to belong to the Puvuagaya and to be exact to the 1st four Puvvas only, their nature as expounded in Nandicunni (p. 61) makes us believe that they had something to do with other sections, too'. Further, their study seems to have been preceded by that of the 1st four sections in case we endorse the opinion? expressed in the Nandicunni that they are given the last place not only regarding the arrangement of the 5 sections but their study, too. This means that the Culiyas got forgotten or became extinct by the time Sthulabhadra died. With these words about the order of the loss of the different sections of Ditthivaya, I shall now resume the question about the nature etc. of the remaining extinct works, and shall accordingly commence with the works of the kaliya suya. Khuddiya-Vimanapavibhatti-This is an ajjhayana dealing with the vimanas which may or may not have entered avalika. It is the 1st ajjhayana of Sankhevitadasa (vide p. 55, fn. 2). From Samavaya (s. 37, 38 and 40) we learn that this ajjhayana had' at least 3 raggas, the 1st having 37 uddesanakalas, the 2nd 38 and the 3rd 40 respectively. This wjhayana used to be prescribed as one of the text-books to a Sadhu whose diksaparyaya was of 11 years. Mahalliya-Vimanapavibhatti-This work has the same subjectmatter as the above one, the only difference being that it treats it at a greater length. This is the 2nd ajjhayana of Sankhevitadasa ( vide p. 55, fn. 2). From Samavaya (s. 41-45 ) it can be seen that this work had at least 5 caggas, the uddesanakalas of which were 41, 42, 43, 44 and 45 respectively. This ajjhayann was also one of the text-books for a Sadhu of 11 years' standing. 1-2 "' ' f fagi fafara qfH-37-409-491971i7 fora,...75974 format 99 Faqafi ofan afectifa 9." The earlier portion of this seems to be erroneous; for, Malayagiri Suri in his com. (p. 246 ) quotes it as under: "didvivAe jaM parikamma-sutta-puvA-'Nuyoge na bhaNiyaM taM calAsu bhaNiyaM."
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________________ 100 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS (CHAP, Arunovavaya - This is an ajjhayana dealing with the samaya ( code ) and upapata of Aruna, a god. As stated in Nandicunni (p. 49) Aruna approaches a saint who is engaged in the gunana of this ajjhayana. He then respectfully hears the same from him. On this being completed, he requests that saint to ask for a boon; but the latter declines to do so. Thereupon he circumambulates the saint and returns to his celestial abode. This work is the 6th ajjhayana of Sankhevitadasa, and it is satisaya (vide p. 82, fn. 6). It was one of the text-books for a Sadhu of 12 years' standing, the other text-books being Garulovavaya, Dharanovavaya, Vesamanovavaya and Velandharovavaya. Varunovarayas, Garulovavaya, Dharanovavaya, Vesamanovavaya, Velandharovavaya and Devindovavaya.--All these except the 3rd and the last, are also the ajjhayanas of Sankhevitadasa. They have Varuna, Garula, Dharana, Vaisramana, Velandhara and Devendra (Sakra ) respectively as the main characters as is the case with Arunovavaya having Aruna. So it appears that some of the passages of Arunovavaya may be occurring mutatis mutandis in these ajjhayanas. Moreover, as stated in the Bhasa (p. 109a)" on Vavahara (X) Varuna discharges a scented shower and Aruna and Garula give gold, when they are so to say invoked. Utthanasuya and Samutthanasuya-As stated in Nandicunni (p. 49), when an enraged Sadhu recites Utthanasuya once, twice or thrice, the family, the village or the capital or the like which has offended him becomes desolate. Later on, when he being pacified, recites Samutthanasuya once, twice or thrice, whatever has been desolated, becomes re-inhabited. Such an event is narrated in the case of Damasara Muni in Atmaprabodhas composed by Jinalabha 1 This is mentioned in Avassayacunni (pt. 1, p. 35). 2 In this connection, Abhayadeva Suri in his com. (p. 513b) on Thana ( s. 756) observes :-"ogruda a Filofaata ga Hafa" 3 According to Haribhadra Suri's com. (p. 96") on his own work Pancavatthuga (v.585) this was one of the text-books for a Sadhu of 12 years' standing. "nAgAvaruNo vAsaM aruNA garulA ya vIyagaM detii| ariaut y at Hent for a fer 118011" 5 See pp. 137-138 of the edition published by Hiralal Hansaraj in A. D. 1909.
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________________ IV] THE EXTINCT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS Suri in Samvat 1833. There he is represented as a contemporary of Lord Mahavira. 101 Both of these works are satisaya. So says Kotyacarya in his com (p. 201) on Visesa (v. 555). Maladharin Hemacandra Suri, too, says the same thing. It may be noted that both these commentators have given Samutthana as the Samskrta equivalent of Samutthana; but Jinadasa Gani differs from them; for, he says in Nandicunni (p. 49 ) : "samuvaTThANasuyaM ti vattavve vagAralovAto samuTThANasuyatti bhaNitaM " Samutthanasuya was a text-book for a Sadhu of 13 years' standing, as was the case with Utthanapariyavaniya. Nagapariyavaniya-This is an ajjhayana wherein the Nagakumaras play an important role. When a saint concentrates upon this work, the Nagakumaras bow to him, and without leaving their residential quarters, give them boons therefrom. Asivisabhavana-It is a work which more or less deals with venoms. As stated by Yasodeva Suri in his com. (p. 69a) on Pakkhiyasutta, this work says that there are two types of living beings having poison in their jaws. The first type of them is so by their very birth. They include scorpions, frogs, serpents and human beings. The poison of a scorpion can at best pervade a body equal to that of half of Bharata ksetra; that of a frog, double this body; that of a serpent, a body equal to Jambudvipa; and that of a human being, a body equal to the samaya-ksetra (i. e. manusyaloka). The second type acquires poison by practising a penance or So. It includes the five-organed tiryacs, human beings and gods up to those of Sahasrara, so long as these gods are aparyapta. These beings kill others by cursing them. This act is tantamount to a serpent's bite etc.1 Ditthivisabhavana-This work deals with those who have poison in their drsti (eyes). This may remind one of the drstivisasarpas like Candakausika who was enlightened by Lord Mahavira. 1 It should be borne in mind that this exposition is based upon the significance of the title of this work. Same is the case with the following four works. This is what Yasodeva Suri says in his com. (p. 69b) on Pakkhiyasutta, the actual wording being " atra cAzIviSabhAvanAdigranthapaJcakasvarUpaM nAmAnusArato darzitaM, vizeSasampradAyazca na dRSTa iti".
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________________ 102 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP. Caranabhavana- This work deals with Vidyacaranas and Janghacaranas. They are saints who can fly owing to the labdhit (miraculous power) acquired by them by practising austerities or by studying this work.? Mahasuminabhavana--This work deals with great dreams.3 Teyaganisagga--This work has for its subject-matter a discharge of a fiery substance. The acquisition of tejolesyas and perhaps that of sutalesya may have been treated in this work. Kappiyakappiya-This is a work which deals with the two topics viz, kalpa ( what should be practised or is acceptable) and akalpa, its opposite. Culla-Kappasuya-This work explains what is kalpa. Its title suggests that it is a smaller treatise as compared with Mahakappasuya. Maha-Kappasuya-This work, too, deals with kalpa. It is so named either because it is voluminous or because it is deep in meaning. This is probably a Cheyasutta; but, on that account it is not possible to identify it with any of the six well-known Cheyasuttas. It will be a folly to think that this work is the same as Kappa (Bihatkalpasutra ); for, it is mentioned over and above Kappa, in Visesao (v. 2295) 1 For the description of this labdhi and that of many more see Ovavalya (s. 24, p. 16), Vihapannatti (XX, 9; s. 683-4), Visesa (y. 779-803), Haribhadra Suri's com. (p. 47b) on Avassaya, Pavayanasaruddhara (v. 595601), the svopajna com. (p. 14) on Yogasastra (I, 9 ) and the English translation of Trisasti (vol. I, pp. 75 and 79). 2 "pannarase cAraNabhAvaNaM ti uddisie u ajjhayaNaM / cAraNaladdhI tahiya upajjatI tu ahi(hI)yammi / / 115 // " 3 In all there are 72 dreams. Out of them 30 are great as stated in Pajjosanakappa (s. 73). But the Bhasa (p. 1096) on Vavahara (x) gays as under: "icchaMtI susumiNA bAyAlA ceva Dhuti mahAsumiNA / bAyattari savvasumiNA vannijjate phalaM tersa // 114 // " 4 This may be due to a penance or the study of tbis work. This is what is said in the following verse of Bhasa (p. 110a) on Vavahara: "teyassa nisaraNaM khalu AsIvisattaM taheva didvibisaM / laddhIto samuppajje samahIesuM tu eesu // 117 // " 5 See Viahapannatti (XV; s. 543). 6 See p. 36.
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________________ IV] As stated in the Bhasa (p. 108b) on culiya is a culiya of Mahakappasuya.1 as under: THE EXTINCT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS " aMgANamaMgacUlI mahAkappasuyassa vaggacUlIo / vivAhacUliyA puNa paNNattIe muNeyavvA // 107 // 2 Mahapannavana-This work treats of the topics of Pannavana to a greater extent than what is done in Pannavana. Along with this it makes up the two Urangas of Samavaya.3 103 Pamayappamaya-This ajjhayana deals with five types of pramada and the cessation from them (i. e. apramada). Porisimandala-This work mentions the porisis pertaining to the different mandalas. Vavahara (X), VaggaThe pertinent verse is Mandalapavesa-This work throws light as to how the sun and the moon go from one mandala to another. Vijjacaranavinicchaya-This work deals with the nature and fructification of knowledge and character. Jhanavibhatti-This work deals with the classifications of dhyana (meditation). 1 Ayavisohi-This work points out repentence etc. as the ways of purifying a defiled soul. 2 Viyaragasuya-This work explains the nature of the passionate and the dispassionate. 3 4 Abhayadeva Stiri in his com. (p. 513) on Thana (s. 755) however strikes a different note. For, he says: "aGgasya-AcArAdezcalikA yathA''cArasyAnekavidhA, ihoktAnuktArthasaGgrAhikA cUlikA, vaggacUliya tti iha ca vargaH-adhyayanAdisamUhaH, yathA antakRdazAsu aSTau vargAstasya cUlikA vargacUlikA, vivAhacUliya tti vyAkhyAbhagavatI tasyAzcUlikA vyAkhyAcUlikA / " Malayagiri Suri while commenting upon this says: " aGgAnAmupAsakadazAprabhRtInAM paJcAnAM cUlikA nirAvalikA aGgacUlikA mahAkalpazrutasya cUlikA vargacUlikA vyAkhyA punaH prajJapteH - vyAkhyAprajJaptezcalikA mantavyA / " - p. 108b See p. 31, fn. 1. Cf. - "majjaM visaya kasAyA niddA vigahA ya paJcamI bhaNiyA / ee paMca pamAyA jIvaM pADamti saMsAre // " This is a verse quoted by Yasodeva Suri in his com. (p. 64a) on Pakkhiyasutta.
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________________ 104 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS (CHAR. Samlehanasuya--This is a work which deals with dravyasamlekhana and bhava-samlekhana. The former consists in reducing the necessities of life, and the latter, in controlling passions. Viharakuppa-This work supplies a code governing the lives of the Sthavira-kal pins and the Jina-kalpins. Caranavihi--This work has carasi (conduct of a clergy ) as its subject-matter. This carano includes the five great vows etc. Nirayavisohi-As stated on p. 26, some look upon this work as ukkaliya suya. But no additional information can be had about it except that it is extinct. Marunavisohi-In Acaradinakara (pt. II, p. 303b) we have a list of works belonging to the kaliya suya and ukkaliya suya, and therein this work is noted as ukkaliya. Ayavibhatti-This work is noted as ukkaliya on p. 26. No further particulars are available except that it is extinct. Utthanapariyavaniyaa-This was one of the text-books for a Sadhu of 13 years' standing. It seems to be the same as Utthanasuya for the following reasons: (i) In the edition of Vavahara having Bhasa and Malaya giri Suri's com., there is Utthanasuya instead of Uttha napariyavaniya. In Pancavatthuga (v. 585), too, it is so. 2 (ii) In the Bhasa (p. 109a )3 on Vavahara (X), Devindovu vaya is equated with Devindapariyavana. So, on this analogy Utthanasuya may be identified with Utthanapa riyavaniya. Thiminabhavana-This was the text-book for a Sadhu of 14 years' standing according to Vavahara, But, it is not so as can be seen from Pancavatthuga (v. 586). 1. On p. 26, 1, 22, read uk kaliya-suya for kaliya-suya. 2 The word utthanapariyaniya occurs in Viahapannatti (XV; s. 540); but there it is not used to denote this or any other work. 8 "terasavAse kappai uTThANasue tahA samuTThANe / debiMdaM pariyAvaNa nAgANa taheva pariyAvaNIyA / / 111 // " 4 This verse and verses 582-585 and 587 and 588 are quoted by Abhayadeva Suri in his com. (p. 301b) on Thana (V, I; s. 399).
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________________ iv. ] THE EXTINCT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS Now I shall deal with the 10 Dasas. Kammavivagadasa has 10 ajjhayanas. They are mentioned in Thana (X; s. 755 ) as under: Out of these the 1st, the 4th, the 6th, the 7th and the 8th ajjhayanas agree in name with the 1st, 4th, the 6th, the 8th and the 7th of the 1st suyakkhandha of Vivagasuya', whereas the 2nd, the 3rd, the 5th, the 9th and the 10th are equated with the 2nd, the 3rd, the 5th, the 9th and the 10th of the 1st suyakkhandha by Abhayadeva Suri in his com. ( pp. 507, 5084 and 508) on Thana. Thus it seems that none of the ajjhayanas of Kammavivagadasa is lost. Same is the case with the 10 ajhayanas of Uvasagadasa. For, their names as given in Thane ( s. 755 ) tally with those s given in Uvasagadasa (p. 1). Antagadadasa has 10 ajjhayanas, the names of which are mentioned in Thana (s. 755 ) as under: 2 3 66 Turning to the available Antagadadasa, we do not find therein these 10 ajjhayanas but come across 8 vaggas, and that the 1st vagga has ten ajjhayanas as noted in its following verse: 4 "miyAputte 1 ta gottAse 2 aMDe 3 sagaDe ti yAvare 4 / mAhaNe 5 naMdiseNe 6 ta, soriya tti 7 uduMbare 8 // - sahasuddA he Amalate 9 kumAre lecchatI 10 iti // " "6 1 " miyApute ya ujjhiyae abhagga sagaDe bahassai nandI | umbara soriyadatte ya devadattA ya abjU ya // " -- Vivagasuya ( 1 ) 88 mi 1 mAtaMge 2 somile 3 rAmagutte 4 sudaMsaNe 5 ceva / jamAlI 6 ta bhagAlI ta 7 kiMkaMme 8 palate ti ya 9 // phAle aMbaDaputte ta 10 emete dasa AhitA // " goyama samuha sAgara gaMbhIre ceva hoi thimie ya / ayale kaMpille khalu akkhobha paseNai vaNhI // "4 105 ANaMde 1 kAmadeve 2 a gAhAvati cUlaNIpitA 3 | surAdeve 4 cullasatate 5 gAhAvati kuMDakolite 6 // saddAlaputte 7 mahAsatate 8 naMdiNIpiyA 9 sAlatiyApitA 10 / " We have here the above verses almost ad verbatim. This verse is quoted by Abhayadeva Suri in his com. (p. 50gbj on Thaira, but there instead of Vanhi we have Vinhi. 14
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________________ THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [ CHAP. Thus the names herein entirely differ from those mentioned above. Abhayadeva Suri, however reconciles this incongruity by saying that this may be due to a difference in vacunas. This view is strange; so, if it cannot be accepted, the old Antugudadasa should be looked upon as lost. 106 According to Thana (s. 755 ), Anuttarovaraiyadusa has 10 ajjhayanas as noted below: 'IsidAse ya 1 ghaNNe ta 2 suNakkhatte ya 3 kAtite 4 [tiya ] | saTTA 5 sAlibhadde ta 6 ANaMde 7 tetalI 8ti ta // dasannabhadde 9 atimutte 10 emete dasa AhiyA // " On examining the available Anuttarovavaiyadasa, we find that it has 3 raggas having 10, 13 and 10 ajjhayanas respectively. Their names are given there as below: 1 All of them except Kinkama which occurs as a name of the 2nd ajjhayana of the 6th vagga differ from the names of the ajjhayanas of the remaining 7 vaggas as can be seen from the following verses of the extant Antagadadasa:" akkhobha sAgare khalu samudra himavaMta ayalanAme ya / dharaNe ya pUraNaM viya abhicaMde ceva aTTamae // " p. 4 " aNIyase anaMtaseNe ajiyaseNe ahiNayariU devajase sanuseNe sAraNe gae sumuhe dummuhe kUvae dArue aNAhiTThI // " - p. 4 " jAli mayAli uvayAli purisaseNe ya vAriseNe ya / pajjuna samba aNiruddha saccanemI ya daDhanemI ya // " - p. 19 'paramAvaI ya gorI gandhArI lakkhaNA susImA ya / 66 jambavai saccabhAmA ruppiNi mUlasiri mUladattA vi // " - p. 20 makAtI kiMkame ceva moggarapANI ya kAsave / 46 khemae dhiidhare caiva kalAse haricandaNe // bArata sudaMsaNa puNNabhadda samaNabhadra supaiTThe mahe / aimutte ya alakkhe ajjhayaNANaM tu solasayaM // " - p. 25 nandA taha nandamaI nanduttara nandaseNiyA ceva / maruyA sumaruya mahamaruya marudevI ya aTThamA // 66 bhaddA ya subhaddA ya sujAyA sumaNA i yA / bhUyadinA ya boddhavvA seNiyabhajjANa nAmAI // " - 1. 88 kAlI kAlI mahAkAlI kaNhA sukaNhA mahAkaNhA / vIrakaNhA ya boddhavvA rAmakaNhA taheva ya // piuse kaNhA navamI dasamI mahAseNakaNhA ya / " - p. 38 ( N. V. Vaidya's edn.) 2. " vAcanAntarApekSANImAnIti sambhAvayAmaH, ca janmAntaranAmApekSayaitAni bhaviSyantIti vAcyaM, P. 50gb "" janmAntarANAM tatrAnabhidhIyamAnatvAditi / " na
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________________ 107 IV) THE EXTINCT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS 107 "jAli mayAli uvayAli purisaseNe ya vAriseNe ya / / dIhadante ya laThThadante ya vehalle vehAse abhae i ya kumAre // "-p. 48 "dIhaseNe mahAseNe laTradante ya gRDhadante ya suddhdnte| halle dume dumaseNe mahAdumaseNe ya mAhie // sIhe ya sIhaseNe ya mahAsIhaseNe ya mAhie / puNNaseNe ya boddhavve terasame hoi ajjhayaNe // "-p. 50 "dhanne va( ? ya) sunakkhatte isidAse ya Ahie / pellae rAmaputte ya candimA 'puTimA iya // peDhAlaputte aNagAre navame poTTile iya / vehalle dasame vutte imee dasa AhiyA // "-p. 51 (N. V. Vaidya's edn.) From this it follows that at best only the names of the 1st 3 ajjhayanas tally, and so Abhayadeva Suri suggests that the names noted in Thana are according to some other vacana. If this suggestion cannot be accepted, they must be supposed to be extinct. The 10 ajjhayanas of Ayaradasa as noted in Thanaagree with those of the available one, and hence they are so to say in tact. As regards the 10 ajhayanas of Panhavagaranadasa, mentioned in Thana (s. 755),4 they seem to be lost in toto; for, the available Panhavagurana has 5 ajjhayas dealing with asrava and 5 with samvara, and the available Isibhasiya has probably nothing to do with the 3rd ajjhayana noted here, in fn. 4. ___As stated in Thanal (s. 755) Bandhadcash has 10 chhaycances as under: "baMdhe 1 ya mokkhe 2 ya devaddhi 3 dasAramaMDalevita 4 AyariyavippaDivattI 5 upajjhAtavippaDivattI 6 bhAvaNA 7 vimuttI 8 sAto 9 kamme 10 / " 1 These are also the names of the 1st 5 ajihayanas of the 4th vagga of Antagadadasi. In Abhayadeva Siri's com. (p. 509h) on Thana, there is a variant "poTTike". "vIsaM asamAhidvANA 1 egavIsaM sabalA 2 tettIsaM AsAyaNAto 3 adravihA gaNisaMpayA 4 dasa cittasamAhidvANA 5 egArasa uvAsagapaDimAto 6 bArama bhikkhapaDimAto 7 pajosavaNA kappo 8 tIsaM - mohaNijjahANA 9 AjAihANaM 10 / " "uvamA 1 saMkhA 2 itibhAsiyAI 3 AyariyabhAsitAI 4 mahAvIrabhAsiAI 5 khomagapasiNAI 6 komalapasiNAI 7 ahAgapasiNAI 8 aMguThThapasiNAI 9 bAhupasiNAI 10 / " While explaining this, Abhayadeva Siri notes on p. 512h: "'pasiNAI' ti praznavidyA yakAbhiH kSomakAdiSu devatAvatAraH kriyate iti, tatra kSaumaka-vastraM addAgo AdarzaH aGguSThaHhastAvayavaH bAhavaH-bhujA iti / "
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________________ IOS THE CANONICAL, LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP If Bhavana and Vimutti noted here cannot be identified with the 3rd and the 4th Culas of Ayara, they, too, along with the remaining 8 ajjhayanas should be considered as lost. Dogiddhidasa has 10 ajjhayanas. They are mentioned in Thana (s. 755) as under: "vAte 1 vivAte 2 uvavAte 3 mukkhitte kasiNe 4 bAyAlIsaM sumiNe 5 tIsaM mahAsumiNA 6 bAvattariM sabasumiNA 7 hAre 8 rAme 9 gutte 10." All of them are lost. From the titles cf the ajjhayanns 5-7 it appears that they deal witl: dreams-a subject supposed to be treated in Mahasuminabhavana. As regards Dihadasa, we learn from Thana (s. 775) that it has 10 ajjlhcayanas. The pertinent portion is as under: "caMde 1 'sUrate 2 sukke 3 ta siridevI 4 pabhAvatI 5 dIvasamuddovavattI 6 bahUputtI 8 (17) maMdare ti ta 9 (18) there saMbhUtavijate 8 (19) there pamha 9 (? 10) UsAsanIsAse / " In Pupphiya (p. 21") we come across the following verse which mentions its 10 ajjhayanas: 'caMde 1 sUre 2 sukke 3 bahuputtiya 4 punnamANibhadde 5-6 ya / datte 7 sive 8 bale yA 9 aNADhiye 10 ceva boddhavve // " From this it may be inferred that the ajjhayanas 1, 2, 3 and 7 of Dihadasa are perhaps the same as the 1st 4 ajjhayanas of Pupphiya. As regards the 4th, it may be equated with the 1st of Pupphucrald. Thus the rest seem to be lost.. So far as Saikhevitadasa is concerned, its 10 ajjhayanas as stated in Thana {s. 755) are those noted on p 55, fn. 2. Out of them, only Aigaciliya, Vaggaculiya and Vivahaculiya are extant; the rest are extinct. With these words about the 10 Dasas, I shall now refer to a remark in the introduction (p. 7) to Nirvanakalika. It is as under: 1 2 This appears to be a misreading. If so, it should be "sUre ta'. Asstated herein it has 10 ajjhayanas noted in the following verse : - "siri 1 hiri 2 ghiti 3 kitti(ttI)o 4 buddhi(dvI) 5 lacchI 6 ya hoi boddhavvA / ilAdevI 7 surAdevI 8 rasadevI 9 gandhadevI 10 ya // "
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________________ IV ] ...THE EXTINCT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS 109 .. "The most important feature of the work is that it contains nearly 70 verses (Gathas? ), some of which are actually. quoted as from "Agamas"and others are also probably from "Agamas"4 although not expressly stated so to he. These verses cannot be identified in any of the available.Agamas?? If this statement is correct, it follows that either the available Agames are wanting in these Gathas or that the corresponding Agamas are now lost. As regards the exegetical literature of the canonical texts, it may be noted that we have lost several Nijjuttis" etc. For instance, Govinda Vacaka's Nijjutti? is not available now, and so are Bhadrabahusvamin's Nijjuttis on Suriyapannatti and Isibhusiya. Even some of the Nijjuttis on Pancamangalasuyakkhandha have long since become a dead letter.8 These are the details regarding the nature of the extinct Agamas that I have been able to gather from some of the Jaina sources. I admit that in many a case they are nothing more than a mere guessing based upon their etymology. I may add that in certain cases it may be that even if the entire Jaina literature existing at present is fully investigated, it may not mend matters. Anyhow such an attempt is desirable as it can give us a final understanding about the nature of the extinct Agamas. In the end, before I conclude this chapter, I may tentatively suggest why these are lost. As already noted, certain ajjhayanas are satisaya', and hence they were reserved to be studied by the 1 Nirvanakalika. 2-5 No diacritical signs are here used. 6 That there was a fairly large number of Nijjuttis is borne out by the following line occurring in the Pakkhiyasutta (p. 666): "aMgabAhire kAlie bhagavaMte sasutte maatthe saggaMthe sannijjuttIe sasaMgahaNIe" 7 This is mentioned in Visehacunni on Nisiha (XI) and Dasaveyiliyanijjutti ... (v.-82). In the former wo-come across the following lines: ___ "govindo nAma bhikkhU je to aTThArasa vArA pucchA teNa egindiyajIvasAhaNaM govindaNijjuttI kayA / THOIUTAT !". 8 See p. 80, fn. 4. 9 For instance, Mahaparinna (p. 78), Arunovavaya (p. 82), Utthanasuya (p. 101) and Samutthanasuya (p. 101 ) are some of them.
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________________ 120 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS selected few only-the few who were not going to misuse them. As the number of these persons slowly and slowly became less and lees owing to the vicious period we are passing through, according to the Jaina tradition, it naturally brought about the extinction of the ajjhayanas in question. As regards the rest, it appears that they must have fallen into oblivion owing to the lack of interest on the part of those who had to study them. This finishes the exposition about the extinct Agamas whose number will go on increasing so much so that only four of them will exist up to the end of the present tirtha, and thereafter they, too, will perish, and thus there will remain no Agamas whatsoever, till a new epoch will dawn with the flourishing of Tarthankaras in India when the dvadasangis etc. will be again composed. So says the Jaina tradition. 1 Out of them, Dasaveyaliya will be available only in meaning. 2 "vAsANa sahasseNa ya ekavIsAe ihaM 'bharaha'vAse / dasaveyAliyaattho duppasahajaImi nAmihIti // 50 // " "igavIsasahassAI vAsANaM viirmokkhgmnnaao| avvocchinnaM hohI AvassagaM jAva titthaM tu // 52 / / igavIsasahassAI vAsANaM pIramokkhagamaNAo / aNubhogadAra-naMdI avvocchinnAu jA titthaM / / 53 // " -Titthogali as suggested in Vividhaprasnottara (n. 188 )
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________________ CHAPTER V THE EXTANT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS In the last chapter we dealt with the extinct Agamas. So we shall here treat the extant ones which, together with the former, make up the Jaina canon. It is true that the Agamas which we have to-day, are not the exact prototypes of those composed several centuries ago; for, they have undergone some changes, the linguistic ones and those introduced at the time of the Redaction of the canon being chief of them. The Agamas available at present, however, confirm to their critical editions prepared under the able supervision of Devarddhi Gani Ksamasramana. It appears that for several Agamas, we have palm-leaf Mse. at least as old as the second quarter of the 12th century of the Vikrama era. It is neither possible nor necessary to consult them while dealing with the extant Agamas; for, their printed editions seem to be fairly reliable. AYARA With these preliminary remarks, I shall now begin with Ayara, the 1st Anga. It is divided into two suyakkhandhas', the 1st having at present 8 ajjhayanas? (formerly 9) and the 2nd 16.3 Most of these ajjhayanas are sub-divided into uddesas", each of which consist of suttas. It appears that formerly there was only the 1st suyakkhandha comprising the following 9 ajjhayanas: 1 2 3 Literally this means a trunk of (the tree of the scripture. It may be roughly translated as 'section'. H. Jacobi has translated it as 'book'. See S. B. E, (vol. XXII, p. 1). This word has been translated as lecture' by H. Jacobi.-Ibid., p. 1 Cf. "o ainger 46 p at garciar, qate 254uIT, ateite 3e hurton" -Nandi (s. 46 ) H. Jacobi has translated this as 'lesson'. See S. B. E. (vol. XXII, p. 1). Aijhayanas - 1 to 6, 8 and 9 of the 1st section have 7, 6, 4, 4, 6, 5, 8 and 4 uddesas respectively, whereas ajjhayanas 1 to 7 of the 2nd have 11, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2 and 2. Thus ajjhayanas 8 to 16 of the 2nd lavu no uddesas. 4 .
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________________ i12 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [ CHAP. (1) Satthaparinna, (2) Logavijaya, (3) Siosanijja, (4) Sammatta, (5) Logasara, (6) Dhuya, (7) Mahaparinna, (8) Vimokkha, and (9) Uvahanasuya.1 By the time Bhadrabahusvamin wrote a Nijjutti on Ayara, there were Ayarajgas added to this 1st section. Ayarugga means a Culika. So says Silanka Suri in his com. (p. 6) on Agara. From Ayaranijjutti (v. 11)3 we learn that Ayuru, the 1st Anga, herein styled as Veda, has 9 ajjhayanas, each known as Bambhacera. It consists of 18000 payas (Sk. padus), has 5 Culas and is vast and vaster5 on account of the extent of the padus. It may be noted that nowhere in the Ayaranijjutti, we come across the names of all the 5 Culas. From its v. 2976 we learn the names of Culas 2 to 5. They are (1) Sattikkaga, (2) Bhavana, (3) Vimutti and (4) Ayarapakappa. Further, we learn that the 1st Cula consists of 7 ajjhayanas, and so is the case with the 2nd Cula. Each of the rest has, however, only one. An 1 These are the names given in Ayaranijjutti (v. 31-32) quoted on p. 77, fn. 5. these except the 7th are translated in S. B. E. (vol. XXII) as knowledge of the weapon, conquest of the world, hot and cold, righeousness, essence of the world, cleaning, liberation and the pillow of righteousness respectively. "AyAraggANattho baMbhacceresu so samoyarai / so'vi ya satthapariNNAeN piMDiattho samosarai / / 12 / / " -Ayaranijjutti Ayaragga is also called Ayaranga. See p. 113, fn. 2. See p. 78, fn. 6. 14. Cf. "nava baMbhacerA pannattA, taM jahA - satyapariNNA logavijao etc. - Samavaya (s. 9 ) See also Samavaja (s. 51) and Silanka's com. (p. 290) on Ayara. 5 For explanation sea-p. 78, fn. 6. 6 " jAvo gahapaDimA paDhamA sattikamA vizacUlA bhAvaNa-vimutti AyArapakappA tinni ibha paMca // 297 // " 7 On this understanding can it not be named as Sattikkaga as has been done in the case of the 2nd Cula? 8 Thus, the 1st 4 Culas have 16 ajjhayanas. Their names are given as under by Malayagiri Suri in his com. (p. 211a) on Nandi by way of a quotation: " piMDesaNa (1) sejji (2) riyA (3) bhAsajAyA (4) ya vattha ( 5 ) pAesA ( 6 ) / * uggahapaDimA (7) sattasattikkayA (8-14) ya bhAvaNa (15) vimuttI (16) // " Herein there are no specific names for ajjhayanas 8-14. In a way, this 3is justifiable since each of them is spoken of as Sattikkaya or Sattik kaga or the like. However, from the ending portion of each of them
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________________ THE EXTANT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS 113 That the second suyakkhandha is a later addition to the 1st, is borne out by the following considerations:(i) As suggested in Ayaranijjutti (v. 287) Ayarangas (i. e. to say the 5 Culas) have been composed by the Sthavirasthe Srutakevalins, who extracted them from the 1st suyakkhandha known as Ayara. (ii) The sources for the five Culas are definitely pointed out in Ayaranijjutti (v. 288-291). (iii) Several European scholars hold this view.5 Such being the case, I may mention the following particulars by way of a corroborative evidence:(i) Silauka Suri points out the mangalas, the initial, the mid dle and the last from the 1st suyakkhandha only. we learn the names of the 1st four Sattikkagas as Thana, Nisihiya, Uccarapasavara, and Sadda respectively. The rest can be named as Ruva, Parakiriya and Annamannakiriya. This cannot be dated later than the composition of Ayaranijutti. 2 "therehi'NuggahavA sIsahi hou pAgaDatthaM c| AyArAo attho AyAraMgesu pavibhatto // 287 // " 3 szafat: yag-agangarafelagerata"-Silauka's com. (p. 282a) ___ "biiassa ya paMcamae aTTamagassa biiyaMmi uddese / bhaNio piMDo' sijA' vatthaM pAuggaho-5 ceva // 288 // paMcamagassa cautthe iriyA vaNijjaI smaasennN| chaTThassa ya paMcamae bhAsajAyaM viyANAhi / / 289 / / sattikkagANi"satta vi nigjUDhAI mhaaprinnaao| satthaparitrA bhAvaNa" nijjUDhAo dhuya vimuttI // 29 // AyArapakappo"puNa paccakUkhANassa tiyvtthuuo| AyAranAmadhijjA vIsahamA pAhuDaccheyA // 291 / / " 5 In S. B. E. (vol. XXII, intro., p. xli), it is said: "I am of opinion that the first book of the Akaranga Sutra and that of Saetrakritanga Sutra may be reckoned among the most ancient parts of the Siddhanta." On p. xLviL we have: "The first book, then, is the oldest part of the Akaranga Sutra: it is probably the old Akaranga Sutra itself to which other treatises have been added." In A His. of Ind. Lit. (vol. II, pp. 435-436 ) it is said: "The first Anga is the Ayaramiga-Sutta. In two lengthy sections (s'ruta-skandha) it treats of the way of life (ayara, Sansk. acara ) of a monk. The first section, which makes a very archaic impression, is most decidedly carlier than the second, and yet even the first is a mosaic pioced together from hetorogeneous elements." On p. 437 it is said: "Section II of the Ayaramiga is a much later work, as can be seen by the mere fact of the sub divisions being described as Culas, i, e., "appondices". 6 See intro. (p. XLVII) to S. B. E. (vol. XXII). Here it is said: "Silau ka points out as such the first sentence of tho first lesson of the 15
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________________ 114 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP. (ii) Both the suyakkhandhas evidently differ from each other in style and in the manner in which the subject is treated. By the by it may be noted that there is a difference in style in the case of the 3rd Cula and the two preceeding ones. This is probably due to the diversity of the matter. Some even go to the length of saying that the 1st wjhayana of the 1st suyakkhandha is the oldest of all its ajjhayanas, and is written in the most archaic language. If this is correct, we can say that there are at least3 three strata in Ayara: (a) the very first aj hayana, (b) the remaining ones of the 1st suyakkhandha and (c) the 2nd suyakkhandha. We may now turn to the contents of the Ayara. As its very name suggests, it deals with rules and regulations pertaining to the conduct of the Jaina clergy, and it is thus an example of caranakarananuyoga. Uvasagadasa which has for its subjectmatter the discipline of the Jaina laity, may be looked upon as its compliment. As regards the details about the contents of Ayara, the titles of one and all the ajjhyanas indicate them. Even then it may be pointed out that ahimsa is held out as an ideal, and the means to refrain from himsa and the rigidity of the monastic life are here treated at length. To conclude, the 1st Cila deals with topics associated with the begging of food, a couch, first lecture, the first sentence of the fifth lesson of the fifth lecture, and the latter half of the 16th verse in the fourth lesson of the eighth lecture of the first book," 1 Ibid., p. xLvii. 2 , Ibid., p. lii. 3 Tho 5 Culus are not the composition of one and the same author, as can be seen from p. 113, fn. 2. So they present different strata according to their chronological order of composition. Moreover, if it is true that the verses and their fragments which are liberally interspersed with the prose of the 1st section, are older than the correspesponding passages in prose-a view held by some scholars, it furnishes us with another kind of strata. 4 Vasunandin in his com. Acaravrtti on Vattakera's Mulayara observes that Vattakera intended to give in this work of his, a brief summary of thu Ayara. Cf. A His. of Ind. Lit. (vol. II, p. 577). " Trafaga ega TETT:"-Siddhasena Gani's com.(p. 91) on Tuttvartha
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________________ V) THE EXTANT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS 115 clothes and a bowl, and with the modes of speech and the regulation of possession. The 2nd Cula gives rules regarding religious postures, the places of study and those for easing nature. Moreover, it points out the places the clergy should avoid e. g. the places where musical instruments are being played upon. In short, the clergy should withstand the temptations of sound, colour etc. Before I deal with the 3rd Cula, I may mention that Nisiba has certain suttas agreeing with those of the 1st two Culas. The 3rd Cula furnishes us with materials pertaining to the biography of Lord Mahavira-the materials embodied in several cases in phrases recurring in Pajjosanakappa.3 It also deals with the five mahavratas and the reflections associated with them. .; The 4th Cula which marks the end of the Ayara, contains 12 verses, the contents of which may remind a Bauddha scholar of Theragathas. This much may be deemed sufficient so far as the contents of Ayara are concerned. So I shall now mention the following 1 Here it is said that the words like hole and gole should not be used; for, they are abusive terms. They are translated in S. B, E. (vol. XXII, p. 151 ) as "you loon! you lout !" In the fn. of this page we have: My conjectural translation is based on the meaning of the Sanskrit words hoda, gola." It may be noted that hole, gole and vasule occur in Dasaveyaliya (VII, 14), and the words hola, vasula and gola in Nayadhammakaha (I, 9; s. 84 ). 2 For instance $S 1, 2, 7, 8, 10, 14, 15, 15, 17 and 23 of Bhavana can be respectively compared with $S 1, 2, 97, 98, 90, 10, 108, 109, 110 and 117 of Pajjosanakappa.' See S. B. E, (vol. XXII). 3 The author of Ayaranijjutti is supposed to be the same as that of Pajjosanakappa. If this is correct, the author of the latter must have horrowed from Ayara. For, firstly Bhavara is extracted form Sattha. parinna, and secondly it is a work of a Sthavira other than the one who wrote a Nijjutti on it. .4 Incidentally it may be mentioned that in this Ayara (1, VI, 1) there is a description of the untarnished soul, and that there is a reference to 16 .. diseases as under:
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________________ 116 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP factors whereby the 3rd and the 4th Culas cannot be looked upon as brought by Jyestha from Lord Simandhara, though, so suggested in Parisistaparvan (IX, v. 97-100 ). (i) Jyestha is a contemporary of Bhadrabahusvamin according to the Parisistaparvan, and this very Bhadrabahusvamin informs us in his Ayoranijjutti (v. 290) that Bhavana, the 3rd Cala is extracted from Satthaparinna, and Vimutti, the 4th Cula, from Dhuya. (ii) The last verse of Dasaveyaliyanijjutti, too, confirms this opinion; for, it speaks of only two Culas and not four, and they are supposed to be identical with the ones occurring at the end of Dasaveyalaya.' (ii) As already noted on p. 45, Haribhadra Suri mentions a tradition dealing with one Cala only. All these factors go against Parisistaparvain. But then there arises a question as to on what basis Hemacandra Suri gave the episode in Parisistaparvan. Was it a tradition that he narrated or had he any specific work to rely upon ? Leaving this question for future investigation, I may note the following points: tuzt a t tri ure. I parfori fari fori gfeti at 11 uyariMca pAsa matiM (? mayaM ca mRNiyaM ca gilAsiNaM / vevayaM pIDha-sapi ca silivaI maha-mehiNa / / solasa ee. rogA akkhAyA annupuvvso| aha NaM phusanti AyaMkA phAsA ya asamaJjasA // " These 16 diseases may be translated as below: Boils (? scrofula), leprosy, consumption, epilepsy, blindness, stiffness, lameness, hump-backedness, dropsy, dumbness, apoplexy (?), morbid appetite from overdigestion, tremour, crippledness, elephantiasis and diabetes. It may be noted that these have very little in common with the 16 diseases mentioned in Vivagasuya (1) as under: "sAse kAse jare dAhe kucchisUle bhagandare / arisA ajIrae diTrImuddhasUle akaare| acchiveyaNA kaNNaveyaNA kaNDU uyare koDe / ' 1 "Ao do cUlAo ANIA jakkhiNIe ajjaae| sImaMdharapAsAo bhaviyANa vibohaNaTTAe // 447 // " This verse is looked upon by some as spurious. But it should not be forgotten that in Dasaveyaliyanijjutti, there is a reference to two Culas. The pertinent verse is as under: "do ajjhayaNA culiya visIyayaMte thiriikrnnmegN| biie vivittacariyA asIyaNaguNAiregaphalA // 24 // "
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________________ V] THE EXTANT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS 117 (i) The 1st ajjhayana opens with the well-known sentence "suyaM me AusaM bhagavayA evamakkhAya", and all its uddesas as well as those of the rest of the 1st suyakkhandha and some of the 2nd, too, end with "fe afa''. (ii) So far as I know it is not specifically mentioned as to who separated Nisiha from Ayara. Even the reason of doing so is not stated. So I may suggest that the idea of teaching only the deserving may have been the cause of separating Nisiho from Ayara. To be explicit, as already noted on p. 82, the nuns were debarred from studying Nisiha, a satisaya work; but they were permitted to study Ayara. So, from the days the above-mentioned restriction came into force, Nisiha must have got separated from Ayara. (iii) Ayara (II, 1, 10, 62) has been once a matter of great controversy between the Jainas and the late Prof. Jacobi. The latter translated the words na and 458 by meat and fish and thereby suggested that the Jaina ascetics in olden days accepted these articles of food. He, however, expressed his revised opinion in his letter3 dated 14-3-28. There he has said that "agerlaator for at 47301 al aguzgu" has been used in the metaphorical sense as can be seen from the illustration of arra iz479 given by Patanjali in discussing a Vartika ad Panini (III, 3, 94 ) and from Vacaspatimisra's com. on Nyayasutra (IV, 1, 545 ). He has concluded: "This meaning of 1 This furnishes us with an example of a gama, and as such it is inter preted in 8 ways by Malayagiri Suri in his com. (p. 212a) on Nandi, while illustrating a gama from the stand-point of abhidheya (artha), the other view -point being abhidhana. 2 "se bhikkhU vA jAva samANe siyA NaM paro bahuaTTieNa maMseNa vA bahukaMTaeNa maccheNa vA uvanimaMtijjA-AusaMto samaNA ! abhikaMkhasi bahuadviyaM maMsaM bahukaMTayaM macchaM vA paDigAhittae ? eyappagAraM nigdhosaM socA nisamma se pubbAmeva AloijjA-Auso tti vA ra no khalu me kappai bahu0 paDigA0, abhikaMkhasi me dAuM jAvaiyaM puggalaM CAFE I" (s. 281). 3 This original letter is in my possession and has been printed in my article Prohibition of Flesh-eating in Jainism published in "The Review of Philosophy and Religion" (vol. IV, No. 2). 4 The pertinent lines are: " htar ASRATTATTUTT FUzbrateta aratamata i ru ara T a rtufa i cafHEIT". This passage is repeated ad verbatim in the Mahabhasya ad IV, 1 92. 5 "tasmAnmAMsAvi kaNTakAnuddhRtya mAMsamaznannAnartha kaNTakajanyamApnotItyevaM prajJAvAn duHkhamuddhRtyendriyAdi sAdhanaM sukhaM bhokssyte|"
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________________ 118 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS (CHAP. the passage is therefore, that a monk should not accept as alms any substance of which only a part can be eaten and a great part must be rejected." (iv) The date of the composition of Ayara can be settled from the metres used in it. An attempt in this direction was made by the late Prof. H. Jacobi in S. B. E. (vol. XXII, intro. XLI-XLII). There he has said: " Again, ancient Pali works seem to contain no verses in the Arya metre; at least there is none in the Dhammapadam, nor have I found one in other works. But both the Akaranga and Sutrakritanga contain each a whole lecture in Arya verses of a form which is decidedly older than, and probably the parent of the common Arya... From all these facts we must conclude that the chronological position of the oldest parts of the Gaina literature is intermediate between the Pali literature and the composition of the Lalita Vistara." In this connection the late K. H. Dhruva has observed in his Evolution of Gujarati verse' (p. 171) that the German scholar Jacobi believes that the composition of Suttanipata is followed by that of Dhammapada, and those of Ayara and Suyagada are even later than those of these Bauddha works. Further, on p. 173, Dhruva says that there is a slip on the part of Jacobi in naming Gathanustubhi samsrsti as the olden Arya and in assigning to Ayara and Suyagada a date later than that of Dhammapada, on the ground that this metre is used in these two Jaina works. For, this metre is used even in Suttanipata; in its Mettasutta and Tuvattakasutta", and consequently it should be looked upon as 1 This work is written in Gujarati and is named as under: padyaracanAnI aitihAsika AlocanA." 2 This metre is used for Thiparinna and Uvahanasuya. The latter is edited as it is and also as it should be from the metrical view-point by K. H. Dhruva in Evolution of Gujarati verse ( pp. 185-196 ). 3 In this connection, K. H. Dhruva has observed on p. 174 as under: "lupta thayelA zabdo jUnA prayogo ane bhikhunI sAdI asalI raheNIkaraNIne AdhAra karI cUkyuM che ke suttanipAta jUnAmAM jUne padyAtmaka saMgraha che. baiddha saMghanI sthApanA te ene pUrva avadhi manAya che. AyAra ane sUyagaDa aMga eka ja jaina muninI kRti che, jyAre suttanipAta aneka bhinnakALanA bauddha bhikhkhanAM suttAno saMgraha che." * "enU mesura samagra ane tuvaThThasurane mATe bhAga paNa e ja mizra chaMdamAM che." - Ibid., p. 172
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________________ 119 V) THE EXTANT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS younger to Dhammapadama situation no scholar can approve of. On p. 174 he concludes this topic by saying that the canonical literature (suttasahitya) of the Jainas is as old as that of the Bauddhas, and to be more exact, it seems that some of the suttas of Suttanipata' are anterior to and some are posterior to those of Ayara and Suyagada whereas some are even contemporaneous with those of these Jaina works.? SUYAGADA Suyagada-This is the 2nd Anga having 3 titles as noted on p. 53. It is divided into 2 suyakkhandhas. Out of them the 1st has 16 ajjhayanas, whereas the 2nd 7. Thus, in all there are 23 ajjhayanas. But, only the 1st 5 ajjhayanas and those, too, of the 1st suyakkhandha only, have uddesas, their respective numbers being 4, 3, 4, 2 and 2; the rest have no uddesas whatsoever. The 1st suyakkhandha has all its ajjhayanas except the 16th (last) entirely in verses, But, so far as the 2nd suyakkhandha is concerned, it has its 1st 2 ajjhayanas, the 4th and the 7th wholly in prose whereas the 3rd in prose with 4 verses almost at the end, and the 5th and the 6th entirely in verse. 1 "padyabaMdhanI kasoTI sUcave che ke e saMgrahane viSNubhAnubhI saMsRSTimAM racAyelAM sutta vALo bhAga AcAra ane sUyagaDathI kaMika juno jaNAya che; ane kaikAlika kuTuMba sAthe saMbaMdha dharAvato bhAga ukta jaina aMgAthI ardhI sadI mATe racAyelo saMbhave che. saMpUrNa AryA emAM upalabdha nathI te kAraNathI prastuta bauddha sutta zayyabhava muninA dasa a111444? Mar 3113914 3."-1bid., p. 174 2 "suttanipAtamAM keTalAMka sutta AcAra ane sUyagaDa aMga pahelAnAM, keTalAMka te benA 40241 242 24is 273 ell A1 . Ibid,, p. 174 3 I do not know if there is any source which mentions the specific names of both of these sections. From Silanka's com. (p. 8a) on Suyagada we see that the 1st section is named as Gathasodasaka (Pr. Gahasoda saya), i. e. one of which Gaha is the 16th aijhayana. 4 Of, the following verse of Suyagadanijjutti : "do cava suyakkhandhA ajjhayaNAI ca honti teviisN| tettisuddesaNakAlA AyArAo duguNamaGgaM // 22 // " 5 They are in different metres such as Anustup, Vaitaliya etc. Prof. Jacobi in 2. D. M. G. (vol. XXXVIII, 593 and vol. XLV, 101 ) has noted that Vaitaliya stanzas and Yamakas occur.
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________________ 120 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP. As regards the language of this 2nd Anga, it is said in A His. of Ind. Lit. (vol. II, p. 431): "The most archaic language is to be found in the Ayaramga-Sutta, and next to this, in the Suyagadanga-Sutta and the Uttarajjhayana. Ardha-ma. gadhi is quite different from Jaina-Maharastri, the dialect of the non-canonical Jaina texts." As regards the authorship of both the suyakkhandhas the Jaina tradition is unanimous in believing it to be a work of one and the same Ganadhara. It seems Prof. Winternitz differs; for, in A Flis. of Ind. Lit. (vol. II, p. 438) he says: "This Angu, too, consists of two books, the second of which is probably only an appendix, added later, to the old Aiga which we have in the 1st book." I, however, do not endorse this opinion especially when Prof. Schubring in his Worte Mahaviras (p. 17 f.) observes that Suyagada, (II, I) "is closely related to Ayara I (Bambhaceraim) both in wording and mode of expression. and when K. H, Dhruva attributes the authorship of both of these works to the same author. We may now note the contents of Suyagada. To begin with, we may quote Samavaya (s. 23) where the names of all the 23 cojjhuyanas are given, since these names, being significant, help us in this direction: "tevIsaM sUyagaDajjhayaNA patnattA, taM jahA samae 1 vetAlie' 2 uvasaggapariNNA 3 thIparinnA 4 narayavibhattI 5 mahAvIrathuI 6 kusIlaparibhAsae 7 vIrie 8 dhamme 9 samAhI 10 magge 11 samosaraNe 12 Ahattahie 13 gaMthe 14 jamaIe 15 gAthA 1 See A His. of Ind. Lit. (vol. II, p. 441 n). 2 See p. 118. fn. 3. 3 "sUtrIkRtA ajJAnikAdayo yatra vAdinastat sUtrakRtam" -Siddhasena Gani's com. (p. 91) on Tattvartha 4 This name occurring in I, 2, 1, 22 is doubly interpreted in Suyagadanijjutti (v. 28): (i) vaidarika or destroyer of karmans and (ii) vaitalika, the metre in which it is composed. 5 This title is explained in two ways: (i) indicating the opening words and (ii) suggesting the frikhala baddha-yamaka. The latter fact has beon noted in Suyagadanijjutti as under, while its another title Ayanijja is being explained : "jaM paDhamassa'ntimae biiyassa u ta haveja Adimmi / eeNAyANijaM eso anno vi pjaao||13||"
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________________ v] THE EXTANT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS izi 16 puMDarIe 17 kiriyAThANA 18 AhArapariNNA 19 [a]pacakhANakiriyA 20 aNagArasuyaM 21 ahaija 22 NAlaMdaja 23" These titles are translated by the late Prof. Jacobi as under in S. B. E. (vol. XLV, contents): " The doctrine, the destruction of Karman, the knowledge of troubles, knowledge of women, description of the hells, praise of Mahavira, description of the wicked, on exertion, the law, carefulness, the path, the creed, the real truth, the Nirgrantha, the Yamahas, the song, the lotus, on activity, knowledge of food, renunciation of activity, freedom from error, Ardraka and Nalanda." On p. 249 of this work he has written the following foot-note, in connection with the title of the 2nd ajjhayana: "The name of this lecture, which occurs in its last linc, is veyaliya, because, as the author of the Niryukti remarks, it treats on vidarika, desLruction (of Karman), and because it is composed in the Vaitaliya metre? 1 In Samavaya (s. 16 ) the names of these 16 ajjhayanas are givon with some slight variation here and there with the opening words viz. "ATSET 4 TET SAT 4771." Can we hereby infer that the generic title of each of the 16 ajjha yanas is Gaha ? niryuktikArane anusarIne jarmana vidvAna jekobI sUyagaDa aMganA aMgrejI anuvAda (s. B. E. Series Vol. XLV )mAM prAkRta vetAlIya bela the destruction of Karman ( karmanuM vidAraNa ke vikalana) evA arthamAM le che, ane e prAkRta belane AlIyanuM rUpAMtara mAnI vitAlIya chene paNa artha UpajAve che. emAM bahu vAMdhA Ave che. prathama to saM. vinTa athavA vi+dala dhAtu uparathI viAliya (saM. vidyArita) athavA te vialiya (saM. vidalita) zabda anukrame agrima prAkRtamAM nIpaje, paNa Aliya na nIpaje. e rUpa to aMtaHpAtI e nahi, paNa uttara prAkRtamAM saMbhave, uttarakAlIna rU5nA prayoga sAme samayavirodhanA vAMdhA uparAMta bIjo eka vAMdho Ubho thAya che. enI yutpatti saM. viSNu athavA to viThal uparathI sAdhI "nA" atha karI zakAya, paNa "kamane nAza" evo artha zI rIte zakaya bane? potAnI kalpanA abAdhita che ema mAnI leI jarmana viThaThaya sayagaDanA prathama taskaMdhanA paMdaramA ajajhayaNanI jamaIya saMjJAno paDachA Ape che, paraMtu A saMjJA diathI che nahi. jamaa (sa. yamakita) belano eka ja artha zakaya che, camakavALuM. e zabdane ajajhayaNanA Adya pratIka jamaIya sAthe kaMi paNa saMbaMdha hoya, to yamakano prayoga sUcavavAno che. emaNe pasaMda karelA dRSTAMtamAM be artha che ja nahi. paMdaramA ajajhayaNanAM AcANiya ane saMkaliya nAmati camaka kiMvA rAkhalAyamekanAM vAcaka che. bIjo koI artha emAMthI balAtkAra ja-khaMcI tANIne ja kaDhAya. jamaiya ane veAlIca zabda anukrame alaMkArazAstranA yamaka alaMkAranA ane aMkazAstranA vaitAlIya chanDanA bedhaka che. prastuta be ajhayaNanAM nAma viSaya uparathI nahi, paNa chajanA ane zabdAlaMkAranA prayoga uparathI ja rAkhavAmAM AvyAM che." - Evolution of Gujarati vcrse , p. 169n, 16
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________________ 122 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP. For either word, vaidarika (or rather vaidalika, cf. karmavidalana) and vaitaliya may, in Gaina Prakrit, become veyaliya or vetaliya. A play of words was apparently intended; it would have been impossible, if both words had not become identical in sound. We may, therefore, conclude that the language of the author obeyed the same phonetic laws as the Gaina Prakrit exhibited in our Mss., or in other words, that the toxt has been written down in about the same language in which it was originally composed. The name of the Fifteenth Lecture leads to the same inference, for it is called gamaiya (yamakiya) because each of its verses contains the verbal ornament called yamaka. and because it opens with the words gamaiyam (yad atitam)." As regards the title of the 15th lecture he has said as under on p. 329 by way of a foot-note: "This lecture has been named from its opening words gamaiyam, which also means, consisting of yamakas (compare Journal of the German Oriental Society, vol. xl, p. 101). For in this lecture each verse or line opens with a word repeated from the end of the preceding one. This artifice is technically called srinkhala-yamaka, or chain-yamaka, a term which seems to be contained in another name of our lecture, mentioned by the author of the Niryukti (verse 28), viz. adaniya-sankaliya. For sankaliya is the Prakrit for srinkhala (e. g. in our text, 1, 5, 2, 20), though Silanka here renders it wrongly sankalita; and adaniya by itself is used as a name of our lecture." This 2nd Anga wherein we come across a number of similes1 deals with the refutation of heretical doctrines. Its 1st two ajjhayanas explain the holy life and give us a graphic description of the difficulties a monk should surmount and especially the temptations he should face boldly. The 3rd ajjhayana vividly depicts the various works exacted from a male who has become a slave of his wife owing to his being unduly attached to her, and thereby furnishes us with materials throwing light on the Hindu Society of those days. Then we have an entire ajjhayana which treats of hells and the gruesome torments therein. This is followed 1 For example see I, 1, 2, 15 & 19, I, 2, 1, 15; I, 3, 1, 2 and I. 14, 2. For additional illustrations, the reader may refer to such verses as begin with evam. The number of these verses is, no doubt, enormous. 2 In this connection, in A His. of Ind. Lit. (vol. II, p. 440) it is said: "Like the authors of so many texts of the Puranas and Buddhist Suttas, a section of this Jaina Anga, too dwells with truly Sadistic complacency on the fantastic description of the hells..."
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________________ 123 v] THE EXTANT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS by the praise of Lord Mahavira whom the author depicts as the standard of righteousness. Then we have later on the wellknown four heresies: ajnanavada, vinayavada, akriyavada and kriyavada. This finishes a rough survey of the 1st suyakkhandha. Turning to the 2nd we find that it has practically the same themes as the 1st; for, it, too, deals with polemics, which give us at least a glimpse of the various religious sects of the olden India. In the end we have disputations of Ardra with Gosala, a Bauddha, a Vaidika priest, a Vedantin and a Hastitapasa, and that of Udaka, a follower of Lord Parsva with Gautama. Thus the contents of this 2nd Anga supply a young monk with materials whereby he can fortify himself against the heretical doctrines of alien teachers and preachers, can confirm himself in the right faith and can lead himself to the summum bonum. Metres--There seems to be no old source which discusses the metres of verses of Ayara and Siyagada. As already observed on p. 118 this question has been however handled in modern days. by the late Prof. Jacobi and by the late K. H. Dhruva. The latter observes in Evolution of Gujarati verse (p. 152) as under: suttakAlanA sAMprata vyAkhyAnamAM AdhAra tarIke svIkArelAM AyAra ane sUyagaDa aMgamAM cAra ja chaMdane prayoga che, anuSyabhane triSTabhane vaitAlIya (prA. velIya) no ane gAthAnuNbhI saMsRSTi. saumAM adhika pracAra anuTubhane che." On p. 154 he quotes a verse from Suyagala (I, 1, 4, 8 ) and names its metre as Sautta anustubh. Further, on this page he says that in Suyagada, Arcika tristubh is used 46 times, Traistubhi upajati 92 times and Indravajra 25 times. As an illustration of Sautta tristubh he quotes on p. 156 Suyagada (1, 14, 17), and for that of Vaitaliya, 1, 2, 2, 20 on p. 157. Here he says that in Suyagada there is not a single verse in Vrddhavaitaliya usually known as Aupacchandasika in prosody. On p. 158 is quoted I, 2, 1, 6 as an illustration of a verse of which the 1st foot is in Vrddhavaitaliya and the rest in Vaitaliya. The metre of which 1 For details see my intro. (pp. 58-62 ) to Tattvartha (vol. II). For a discussion in German see F. 0. Schrader's uber den stand der Indischen Philosophie zur Zeit Mahaviras und Buddhas (Strassburg, 1902). 2 See Schools and Sects in Jaina Literature by Mr. Amulya Chandra Sen.
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________________ 124 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [ CHAP. there is no name to be found in prosody and which is designated by K. H. Duruva as Gathanustubhi samsrsti in virtue of its being a combination of Anustubh and Gatha, is used in both the uddesas of Thaparinna and in the ending portions of some other ajjhnyanas as well. On p. 159, 3 verses are quoted from Suyagad. They are: I, 4, 1, 4; I, 1, 3, 16; and I, 1, 8, 26. Out of these the 1st has its 1st and 3rd feet in Anustubh, the 2nd in Vrddhatari guthika khrinda (18 matras ) and the 4th in Vrddha khandi (15 matras). As regards the remaining two verses, each has its 1st 3 feet in Anustubh whereas the 4th in Gathika khanda of 15 and 18 matras respectively. 1, 2, 3, 22' of Siyagada is in Jugitanustubli samsrsti. THANA I hana is the 3rd Aiga. It is divided into ten sections known as ajjhayanas, with no specific names for them except Ekasthanaka, Dvisthanaka, Tristhanaka etc., up to Dasasthanaka-the names probably coined by Abhayadeva Suri in his com. on this Thana. Some of these sections have sub-sections known as uddesas. For instance, sections II, III, IV and V have 4, 4, 4 and 3 uddesas, whereas the rest have none. Nevertheless each section is divided into suttas.3 Their total number is 783. The entire work is mostly in prose, and each section of it deals with objects according to their number, the maximum number going up to 10. In section III (s. 128) persons are divided into 3 classes, best, mediocre and worst, and these are each further subdivided into 3 sub-classes. In section VII, are mentioned 7 nayas (s. 552), 7 svaras or the notes of the musical scale (s. 553'), 7 1 In the edition used by K. H. Dhruva, it seems that this is written as if it is in prose. So he modifies it slightly on p. 162n and turns it into a verse. 2 For corroboration see p. 21, fn. 1. At times ajjhayanas are called thanas, See the end of V, i. 3 The very 1st sutta is: "U # 3713EUR! aoi 19741 hari 1" 4 Sutta 553 consists of several verses. 5 "yatraikAdIni paryAyAntarANi varNyante tat sthAnam" -Siddhasena Gani's com. (p. 91 ) on Tattvartha (1, 20) 6 Over and above the svaras, their sthanas, their generating organs animate and inanimate, the fruits of singing the musical notes, their gramas and marchanas,
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________________ THE EXTANT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS samudghatas or explosions (s. 586) and 7 schisms (s. 587). In section VIII we come across 8 types of philosophers (s. 607), 8 mahanimittas (s. 608), 8 vibhaktis (cases) with illustrations2 (s. 609) etc. Therein the 8 types of philosophers are: (1) Egavatis or Monists, Theists or Monotheists, (2) Anegavatis or Pluarists, (3) Mitavadis or Extensionists, (4) Nimittavadis or Cosmogonists, (5) Sayavatis or Sensualists, (6) Samucchedavatis or Annihilationists, (7) Nitavadis or Eternalists and (8) Na-santi-paraloga-vatis or In section X we have 10 types of dravyanuyoga (s. 727), 10 kinds of satya (s. 741), 10 sorts of suddhavakyanuyoga (s. 7443), 10 types of calculations (s. 747), 10 sections of the Angas 7 to 9 (s. 755), 10 kinds of sons (s. 762) and 10 sorts of wonders (s. 777). At times, these enumerations contain parables in a nutshell. As for example, there are 4 kinds of baskets and also of teachers; there are 4 sorts of fish and also of mendicants; there are 4 varieties of ball and also of men etc. Materialists-Hedonists. V] SAMAVAYA This is the 4th Anga. It is divided into 160 suttas. These mostly deal with objects according to their number, and thus, in 1 4 125 their sources etc. are dealt with, in this sutta, with a passing reference to Sakkata (Sk. Samskrta) and Pagata (Sk. Prakrta) and to Isibhasiya (Sk. Rsibhasita). The pertinent portion is as under:" sakkatA pAgatA ceva duhA bhaNitIo AddiyA / saramaMDalammi gijjaMte pasatthA isibhAsiyA // " with a variant "ff (p. 394 ) for ar" for the 2nd foot occurs This very verse in Anuogaddara (p. 181). In short, this is a svaramandala, and it is entirely reproduced in Anuogaddara (s. 127). See E. Leumann's article "Die alten Berichte von den Schismen der Jaina" published in Indischen Studien (vol. XXII, pp. 91-135). 2 The 6 verses given in this connection occur almost ad verbatim in Anuogaddara (s. 128). 3 " dasavidhe suddhAvAtANuoge paM0 taM0 - caMkAre 1 maMkAre 2 piMkAre 3 setaMkAre 4 sAtaMkare 5 egatte 6 pudhatta 7 saMjU 8 saMkAmite 9 bhinne 10 / " "samyagavAyanaM varSadharanadyAdiparvatAnAM yatra sa samavAyaH " -Siddhasena Gani's com. (p. 91) on Tattvartha (I, 20)
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________________ 126 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS (CHAP. a way continue the subject-matter of the 3rd Anga; for, suttas 1 to 135 enumerate different entities in rising numerical groups (samavayas) of 1 to 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450; 500, 600, etc. up to 1100; 2000, 3000 etc. up to 10,000; 1 lac, 2 lacs etc., up to 9 lacs; 9000, 10 lacs, 1 crore and i kotakoti of sagaropamas. This is followed by the description of the 12 Angas, two rasist and their sub-divisions, two types of hellish beings etc., varieties of avadhijnana etc., 6 types of samhanana, 6 sorts of samsthand, 3 vedas, the 7 Kulakaras of the past utsarpini, the names etc., of the 24 Tirthaikaras, 12 Cakravartins, 9 Vasudevas and 9 Baladevas of the present avascrpina, names of the 24 Tirthankaras of the Airavata zone and those of the Tirthaikaras to flourish. In s. 157, Kappa is referred to. VIAHAPANNATTIS This is the 5th Anga having 5 titles as noted on pp. 53-54. It is divided into 41 sections known as saas, almost all of which 1 Under number 18, 18 kinds of the Brahmi script are mentioned, and under number 36, names of the 36 ajjhayanas of Uttarajjhayana are given. This latter topic must have been incorporated in Samavaya after its compilation, and same must be the case with the mention of Nandi therein. 2 As regards this incongruity Abhayadeva Suri observes on p. 1069: "idaM ca sahasrasthAnakamapi lakSasthAnAdhikAre yadadhItaM tat sahasrazabdasAdhAd vicitratvAd vA mUtragate. lekhakadoSAd veti / " 3 The data regarding the extents of these Angas do not tally with their present extents. 4 They are: (i) jivarasi and (ii) ajivarasi. 5 Ten different meanings of this title are noted by Abhayadera Suri in his com. (pp. 2-3) on this work. Therein he has suggested the following Samisksta equivalents of this title: (1) neatgafa, (2) 164 , (3) fagreuath, (4) faareasurfa, (5) faaraqala, (C) 14 aufa. This word is used in the beginning of the 2nd sac. In Samavaya (s. 81) we have: "fantaqaate veritat nerg=441 9777". Abhayadeva Suri, while commenting upon this says on pp. 886 and 89: "EITETTY HeritaHernarfa safa, 7 ' a'503764aryana, aifa wayugmAdilakSaNarAzivizeSavicArarUpANi atrAntarAdhyayanasvabhAvAni tadavagamAvagamyAnIti / "
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________________ THE EXTANT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS 127 have sub-divisions styled as uddesas', and these, too, are further divided into suttas. Abhayadeva Suri observes in his com. (p. 8) on this work that it has 10,000 uddes'akas, 36,000 prasnas? and 2,88,000 padas. But, in Samavaya (s. 140 ) and Nandi ( s. 49 ) the numbers for the padas are given as 84,000 and 1,44,000 respectively. As regards the subject-matter), various topics are discussed in this work. But, since there seems to be no inter-connection between the uddesas of one and the same sau, much less between those of the different saas, we find that for getting a complete view of any one topic, we have often to refer to different uddesas of the various saus. Srabhagavatisara, a chayanuvada prepared by Mr. G. J. Patel, however, solves this difficulty; for, he has re-arranged the suttas and grouped them according to the subject they deal with. In doing so, he has divided the work into 10 khandas with their respective titles as under: Sadhana, caritra, siddhanta, anyaturthika, vijnana, ganita, kutuhala, deva, naraku and anyajiva, with the word khanda added to each of them. 1 Saas 1 to 8, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19 and 20 lave each 10 uddesas, the 9th and the 10th bave each 34, the 11th 12, 15th none, 16th 14 and 17th 17. Saas 21 to 41 have the number of their uddesas as under: 80 (8 vaggas), 60 ( 6 vaggas), 50 (5 vagga), 24, 12, 11 (thanas), 11, 11, 11, 11, 28, 28, 124, 124, 132, 132, 132, 132, 132, 231 and 196. The saas 33 and 34 have each 12 avantarasaas, and saus 35 to 40 have each 12 mahaTummasaus. The significant titles of almost all these uddesas are mentioned in vorse, mostly in the beginning of each of the saas, and the corresponding verse is styled as sangrahanigatha (vide the beginning of the com. of the 6th saa). Most of these prasnas are asked by Indrabhuti Gautama to Lord Mahavira; for, only at times we find that his other pupils Agnibhuti, Vayubhuti, Manditaputra, Makandiputra and Roha, Jayanti, a Sravika, and some non-Jainas ask him a question. In the answers given to these questions by Lord Mahavira we come across a queur case (XVIII., 3; s. 619) where Gautama is addressed instead of Makandiputra, though the answer is in connection with the question asked by the latter. This is due to an answer being here reproduced from Pannavara (XV, 1). Vide its com. (p. 742a). 3 "vyAkhyAyante jIvAdigatayo yatra nayadvAreNa prarUpaNAH kriyante sA vyaakhyaaprjnyptiH|" -Siddhasena Gani's com. (p. 91) on Tattvartha (I, 20)
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________________ 128 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS (char It may be here remarked that the following lines occur in Sribhagavatisara (p. 300):-- "huM hamaNu maraNa pAmavAno nathI, paNa 16 varSa jIvavAno chuM. mATe tuM meMTika nagaramAM revatI gRhapatnI che, tene tyAM jA. teNe mAre mATe be kabUtara rAMdhIne taiyAra karyA che. paNa tene kaheje ke mAre temanuM kAma nathI; paraMtu gaI kAle bilADAe mArelA kukaDAnuM mAMsa teNe taiyAra kareluM che, te mAre mATe laI Ava." i . This translation was greatly resented by the Juinas especially when Mr. G. J. Patel's article "Aglattegratat ajaign" got published in Prasthana (Pustaka XXVI, No. 1, pp. 66-74, Samvat 1995, Kartika). Several articles were written as a rejoinder by some of the Jaina Sadhus and others. There they have pointed out that the words #974, far and songs do not here mean a pigeon, a cat and a cock; but stand for $58103, argfasta or faris# ( a kind of vanuspati) and alarm respectively. They have further supported their view by quoting Nighantus and Susrutasambita (xlvi). I may note in passing that in II, 5 (s. 112) a spring (harai) of hot water in Rajagyha is described, and in XII, 6 (s. 453) there are mentioned 9 names of Rahu. In the end, I may mention that by way of cross-references, the following Agamas are alluded to, in this 5th Angu: (1) Rayappasenaijja ( s. 133,), (2) Jivajivabhigama (s. 114), (3) Jambuddivapannatti (s. 362), (4) Pannavana (s. 173 ); (5) Anuogaddara (s. 593), ( 6 ) Orarazya (s. 383), (7) Nandi (s. 732) and (8) Avassuyu (s. 384). Ayoradasa, too, is noted in A His of Ind. Lit. (vol. II, p. 443). 1 2 The original passage is as under:___ "taM gacchaha Na tumaM sIhA ! meDhiyagAma nagaraM revatIe gAhAvatiNIe gihe / tattha NaM revatIe gAhAvaie mama aTTAe duve kapoyasarIrA uvakkhaDiyA tehi no aTTho atthi / se aNNe pAriyAsie majjAikaDe kukkuDamaMsae THIETE, vuur agt."-XVII, 9; s. 557. Four of them have been published in Jaina satya prakasa (vol. IV, nos. 6 and 7). Therein the articles of Anandasagara Suri and Vijayalavanyu Suri deserve to be specially noted. These words may have been singled out with a view to making the pertinent lines construable according to the different anuyogas. 3
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________________ V) THE EXTANT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS 129 This Anga throws light on the biography of Lord Mahavira. For, not only do we here come a cross his various names but we find those of his several pupils, that of his pseudo-pupil Gosala, those of his antagonists Jamali3 and others, and those of his contemporaries who were the followers of Lord Parsvanatha. Further, this Anga (VII, 8; s. 299) mentions Vajji Videhaputta who conquered nine Mallai rulers and nine Lecchai rulers. It furnishes us with information about the initiation of Jayanti, sister of the father of King Udayana. Over and above this, in the 9th saa (33; s. 380) we come across the various tribes to which the female attendants of Devananda belonged. Names of the 16 jatis, grahas and heretical sciences viz. the 4 Vedas, Itihasa, Nighantu, Vaidiko Upangas and Sasthitantra are here mentioned. Albrecht Weber in a note to his famous Lectures on the History of Indian Literature (2nd German edn., 1876) has referred to the atomistic theory of Jaina philosophers as found in this fifth Anga. NAYADHAMMAKAHAY This is the 6th Anga. Its name is mentioned in Samskrta in two or three ways, and it gives a nice food to one interested in etymological discussions. This 6th Anga is divided into two 1 In IX, 33; s. 381 we come across an account of the meeting of Lord Mahavira with his mother Devananda. As stated therein, at the sight of Lord Ma. havira, milk began to flow from the breasts of this woman, her arms sweelled beside her bangles, her bodice got stretched, and she experienced horripilation. See the 15th saa. Its English translation by R. Hoernle has been published as an appendix in his edition of Uvasagadasa (Bibliotheca India, Calcutta, 1888-1890). This saa is referred to by W. W. Rockhill in The life of the Buddha and the early History of his Order, 1884. 3 See Ix, 33. 4. See XII, 2. 5 "cilAiyAhiM vAmaNiyAhiM vaDahiyAhiM babbariyAhiM IsigaNiyAhiM joNhiyAhiM cArugaNiyAhiM pallaviyAhiM lhAsiyAhiM lausiyAhiM ArabIhiM damilIhiM siMdhalIhiM puliMdIhiM pukkhalIhiM muruMDIhiM sabarIhiM rrete" (s. 380 ). Cf, the 6th Anga (s. 18) and the 10th (s. 4). 6 For details about this work see Puratattva (V, p. 81). 7 This is also named as Nayasuya, Vide Nayadhammakaha (II; p. 246b), 8 Soe Malayagiri's com. (pp. 2300 and 231a) on Nandi and a ta netakat 4474711" (p. 179), a Gujarati translation of the 6th Anga, 17
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________________ 130 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS ( CHAP suyakkhandhas named as Nayaand Dhammakaha. The former has 19 subdivisions>>, each styled as ajjhayana; and the latter has 104, each styled as vagga. Further, each vagga has subdivisions , each known as ajjhayuna. As regards the contents, we have in the 8th ajjhayana, the narration of Malli, the 19th Tirthankara as a female. She gets a mohanagharu ("a house intended for confusion'') prepared in order to make the six princes (who wooed her ) realize the filth of the human body and thereupon make them decide to renounce the world. In the 9th, we come across a mariner's fairy tale. Herein is men. tioned the winged horse as is the case with the Valahassa-jataka (No. 196). The 16th ajjhayana furnishes us with a narration of Dovai (Sk. Draupadi) in the form of a story of her rebirth." In the 2nd suyakkhandha? there is a story of the goddess Kali. 1-2 Each of these names occurs in plural. 3 Their names are given in the following verses of this very work: "ukkhittaNAe 1 saMghADe 2 aMDe 3 kumme 4 ya selage 5 / tuba 6 ya rohiNI 7 mallI 8 mAyaMdI 9 caMdimA 10 iy|| dAvaddave 11 udagaNAe 12 maMDukke 13 teyalI 14 vi ya / naMdIphale 15 avarakaMkA 16 atine 17 susamA 18 iya / / avare ya puMDarIya NA ya e 19 e guNa vI sa ta me|" It is said that out of these, the 14th ajjhayana may be compared with Avassayacunni (pt. II) where paccakkhana is explained. 4 "doccassa NaM bhaMte! suyakkhaMdhassa dhammakahANaM samaNeNaM jAva saMpatteNaM ke aTTe pannatte? evaM khalu jaMtra : HOTU HTRIU HETI CA 971 9771"-II, 1; s. 148. 8 Their respective numbers are 5, 5, 54, 51, 32, 32, 4, 4, 8 and 8. The total comes to 196. 6 In A His. of Ind. Lit. (vol. II, p. 449) it is remarked: "This is a monkish corruption of the legend from the Mahabharata of Draupadi's marriage to the five brothers." 7 As regards this suyakkhandha, Prof. Winternitz observes : "Book II of this Anga is a complete contrast to Book I both in fornu and contents, and is more closely associated with the seventh and the ninth Angas."--Ibid., p. 448
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________________ V] THE EXTANT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS This entire work deals with narratives3 which have a moral and religious purpose behind them. They excite interest and attest attention, are free from sectarian spirit and are useful to persons of any and every school of thought. Such is the opinion expressed by Mr. D. B. Kalelkar in Gujarati, in his foreword to the Gujarati translations of this work. This Anga (I, 1; s. 17), too, supplies us with names of some of the anarya tribes. Furthermore it mentions 16 jewels (I; s. 16) and 72 kalas (I; s. 20), and refers to 18 Desi languages (I; s. 22), 4 Vedas and Sasthitantra, 16 diseases (XIII; s. 100) etc. 1 131 3 2 Narratives, apologues, fables and the like wherein are clothed ethical and religious truth in the graceful and pleasing drapery of metaphor, serve a useful purpose of engaging the attention, of impressing the memory and strewing the path to abstract dogmas with flowers. This is what Rev. J. Long has said in his work entitled as Scripture truth in Oriental Dress (p. i). "jJAtAH - dRSTAntAstAnupAdAya dharmoM yatra kathyate tA jJAtadharmakathA: / " 4 Herein almost in the beginning we come across the following line: " jati NaM bhaMte! samaNeNaM bhagavayA mahAvIreNaM... paMcamassa aMgassa ayamaThThe pannatte, chaTTassa NaM aMgassa NaM bhaMte! NAyAdhammakahANaM ke aTThe pannatte ? " 7 Similar lines are to be met with, in the Angas 7 to 11. From this it may be deduced that the meanings of Angas 5 to 11 have been propounded by Lord Mahavira. The narrative of 4 daughters-in-law of a merchant given in VII (s. 63) may be cited as an instance. For its extract in English see A His. of Ind. Lit. (vol. II, p. 446). 5 This has been published in the Punjabhai Jaina Granthamala No. 3, 1981. 6 -Siddhasena Gani's com. (p. 91) on Tattvartha (I, 20) The pertinent lines are: " rayaNANaM 1 vairANaM 2 veruliyANaM 3 lohiyakkhANaM 4 masAragalANaM 5 haMsagabbhANaM 6 pulagANaM 7 sogaMdhiyANaM 8 joharasANaM 9 aMkANaM 10 aMjaNANa 11 rayaNA ( ? yA ) NaM 12 jAyarUvANaM 13 aMjaNapuLagANaM 14 phalihANaM 15 rihANaM 16 ahAbAyare poggale parisADei. " This same passage occurs almost ad verbatim in Rayapaseniya (s. 8). By rayaNa is here meant kakkeyaNa. Ten gems are noted in Kummaputtacariya in the following verse:" sogandhiya-kakkeyaNa - maragaya - gomeya - indanIlANaM / jalakanta - sUrakantaya-masAragala - 'Gka - phalihANaM // 74 // In Arthadipika (p. 159a) 60 kinds of jewels are mentioned. See pp. 116 and 136.
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________________ 132 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP. In IX; s. 90, we come across a pretended elegy? of Rayanadivadevaya. In passing it may be noted that in this Anga, there are used reduplicatives2 e. g. 4(3)(E)FH (IX; s. 80), asasa (IX; S. 80 ), 9 8a (IX; s. 81 ), fafaf apot (I; s. 27) etc. * While concluding this topic, I may mention that in this Anga we come across some graphic descriptions e. g. those of the bedchamber of Dharani (I; s. 9), a voyage (VIII; s. 69), a Pisaca (VIII; s. 69 ), a ship-wreck (IX;s. 80) etc. Moveover, the six seasons are described in 6 verses, one for each of them ( vide IX; s. 81). In the end it may be remarked that the Mss. of this 6th Anga present many different readings. Some of them are noted and explained by Abhayadeva Suri in his com. on it. UVASAGADASA This is the 7th Anga. It consists of 10 ajjhayanas noted on p. 105, fn. 2. Out of them the first enumerates, in minute details, the various vows and observances undertaken by Anandao and his wife in the presence of Lord Mahavira. Ananda, on his leading a pious life as a lay adherent ( uvasaga?) for 20 years, attains avadhijnana. The next 4 ajjhayanas furnish us with the lives of 4 other lay adherents who did not give up their vows, even though each 1 This is perhaps the earliest to be met with, in the Jaina literature. 2. It may be noted in this connection that an interesting article entitled Reduplicatives in Indo-Aryan and written by Dr. S. M. Katre has been published in "Bulletin of the Deccan College Research Institute" (vol. I, no. 1, pp. 60-70), and a list of onometopoetic words occurring in Puspadanta's Nayakumaratariya (an Apabhramsa work of the 10th century) is given in its edition by Prof. Hiralal Jain on p. lvii. 8 Out of them, those occurring in 3 Mss. deposited at B. O. R. I. and in Abhayadeva Suri's com. are given by Prof. N. V. Vaidya, in his edition (pp. 231-245 ) of this Aiga. 4 See pp. 8a, 16a etc.. 5 See p. 16a etc. 6 For analysis and episode of this Ananda, one of the ten Mahasravakas, see R. Ch. Dutt's A History of civilization in Ancient India (vol. II). 7 "upAsakaiH-zrAvakairevaM sthAtavyamiti yeSvadhyayaneSu dazasu varNyate tA upAsakadazAH" -Siddhasena Gani's com. (p. 91 ) on Tattvartha (I, 20 ).
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________________ V] THE EXTANT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS 133 of them was threatened by one god or another, with the loss of the life, relatives, health and property respectively. The 6th deals with the life of Kundakoliya whose faith remains unshaken in Lord Maba vira's teachings, though they are denounced by a god while propounding the tenets of Gosala to him. The 7th supplies us with a story of Saddalaputta, formerly a devotee of Gosala. Lord Mahavira convinces him by arguments that the doctrine of Gosala is faulty. Thereupon he becomes a staunch convert, so much so that an attempt made by Gosala himself to make him re-embrace his faith, fails. The 8th illustrates as to how Revai (Sk. Revati) harasses her husband Mahasayaya by subjecting him to temptations to enjoy sensual objects. He however remains firm, and Revai suffers for rejecting Jainism. The 9th and the 10th ajjhayanas deal with the quiet and peaceful lives led by Nandinipiya and salibipiya, the two great devotees of Lord Mahavira, out of 10. On the whole, this 7th Anga furnishes us with materials which give us a vivid picture of the social life of those days. Incidentally I may note that s. 184' mentions some of the vessels used in those days, and the suttas 94-95, 101-102 and 107 supply us with a graphic description of Pisaca, an elephant and a serpent, the 3 forms assumed one after another by a god who had come to verify the statement of Indra regarding the unflincting faith of Kamadeva, one of the Mahasravakas of Lord Mahavira. 1 "tattha NaM bahave purisA diNNabhaibhattayaNA kallAkarli bahave karae ya vArae ya pihaDae ghaDae ya addhaghaDae ya kalasae ya aliarae ya jambUlae ya uTTiyAo ya karenti / " Abhayadeva Suri, while commenting upon this says: "karakAna-vATikAH, vArakAMzca-gaDukAn, piTharakAn-sthAlIH, ghaTakAn pratItAn, arddhaghaTakAMzca-ghaTArddhamAnAn, kalazakAn-AkAravizeSavato vRhadghaTakAn , aliJjarANi ca mahadudakabhAjanavizeSAn , jambUlakAzca lokarUDhyA'vaseyAn, uSTrikAMzca-surAtailAdibhAjanavizeSAn." Other vessels such as kaDAhaya (s. 129), kaDilla (s.94), kalanda (s. ), kilA (s. 94 ), afgan (g. 94) are mentioned. Further Belt (s. ), PETITETUT (s. 94 ) and FAETOTE (s. 94 ) occur in this Anga, and they mean a crushing stone, a broad rectangular piece of stone and a cylindrical piece of stone respectively. The last two are spoken of, as far and Galati in Gujarati and as pATA and varavaMTA in Marathi.
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________________ 134 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS ( CHAP ANTAGADADASA This 8th Anga consists of only one suyakkhandha. It has 8 vaggast with 10, 8, 13, 10, 10, 16, 13 and 10 ajjhayanas2 respectively. It deals with the lives of the Antakytkeralins or those who attained omniscience when they were about to die and who on their death became Siddhas (liberated ). The narratives given here are not complete by themselves. For instance, the narration of Prince Goyama given in the 1st ajjhayana goes only so far as the dream of Dharini; for a further link up to the list of wedding presents we have to take passage mutatis mutandis, from the Bhagavaz (XI, II; s. 430); then, after two short paras taken from this 8 and 5th Angas respectively, the material upto the taking of the vows is to be supplied from the 6th Anga; and thereafter this 8th Anga gives a little bit of information which gets completed on our referring to the 5th Anga. The 1st 5 vaggas supply us with some information about the city of Baravai (Sk. Dvaravati), Vasudeva, Devakia and her 8 sons, Kanha (Sk. Krsna) being the 7th, and the destruction of Baravai. In the 6th vagga we have the story of Muggarapani and that of Prince Aimuttas. The latter is a riddle story, its seed, so to say being implanted in the following riddle: "jaM ceva jANAmi taM ceva na jANAmi / jaM ceva na jAnAmi taM ceva jAnAmi"6 The 7th vagga mentions the names of the 13 queens of Seniya and the 8th, penances such as Rayanavali, Kanagavali, Sihanikkiliya (small and big ), Savvaobhadda (small and big ) and Muttavali. 1 This shows that this Anga is wanting in 2 sections. So some are inclined to interpret its title as 'the fortunes or vicissitudes of the Antagadas'. They do not translate dasa as 'ten'. 2 See p. 106, fn. 1. 3 Cf. 3777a:-FACT 17 eur au aratatat care a reta arrar frakten: " -Siddhasena Gani's com. (p. 91) on Tattvartha (1, 20) 4 At the sight of her lst 6 sons she experiences a similar condition as done by Devananda and described in the 5th Anga. See p. 129, fn. 1. 5 For a portion of his life see the 5th Anga (V, 3; s. 187). 6 Cf.-"TRTH TET HA 8 764 7 a : 3fastra fartaf fastahagraat 11" -Kenopanisad (II)
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________________ v] THE EXTANT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS 135 ANUTTAROVAVAIYADASA This is the 9th Anga. It is divided into 3 vaggas, each of which is further subdivided into 10, 13 and 10 ajjhayanas respectively.' It deals with the lives of persons who after their death, were born as gods in Anuttaravimanaand who will therefrom descend to this world, will attain a human birth and will achieve final emancipation. In short, it treats about Ekavatarins, most of whom are the sons of King Seniya. It may be noted that the kathas given here are not everywhere complete, but portions of the former ones are referred to, in short, in the latter ones. In the 3rd vagga we have a description of Dhanya's body immensely reduced on his having practised austerity. This description begins with his feet and ends with his head. The last sutta mentions some of the noble attributes of Lord Mahavira. PANHAVAGARANA This work somehow looked upon as the 10th Anga is divided into 10 ajhayanas, out of which the 1st five deal with asrava and the last five, with samvara. We find herein names of anarya tribes (s. 4) and those of 9 grahas. The contents of this work widely differ from those of Panhavagarana noted in Thana and Nandi. In Nandi this work is said to have consisted of 108 prasnas, 4 108 aprasnas and 108 prasnaprasnas, vidyatisayas and discourses of saints with Nagakumaras, and other Bhavanapatis. Malayagiri Suri interprets prasnas, aprasnas and prasnaprasnas as under: "yA vidyA mantrA vA vidhinA japyamAnAH pRSTA eva santaH zubhAzubhaM kathayanti te praznAH teSAmaSTottaraM zataM, yA punarvidyA mantrA vA vidhinA japyamAnA apRSTA eva zubhAzubhaM kathayanti te'praznAH teSAmaSTottara zataM, tathA ye pRSTA apRSTAzca kathayanti te praznApraznAH" Thus it will be seen that the extinct work mostly dealt with vidyas and mantras. 1 2 For their names see p. 107, fn. 4. Cf. "gazinufair at ay talaga at ng atiqalabastr:", -Siddhasena Gani's com. (p. 91) on Tattvartha (1, 20) In s. 21, we have 60 synonyms for ahimsa. Cf. " Garcia afarga H ar o al 995UTTOT." --Siddhasena Gani's com. (p. 91) on Tattvartha (1, 20) 3 4
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________________ 136 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS CHAP. VIVAGASUYA . This is the 11th Anga. It deals with the fructification or matured fruits (vivaga)' of deeds, bad and good, done in previous births. This work is accordingly divided into two suyakkhundhas styled as Duhavivaga3 and Suhavivaga, the former occupying a space about 7 times that occupied by the 2nd. Each of these furnishes us with ten narratives. These narratives describe the lives of ten persons. Therein their two lives as a human being are given in details whereas their subsequent transmigrations in the samsara and their attaining liberation in the end, are summarily disposed of. In the Duhavivaga all the 10 persons concerned are not mates as is the case with Suhavivaga; but, there are only 8 males, the remaining two being females. This Vivagasuya can be looked upon as a work on kathanuyoga as it deals with narratives. These narratives supply us with a beautiful picture of the society of those days when this work was composed. For instance, we learn therefrom (89) that a blind man led by a man having eyes and having a stick held in front of him used to earn his livelihood by going to various houses and by creating a feeling of compassion for him in the persons he came across. The mention of 16 diseases ($22) viz. asthama, cough, fever, burning sensation in the body, pain in the stomach or belly, fistula, piles, indigestion, an eye-disease, head-ache, loss of appetite, pain in eyes and ears, itching, dropsy and leprosy and over and above this, that of aggia (SS 27 ), a disease which rapidly consumed anything when eaten and which according to Abhayadeva Suri, is known as bhasmaka, give us an idea of the diseases known in those days. The remedies in the case of the 1st 16 1 Cf. "a99:- TATHATA Hula-sifa aq fa " -Siddhasena Gani's com. (p. 91) on Tattvartha (I, 20) 2 This may remind a Bauddha scholar of Avadanasataka and Karmasataka. 3-4 Each of these names is mentioned in plural in Vivagasuya. See SS 4. 5 In Suhavivaga only the first narrative is given in full, whereas the rost, in bare outlines.
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________________ v] THE EXTANT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS 137 diseases (23) such as various kinds of enema, purgatives, vomitings, medicated baths etc., show how far the medical science was " then developed. So far as surgical science is concerned, cutting of veins and skin for making them bleed, deserves to be noted. Propiation of deities for begetting progeny! (f 138), fanciful longings of women when pregnant ($ 40, 68), throwing of a still-born child on a dung-hill ($ 47) or placing it under a cart ($95) and then bringing it back with the belief that it may thereby live long (SS 47), human sacrifices (S 107) for winning the favour of deities, festivals in honour of Indra and others ($ 11), extremely barbarous and cruel ways of inflicting punishments for theft and adultery ($ 37, 63) and the various instruments etc. used by jailors for inflicting corporal punishments to prisoners ($ 120-121); proficiency of harlots ($ 34), and various preparations of flesh etc. ($ 66, 93, 135, 151) are some of the aspects of the society which are reflected in the narratives given in this Angd. OVAVAIYA This work is considered as the 1st Uvanga. Herein are described in full, the city of Campa, the sanctuary of Punnabhadda and the garden surrounding it, the Asoga tree therein, King Kuniya alias Bhimbhasaraputta, his queen Dbarini and Lord Mahavira, to name a few out of many. These descriptions are reproduced, indicated by the word vanna or abbreviated by introducing the word java, when they are required elsewhere; for, this Uvanga is practically the 1st work codified at the council of Valabbi. Over 1 Some females are over-anxious to have a child, Sutta 137 describes their longings which can be compared with Abhijnanasakuntala (VII, 17). Further, the wording of this sutta is identical with s. 5 of the 8th Anga (IIL, 8). So the description given in s. 137, ought to have been abbreviated by using java, and, if, at all, it was to be given in full, it ought to havo bocn so done in s. 40. Siddhascna Gani, too, believes so, in case such an inference can be drawn from the following line occurring in his com. (p. 27) on Tattvartha (VI, 14): "upAGgAni aupapAtikaprabhRtInyaGgArthAnuvAdIni" In Uber ein Fragment der Bhagavati a similar description of Lord Buddha is given by Dr. A. Weber. 2 18
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________________ [ CHAP. 138 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS and above this work being a store-house of splendid descriptions, it has a historical importance, too, as it refers to Lord Mahavira's samosarana in Campa and the pilgrimage of Kuniya to that place. Further, the various attainments and penances' of the saints of Lord Mahavira are here mentioned in details, and this is followed by the description of various celestial beings who come to attend upon Lord Mahavira. His sermon delivered on this occasion may be looked upon as the last item of the 1st part3 which may be named as Samosarana. The 2nd part opens with the description of Indrabhuti's journey to Lord Mahavira, and various questions (regarding the re-births) asked by the former to the latter. Sutta 74 deals with various Tavasas, and the following ones up to s. 100 with Parivayagas, Ammada being one of them. His subsequent life as Dadhapainna is then dealt with. In the end we have exposition about the samugghaya resorted to, by some of the omniscient beings, description of the abode of the liberated and the condition therein. Suttas 168-189 which form the ending portion, are in verse, whereas the preceding portion is mostly in prose. RAYAPASENIYA This Uvanga deals with the birth of King Paesi as Suriabha deva, his celestial grandeour and enjoyments, his staging of a drama and a dance in the presence of Lord Mahavira, the description of his vimana, and a dialogue regarding the identity of soul and body between Paesi and Kesi Ganadahara, a follower of Lord Parsva. Prof. Winternitz attaches immense value to this dialogue; for, he considers it as a beautiful piece of literature. As regards the title etc. of this Uvanga, it may be noted that in the 5th Anga (s. 133) and elsewherses, too, it is mentioned as Rayappasenaijja. 1 In s. 30 these are treated at length. 2 Sutta 38 furnishes us with a description of celestial damsels. 3 The author has not divided the work into 2 parts; but this is what some of the modern scholars do. 4 See A His. of Ind. Lit. (vol. II, p. 455). 5 See Avassayacunni (pt. I, p. 142).
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________________ V]. THE EXTANT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS JIVAJIVABHIGAMA1 This Uvanga is divided into 9 sections2 known as pratipattis.3 It deals with the fundamental principles of Jainism, and thus furnishes us with details about the animate and inanimate objects. The 3rd pratipatti contains the description of continents and oceans, and it is looked upon by Prof. Winternitz as an interpolation (vide A His. of Ind. Lit. vol. II, p. 456). The entire treatment in this Uvanga is in the form of questions and answers, as is the case with the 4th Uvanga. PANNAVANAS 139 This Uvanga is a master-piece of Jaina philosophy. It is divided into 36 sections, each known as paya. Each of these payas deals with one particular topic in all its aspects and may be hence looked upon as a thesis on the subject concerned, in an epitomized form. These 36 payas are named in Prakrta in v. 4-7. Malayagiri Suri in his com. (p. 6) on this work mentions their names in Samskrta. They are: (1) Prajnapana, (2) Sthana, 1 This is styled as ajjhayana in its sutta I. 2 In A His. of Ind. Lit. (vol. II, p. 456) the number of sections has been given as 20. This gives rise to a set of questions: Is this a slip or is it owing to some other method of counting? And, if latter, what is that method? Further 3 This name occurs in Malayagiri Suri's com. on this 3rd Uvanga. more, therefrom we learn the specific names of one and all the pratipattis! They ara Dvividha, Trividha etc. up to Dasavidha. 4 This is the biggest section out of 10. 5 This is styled as ajjhayana in v. 8, and it is referred to in Jivajivabhigama (s. 106). 6 Cf. "pannavaNA 1 ThANAI 2 bahuvattavvaM 3 ThiI 4 visesA 5 ya / vakkantI 6 UsAso 7 sannA 8 joNI 9 ya carimAI 10 // 4 // bhAsA 11 sarIra 12 pariNAma 13 lesA 17 kAyaThiI 18 yA sammate 19 ogAhaNasaNThANA 21 kiriyA 22 kamme iyAvare 23 | [kammassa] bandhae 24 [ kammassa] veda 25 [9] vedassa, bandhae 26 veyaveyae 27 // 6 // AhAre 28 uvaoge 29 pAsaNayA 30 sanni 31 same 32 ceva / bhor3I 33 paviyAraNa 34 vedaNA 35 ya tatto samugdhAe 36 // 7 // " -- Pannavana kasAe 14 indie 15 paoge 16 ya / antakiriyA 20 ya // 5 //
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________________ 140 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS ( CHAP. (3) Bahuvaktavya, (4) Sthiti, (5) Vigesa, (6) Vyutkranti, (?) Ucchvasa, (8) Sanjna, (9) Yoni, (10) Carama, (11) Bhasa, (12) Sarira, (13) Parinama, (14) Kasaya, (15) Indriya, (16) Prayoga, (17) Lesya, (18) Kayasthiti, (19) Samyaktva, (20) Antakriya, (21) A vagahanasthana, (22) Kriya, (23) Karma, (24) Karmabandha, (25) Karmavedaka, (26) Vedabandhaka, (27) Vedavedaka, (28) Abara, (29) Upayoga, (30) Darsanata, (31) Sanijna (32) Samyama, (33) Avadhi, (34) Pravicarana, (35) Vedana and (36) Samudghata. To my mind, this work is, in short, an encyclopedia of Jainism, and if one properly studies it with Viahapannatti, it may make that individual a past-master of Jainism. It may be mentioned en passant that its 1st paya (s. 36-37 ) furnishes us with a geographical-ethnographic outline; for, herein there is a mention of the Ariyas (Aryas) and Milikkhus ( Mlecchas ) with their habitations. SURIYAPANNATTI This Uvanga is a work on astronomy from a Jaina standpoint. It is divided into 20 sections, each of which is styled as pahuda. This is likely to remind one of the sub-divisions of the Puvvas. The importance of this work for the study of the ancient - Indian astronomy has been emphasized by various European : scholars; e. g. Prof. H. Jacobi (S. B. E. vol. XXII, intro. p. xL), Prof. E. Leumann (Bezeihungen der Jaina-Literatur zu Andern Literatur-kreisen Indiens, pp. 552-553) and Dr. G. Thibaut ( Astronomie, Astrologie und Mathematik and J. A. S. B. vol. XLIX, p. 108). This work deals with the moon, too. So Prof. Winternitz is inclined to believe that "it almost looks as though the original Canda-Panntti had been worked into the Sura-Pannatti". Vide A His. of Ind. Lit. (vol. II, p. 467). JAMBUDDIVAPANNATTI This is so to say a work on Jaina cosmology. It is divided into seven sections, each known as vakkhakkara. In the 3rd section, 1 Payas 3, 5, 6 and 33 are also named as Alpabahutva, Paryaya, Upapato dvartana and Jzanaparinama.
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________________ V] THE EXTANT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS 141 there is a description of Bharatavarga (India), and, therein the legends about King Bharata are treated at length. Accordin Leumann (Z. D. M. G. vols. 48 and 82) "they can be called an exactly parallel text to Visnu-Purana II and Bhagavata-Purana V." CANDAPANNATTI This work as it is available now, differs very very little from Suriyapannatti, and such a state of affairs existed at least in the time of Jinaprabha Suri as can be seen from his Siddhantagamastava (v. 26). All the same, since Malayagiri Suri has commen upon it, and since this work is noted in Thana (II, 1; p. 126 ), Nandi (s. 44 ), etc., there must have existed in olden days some work of this name, NIRAYAVALISUYAKKHANDHA I use this title to indicate a collection of the 5 Uvangas viz. (1) Nirayavalia or Kappiya, (2) Kappavadimsayu, (3) Pupphiya, (4) Pupphaculiyu and (5) Vanhidasa. Dr. Weber and Prof. Winternitz believe that these works are separately counted to make the number of the Uvangas tally with that of the 12 Angas. Each of these five works except the last consists of 10 ajjhayanas whereas the last has 12. In Kappiya we have lives of Kala and others, the ten sons? of Srenika. Similarly Kappavadirsaya deals with the lives of their 10 sons. Pupphiya describes 10 gods such as the moon, the sun and others, whereas Pupphaciliya furnishes us with some details about 10 goddesses such as Sri, Hri, Dhrti and the like. * In Vanhidasa we come across legends of the 12 princes of the Vanhi race. Out of them, the 1st deals with Nisaoha (Sk. Nisadha ), son of Balarama and nephew of Krsna. . NISIBA This Cheyasutta consists of 20 uddesagas. It deals with the rules governing the life to be led by monks and nuns, and prescribi Vide A His. of Ind. Lit. (vol. II, p. 457). 2 They were killed in their fight with their grand-father Cedaga of Vesali and have been born in the 4th hell.-Kappiya 3 They have been born in various heavens.-Kappavadimsaya 4 Jarl Charpentier says that the title Nisiha, though traditional, is wrong: it ought to be Niseha.
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________________ 142 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP. es atonements and penances by way of punishment for various transgressions against rules pertaining to begging of alms, etc. This work mentions exceptions to the general rules, too. MAHANISIHA This Cheyasutta is divided into 6 sections known as ajjhayanas. A three-fold division referred to, in the beginning of this work, is not to be found. There are specific titles for the 1st, 2nd, 5th and 6th ajjhayanas. They indicate the subject-matter. The 3rd and Be 4th ajjhayanas treat of Kusila Sadhus. In the 4th, there is a narrative about two brothers Sumati and Naila. The 5th deals with the relation between a guru and his pupil. This ajjhayana has supplied some materials for composing Gacchayara. The 6th ajjhayana treats of prayascittas and contains a narrative pertaining to a teacher Bhadda and Rayya, the Aryika. The last two ajjhayanas which are styled as Culiyas, supply information about the daughter of Suyyasivi. Over and above these specific topics, this Cheyasutta has several topics in common with Nisiha. VAVAHARA This Cheyasutta is divided into 10 uddesagas. It deals with prescriptions and interdictions. It points out what Jaina saints are expected to do and what they are expected to refrain from, and the prayascittas they have to perform, in case they violate the prescribed rules. Further it deals with the desired type of spirit they should have at the time of expiations. It throws light as to what should be done when one or more saints go astray, while they itinerate with many more. It also informs us as to who do not deserve the status of an Acarya, an Upadhyaya and the like. Nuns holding padavis like Pravartini have to lead their lives according to a set of rules. These are explained in this work. In the end we have the curriculum for a novice whose course of study ordinarily lasts for 20 years. This Cheyasutta, too, has been utilized for the composition of Gacchayara 2 1-2 Cf. "HEIGAEITE -qrait aaettrait nem a sAhusAhuNiaTThAe gacchAyAraM smuddhiaN||135||"
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________________ VI THE EXTANT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS 143 1. 1 noua. regula DASASUYAKKHANDHA This Cheyasutta consists of ten significant sections. It seems that sections 1 to 7 and 9 are each known as dasa, whereas the rest as ajjhayanas. The respective topics treated therein are as under: (1) 20 asamahitthanas - the causes that upset a Muni in his samyama when he follows a path adverse to his dharma; (2) 21 sabaladosas -causes that weaken the spirit of a Muni, (3) 33 asayanas associated with a guru, (4) ganisampada-the 8 sampadas of an Acarya along with their sub-divisions, four types of vinaya prescribed to a pupil and their sub-varieties, (5) 10 cittasamahitthanas, (6) 11 uvasagapadimas-the 11 pratimas-postures, penances etc., a Jaina layman resorts to, (7)12 bhikkhupadimas, (8) pajjosanakappa', (9) 30 mohanijjatthanas-causes that lead to the amalgamation of mohaniya karman with the embodied soul, and (10) ayatitthanas. It may be added that each of the 7 dasas dealing with tions pertaining to the discipline of the Sadhus and Sravakas, begins with suyam me aiisam etc. as in Ayara, and each ends with ti bemi. In the 5th dasa, there is treated a sermon of Lord Mahavira delivered in the presence of King Jiyasattu. It goes up to 17 verses. The 9th dasa furnishes us with a sermon of 39 verses preached by Lord Mahavira to King Koniya and others. In the 10th section we find King Seniya and his queen Cellana listening to Lord Mahavira's sermon. Their splendour etc. detract the mind of almost all the Sadhvis and Sadhus respectively; Candanabila and Indrabhuti, however, remain unaffected by wicked thoughts. Lord Mahavira thereupon delivers a lengthy sermon. PAJJOSANAKAPPA This work forms the 8th section of Dasasuyakkhandha, It is divided into 3 sections styled as vacyas by Jinaprabha Suri in his Sandehavisausadhi, a panjika on this work, and by Vinayavijaya Gani, too, in his Kalpasubodhika, a com. on this very work. These three vacyas are named as Jinucariya (Sk. Jinacarita), Theravali (Sk. Sthaviravali) and Samayari (Sk. Samacari). In 1 For details see pp. 143-145,
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________________ 144 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP Jinacariya, the life of Lord Mahavira occupies the major portion. This is narrated "in great detail, with great diffuseness, with descriptions in the Kavya style and with exaggerations beyond all measure." So says Prof. Winternitz in "1 His. of Init. Lit. (vol. II, p. 463). Here the conception, transference of the embryo? and the birth of Lord Mahavira are described in the same way as in Ayara. Further this work furnishes us with vivid information regarding the well-known 14 dreams, their interpretation, Lord Maha vira's yrhavasu, his twelve years' life as as asectic and his activities for about 30 years since he became omniscient. In Theravali, we find a list of yanas (schools), their sukhas ( branches ) and the Ganadharas (heads of schools). This list is borne out by inscriptions of the 2nd century A. D. Vide Dr. Buhler's Epigraphica Indica i (1892) 371 ff., 393 ff. This indirectly shows how far the works codified at Valabhi are genuine. It is true that this Theravali mentions some of the successors of Bhadraba. 1 2 The lives of 23 Tirtharkaras are also given here. But they begin with that of Lord Parsva and go up to that of Lord Rsabha. Out of them, those of Parsva, Aristanemi and Rsabha are given in English by Dr, Bimala Churn Law in his article "The Kalpasutra" published in Jaina Antiquary (vol. II, Nos, III and IV). The episode about this given in this Pajjosanakappa practically tallies in words with one given in Ayara (s. 176). It is presented in a versified form in v, 450, 457 and 458 of Avassayanijjutti. As suggested by Abhayadeva Suri in his com. on Viahapannatti (v. 3; s. 186 ) it is hero alluded to. This episode is admitted as genuine by the Svetumbaras only. The Digambaras distrust it. But strange to say, it is supported by the oxcavations carried out in the Kankali tila at Mathura. Alexander Cunningham in his Archaelogical Survey of India (Annual Reports) III 1873, p. 46 says: "The Kankali Tila has been... prolific... both in sculptures und inscriptions all of which are pure Jaina monuments. On the upper level stands a large Jaina temple dedicated to Jambu Svami. An annual fair is held at this place." Amongst these excavations we come accross sculpture and inscriptionis and it is in the former section that we come accross an engraved illustration (2) ft. by 19 ft.). This is what we learn from Epigraphic Indica p. 317, Mathura Sculptures, Plate II, und Cunnigham's Reports for the Archaelogical Survey of India XX, Plate IV, 2-5.
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________________ THE EXTANT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS husvamin; but, as it is possible to look upon that portion as inserted in the original work by Devarddhi Gani at Valabhi," it cannot be argued on that account that this Theravali is not a composition of Bhadrabahusvamin, So some other arguments must be advanced to disprove the authorship attributed to him by the Jaina tradition. VAL 145 In Samayari we have in prose rules and regulations pertaining to pajjusana or the Lenten period. Dr. Bimala Churn Law says in this connection in his article "The Kalpasutra" published in Jaina Antiquary (vol. II, No. IV, March 1937, p. 82): "This Pajjusana corresponds to the Buddhist Vassa and is divided into two parts the 50 days that precede and the 70 that succeed the 5th of Bhadra, Suklapaksa. The Svetambaras observe fast during the former period and the Digambaras during the latter." This third section which is a code of rules for asceticism, is looked upon by Western scholars as the oldest nucleus, and they opine that Bhadrabahusvamin does not seem to be the author of all the three sections which have been united to form a whole in the Pajjosanakappa. Before proceeding further, it may be noted that out of these 3 vacyas the 1st is the biggest. Its extent is a little more than 900 slokas. It consists of 228 suttas. It is mostly in prose; for, some verses interspers it. Its 15th sutta is an eulogy of Lord Mahavira by Sakra. It is hence known as Sakrastava. Its wording is almost identical with Ovavaiya (s. 16 & 20). Sutta 13 of Antagadadasa (VI) and the last para of Anuttarovavaiyadasa have also something in common with this wording. Sutta 129 refers to a great planet Bhasarasi (Sk. Bhasmarasi) which is mentioned in Thana (II, 3), too. It has remained unidentified up till now. The 2nd varya has more verses than any of the other two. Its last 14 verses are worth noting. Some of them remind us of the Theravalis to be met with, in Nandi and Avassayanijjutti. In 1 See D. L. J. P. F. Series, No. 18. 2 Ibid., pp. 2b, 11b, 15b, 322, and 39. 3 For ther details see D. C. J. M. (vol. XVII, pt. III, p. 173). 19
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________________ 145 "THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [ CEAP. this vacya we have a reference to sankhitta vayana on p. 51deg and to vitthoravayana on p. 522. . Just as Pajjosanakappa is divided into 3 vacyas, so it is also divided by some of its commentators into 9 sections known as vacanas or vyakhyanas and into 9 ksanas as well. These 9 sections seem to be more or less arbitrary so much so that at times one and the same sutta is so split up that one portion of it belongs to one vacana and the remnant, to the other. Vide s. 15. The extant Pajjosanakappa is known as Barasasutr', too. Its extent is said to be 1216 slokas; but, on actual counting it comes to 100 slokas more. So says Dr. Bimala Churn Law in Jaeina Antiquary (vol. II, No. III, p. 72). This Pajjosanakappa bas a very big number of commentaries', the only other Agama that can vie with it, to some extent in this respect, being Avassaya. 1 A tentative list of them may be given as under: (i) Bhadrabahusvamin's Pajjosanakappanijjutti (c. Vira Samvat 160). (ii) Psthricandra Suri's Paryusanakalpatippanaka (13th century); (iii) Vineyacandra Suri's Durgapadanirukta (Samvat 1325); (iv) Jinaprabha Suri's Sandehavisausadhi (Samvat 1364); (v) Juanasagara Suri's Kalpa. sitravacuri (Samvat 1443); (vi) Jayasagara Suri's Sukhavabodhavivarana 15th century); (vii) Manikyasekhara Suri's Kalpasitraniryuktyavacuri ( 15th century); (viii) Dharmasagara Gani's Kalpakiranavala (Samvat 1628); (ix) Subhavijaya's Kalpasutravrtti (Samvat 1671); (x) Sanghavijaya Gani's Kalpapradipika (Samvat 1674); (xi) Jayavijaya's Kalpadipika (Samat 1677): (xii) Samayasundara Pathaka's Kalpalata (Samvat 1684-86); (xiii) Sahajakirti's Kalpamanjari (Samvat 1685); (xiv) Vinayavijaya Gani's Kalpasubodhika (Samvat 1696); (xv) Ajitadeva Suri's Kalpasutradipika (Samvat 1698); (xvi) Kamalakirti's Kalpabalavabodha (17th century); (xvii) Sivanidhana's Kalpabalavabodha ( 17th century ); (xviii) Santisagara's Kalpakaumudi (Samvat 1707 ); (xix) Khimavijaya's Kalpa. balavabodha (Sanvat 1707); (xx) Jiana vijaya's Kalpajnanodipika (Samvat 1722); ( xxi) Vidyavilasa's Kalpabalavabodhu (Samvat 1729 ); (xxii) Danavijaya's Danadipika (Sarvat 1750); (xxiii) Udayasagara's Kalpa. sitraurtti (Samvat 1755); and (xxiv) Laksmivallabha's Kalpadrumakalika (18th century). Out of these the Mss. of Nos. i-iv, vii, viii, x-xiv, xviii, xx, xxiii and xxiv are described in D. C. J. M. (vol. XVII, pt. II, pp. 90-199 ). Further, herein are dealt with, some anonymous avacurnis dated Santvat 1469, 1568 and 1618 and a few kalpantara vacyas.
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________________ Vi THE EXTANT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS 147 As stated in Kalpasubodhika (p. 7b) Pajjosanakappa was read publicly for the 1st time in the assembly of King Dhruvasena ia Vira Samvat 980 or 993. Further, it is stated there that Sadhur used to recite it at night and sadhvis used to hear it by day, too, according to the vidhi prescribed in Nisihocunni. KAPPA This is a Cheyasutta. It is popularly known as Brhatkalpa sutra. Some name it as Brhatsadhukalpasutra. It is divided into 6 uddesagas, and it deals with rules and regulations governing the lives of Jaina monks and nuns. Restrictions pertaining to their food, apparatuses, halting place etc. are here expounded, and expie: tions regarding violations or partial transgressions are prescribed. This Chcyasutta has some of the passages in common with other Agamas. As already noted on p. 40, this Kappa along with Vavahara and Dasa form one suyakkhandha. At times it is mentioned with Vavahara only. It is difficult to fix up the data of the compilation of this Cheyasutta; but its 50th suttaand the like may be helpful in this direction. JIYAKAPPA At least now-a-days this work is tooked upon as the 6th Cheyasutta by several Svetambaras. It consists of 103 verses ia Praksta, and its authorship is attributed to Jinabhadra Gaeni Ksamasramana". Herein are prescribed penances pertaining to vio. lations of rules enjoined for Jaina saints in their canon. It deals with 10 prayascittus as usual, and not with 9 48 in Tattvartha. Mr. M. D, Desai has noted in Jaina sahityno scwiksipta itihasa 1 Soe D. C. J. M. (vol. XVII, pt. II, pp. 225-226). 2 See p. 39, fn. 1 and Drona Suri's com. (p, 1b) on Ohanijjufti where we have: " HTTEHEER 4767aeTT:". 3 "kappar3a niggaMdhANa vA niggaMthINa vA puritthameNaM jAva aMga-magahAo etae, dakivaNeNaM jAva. kosaMbIcI, paccatthimeNaM jAva thUNAvisesAo, uttareNaM jAva kuNAlAvisayAbho ette| etAva tAva kppr| etAva tAva Arie khette| No se kappai etto bAhiM / teNa paraM jattha nANa-dasaNa-carittAI ussappaMti ti bemi|" 4 He has been praised by Siddhasena Suri in his Cunni (v. 5-11) OR this work Jiyakappa. His approximate date is Vira. Samvat 1115.
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________________ 148 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP. (p. 83) that herein 19 kinds of prayascittas are treated, and that this work is a part and parcel of Nisiha, since the vidhand of jutakatpa is mentioned there. 2 : UTTARAJJHAYANA As already noted on pp. 47-48, this is a Mulasuttaof multiple authorship. It consists of 36 ajjhayanas. Their significant titles are given in the Uttarajjhayananijjutti (v. 13-17) as under: (1) Vinayasuya, (2) Parisaha, (3) Cairangijja, (4) Asamkhaya, (5) Akamamarana, (6) Niyanthi, (7) Orabbha, (8) Kavilijja, (9) Namipavvajja, (10) Dumapattaya, (11) Bahusuyapujja, (12) Hari. esa, (13) Citta-Sambhui, (14). Usuarijja, (15) Sabhikkhu, (16) Samahithana, (17) Pavasamanigja, (18) Sanjaijja, (19) Miyacariya, (20) Nijanthijja, (21) Samuddapalijja, (22) Rahanemiya, (23) KesiGoyamijja, (24) Samiaa, (25). Jannaijja, (26) Samayari, (27) Khalunkijja, (28) Mukkhagai, (29) Appamaa, (30) T'ava, (31) Carana, (32) Pamayathana, (33) Kammappayadi, (34) Lesa, (35) Anagaramagga and _(36) Jivajivavibhatti, ....... . In Samavaya (XXXVI, p. -64 ) we come across the names of these 36 ajjhayanas; but they differ at times from the ones noted above.3It may be added that the names of the ajjhayanas 3, 4, 7, 10, 14 and 25 can be cited as instances of a name by adana, pada, one of the 10 types of names noted in Anuogaddara (s. 130). 1 Instead of this word, Kulamandana Suri has used the word Milagantha :.. &s can be seen from the following lines quoted in Senaprasna (III, p. 80b): ....... "Avassaya ohanijjutti 1 piNDanijjutti 2 uttarAyaNe 3 / fix. fa af L. - iti shriikulmnnddnsuurikRtpraakRtsiddhaantstvgaathaa| etasyAM ca mUlagranthAzcatvAra ete proktAH santi" The use of this word Mulagrantha may remind one of the word Mu43 lagrantha occurring in the Bauddha dietionary Mahavyutpatti and meaning Buddha's own words. 2. Verges 18-26 mention the respective topics of these 36 ajjhayanas. 8 Ajjhayanas C, 20 and 23 are respectively named here as Purisavijja, Ana hapavvajja and Goyama-Kesijja. The rest have their names practically the same as noted above. These names may be compared with those given on p. 30 of D. C. J. M. (vol. XVII,? pt. III).
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________________ V] THE EXTANT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS Some information pertaining to the Jaina canon can be had from this Mulasutta. For instance in XXIV, 3 we come across the word duvalasanga, and in XXVIII, 21 we find the words Anga and bahira. Similarly in XXXI, v. 13 there is a reference to 16 Gahas', in v. 14, to (19) ajjhayanas of Naya, in v. 16, to 23 ajjhayanas of Suyagada, in v. 17, to (26) uddesas of Dasa etc., and in v. 18, to (28 ajjhayanas of) Pagappa. As regards this last item, there seems to have been some confusion. Prof. Jacobi and Mr. G. J. Patel, too, have equated Paggappa with Ayara, and each of them has said that formerly Ayara had 28 ajjhayanas, and it now contains 24, the lost ones being MahaI think the author parinna, Ugghaya, Anugghaya and Arovana. wants to convey by Paggappa, Ayara including Nisiha which as noted on p. 117 was somehow separated from Ayara. Mahaparinna is lost as already stated on p. 78. Ugghaya, Anugghaya and Arovana are each a portion of the extant Nistha dealing with the penances having these very names. To be explicit, uddesas 2-5 and 12-19 deal with Ugghaya, 1 and 6-11 with Anugghaya and 20 with Arovana. Further, in support of this statement of mine I may quote the following line occurring in Avassaya (III):"ugdhAyamaNugdhAyaM ArovaNa tivimo nisIhaM tu / 4 149 So it follows that only one ajjhayana of Ayara is lost and not four. Besides, on this understanding it may be said that by the time Uttarajjhayana was composed, Nisiha still formed a part and parcel of Ayara, and that it was composed after Ayaragga 1 These are the 16 ajjhayanas of Suyagada (I). 2 There are the 19 ajjhayanas of Nayadhammakaha (I). 3 By etc. are meant Kappa and Vavahara. 4 This very line with the following one occurs in Santi Suri's 617) on Uttarajjhayana: " iha aTThAvIsaviho AyArapakappanAmo u // " It may be noted that in this com. (p. 616") we have: " prakRSTaH kalpaH - yativyavahAro yasminnasau prakalpaH, sa ceha AcArAGgameva" com. (p.
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________________ 150 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS (CHAP. was added to Ayara (1). It is also possible to say that this is only a record of the old tradition. Before I deal with the contents of Uttarajjhayana, I may mention that leaving aside the 29th ajjhayuna and some portion in the beginning of the 2nd and the 16th ajjhayanas, the rest of the work is in verse, and it comes to 1643 slokas. In this connection I may note the following observation made by Prof. Schu. bring in his intro. (p. v, fn. 2) to "The Dasaveyaliya Sutta": "The Arya chapters of the Uttarajjhayana Sutta are evidently later than the bulk of that work. The same can be said of the Aryas in Ayaranaga II, 15." Ajjhayanas ix, XII-XIV, XXII, XXIII and xxv supply us with old legends: Ajjhayana IX deals with a dialogue of King Nami with Indra disguised as a Brahmana. The latter tells him that he should perform his duties as a ruler and a Ksatriya. Thereupon Nami ably refutes his arguments by pointing out the excel. lence of true asceticism. Ajjhayana XII is a dialogue between a proud Purohita and Bala, a despised Muni of the Candala caste. The latter says that a Brahmana is not superior to others simply because he happens to be born as a Brahmana; for, it is rather the right sort of penance that makes a man dignified and lofty. Moreover, undue importance should not be attached to external formalism and ceremonialism. Ajjhaygna XIII is a dialogue between Brahmadatta (an emperor) and an ascetic. Both of them were once born as brothers in a Candala family, and on their being harrassed for their untouchability, they had resorted to asceticism. In this birth, Brahmadatta is being pursuaded to renounce the world but he pays no heed to it. Ajjhayana XIV is a splendid dialogue between a Purohita and his sons. Herein the latter convince the former that the ascetic ideal is to be preferred to the pseudo-Brahmanika, one. Thereupon all of them and the wife of that Purohita, too, take the Jaina dikna.
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________________ THE EXTANT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS Ajjhayana XXII' is a dialogue between Rathanemi, an elder brother of Lord Neminatha and Rajimati. The former, though a Muni, makes an indecent offer to the latter, a nun. Thereupon this nun admonishes him and makes him steady in his asceticism. V] Ajjhayana XXIII furnishes us with a dialogue between Gautama, the 1st Ganadhara of Lord Mahavira and Kesin, a learned follower of Lord Parsva. The former was asked by the latter as to how he reconciled the five mahavratas of Lord Mahavira with the caujjama dhamma of Lord Parsva, and further, how he interpreted the acelakatva propounded by Lord Mahavira with sacelakatva of Lord Parsva. Both these points were satisfactorily explained by Gautama. Thereupon Kesin asked him several riddles pertaining to Jainism, and these, too, were beautifully answered. These riddles may remind one of the Brahmodyas. Ajjhayana XXV is a dialogue between Jayaghosa Muni and Vijayaghosa, a Brahmana engaged in performing sacrifice. The 1 Herein it is mentioned that Krsna is a son of Vasudeva, and Neminatha, that of Samudra vijaya, a brother of Vasudeva. As regarda Rajimati it is said that she was the daughter of Ugrasena, and sister of Kamsa and was betrothed to Lord Neminatha. All these relations with some more may be presented as under: Saurin Andhakavrsni 1 11 1 1 I 1111 Samudravijaya Yadu I S'ura Vasudeva Suvira 1 Bhojavrsni 1 Ugrasena 1 1 1 Rathanemi Aristanemi Balarama Vasudeva Kamsa (son of Rohini) (son of Devaki) Kamsa had married Jivayasa, sister of Jarasandha. 151 1 Rajimati Devaka Devaki 2 He is said to have attained salvation 250 years before Lord Mahavira. In one of his previous births he is represented as King Suvarnbahu. This episode reminds one of the description of Dusyanta's seeing Sakuntala and her female friends given in Abhijnanasakuntala (I).
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________________ 152. THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP, former goes to the latter for bhiksa (alms); but the latter refuses to give it to him on the ground that it is meant for the Brahmanos who are well-versed in the Vedas, who are for sacrifices, who are conversant with the Jyotisanga, etc. Thereupon Jayaghosa asks him questions which Vijayaghosa fails to answer and which are replied by the former at the request of the latter. This answer given in verses provides us with a vivacious description of the characteristics of a true Brahmana. Vijayaghosa is satisfied by this answer and renounces the world. Ajjhayancs XXIV and XXVI-XXXVI deal more or less with the Jaina dogmatics. Ajjhayana XXVI forms the basis of dasavidhasamacari as stated by Malayagiri Suri in his com: (p. 3416) on Avassayanijjutti (v. 665), by Hemacandra Suri in his com. (p. 842) on Visesao and by Drona Suri in his com (p. 15) on Ohanisjutti. It appears that ajjhayana XXVIII may be looked upon as the basis of Tattrartha. Ajjhayana XXIX points out the different gunos which finally lead to salvation. In all, they are here given as 73, and each of them is separately treated in order with numbers 1, 2 etc. . - As regards the contents of the remaining ojhayanas, it may be noted that the 7th consists mainly of parables, and the 16th deals with the commandment of chastity. In conclusion I may quote the following lines from A His. of Ind. Lit. (vol.-II, p:-466): "The oldest nucleus consists of valuable poenis-series of guomic aphorismos parables and similes, dialogues and ballads - which belong to the ascetic poetry of ancient India, and also have their parallels in Buddhist literature in part. These poems remind us most forcibly of the Sutta Nipata." 1 "a fo Flure out a fa al gli nakkhattANa muhaM na jaM ca dhammANa vA muhaM // 11 // 'je samatthA samuddhattaM paramappANameva ya. na te tuma viyANAsi -aha jANAsi to bhaNa // 12 // " 2 Each of these verses has for its refrain: " a ZA HIEU". 3 "The earlier sections contain an abundance of archaic and curious forms of Prakrit, s. R. Pischal, Grammatik der Prakrit-sprachen, in Grundriss' 1, 8 para 19."- A His of Ind. Lit. (vol. II, p. 466, fn. 3)
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________________ ..THE EXTANT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS.... 153 Verse 266 of the 36th ajjhayana run's as under:- :'. "ii pAuko buddhe nAyae prinivvue| chattIsaM uttarajjhAe bhavasiddhIyasamae // 266 // ". . From this some are led to believe that these are the last words uttered by.. Lord Mahavira before he. attained salvation. But commentators of this work as well as Malayagiri Suri', Siddhasena Gani and others explain the word uttara as 'excellent' and not as 'last'. Mr. G. J. Patel however interprets uttara as last. Further he accepts the view expressed in Kalpalata to the effect that the exposition of 36 unasked questions is Uttarajjhaya; for, he says that there is no other canon which has got 36 ajjhayanas and which at the same time can be looked upon as unasked questions. I have already expressed my opinion in this connection on pp. 47-48. So I may now end this topic by noting the following verse from Uttarajjhayananijjutti:-- "kamauttareNa pagaya AyArasseva uvarimAI tu / tamhA u uttarA khalu ajjhayaNA huti NAyavvA // 3 // This suggests that the word uttara occurring in Uttarajjhayana was used to convey that this Agama used to be read after, iyara. This arrangement lasted up to Sayyambhava; for, on his. composing Dasaveyaliya it is being read after it and not after Ayara. .. ..DASAVEYALIYA This work is also a Mulasutta inasmuch as it explains the first and fundamental principles of the religious order preached by Lord Mahavira and serves as the foundation for the , ascetic life::: The title Dasaveyaliya is not to be met with in this work; but it 1. Vide his com. (p. 2060 ) on Nandi: 2 Vadivetala Santi Suri explains this verse on p. 5a as under: "kramApekSamuttaraM, zAkapArthivAditvAnmadhyamapadalopI samAsaH, tena prakRtam-adhikRtam , ihaM ca kramottareNeti bhAvataH kramottareNa, etAni hi zrutAtmakatvena kSAyopazamikabhAvarUpANi tadrUpasyaiva AcArAGgasyopari paThayamAnatvenottarANItyucyante, ata eva Aha-'AyArasseva. uvarimAI' ti / evakAro bhinnkrmH| tatazca. AcArasyoparyeva-uttarakAlameva 'imAni' iti hRdi viparivartamAnatayA pratyakSANi, paThitavanta iti gmyte| 'tuH' paraNe, vizeSazcAyaM yathA-zayyambhavaM yAvadeSa kramaH, tadAratastu dazavakAlikottarakAlaM paThyanta iti / 'tamhA u' tti 'tuH' pUraNe, yattadozca nityamabhisambandhaH tato yasmAdAcArasyoparyavemAni paThitavantastasmAda 'uttarANi' uttrshbdvaacyaani|" 20
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________________ 154 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS (CHAP. is so mentioned twice by Bhadrabahusvamin in his Nijjutti (v. 6 and 330) on it. Moreover it is implied in v. 7, 12 and 15 of this Nijjutti, though therein he has named this work as Dasakaliya as he has done in v. 1, 14 and 25. Thus he has six times designated this work as Dasakaliya and twice as Dasaveyaliya. As stated in v. 7, the title is based upon two ideas viz. the number and the time. The first gives us a clue to the fact that this work consists of ten ajjhayanas. As regards the time, from v. 12 we see that this work was extracted when the paurusi was over, whereas from v. 15 we learn that the 10 ajjhayanas which were extracted, were (systematically) arranged at the veyaliya (Sk. vaikalika) i. e. to say in the evening. The Cunni on the Dasaveyaliya (pp. 5 and 7) explains the title Dasaveyaliya in various ways. One of them is that this work is read at vikala. Some of the modern scholars who do not agree with these deri. vations of the title, make various conjectures. For instance, Mr. G. J. Patel opines that Manaka was taught Puvvas just after his diksa and not after a lapse of 19 years. the period specified for it. Thus he was taught at the improper time (akala-vikala). Consequently this work goes by the name of Dasaveyaliya. He believes that the right name is Dasakaliya, the word kaliya therein implying its association with caranakarananuyoga of which kaliyasuya is a synonym according to the Dasaveyaliyacunni (p. 2). He adds that when this explanation may have been forgotten and when it may have been found impossible to reconcile its entry as ukkaliyasuya and not kaliyasuya in Nandi (s. 44), its original name Dasakaliya may have been replaced by Dasaveyaliya, and then to explain this latter title, somehow it was believed to have been compiled at vikala. In this connection I, for one, believe that Dasakalika is an abbreviation of Dasavaikalika, the Samsketa equivalent of Dasaveyaliya. Furthermore, I do not think that the term kaliya occurring in the title Dosakaliya has been used to denote its association with carandkarananuyoga; for, otherwise, at least once in the entire Jaina literature, we could have come across the name of at least
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________________ THE EXTANT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS 133 one of the 1st 11 Angas wherein the word kaliya would have occurred in virtue of these Angas being called kaliyasuya, a fact noted on p. 26. Prof. Schubring has made an ingenious suggestion in his introduction (pp. iv-v) of The Dasaveyaliya Sutta as under: "afea is the Prakrit substitute for more than one Sanskrit word." In the fn to this he says: "Besides analfasata 'connected with the evening time' it may be vaicArika, vaitArika and vaitAliSkara. In the canonical Jaina work tandulaveyAliya it is the first of these three words." . Dasaveyaliya is divided into 10 ajjhayanas. Out of them the 5th has two sub-divisions known as uddesas and the 9th 4 whereas the rest have none. Ajjhayanas I-III, V-VIII and X are entirely in verse, Ajjhayana IV" begins with a number of passages in prose and ajjhayana IX has some portions in prose intersepted by verses. The titles of one and all these ajjhayanas are significant. They are: (1) Dumapupphiya, (2) Samannapuvvaga, (3) Khuddiyayarakaha, (4) Chajjivaniya', (5) Pindesana?, (6) Dhammatthakama', (7) Vakkasuddhi', (8) Ayarappanihi, (9) Vinayasamahi and (10) Sabhikkhu. These titles can be respectively translated as (1) (a parable) pertaining to flowers of a tree, (2) (the chapter) commencing with monkhood, (3) a brief exposition of conduct, (4) six groups of living beings, (5) search for food, (6) exposition of dharma, (7) purity of speech, (8) restriction to conduct, (9) devotion to discipline and (10) he is a saint. These 1 They are: alfa, aafia, garasi, afany and foart. 2 I think this is a slip, if it is not a misprint. It should be a feat. 3 These have 5, 11, 15, 100+50, 69, 57, 64 and 21 verses respectively. 4 This ajjhayana has 29 verses. 5 The 1st 3 uddesas of IX has 17, 23 and 15 verses whereas the 4th 7. 6 This is named as Dhammapannatti in this very cbapter and in Dasarea yaliyanijjutti (v. 16) as well. 7 Cf. the 1st aijhayana of Ayara (II). 8 This is also called Mahayarakaha. 9 See the 4th ajjhayana of Ayara (II).
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________________ THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP. titles indicate the topics discussed in this work. So it will suffice to add that eulogy of dharma, firm faith in it, code of discipline and ahimsa (non-injury) are the main features of this Mulasutta. 156 It may be noted that Dasaveyaliya appears to be more of a nature of compilation or adaptation than that of an original treatise; for, Dasaveyaliyanijjutti (v. 16-18)' mentions several Puvvas as the sources of its ajjhayanas. As one and all the Puvvas have become extinct by this time, we are not in a position to say whether the sources have been utilized ad verbatim or that their spirit is made use of. However turning to the extant Agamas we find: (i) Verses 7 to 11 of ajjhayana II of Dasaveyaliya agree word for word with v. 42 to 44, 46 and 49 of ajjhayana XXII of Uttarajjhayana. (ii) The five prose passages dealing with the 5 mahavratas and occurring in ajjhayana IV of Dasaveyaliya tally almost word for word, with the ending portions of Ayara (II, 15).4 (iii) Ajjhayana VII of Dasaveyaliya can be compared with Ayara (II, 4) so far as ideas and phraseology are concerned. (iv) Ajjhayana X of Dasaveyaliya has many a point in common with Uttarajjhayana (XV). For instance, both have the 1 See p. 88, fn. 7-10. 2 The narrative of Rajimati and Rathanemi given here is looked. upon by Prof. M. V. Patwardhan as only a mutilated version of the same narrative in Uttarajjhayana (XXII). 3 The ideas expressed herein and the phraseology in which they are clothed, are to be met with in Samanasutta, a portion of Avassaya. As regards the repetition of words occurring in these passages it may be said that such a style was adopted for religious works even by the Vaidika Hindus. The Aitareya Brahmana (Pancika VII) which is reproduced in Dr. R. G. Bhandarkar's Second Book of Sanskrit (p. 192) may be cited as an instance. 4 Prof. Walther Schubring, in his intro. (p. iv) on Dasaveyaliya observes:"It is evident that Dasav. 4 I-V, 5 and 7 show a very close connection with passages in the Culao of the Ayaranga, the existence of which, together with that of the Viyahapannatti and the Ditthivaya, is presupposed by Dasav. 8, 49."
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________________ v). THE EXTANT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS 157 + A same title, the same refrain for every verse, the same metre' and the same topic viz. the qualities of an ideal monk. . In this connection it may be noted that Prof. A. M. Ghatage has reproduced in his article "Parallel Passages in the Dasavaikalika and the Acaranga" 30. paras from Ayara II and certain verses from Dasaveyaliya to show their verbal agreement. He has ended this article on p. 137 as under: - "All these considerations go to show that out of the two parallel texts the one found in the Dabavaikalika is the older and is preserved in the original form while the prose of the Acaranga is younger and is a mutila - tion of the original verses." My tentative suggetions are:: (i) Not only. Dasaveyaliya is based upon the Puvvas but equally so are all the 5 Culas of Ayara i. e. to say Ayara (II) and Nisiha, though in the Ayaranijjutti,3 only Nisiha is so mentioned. (ii) The original source for both of these Agamas is in verse and that, too, probably in Praksta. (iii) Ayara (II) was composed prior to Dasaveyaliya; but, since the original verses were modified therein into prose, it appears to be posterior to Dasaveyaliya where the verses must have been kept in tact. In II, 9 there is mention of a plant named Hadha, and in II, 6 and 8, there is a reference to two types of serpents Agandhana and Gandhana. In III, 8 are mentioned 7 kinds of salt. In verses 13 to 25 occurring at the end of IV are described the stages of spiritual evolution. In VIII, 51 a monk is forbidden to say anything about stars, dreams, omens, spells, medicine etc.. As already noted on p. 46, from the time of Bhadra bahusvamin or so, two Calas have been appended to this work. 1 This appears to be a strange combination of Tristubh and Vaitaliya padas. 2 This has been published in New Indian Antiquary (vol. I, No. 2, May 1938, pp. 130-137). 3 See p. 113.
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________________ 158 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CEAP. AVASSAYA This has got six sections known as Samaiya', Cauvisatthava", Vandanaya', Padikkamana', Kaisscaggas and Paccakkhana. It is difficult to say as to which suttas rightly constitute this Mulasutta. It is however possible to believe that the suttas explained or alluded to in the Avassayanijjutti belong to the Avassaya. See p. 47. The suttas treated by Haribhadra Suri in his com. on this work are as under: (1) karemi bhaMte, (2) logassa, (3) vandaNagasutta, (4) cattAri maMgalaM, (5) cattAri saraNaM, (9) cattAri loguttamA, (7) icchAmi paDikkamiuM jo me devasio (8) iriyAvahiyamukta, (9) samaNasutta, (10) icchAmi ThAiuM kAussaggaM jo0, (11) tassa uttarI, (12) mannattha, (13) arihaMtaceiANaM, (14) pukkharavara, (15) siddhANa buddhANaM, (16) icchAmi khamAsamaNo ! uvaDiomi bhabhitara0; (17) pakkhiyakhAmaNA, (18) sammattAlAvaga sAticAra, (19-30) egAdivaya sAticAra, (31) saMlehaNAvicAra and (32-35) pacakkhANa. Out of these (1) belongs to Samauya, (2) to Caiivisatthava, (3) to Vandanaya, (4) to (9) to Paddik:kamana, (10) to (18) to Kaiissagga and (19) to (35) to Paccakkhana. But it should be noted that (14) and (15) are not the real constituents of Avassaya. It may be observed that the 1st 3 suttas are printed in Roman characters along with their German translation in Ubersicht uber die Avas'yaka-Literatur which is a splendid work of the late veteran scholar Leumann. This will be hereafter referred to as Av. Lit. An exposition of this Avasyaka-Literature is reserved for the next chapter. So the reader may refer to it or to D. C. J. M. (vol. XVII, pt. III, pp. 132-137). In the end I may add that from Senaprasna (p. 202) it seems that Avassaya is a composition of Srutasthavira; but, on its p. 51a7 it is expressly said that there is every possibility of its being that of a Ganadhara. Cf. p. 47. 1-6 These may be roughly translated as (i) equanimity of mind, (ii) eulogy of the 24 Tirthankaras, (iii) veneration (of the teacher), (iv) confession and expiation, (v) indifference to body and (vi) abstinence from food etc. 7 The pertinent lines are as under: "AvazyakAntarbhUtazcaturvizatistavastvArAtIyakAlabhAvinA zrIbhadrabAhusvAminA'kArIti AcArAGgavRttau dvitIyAdhyAyanasyAdau tadatra kimidameva sUtraM bhadrabAhunA'kAri sarvANi vA AvazyakasUtrANi kRtAnyuta pUrva gaNadharaiH kRtAnIti kiM tattvamiti praznaH / atrottaram-AcArAGgAdikamaGgapraviSTa gaNabhRdbhiH kRtam,
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________________ v] .. THE EXTANT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS 159 OHANIJJUTTI This work deals with caranasattari', karanasattari, padiTelana etc. Bhadrabahusvamin is said to be the author of this Mulasutta. The extant work has some verses of its Bhasa incorporated in it. The following lines occurring in Senaprasna (III, p. 800) show the relation of this Ohanijjutti with Avassayanijjutti and that of Pindanisjutti with Pindesana-ajjhayana. These lines are as under: "zrIhIravijayasUripramAditapraznottarasamuccayagranthe ca kazcid bhedo dRzyate tat kathamiti praznaH / atrottaram-uktagAthAyAmoghaniryuktaniyuktitvena Avazyakaniyuktayanta tatvAnna pRthag vivakSA, piNDaniyuktastu niyuktitvenaiva piNDaiSaNadhyayanasUtrAt pRthagvivakSayA; praznottarasamuccaye tu oghaniryukteH chuTakapatralikhitAnusAreNa vibhinna viSayatvAt pRthag gaNanaM, piNDaniyuktestu pRthagavivakSava sarvamavadAtam / " PINDANIJJUTTI This is a work which throws light on pindaa (alms). It enters into a detailed discussion as to which sort of food can be accepted by a Jaina monk and which rocks he should steer clear of, while on his way to procure alms. Its authorship is attributed to Bhadrabahusvamin. NANDI This work mainly indulges in the exposition of knowledge and its various classifications. It is partly in prose and partly in verse,3 AvazyakAdikamanaGgapraviSTamaGgaikadezopajIvanena zrutasthaviraiH kRtamiti vicArAmRtasaGganhAvazyakavRttyAyanusAreNa jJAyate, tena bhadrabAhasvAminA''vazyakAntarbhUtacaturvizatistavaracanamaparAvazyakaracanaM ca niyuktirUpatayA kRtamiti bhAvArthaH zrIAcArAGgavRttau tatraivAdhikAre'stIti bodhyam / "-p.20a "paDAvazyakamUlasUtrANi gaNadharakRtAnyanyakRtAni veti praznaH / atrottaram-paDAvazyakamUlasUtrANi gaNadharakRtAnIti sambhAvyate, yato vandAruvRttA siddhANaM buddhANamityasyAdyastisro gAthA gaNadharakRtA ityuktamasti, tathA pAkSikasUtra namo tesiM khamAsamaNANamityatra sarvatrAlApake sAmAnyenaivaikakartRkatvaM dRzyate, Avazyaka mUlasUtraM mUlasUtrANi cAgamaH tato gaNadharakRtamityApanna, tathA sakalasiddhAntAdipustakaTippAsu 'SaDAvazyakamUlasUtrANi sudharmasvAmikRtAni' iti likhitamasti, tathA 'sAmAiyamAjhyAI ekkArasaaMgAI ahijjai' ityAdhuktazceti zeyam / "-p. 51a and p. 51b. 1 "vaya 5 samaNadhamme 10 sajama 11 veyAvaccaM 10 ca babhaguttIo 9 / nANAitiyaM 3 tava 12 kohaniggahAI 4 caraNameyaM // 2 // "-Ohanijjuttibhasa 2 "piMDavisohI 4 samiI 5 bhAvaNa 12 paDimA 12 ya iMdiyaniroho / __ paDilehaNa 25 guttio 3 abhiggahA 4 ceva karaNaM tu // 3 // "-bid. 3 The total number of versos in this Nandi conos to 90, and that of suttas to 59.
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________________ 160 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP. In the beginning there are 47 verses. Out of them, the 1st is an eulogy of a Tirthankara. This is followed by two verses whereby Lord Mahavira is praised. Then we have 14 verses which glorify the Jaina church (Sangha) by comparing it with a city, a wheel, a chariot, a lotus, the moon, the sun, a sea, and Mandara (Meru) mountain. Verses 18-19 mention the rames of the 21 Tirthankaras of the present Avasurpini, as is done in Vialupannatti (II, 6; s. 676). Similarly verses 20-21 supply us with the names of Lord Mahavira's 11 Gunadharas. In v. 22 his sasana is extolled. Verses 23-43 form a Theravali. Herein the following 27 saints are praised: (1) Subamma, (2) Jambu, (3) Pabhava, (4) Sijjambhava, (5) Jasabhadda, (6) Sambhuya, (7) Bhaddabahu, (8) Thulabhadda, (9) Mabagiri, (10) Suhatthi', (11) Bahula, (12) Sai, (13) Samajja, (14) Sandilla, (15) Jiyadhara?, (16) Ajja Samudda?, (17) Ajja Mangu, (18) Ajja Nandila khamana, (19) Ajja Nagahatthi", (20) Revainakkhatta, (21) Bambhaddivaga Siha, (22) Khandila, (23) Himavanta, (24) Nagajjuna, (25) Bhuyadinna, (26) Lobicca and (27) Dusa Gani. Verse 44 deals with 14 illustrations which deal with various types of pupils. It occurs as v. 1454 Kappabhasa. This is followed by 3 versess which point out the 3 types of the audience viz. intelligent, unintelligent and foolishly puffed up. Then we have mostly in prose a detailed ex position of the five kinds of knowledge. In the end there are 5 verses some of which occur in Visesao, too. Deva Vacaka, pupil of Dusya Gani is looked upon as the author of this work, and some identify him with Devarddhi Gani ksumasramana. 1 "suhatthissa sudvita-suppaDibaddhAdayo AvalIte jahA dasAsute tahA bhANiyavvA, iha tehiM ahigAro natthi / Effea 39 af 1"- Nandicunni (pp. 6-7) 2 Some believe this to be an attribute of Sandilla.-Ibid., (p. 7) 8 He is spoken of as aartafafast147 by Haribhadra Suri in his com. (p. 16 ) on Nandi. 4 He is said to be an author of a grammar or Prasnavyakarana, Bhangika, and Kammapayadi.-Ibid., p. 16 5 Out of them, the 1st two may be compared with v. 366 and 367 of Kappabhasa and the 3rd tallies with its v. 371.
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________________ THE EXTANT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS As regards the date of this work it can be roughly ascertained by taking into account the list of non-Jaina works given in its s. 42. But this question will be taken up hereafter, as practically this very list is found in Anuogaddara. ANUOGADDARA V j 161 This is a Culiyasutta mostly in prose in the form of questions and answers, and it serves as a stepping-stone to one who wishes to study Avassaya. It is prolific in contents; for, sacred topics and secular ones as well are treated here. For instance, upakrama, promana (valid proof), niksepa, anugama and naya are some of these sacred topics whereas 10 types of naman, grammatical exposition, 9 karyarasas along with their illustrations etc. are the secular ones. Further its 41st sutta supplies us with names of some non-Jaina works. The pertinent portion is as under: "bhArahaM rAmAyaNa bhImAmurukkaM koDilayaM ghoDayamuhaM sagaDhabhaddiAu kappAsiaM NAgasuhuma kaNagasattarI vesiyaM vaisesiyaM buddhasAsaNaM kAvilaM logAyataM sahiyaMta mADharapurANavAgaraNanADhagAi, ahavA bAvattarikalAo cattAri veA saMgovaMgA." This is practically the same as s. 42 of Nandi given on p. 14, except that the latter notes a few more works or schools viz. Terasiya, Bhagava, Payanjali and Pussadevuya. As regards the importance of this Anuogaddara and Nandi the following remark occurring in A His of Ind. Lit. (vol. II, p. 472) may be noted: "Both works are huge encyclopaedias dealing with everything which should be known by a Jaina monk." As regards the author of this work Prof. A. B. Dhruva has said in his intro. (p. XLIX, fn.) to Syadvadamanjari as under: "The Jaina tradition ascribes not only the division of Anuyoga, but also the compilation or composition of Anuyogadvara to Aryaraksita (Avasyaka I; 774)." It seems Prof. Dhurva alludes to v. 774 of Avassayabhasa noted on p. 12, fn. If this surmise is correct, it means that Prof. Dhruva has misunderstood this verse, the real meaning being one noted by me on pp. 52-53. The word anwoga occurring in this verse does not stand for Anuogaddar but it means 'exposition'. Such being the case, the date of Anuogaddara 21
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________________ 162 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP. can be rather settled by taking into account the dates of the works noted on p. 161. But, since unfortunately the Jaina commentaries are silent about them except the mention of the 4 Vedas and their 6 Angas, some of them cannot be at all identified. Further the dates of the rest are not still finally fixed. So I shall make a tentative suggestion in this connection as under: By Bharaha and Ramayana are meant the two well-known Indian epics viz. Mahabharata and Ramayana. It seems at the time of the composition of Anuoyaddura, the former was known as Bharata which later on went on increasing in-size on account of the various verses interpolated therein from time to time and which finally received the name of Mahabharatu. As stated in Anuogaddara (s. 25) Bharaha was read and heard in the morning and Ramayana in the afternoon. Bhimasurukku orokkhay may be taken to be Bhimasuru or Bhimasurakkhyana. Its subject and authorship are not known up till now, Kodillayu is equated with Kautilya's Arthusastru. Its date is not fixed. Some take it to be 326 B. C. and some even suppose it to be so very late as 400 A. D. Ghodayamuhat is supposed to be some work on komusastra by Ghotakamukha', a predecessor of Vatsyayana. Sagadabhaddiya stands for Sakatabhadrika. Nothing can be said about this work except that its title is in plural. 1 Nandicunni (p. 39), Haribhadra Suri's com. (p. 83) on Nandi, Malayagiri Suri's com. (p. 1945) on Nandi, Anuogaddaracunni (p. 16), Haribhadra Suri's com. (p. 22) on Anuogaddara and Hemacandra Suri's com. (p. 365) un Aruyogaddara are the sources I have examined in this connection. 2 Hemacandra Suri in his comi (p. 36b) on Anuogaddara (s. 41) says: "catvArazca vedAH sAmaveda-Rgveda-yajurvedA'tharvaNavedalakSaNAH sAGgopAGgAH, tatrAGgAni zikSA 1kalpa 2 vyAkaraNa 3 cchando 5 nirukta 5 jyotiSkAyana 6 lakSaNAni SaT, upAGgAni tavyAkhyAnarUpANi taiH saha vartante iti saanggopaanggaaH|" 3 See p. 14 fn. (here fra faser is a misprint; it should be fasi). 4 In p. 14 fn. and in D. C. J. M. (vol. XVII, Pt. II, p. 292), too, there is mention of Khodamuha instead of Ghodayamuha. So it may be some unknown work. 6 He is referred to in Artnasastro.
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________________ vi THE EXTANT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS 163 Kappasia' can be rendered as Karpasika or Kalpasika in Samskrta. In the former case it may be a work dealing with cotton and in the latter case with permissible food etc. Nagasuhuma stands for Nagasuksma. It may have something to do with serpents or the Naga tribes. Its date etc. are unknown. Kanagasattari (Sk. Kanakasaptati ) can be equated with isvarakrsna's Sankhyakarika which is also known as Sankhyasaptati. It is based upon Sastitantra and is commented upon by Mathara and Gauda. This isvarakrsna was once identified as Vindhyavasin, a Sankhya leader?; but now a days he is looked upon as different from him. Some place him in the second century A. D., and some say his period ranges from 340 A. D. to 390 A. D.3 Vesiya (Sk. Vaisiksi) is said to be some work on Kamasastra. Vasesiya probably refers to either the Vaisesika system of philosophy or some standard work of this name of this school. Buddhasasana for which in Nandi (s. 42) we have Buddhavayana appears to be a Bauddha work by that name. If not, it means the Bauddha school of thought. Kavila seems to refer to the system of Kapila, the propounder of the Sankhya system or to a standard work so named hy this school or some one else. Logayata (Sk. Laukayata) seems to imply the Lokayata system the Carvaka darsana or a work of this school. Satthiyanta (Sk. Sastitantra ) is supposed to be a work of the Sankhya school composed by Varsaganya or Varsagana, guru of Vindhyavasin. He is assigned a period from 230 A. D. to 300 A. D. This work is referred to in Viahapannatti (II, 1; 1 There is a variant foarffen in D.C.J.M. (vol. XVII, pt. II, p. 292). 2 He is assigned a period from 250 A. D. to 320 A. D. Vide Foreword (p. xcv) to Tattvasangraha. 8 Ibid. See also Jagadisacandra Jaina's edition (p: 425) of Syadvadamanjari.
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________________ 164 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP. s. 89'), Nayadhammakaha (I, v; s. 55), Ovavazya (s. 772) and Pajjosanakappa ( s. 83). Its authoship is attributed Asuri.4. Madhara (Sk. Mathara ) is the name of the commentator of Sankyakarika. He is placed in the 1st century A. D. by some scholars whereas some think that the correct date is cir. 500 A. D.5 The word Madhara here used means a work of Mathara and seems to be his com. above referred to. Purann stands for any one or more of the well-known 18 Purinces which must have a date earlier than those of Nanda and Anuogaudiurn. Vagarann (Sk. Vyukairana) may be a proper name of a work or it may be meaning grammar or exposition. Nothing can be said for certain. Nailaya (Sk. Nataka) means a drama. It is difficult to say whether this stands for any particular drama or not. And even if it is, we do not know what that drama is. By Tyns are meant the 4 well-known Vedas. For their names and those of their six Angas see p. 162, fn, 2. The Uparnyus are commentaries to these six Angas. See p. 162, fn. 2. We may now deal with other works noted in Nanili. Terasiya (Sk. Trairasika) stands for the school of the Trairasikas of whom Rohagupta, pupil of Gupta Suri is looked upon . as the founder. Or it may be a name of some standard work of this school. Rohagupta's date is cir. Vira Samvat 544. 3. Bhagava, may be a misreading for Bhagyara. If so, it can be looked upon as a work of Bhargava, a distinguished follower 1-9 So far as the pertinent portion is concerned, it is practically the same in all of these suftas. It runs as under:___ "riudheda-jajumveda-sAmaveda-ahavvaNaveda itihAmapaMcamANaM nigdhaMTuchavANaM cauNhaM vedANaM maMgobaMgANaM marahassANaM sArae vArae dhArae pArae saDaMgavI sahitaMtavisArae saMkhANe sikkhAkappe vAgaraNa ch| nirante jotisAmayaNe annesu ya bahUsu babhaNNaesu parivvAyaesu e nayesu supariniTThae yAvi" 4 See the edition (p. 424) of Syudvada manjari noted on p. 163. 6 Vide Foreword (pp. Ixxvi-lxxvii) to Tattava sangraha.
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________________ vi THE EXTANT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS 165 of the Sikhya school. Prof. Winternitz, however, equates it with Bhagavata-Purana; but is this consistent when Purana is already mentioned prior to this ? Payanjali (Sk. Patanjali) stands for either the Yogasutra of Patanjali or the Mahabhasya. Pussadevaya (Sk. Pusyadaivata) may be some astronomical work dealing with Pusya, a constellation or Jupiter who is associated with Pusya. From this it may be inferred that on one hand Nandi and Anuogaddara belong to the 3rd century A. D. whereas on the other hand to the 5th century A. D. PAKKHIYASUTTA As already noted on p. 43, this is looked upon by some as a Milasutta. It begins with the mention of the 5 mahavratas and supplies us with a list of canonical treatises. It also includes the worship of the ksamasramanas. It is a liturgy in verse for the fortnightly padikkamana. It is recited by the Jaina clergy during this padikkamana. CAUSARANA This work "four-fold refuge" also known as Kusalanubandhiajjhayri consists of 63 verses in Praksta. The first few ones mention the six essential daily duties (arasyakas) whereas the rest deal with the four-fold refuge viz, that of the Tirthaikaras, that of the libernted, that of the Jaina clergy and that of religion. AURAPACCAKKHANA This work "the sick one's refusal" is also designated as Brhouditurapratyokhycina. It is mostly in verses. The 10th verse is followed by a passage in prose. It deals with various types of death, and indicates the stages arrived at by these types and points out the means leading to them. Muni Darsana vijaya in his article entitled Mulicura has stated that several verses of this Painnaga have been incorporated in Mulacara (II). 1 This has been published in Jainasatyaprakasa (vol. VI, No. I, pp. 6-10).
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________________ 166 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP BHATTAPARINNA This work "dispensing with food" consists of 173 gathas in Praksta. It recommends bhattaparinnamarana' and deals with ethical precepts. The word bhattaparinna along with candagave;jha occur in v. 807 of Ohanijjutti. SANTHARAGA This work "the pallet of straw" consisting of 121 gathas or so points out the importance of samstaraka and praises those who rightly resort to it. It contains references pertaining to Arnika. putra, Sukosala Rsi, Canakya, Gajasukumala and others who gave up attachment to body etc. and attained final emancipation. It may be noted that an attempt to collect references about narratives, legendary anecdotes etc., was made by Kurt von Kamptz in his monograph "uber die vom Sterbefasten handelnden alteren Painna des Jaina-Kanons", Hamburg, 1929. Though this and other Painnas above-referred to deal with rules for a death befitting the sage, they are none the less didactic poems, contain sermons, and "make use of plays on numbers and all kinds of figures of ornate poetry." TANDULAVEYALIYA This work is styled as Payannaya just in the beginning of this work. It is referred to as Tandulavicarana by Maladharin Hemacandra Suri in his commentary (p. 5a) on Anuogaddurasutta. It is mostly in verses, their number being about 125. The main topics dealt with, herein are as under: Embryology, food in the embryonic condition, births as a celestial being and a hellish being, 10 conditions of a living being), description of the yugmins, 6 types of osseous structure, and those of the shape of the body, condemnation of woman and resort to dharma. 1 Death forms a subject-matter of several other Painnagas viz. Santharaga, Aurapaccakkhana, Mahapaccakkhana and Maranasamahi. 2 See A His. of Ind. Lit. (vol. II, p. 460). 8 The pertinent verse is the same as v. 10 of Dasaveyaliyanijjutti. It runs: "bAlA 1 kiDDA 2 maMdA 3 balA 4 ya pannA 5 ya hAyaNi 6 pavaMcA 7 / panbhArA 8 mummuhI 9 mAyaNI 10 ya dasamA ya kAladasA / / 3 / / "
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________________ v] THE EXTANT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS 167 Thus this Aycou is useful for the study of ancient notions about physiology, anatomy etc. It is quoted in Dusuveyaliycecunni (p. 5). CANDAVIJJHAYA This work also known as Candagavijjha and consisting of 174 verses, explains how one should behave at the time of death. Incidentally we here come across the description of rudhavedhu. DEVINDATTHAYA This is a work containing about 292 verses in Prak'ta. It deals with questions and answers pertaining to 32 Indras, their residential quarters, vimunas etc. Furthermore it gives us information regarding all the four types of gods. GANIVIJJA This work consisting of 86 verses in Prakrta is more or less of an astrological character. For, it deals with auspicious and unauspicious days, constellations, muhurtas, omens etc. In v. 63 the word hora occurs. MAHAPACCAKKHANA This Prukrta work "great refusal" contains 142 verses. It deals with rules pertaining to confession, renunciation etc. VIRATTHAVA This is a small work in Prakrta in 43 verses. It has for its inain topic enumeration of the various names of Lord Mahavira, In short, it is a hymn. This finishes a discussion about the principal Agumas of the Jainus. Of course, there remain certain Painnagus. Out of them only a few are being selected here, for being dealt with. ANGAVIJJA This is looked upon by some as Painnaga. It is written in Praklta, some portions of which are in prose and some in verse. Its extent is indicated in Jaina granthuvala as 9000 slokas. It seems to be an anonymous work. It appears that at least to some extent, it is a nimittas a stro.
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________________ 168 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS I CHAP AJIVAKAPPA This is a small work in Praklta in 44 verses. It deals with certain articles like a stick, a needle, a nail-cutter etc. which a Jaina saint is likely to have with him. AURAPACCAKKHANA This is also a work in Prakrta in verse. It deals with the glorification of the five Parcmesthins. Sce D. C. J. 11. (vol. XVII, pt. I, p. 326). GACCBAYARA This work "school rules" consists of 157 verses or 50 in Praksta. As stated in its 135th verse, it is based upon Nahi nisiha, Varuhara etc. It deals with the following topics:-- The fruit accruing from staying in gacchu, characteristics of a Gani alias Suri, prowess of jitarthus, distinguishing features of eccha, avoidance of undue contact with the Jainy nuns and behaviour of these nuns. JAMBUSAMIAJJHAYANA This is a work consisting of 21 sections known as wilesings. It deals with the life of Jambusvamin. JOISAKARANDAYA This work is in verses in Prakyta. Its sections, like those of the Puvvus and Suriyapunnutti are styled as pohutus. Its subjectmatter is more or less astronomy. It is an epitome of Suriypannatti (vide v. 1). It is in accordance with the Valabhi tradition as is the case with Jivasamasu. TITTHOGALI This work consists of about 1251 verses in Prakrta. It has as one of its topics, the life of Bhadrabihusvamin. Its verses 620 to 622 throw light on the date of Candragupta's coronationa subject dealt with by Shantilal Shah in "The Traditional chronology of the Jainas" (pp. 16-17). These are some of the Painnagai, out of the 20 supernumerary ones described by me in D. C. J. M. (vo). XVII, pt. 1). For
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________________ THE EXTANT AGAMAS OF THE JAINAS the description of the rest and the various references pertaining to the extant agamas, the reader may refer to D. C. J. M. (vol. XVII, pts. I-III). ISIBHASIYA This is a work of which the title is in plural. It is associated with dharmakathanuyoga. Bhadrabahusvamin had composed a Nijjutti on it; but, unfortunately it is not available now. He has mentioned this work, over and above Uttarajjhayana. But Silanka Suri3 and Malayagiri Suri include this Uttarajjhayana under the head Isibhasiya. Further, Siddhasena Gani too, seems to hold a similar view.5 I do not know if this difference of opinion is reconciled by any one. So I may tentatively suggest that all those works which are expounded by Rsis are classed as Isibhasiya by Silaka, Malayagiri and Siddhasena, and consequently Uttarajjhayana, too, is designated by them as Isibhasiya. As already noted on p. 16, fn. 3, Yasodeva Suri opines that Isibhasiya consists of 45 ajjhayanas, and they are expositions of 45 Pratyekabuddhas. Out of them 20 belong to the tirtha of Lord Neminatha, 15 to that of Lord Parsvanatha and 10 to that of Lord Mahavira. 1 See p. 12. 2 See p. 12. 3 RSibhASiteSu - uttarAdhyayanAdiSu - -com. (p. 386b) on Ayara 4 " RSibhASitAni - uttarAdhyayanAdIni" ' - com. ( pt. II, p. 399 ) on Avassaya 169 5 In his com. (p. 90 ) on the Bhasya (p. 90) of Tattvartha (I, 21 ) he has said: " yad RSibhirbhASitAni pratyekabuddhAdibhi: kApilIyAdIni". 6 This is borne out by the Isibhasiya published in A. D. 1927 by Rsabhadeva Kesaramalaji Samstha, Rutlam. On its p. 40 we have the Isibhasiya - sangahani as under: "patteyabuddhamisiNo vIsaM titthe arinemissa / pAsarasa ya paNNarasa vIrassa bilINamohassa // 1 // NArada 1 vajjitaputte 2 asite 3 aMgarisi 4 pupphasAle 5 ya / vakala 6 kuMmA 7 kethali 8 kAsava 9 taha tetalikhate 10 ya // 2 // maMkhali 11 jaNa 12 bhayAlI 13 bAhuyamahu 14 soriyANa 15 vidU 16 tripU 17 / rise kahe 18 Ariya 19 ukkalavAdA ya 20 taruNe 21 ya // gaddabha 22 rAme 23 ya tahA harigiri 24 aMbaDa 25 mayaMga 26 vArattA 27 / taMso ya aie 28 vaddhamANe 29 vAU 30 ya tIsatime ||4|| pAse 31 piMge 32 aruNe 33 isigiri 34 yahAlae 35 ya vitte 36 ya / sirigiri 37 sAtiyaputte 38 saMjaya 39 dIvAyaNe 40 ceva ||5|| tatto ya iMdaNAge 41 soma 42 yame 43 ceva hoi varuNe 44 ya / vemaNe 45 ya mahappA cattA paMceva akkhAe || " 22
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________________ 170 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS A majority of these is mostly in verse, and indulges in various similes. Turning to Sumavaya (s. 44) we learn that the Isibhasiya contains 44 wjhayancs and deal with 44 Rsis born here after the expiry of their life as celestial beings. Thana (X; s. 755) strikes altogether a different note; for, therein one of the wjjhuyanas of Punhavagaranc, is looked upon as Isibhasiya. Of course, as already noted on p. 107 such an ajjhayanu is not to be found in the 10th Anga available at present, SAMSATTANIJJUTTI This is a metrical composition having 632. verses. Its first two verses run as under:"usahAivIracarime suraasuranamaMsie paNamiUNaM / saMkhevao mahatthaM bhaNAmi saMsattanijjutti // 1 // bIyAo puvAo aggeNIyassa imaM suamuAraM / saMsaimasamucchimajIvANaM jANiUNagaM // 2 // " From this 2nd verse it follows that this work is extracted from the 2nd Purvu. It deals with the birth of sammurcchima javus that prop up under certain conditions. It points out as to what articles of food and drink are acceptable to a Jaina Sadhu. It mentions the periods of days etc., when certain eatables and drinkables cease to be acceptable to him. Further it refers to countries like Magadha, Nepal, Kalinga, Dravida and Saurastra while discussing the above-mentioned topic. 1 2 This is named as Jivasamsattanijjutti in one of the Mss. In one of the Mss. there are only 24 verses. The 1st verse begings with tarat goarsit. Its last verse runs as under: "saMsattanijjuttI e(sA) sAhUhI ve (?) paDhiyavvA / attho puNa sauyavvo sahiM sAhupAsA ya / / "
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________________ CHAPTER VI THE CANONICAL EXEGETICAL LITERATURE At the very outset, I may mention that I divide the canonical literature of the Jainas into two groups. In the first group, I include the pure texts forming the Jaina canon, whereas in the second all those works which explain these texts. It is this second group which I wish to deal with, in this chapter. It seems that in an ordinary course, the need for explanation must have been felt from the time human beings began to communicate their thoughts to one another, and this must have led in its turn to the evolving of the exegetical literature of all the nations, that of the Indians being no exception to this rule. This is not the place where I can enter into a discussion about its origin. Even the fundamental and distinguishing characteristics of the exegetical literatures of all the Indian schools of thought cannot be fully treated. Further it is not here possible to deal with the exegetical literature pertaining to the non-canonical works of even the Jainas. So keeping these limitations in view, I shall now proceed with the subject here specified. In every epoch, so to say, at least one prophet appears to have flourished in India and his sermon, to have served as a basis for explanation and elucidation to be indulged in, by his . apostles and followers. To take a special case, according to the Jaina tradition, the Ganadharas compose dvadasangis, and each of them teaches his own dvadasanga to his pupils. Consequently, while doing so, each must be offering some explanation or other, at least regarding knotty points. But, strange to say, there seems to be no record maintained regarding these explanations of the dvadasangis. This state of affairs exists not only in connection with the dvadasangis composed prior to the birth of Lord Mahavira, but also in the case of the 11 dvadasangis composed by his own 11 Ganadharas. A student conversant with the Jaina system of education knows it full well that first of all, the meaning
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________________ 172 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP (attha) of a sutta is explained, then is given an explanation associated with Nijjutti, and this is followed by a detailed exposition which is not necessarily confined to what is explicitly expressed in the sutta. It seems a similar process must have been followed at least by the 11 Ganadharas of Lord Mabavira. This means that several types of literature may have been then evolved. We do not know precisely what their natures must have been. Equally ignorant we are regarding their generic name and specific names, too, if any. For, the very first type of the Jaina expla. natory works on the Agamas which form a part of our valuable legacy, is known as Nijjutti in Prakrta and Niryukti in Samsklta, and that its authorship is attributed to Bhadrabahusvamin, cara. masayalasuyanani who died in Vira Samvat 170. He has composed 10 Nijjuttis. But we do not know their specific names except those like Avassayanijjutti etc., coined by taking into account the work of which it is the Nijjutti. Further, we do not know the exact dates of their composition. All the same, we may say almost with certainty that none of them is composed after Vira Samvat 170. This date is at times questioned on the ground of anachronisms etc. But this does not seem to be justifiable; for, these anachronisms are in all probality due to the procedure adopted at the time of the Redaction of the Jaina canon, and further the question of salutation to himself and the like are an outcome of the sweet confusion due to the intermixture of some of the verses of the Bhasa with those of the Nijutti. As a corroborative evidence of the latter fact, it may be mentioned that in the Avassavanijjutti one comes across at least some verses belonging to its Bhasa (vide p. 177). Same is the case with Dasaveyaliyanijjutti, In its edition (having Haribhadra Suri's com.,) its learned editor 1 2 Se. J. S. E. (p. 223). By etc., are meant salutation to Bhadrabahusvamin to himself and the like. As an example of this salutation the following verse occurring in Dasa. suyakkhand hanijjutti may be here noted: "vaMdAmi bhadabATuM 'pAINa' caramasayalasuyanANi / suttassa kAragamisiM dasAsu kappe ya vavahAre // 1 // " See D, C, J. M. (vol. XVII, pt. II, pp. 70 and 259). See also p. 16, fn. 2,
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________________ 173 VI ] THE CANONICAL EXEGETICAL LITERATURE has pointed out that 63 verses of Bhasa have been incorporated in this Nijjutti. See p. 278 of this edn. That some of the verses of the Bhasa on Kappa have got mixed up with those of its Nijjutti, is a remark made by Malayagiri Suri in his com. (p. 2) on this Kappa. There he has observed that it is well-nigh impossible to separate these two elements. It may be further noted that Pancakappa which is an offshoot of either the Kappabhasa or more probably that of Kappanijjutti seems to contain the gathas of both of them. Perhaps the 1st 4 or 5 gathas may be definitely pointed out as belonging to the Kappanijjutti. As regards the rest, it is very difficult-almost impossible to decide as to which gatha is that of the corresponding Nijjutti and which is that of the pertinent Bhasa. This is the view held by Muni Punyavijaya, a learned disciple of the late Muni Caturavijaya.1 Under these circumstances, almost all the extant Nijjuttis and Bhasas may be defined as under: Nijjutti contains verses really belonging to it and some of the corresponding Bhasa, too; but the former preponderate over the latter. Similarly Bhasa consists of verses which legitimately belong to it; and, in addition it has some verses of the relevant Nijjutti as well; but the former exceed the latter in number. It is in this light that the designations such as Avassayanijjutti, Dasaveyaliyanijjutti, Uttarajjhayananijjutti, Dasasuyakkhandhanijjutti, Nisihabhasa, Vavaharabhasa, Kappabhasa and Pancakappabhasa of the extant works should be interpreted. The same thing can be said about Ohanijjutti and Pindanijjutti, too; for, they contain at least some verses of their corresponding Bhasas. This may suffice so far as the general nature of the Nijjuttis is concerned. So I shall now deal with the extant Nijjuttis. a Avassayanijjutti- This is versified com. on Avassaya. Its extent is differently noted in different Mss.3 Roughly speaking, it varies from 2575 slokas to 3550 slokas. It seems that the original Nijjutti has undergone several additions. These are associated 1 Vide his private communication dated 13-7-40. 2 3 Nijjuttis on Ayara and Suyagada seem to have very little spurious matter. They appear to have been preserved to us in a form alinost free from later additions. Vide D. C. J. M. (vol. XVII, pt. III Nos. 1008, 1004, 1007-1009).
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________________ 174 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS (CHAP. with 4 redactions by Prof. E. Leumann who attributes the 1st 3 of them to Bhadrabahusvamin, Siddhasena (Divakara)' and Jinabhata respectively. After entering into a learned discussion pertaining to these redactions, he has presented it in a tabular forn which may be given as under:Avassaya Avassayanijjutti Redaction I l'ed. II Red, III Red. IV Theravali I Pedhiya TI-VIII (Uvaggbaya nijjutti) Pancanamokkara IX I Samaiya II Caiivisatthava xi III Vandana XII IV Padikkamana XIII XIV (Jhana siya) XV(Parittha-XVI (Sangavaniyanijjutti) hani). XVII (Joga sangaha) XVIII (A saj jhayanijjutti) V Kaiissagga XIX VI Paccakkhana XX The authorship of Puyacaivvisi, a small work in Prakrta is attributed to him. It is published in Jainasatyaprakasa (vol. 7, No. 11, pp. 1-2). From this it appears that it is extracted from some Puvva.
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________________ VI1 THE CANONICAL EXEGETICAL LITERATURE 175 In this connection it may be mentioned that no doubt some of the Mss.' of Avassayanijjutti have in the beginning about 50 verses which form a Thcravali and which tally with the verses occurring in Nandi. But the exposition of this Therarali has no place so far as Viscsa, the Cunni on Avassayanijjutti and its commentaries by Haribhadra Suri, Malayagiri Suri? and Sritilaka Suri3 are concerned. It is however in the 15th century or so that some of the commentators of Avassayanijjutti have assigned a place to it therein, e. g. Jnanasagara", pupil of Devasagara and Manikyase nara Suri, pupil of Merutunga Suri. Hence it may be inferred that this Therarali may have been inserted in Avassay anijjutti carliest in the 13th century of the Vikrama era. Avoussayanijjutti explains the six ajjhayanas of Avassaya. Therein the portion dealing with ajjhayana I (Samauya) is divided into two parts: Uvagghayanijjutti and Namokkaranijjutti. Out of them the 1st part is further sub-divided into 9 sections as under: (i) Pedhiya, (ii) Lahuvaravariya", (iii) Vuddhavaravariya", (iv) Uvassagga, (v) Samosarana, (vi) Ganahara also known as Ganaharavaya, (vii) Samayari, (viii) Ninhavavattava? and (ix) Sesaiivagghayanijjutti8. The Nijjutti of ajjhayanas II, III, V and VI has no such sections, whereas that of IV has the following ones: 1 A Ms. dated Samvat 1483(?) may bo cited as an instance. See D. C. J. M, (vol. XVII, pt. III, No. 1002). 2 le has referred to a work named Pravacanasiddhi on p. 3674. This work is probably extinct. 3 He has composed this com. in Samvat 1296. 4 He has composed the pertinent com, in Sarnvat 1440. Sce D. C. J. M. (vol. XVII, pt. III, p. 452) 5-6 See D. C. J. M. (vol, XVII, pt. III, pp. 391 and 394). These are also named as Padhamavaravariya and Biiyavaravariya. Ibid., pp. 391-393. 7 At times this is not separately mentioned. 8 This is also designated as Uvagghayanijjutti.
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________________ 176 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CEAP. (i) Jhanasaya, (ii) Paritthavaniyanijjutti', (ii) Padikkama. sangahani", (iv) Jogasangaha; and (v) Asajjhayanijjutti. Pedhiya--Ordinarily this means 'an introduction'; but, here it means a Nanda dealing with five-fold knowledge and its subvarieties. It comprises 79 verses or so. Incidentally herein there is an exposition about the sound we hear, some of the labelhis ( miraculous powers ) and strengths of Vasudeva and others. Lahuvaravariya-Varavariya means proclamation of giving the desired object. This meaning is applicable here at least to some extent; for, the ending verse mentions the amount of donations given by a Tirthankara in a year. This section consists of about 178 verses. Before commenting upon its verse Malayagiri Suri says: "aglalarangan S418". Can this be construed as suggesting that the Uvagghayanijjutti really commences henceforth and that Pedhiya is an interpolation ? The 1st 3 verses deal with salutations to the Tirthankaras in general, the liberated, Lord Mahavira, his 11 Ganadharas, Gandharavamsa, Vacakavamsa and the holy canon, In the following verse the author says that he will compose the Nijjutti of suyanana, and in the subsequent two verses he mentions 10 works of which he intends to compose Nigjuttis. He then commences Samaiyanijjutti. There he discusses the relative importance of knowledge and character and deals with upasamasreni", ksapakasreni", niksepas of anuyoga, and methods of exposition. This is followed by uddesa etc., which form 26 entrances of Urag. ghayanijjutti. Then is depicted the life of Lord Mabavira wherein incidentally there is mention of 7 Kulakaras and 4 types of niti. The life of Lord Rsabha, too, is here narrated. Vuddhavaravariya-This section consists of about 318 verses. On examining the edition of Malayagiri Suri's com., it can be said that verses 243-4606 of the Avassayanijjutti along with v. 33-111 1-2 Some do not look upon these two as forming a part and parcel of the Nijjutti on Avassaya (IV). 8 This is also styled as Jogasangahanijjutti. 4-5 These are respectively the subsidential and destructive ladders useful for spiritual advancement. 6 After verse 415 we have vs. l-17 dealing with the intervals between every two Tirtharkaras out of 24. Similarly there are vs. 1-4 following v. 418,
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________________ VI] THE CANONICAL EXEGETICAL LITERAMUR 177 of its Blusa make up this section. The latter verses cannot be legitimately looked upon as the pertinent portion. Even then, so far as the contents are concerned, I shall not neglect them. This section commences with the details about the diksas of the 24 Tirthankaras. It, too, deals with the life of Lord Rsabha. It refers to the origin of the Veda (v. 366). It ends by giving some details about the life of Lord Mahavira, such as his donation, his renouncing the world and his going to Karmaragrama. On a cursorary examination of the contents of this section and the preceding one, I am tempted to believe that only one of them and probably the former rightly constituted the Avassayanijjutti, and that the latter one which is more extensive than the former, is a later product subsequently incorporated therein probably at the time of the Redaction of the Jaina canon. This surmise is supported by another name of Vuddhavaravariya. Uvasagga-As this word suggests, this section consisting of about 70 verses, deals with various terrible hardships experienced by Sramana Mahavira till he attained omniscience. Samosarana--This section comprises about 69 verses, in case the portion dealing with various penances of Lord Mahavira given in the beginning is here included. Otherwise it consists of about 48 verses which describe the samosarana. Ganahara_This section having about 65 verses, deals with the doubts of the 11 Ganadharas of Lord Mahavira and their removals by the latter. Samayari--This is a metrical composition of about 64 verses, and it supplies us with a ten-fold code of laws governing the life of the Jaina clergy. Before dealing with this section Malayagiri Suri observes on p. 3410: "ategaalaghatagi, anahraia 9479791Fath91 Fai il arafa qafaqatalaitafaqiqargaTE I" Similaraly, while commenting upon the last verse of this section he remarks on p. 355b: "idAnI padavibhAgasAmAcAryAH prastAvaH, sA ca kalpavyavahArarUpA bahuvisterA, tataH svsthaanaadvseyaa|" 1 Herein there are 14 interpolated verses. Scc D. C. J.M. (vol. XVII, pt. III, p. 394). 23
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________________ 178 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP. The remaining portion of Uvagghayanijjutti consists of about 216 verses. It commences by mentioning 7 causes that decrease the life-period. It deals with 7 nayas, 4 anuyogas, 7 Nihnavas and samayika. Incidentally it narrates the lives of Vajrasvamin, Aryaraksita Suri, Damadanta, Metarya, Kalaka, Cilatiputra, Atreya, Dharmaruci, slaputra and Tetaliputra. This finishes the rough survey of Uvagghayanijjutti which is referred to, in the Nisjutti on other sections of Avassaya and which opens the doors for the treatment of suttapphasiyanijjutti wherein the 1st topic dealt with is the nature of sutta. This is followed by Namokkaranijjutti of about 144 verses. Then we have samaiyanijjutti of about 111 verses.' This completes the Nijjutti of Avassaya (I). Cauvvisatthavanijjutti and Vandananijjutti consist of about 60 and 190 verses respectively. Jhanasaya? consists of about 106 verses, and it is composed by Jinabhadra Gani Ksamasramana. It is an exposition of meditation. Paritthavaniyanijjutti3 comprises about 153 verses, and Padikkamanasangahana about 80 verses. Some of the topics dealt with, in the latter are: 7 types of fear, 9 kinds of brahmaguptis, 10 types of dharma, 11 pratimas of a Jaina layman and 12 of a saint, 13 kriya-sthanas, 14 gunasthanas, 15 Paramadharmikas, 16 ajjhayanas of Suyagada (1), 17 kinds of self-control, 18 types of noncelibacy, 19 ajjhayanas of Nayadhammakaha (1), 22 hardships, 28 ajjhayanas of Ayara including Nisiha, 29 types of papa-sruta and 31 attributes of the liberated. So leaving aside these two sections and Jhanasaya, Padikkamananijjutti contains about 227 (51+60+5+111 ) verses. Therein Jogasangaha having about 60 verses has the 1st verse in common with Samavaya (s. 32). It runs as under:--- ___ "AloyaNaniravalAve AvaIsu dddhdhmmyaa| maNissaovahANe ya sikkhA NippaDikammayA // " 1 Its 1st verse is as uuder: "naMdimaNuogadAraM vihivaduvagdhAiaM ca nAUNaM / kAUNa paMcamaMgalamAraMbho hoi suttassa // " Do the words Nandi and Anuogadara here used refer to the two Culiyasuttas? 2 This is referred to by Haribhadra Suri in his com. (p. 328-32b) on Dasaveyaliya. 8 Its 15th verge defines sutta. It is as below: "puvAvaramaMjutta veraggakara satatamaviruddhaM / porANamaddhamAgahamAsAniyayaM havai suttaM // "
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________________ VI] THE CANONICAL EXEGETICAL LITERATURE 173 Kaussagganijjutti and Paccakkhananijjutti consist of about 172 and 94 verses respectively. Prof. E. Leumann has noted that Bhadrabahusvamin's Avassayanisjutti is the 1st redaction. This is due to his surmise that this work and Mulayara (VII) are based upon some common source which he names as "original-Niryukti" consisting of 170 stanzas. Dasaveyaliyanijjutti--This is a Nijjutti on Dasaveyaliya. It consists of about 447 verses. Out of them there are about 63 verses belonging to its Bhasa, and they mostly occur in the Ninjutti of the 4th ajjhayana. Haribhadra Suri in his com. (p. 84a) to it has noted one verse as fantast. In this Nijjutti we come across the nikkevas of 2 (v. 8), 297 (v. 9), GA (v. 34), 004 (v. 34), FH (v. 39), aq (v. 153), #TA (v. 161), 94 (v. 166), 4191 (v. 179), sita (v. 222), q* (v. 269), gfe (v. 283), n (v. 328), faig (v. 333) etc., and niruttas of 29 (v. 29-30), 7 (v. 156), f9 (v. 342) etc. Egatthas also are given e. g. that of 69127 (v. 32), GA (v. 35), 964 (v. 36), art (v. 52), 270 (v. 158-159), q* (v. 270) and 298FATA (v. 345-347). In v. 6 Kappa is mentioned. In v. 50 there is a reference to a syllogism consisting of 5 members and to one having 10, and in v. 157, a Jaina saint is compared with several objects. Four varieties of gahiyapaya viz. gajja, pajja, geya and cunna are given in v. 170, and the following 4 verses define them. Verse 188 states four types of narration whereas the subsequent ones up to 201 deal with their varieties.2 Verses 220, 221 and 224 explain the nature of the soul. In v. 252-253 are enumerated 24 kinds of corn and in v. 254-255 24 kinds of jewels. Verses 259262 deal with erotics, and v. 351 mentions 8 qualities of gold.3 1 189 verses of this are printed in Av. Lit. (pp. 16-19). On one hand this work is commented upon by Vasunandin in his Acaravrtti (VII) and on the other hand by A parajita and Asadhara in Dharmamrta. 2 Cf. Samaraiccacariya (pp. 2-3), Upamitibhavaprapancakatha (v. 25-50) and Kuvalayamala of Uddyotana Suri. 3 For details see Prof. A. M. Ghatage's article "Dasavaikalika-Niryukti" pub lished in The Indian Historical Quarterly (vol. XI, No. 4, pp. 627-639). Therein he observes: (i) "The commentator is clearly far-fetched and twisting in interpreting udaharanas as the drstantas of the logical syllogisms." -p. 637 (ii) "Haribhadra's opinion that a vauliya is a reference to the school of the Nastikas is not very accurate." -p. 638
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________________ 180 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP. Uttarajihayananijjutti-This comprises about 600 verses. In v. 91' there is mention of Bhaddabahu, in v. 97 that of Ajjarakkhiya and in v, 1042 that of Thulabhadda with the honorific bhayavam. These are no doubt instances of anachronism; but they can be justified in the light of the remarks made on p. 173. This Nijjutti deals with nikkevas of several words3 and gives synonyms, too. It mentions suvannabhumi in v. 120 and Vasavadatta and Udayana in v. 148. Verses 165-178 supply us with information about 7 Nihnavas and v. 38 to 41 deal with various shapes and sizes -a mathematical topic. Verse 153 mentions 8 limbs of the body, and so does v. 189, whereas v. 190 mentions sublimbs (upangas ). Verses 198-200 deal with karanas-an astrological item, and v. 212-235 treat the subject of 17 kinds of death etc. Verses 146-148 mention the ingredients of the best scentperfume and v. 151 those of an excellent wine. Verse 149 deals with the preparation of a pill, and v. 150 informs us about the diseases that can be cured by it. Verses 124, 126-128 and 130-134 have the same last foot viz. "F1 avotsit 273." From Vali. vetala santi Suri's com. (p. 141a) on v. 142 it follows that Dasaveyaliyanijjutti is prior to this Nijjutti. Ayaranijjutti--This metrical composition contains about 350 verses. It extends up to the 4th Culu of Ayara. It, too, supplies us with nikkevas of various words. Verses 18-27 deal with 7 vannas (castes) and 9 vannantaras etc., and v. 43-59 discuss 10 directions. Various living beings along with their varieties 1-2 These are the Nos. according to D. L. J. P. F. Series, No. 38. 3 Ft (v. 30), 3 (v. 142), TOTUT (v. 143), 34 (v. 144), q=134 (v. 179), For (v. 183), FIA (v. 208), ATT (v. 208), fad (v. 237), 35TH (v. 244), faro (v. 250), ah (v. 260), TH (v. 280), de (v. 3 10), 84 (v. 310), qar (v. 310), 99901 (v. 455), 377 (v. 460), AH (v. 480), (v. 487), te (v. 496), 770 (v. 514), and tafe (v. 516) may be cited as instances. 4 See v. 9, 64, 157 and 158. In v. 158 we have the synonyms of ahimsa. 5 "gacante a pat h FTha fagffisar denizifha" 6 319K (v. 5), 3977 (v. 5), 4 (v. 18), art (v. 29), Fiu (v. 36), ATUUT (v. 37), que (v. 38), Fahr (v. 40), yzat (v, 69), FH (v. 216), fauna (v. 257), fer (v. 308), etc., are some of them.
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________________ VI] THE CANONICAL EXEGETICAL LITERATURE 181 form the subject of v. 43-166. Therein the earth-bodied, water-bodied, fire-bodied, vanassai, the mobile and the windbodied are treated in v. 71-79, 107-108, 117-118, 127-143, 152-155 and 165-166 respectively. Verses 228-231 are the padapurtis of "augo at agua a fa." In v. 264 there is mention of Ajja Vaira and in v. 266, that of Tosali. These are anachronisms, and hence these verses must have been added at the time e Redaction of the Jaina canon. On examining v. 1762 and Silanka Suri's com. (p. 764)3 on it, it follows that Avassayani jutti was composed earlier than this Ayaranijjutti, and from v. 298-2994 and 313 it follows that this Avaranijjutti is posterior to Dasaveyaliyanijjutti. Besides it is posterior to Uttarajjhayananijjutti as well, as can be seen from v. 3435 and its com. (p. 3975). Suyagadanijjutti?--This consists of about 205 verses. Verses 18 and 20 explain the title Suyagada and Suttagada. In v. 68-69 1 Cf. Satarthika Sumaprabha Suri's Kumaravalapadiboha (1 ; p. 27). 2 Ierein Bhadrabahusvamin says: " afarait. " B "bhadrabAhusvAminA'yamatidezo'bhyadhAyi, sa ca pUrvamAvazyakaniyuktiM vidhAya pazcAdAcArAGganiyuktiM cakre, tathA coktam-'Avassayasa dasakAliyarasa taha uttarajjhamAyAre' tti sUktam / " 4 "piMDesaNAe jA NijjuttI sA ceva hoDa sejjaae| vatthesaNa pAesaNa uggahapaDimAe sacceva // 298 // savvA vayaNavisohI NijjuttI jA vaktasuhIe / sacceva giravasesA bhAsajjAe vi NAyavvA // 299 // " 5 "jo ceva hoi mukkho sA u vimutti pagayaM tu bhAveNaM / desavimukkA sAhU savvavimukkA bhave siddhA // 343 // " 6 "nAmaniSpanne tu nikSepa vimuktiriti nAma, asya ca nAmAdinikSepa uttarAdhyayanAntaHpAtivimokSA. dhyayanavadityatideSTuM niyuktikAra aah|" 7 Prof. A. M. Ghatage has written an article on this, and it has been published in The Indian Historical Quarterly (vol. XII, No. 2, pp. 270-281, June 1936). Herein he has divided the Nijjuttis into 3 groups. In the 1st group he has included the Nijjuttis on the first two Angas. As regards the remaining groups he has said: "The second group consists of those Niryuktis where verses of the socalled mula-Bhasya are added to the original Niryukti either to explain it or to supplement it (p. 270). "In the third group come the Niryuktis which are now called by the names of the Bhasyas and Brhad-Bhasyas like those on Nisiha and others where it is not now possible to separate the original Niryukti and the latter commentary on it." (pp. 270-271) For comparison see p. 173.
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________________ 182 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS (CHAP. there is mention of the 15 Paramadharmikas, and in v. 70-84 there is a vivid description of the harassments they cause to the denizens of hell. Verse 119 refers to 363 heterodox schools of thought and v. 127-131 mention the various types of the teacher and the taught. In v. 189, Isibhasiya is referred to. Nikkevas of several words are noted e. g. those of TET (v. 23), as (v. 23), g4 (v. 23)', da (v. 23)2, gfta (v. 57), faufa (v. 66), anfe (v. 104), 41 (v. 107), 871&1 (v. 132), Tem (v. 132), Hea (v. 142), 379199 (v. 143), jotta (v. 144), Ek (v. 169), afar (v. 178), quran (v. 179), ga (v. 181), 37EUR (v. 184) and spa (v. 20174. In v. 154 it is said that geometry is the best in Mathematics, and v. 191-200 delineate the life of Adda (Sk. Ardra). From the com. (p. 241a)s on v. 127 it follows that this Nijjutti is posterior to Uttarajjhayananijjutti, and from v. 182 and its com. (p. 3712-371) it can be seen that this Nijjutti is preceded by Dasavayaliyanijjutti, too. See fn. 1-3. Dasasuyakkhandhanijjutti-This contains 154 verses distributed over the 10 sections of Dasasuyakkhandha as under: 11, 3, 10, 7, 4, 11, 8, 6, 7, 8 and 15. Thus it will be seen that the Nijjutti on the 8th section viz. Pajjosanakappa is the biggest as compared with those of the rest. Kappanijjutti--This is mixed up with its Bhasa, at least since the time of Malayagiri Suri. Pancakappa is associated with it. This name Pancakappa occurs in Avassayacunni (Pt. I, p. 415) and in Malayagiri Suri's com. (p. 836) on v. 2747 of Kappanijjutti mixed up with Kappabhasa. Two Pancakappabhasas and Pancakappacunni are available. There is no mention of Pancakappanijjutti 1-3 Silanka Suri says that these niksepas are treated elsewhere. On p. 3714--3716 he says: " IT: EFTERFrTheT:, si o fanya i Haribhadra Suri in his com. (p. 3b) on Dasaveyaliya says: "gat rautta fallegraat seout 741Szalarig." 4 These nos. of verses are according to Agamodaya Samiti Series. There the 50th verse is followed by the verse numbered as 53. 5 "grantho dravyabhAvabhedabhinnaH kSullakananthyaM nAma uttarAdhyayaneSvadhyayanaM tatra pUrvameva sprpnyco'bhihitH|" 6 "21909: 'qafay: '1996: 1130311......a qara 971TT: 3 7 1utattatt TFT:" 7 "chaviha sattavihe vA dasaviha vIsaivihe ya bAyAlA / jassa u natthi vibhAgo subatta jalaMdhakAro se // 274 // "
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________________ vi] THE CANONICAL EXEGETICAL LITERATURE 183 probably because its verses have got mixed up with those of either of the two Pascakappubhasas. I am inclined to equate the above-noted Pascakappa with Pancakappanijjutti and consider the former name as the abbreviation of the latter. On this understanding I have attributed its authorship to Bhadrabahusvamin on p. 38. Pancakappa as its very name suggests, deals with five kappas which are the five varieties of bhavakalpa noted on p. 182, fn. 6. I think the exposition of these varieties was reserved by Bhadrabahusvamin for being treated as a separate work on the following grounds:-- (i) This exposition was going to be a detailed one.' (ii) It could be safely dropped from Kappanijjutti. Vavaharanijjutti--This is on the same footing as Kappanijjutti. Nisihanijjutti-It is from the Visehacunni of Nisiha that we know about the existence of this work. It points out some of its verses and attributes their authorship to Bhadrabahusvamin. It has been practically superseded by Nisihabhasa wherein these verses have got amalgamated. Before we proceed further and examine the order of the Nijjuttis we may note: (i) Ohanijjutti and Pindanijjutti are not separate Nijjuttis. (ii) Samsattanijjutti is not a Nijjutti on any work, and same is the case with Arakananijjutti. (iii) The Nijjutti on Avassaya should not be confounded with Avassayanijjutti forming the seventh section of Mulayara, a Digambara work attributed to Vattakera. For, this seventh section is not a com. on any work either belonging to the Svetambara school or the Digambara one, though it is true that it resembles Bhadrabahusvamin's Nijjutti on Avassaya in several respects. For instance, both are divided into six sections corresponding to (i) Samaiya, (ii) Caiivisatthava, (iii) Vandanaya, (iv) Padikkamana, (v) Paccahkhanu, and (vi) Kaiissagga, the six well-known divisions of Avassaya. Besides, they deal with the same subject, and that, too, in gathas in Praksta. 1 In Byhattiparika, the extent of Pancakappa is noted as 1113 slokas.
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________________ 184 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP Order--We may now take up the question as to the order in which Bhadrabahusvamin composed his Nijjuttis. Leaving aside the Nisihanijjutti, the 10 Nijjuttis appear to be composed in the very order mentioned by him in Avassayanijjutti (v. 82-83). As noted on p. 181 Avassayanijjutti was composed earlier than Ayaranijjutti, and the latter and Suyagwulanijjutti, too, are posterior to Dasaveyaliyanijjutti and Uttarajjhuyanconijjutti (vide p. 182, fn. 1-3). Further this last one is preceded by Dusaveyaliyanijjutti (vide p. 180). Padmamandira Gani' however strikes a different note' but adduces no arguments to support his statement. But I am inclined to side with Silauka Suri and Vadivetala Suri and not with this Gani. Further, for the following reasons, I am led to believe that out of ten, Avassaycunijjutti is composed first:(I) All the entrances such as uddesa etc., (vide p. 186) are treated at length in Uvagghayanijjutti, a section of this Nijjutti. (II) This Uvagghayanijjutti is referred to in the Nijjuttis of other Agamas. (III) No Nijjutti except the Avcissayanijjutti is as complete as desired. (IV) It is this Nijjutti alone that proceeds on a scientific basis and follows the order of the suttas it deals with. From this exposition of the extant Nijjuttis their nature must have been realized. So, in order to have an exact idea we shall note the explanations of the word Nijjutti given in several places. Some of them are as under: (1) Avassuyanijjutti. Here we have: "nijjuttA te atthA, jaM baddhA teNa hoi nijjuttii| tahavi ya icchAveI, vibhAsiuM suttprivaaddii||" (2) Visesao. Herein the above-noted verse is incorporated and numbered as 1085. Besides, there runs a verse as under:-- " nicchayA''ijuttA, sutte atthA imIeN vkkhaayaa| teNeyaM nijjuttI, nnijjutttthaabhihaannaao||" 1 This Gavi in his com. on Isimandalapayarana --the com. dated Samvat 1553 says: "kramAd dazacatuHpUrvavedI surigunnaagrnniiH| bhadrabAhuryazobhadreyastaH sUripadakrame / / dshvkaaliksyaacaaraangg-suutrkRtaanggyoH| uttarAdhyayana-sUryaprajJaptyoH kalpakasya ca // vyavahArarSibhASitAvazyakAnAmimAH krmaad| dazAzrutAkhyaskandhasya niyuktIrdaza so'tanot / / "
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________________ THE CANONICAL EXEGETICAL, LITERATURE 185 (3) Haribhadra Suri's com. (p. 2 ) to Dasaveyaliya and its Nijjutti. There it is said: "niryuktAnAmeva sutre'rthAnAM yuktiH - paripATayA yojana, niryukta yuktiriti vAcye yuktazadalopAnniryuktiH / VIJ (4) Silanka Suri's com. (p. 42 ) to Ayara (I. 1. 1). There it is remarked: "nizcayenArthapratipAdikA yuktirniryuktiH / " (5) Maladharin Hemacandra Suri's com. (p. 2586) to Anwogaddara (s. 151 ). Here it is said: "nitarAM yuktAH - sUtreNa saha lolobhAvena sambaddhA niryuktA arthAsteSAM yuktiH - sphuTarUpatApAdAnam, ekasya yuktazabdasya lopAnniryuktiH". ( 6 ) Mulayara. In its 515th verse it is said as under:'Na vaso avaso avasamsa kammamAvAsayaM ti bodhavvA / jutti tti uvAya tti ya NiravayavA hodi NijjuttI // ' These definitions, no doubt, explain to some extent the meaning of Nijjutti; but, in order that its nature may be completely realized, it is necessary to tap another source wherein there is a specific mention of at least its constituents. Up till now I have not come across such a source. So I shall, first of all, quote from the Dasaneyaliyanijjutti the following verses which throw some light in this direction and then refer to Anuogaddara:"nikkhevega niruttavihI pavittIya keNa vA kassa / tadArAbheyalakkhaNa tayarihaparisA ya sutatyo // 4 // " bhikkhussa ya nikkhevo 1 nirutta 2 egahiyANi 3 liMgANi 4 / aguNaDio na bhikkhU avavAyA paMca dArAI // 332 // " CE This shows that nikkheva', cyattha and nirutta3 are the main constituents of Nijjutti. From Anuvgaddaru (s. 151) it can be inferred that Nijjutti is three-fold: (i) Vikkheva-nijjutti, (ii) Uvagghoya-nijjutti and (iii) Suttapphasiyanijjutti. The 1st type deals with nikkevas, and the 2nd brings us nearer the sutta by dealing with 25 items noted in the following two verses occurring in Anwogaddara (s. 151 ):-- "udde se 1 niddese 2 ma niggame 3 khetta 4 kAla 5 purise 6 ya / kAraNa 7 paccaya 8 lakkhaNa 9 nae 10 samoAraNANumae 11 // kiM 12 ivihaM 13 kassa 14 kahiM 15 kesu 16 kahaM 17 kinciraM havai kAla 18 / i 19 saMtaraM 20 avirahiyaM 21 bhavA 22 garisa 23 phAsaNa 24 niruttI 25 // // 1-3 These are treated in Chapter VII. 4 These very verses occur in avassayanijjutti as v 137 - 188. But, therein aNumaa is separately counted as it should be. 24
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________________ 156 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP. The 3rd type explains the sutta under consideration. All the Ninjuttis attributed to Bhadrabahusvamin must have been concise and written in gathas as can be inferred from the 8 printed ones. They were surely compiled long before the Redaction of the Jaina canonical works, and according to the Jaina tradition they belong to the fourth century B. C. If this is correct can we look upon them as the oldest metrical commentaries forming a part of the Indo-Aryan literature ? Whatever may be a reply to this question, it is certain that these Nijjuttis were later on followed by several other commentaries: Out of them the two types of commentaries known as Bhasa and Cunni seem to be the oldest. After their composition, there came an age when the commentaries began to be freely composed in Samskrta, thus making the exegetical literature on the Agamas of the Jainas of four types: (1) Nijjutti, (2) Bhasa, (3) Cunni and (4) sika. I use this last word to denote Samskata commentaries. This Nijjutti etc. are mostly in the chronological order of development. For, Cunni seems to be an intermediate stage between Bhasa on the one hand and Tika on the other, on the ground that it is neither entirely in Prakta like its predecessors Nijjutti and Bhasa nor mostly or completely in Sanskrta like its successor Tika; but it is a mixture of Praksta and Samskrta so much so that not only one and the same sentence contains portions written in two languages', but even a Samskrta stem has Praksta terminations at times. This indicates that the Samskrta language was slowly but surely re. ceiving more and more attention at the hands of the Jainas who wanted to popularize their literature. Cunni is written in prose, and this is another respect in which it differs from Nijjutti and Bhasa. 1 Dhanapala has written Virastuti of 11 verses wherein the 1st hemistich of every verse is in Samskrtu and the 2nd in Prakrta, and Ramacandra Suri, too, has written Adidevastava of 8 verses in this manner whereas Haribhadra Suri's Samsaradavanala, Ratnasekbara Suri's Caturvimsutistavana and Bhatti's Bhattikavya (XIII) are so composed that they can be considered to be works both in Sanskrta and Praksta and can hence be looked upon as examples of bhasasleza,
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________________ VI] THE CANONICAL EXEGETICAL LITERATURE 187 Bhasa is styled as Gaha, too, since it is composed in gathas in Praksta. This is what we learn from the Vyakhya of Visehacunni of nisiha (XX). There its author Sricandra Suri, pupil of Silabhadra has made the following observation "je gAhetyAdi / 'gAthA'zabdena bhASyaM gAthAnibaddhatvAdabhidhIyate / " Just as we have not got Nijjuttis for all the canonical texts, similarly there are not Bhasas for every Nijjutti' -much less for every Agama. It seems that Bhasas were composed in the case of at least the following 11 Agamas: (1) Avassaya, (2) Dasaveyaliya, (3) Uttarajjhayana, (4) Kappa, (5) Pancakappa?, (6) Vavahara, (7) Nisiha, (8) Pancamangalasuyakkhandha, (9) Jiyakappa, (10) Ohanijjutti and (11) Pindanijjutti. For Avassaya, there are three Bhasas, one of which is known as Mulabhasa. The others are known as Bhasas and Visesao. There are about 183 verses in Mulabhasa, about 350 in Bhasa and about 4314 in Visesao. Visesa - This is Samazyabhasao i. e. to say a Bhasa on the Nijjutti of Avassaya (I). Not only are some of the verses of this Nijjutti incorporated in it?; but, even some of the gathas of two earlier Bhasas on this Nijjutti, too, are assigned a place herein. This work is named as Visesao in order to distinguish it from this Bhasa ard that, too, probably by some commentator other than 1 For instance there seem to be no Bhasas pertaining to the Nijjut tis on Ayara, Suyagada, Suriyapannatti, Dasasuyakkhandha and Isibhasiya. 2 I have included Pancakappa in this list, as I think that it is after all & Nijjutti on a portion of Kappa. Herein there is a reference to Kalika Suri's going to an Ajivaka for studying the astanga-nimitta. 3 The Bhasa on this is extant. See p. 80, fn. 4. 4-5 See the edition (pp. 573 and 591) of Visesa with Gujarati translation. 6 of. "Parupatorie HE ATAETIA HOT I Et qfFf4 GT Tutte ll **8711" Visesa 7 For a list of these verses see Av. Lit. (pp. 35-86).
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________________ 188 THE CANONICAL LITERATORE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP Jinabhadra.' It refers to Vasavadatta, and Tarangavai in v. 1508.? The former seems to be none else than the work of Subandhu, a predecessor of Bana and the latter that of Padalipta Suri. Further, in Visesa', there are some verses which tally with those of Kappabhasa and Vavaharabhasa. Its verses 2104 and 2195 agree ad verbatim with Sammaipayarana (III, v. 52 and 49). Besides, in this work, there are Vaidika references. These along with their original sources are noted in Av. Lit, on pp. 37-38. All these facts along with the mention of Jinabhadra Gani by Haribhadra Suri may be utilized for verifying his traditional date (Samvat 645). He himself has composed a com.? on Visesa -a statements made by Kotyacarya in his com. (p. 245) on Visesa". This Kotyacarya is identified by some as Silauka Suri, the commentator of Ayara etc. But this view is challenged by Anandasagara Suri in his intro. (p. 3) to Part II of Visesao edited by him with Kotyacarya's com. Maladharin Hemacandra Suri, too, has written a com. on Visesao.9 1 In Kappacunni (pedhabandha 93 ) we have: "En faaa147ATHTA." Vide Av. Lit. (p. 31 f.). 2 "jaha vA niddiTTavasA vaasvdttaa-trNgvlyaaii| taha nimagavasao loe maNurakkhavAu tti // 1508 // " 3 He is referred to in Nisihabhasa and Kabbacunni. He is said to be a favourite of Murunda, who may be Vinaspharni (!), a governor of Pataliputra appointed by King Kaniska. It seems he flourished sometime between A. D. 94 to A. D. 162. He is regarded as the originator of a language ( named after him. He composed a Desinamamala as can be inferred from Kalikalasarvajna Hemacandra's com. on his own work Rayanavali (v. 2). 4 See Av. Lit. (p. 36) and pp. 21-22 of the portion preceding the Gujarati prastavana to Visesao (Part II). 5 Some of these occur in the Cunni on Avassuya, in Haribhadra Suri's com., on it, in various commentaries on Visesa", in K'incidganadharavada and in laghuvrtti on Dasaveyaliya, too. 6 They are reproduced in Jaina sahitya samodhaka (vol. II, No. 1, pp. 84-91). 7 This com. is now extinct; but it existed in the time of Maladharin Hemacandra Suri (vide his com. on v. 500 of Visesao) and also Malayagiri Suri as can be seen from his com. (pp. 4245-125a) to Pannavana (paya XXI). 8 "39 na 957914: 141gi arutadt HTH ". 9 In this com. (p. 649) on v. 1508, he has mentioned Bhadrabahunimitta, Nanda sa mhita and Kapiliya. The las: two are once more mentioned in the com, on v. 1509 where even the name of Manu occurs.
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________________ VI ] 189 THE CANONICAL, EXEGETICAL LITERATURE The Bhasa on Dasaveyaliya comprises about 63 verses, and that on Uttarajjhayana about 451 verses. For Kappa, there are two Bhasas small and big. The former is composed by Sanghadasa Gani Ksamasramana and contains about 6600 gathas. The latter is anonymous, and its extent is 8600 slokas or so. This latter Bhasa appears to be preceded by the corresponding Cunni and Visehacunni.3 There seem to be two Pancakappabhasas (vide p. 38). Out of them the authorship of the bigger one is attributed to Sanghadasa Gani Ksama sramana. It comprises about 2574 verses.5 The available Bhasa on Vavahara is printed. It is anonymous and consists of about 4629 verses. In Jainagranthavali (p. 10) there are noted two Nisihabhasas. Out of them, one having about 6439 verses is anonymous. But it may be that either this work or the bigger one is composed by Jinabhadra Gani Ksamasramana. Muni Kalyanavijaya in his Gujarati intro. (p. 48) to Prabhavakacaritra says that either this Bhasa itself or a metrical composition expounding Nisiha may be the work of Siddhasena Divakara. He further says on p. 49 that this Siddhasena seems to have written Tikas and Bhasas on several Agamas; but, now all of them are lost. Jiyakappabhasa is anonymous, and its extent is about 3300 slokas. There is one Ms. of it in the Limbdi Bhandara. Its first 3 verses and the last 3 ones are given on p. 17 of the intro. to Titakalpasutra. Therein it is stated on p. 18 that this Bhasa is posterior to Siddhasena Suri's Jiyakappacunni. 1 Two gathas of this Bhasa are noted in Vadivetala santi Suri's com. (p. 1813) on Uttarajjhayana where on p. 178b, Pancakappa is referred to. 2-3 See D. C. J. M. (vol. XVII, pt. II, p. 254). 4-5 Ibid., p. 261. G 7 In his Visesa, v. 235 begins with "." This very verse and the illustrations here referred to occur in Nisthabhasa. This is borne out by Kotyacarya's com. (p. 95) on Visesa where he says: "garft fanta agam:". Further, the 1st hemistich of this verse occurs in Jiyakappacunni (p. 29). See D. C. J. M. (vol. XVII, pt. III, p. 468)..
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________________ 190 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [ CHAP. Ohanijjuttibhasa and Pindanijjuttibhasa are each anonymous, and some of the verses of each of them have got mixed up with Ohanijjutti' and Pindanijjutti respectively. It may be noted that it will be committing oneself to say that any and every Bhasa is older than one and all the Cunnis, though it is true that that Bhasa on which we have a Cunni, is certainly anterior to that Cunni. Visesao is posterior to some of the Cunnis. Vuddhabhasa of Kappa is preceded by its Cunni and Visehacunni, and same is the case with Jiyakappabhasa. Cunni is as a rule anterior to its corresponding Visehacunni, and it seems that in order that the latter may be distinguished from the former, the word viseha is added to it. Just as Bhasa is designated as Gaha so Cunni seems to be styled as Paribhasa, too. Cunnis seem to have been written on at least the following 20 Agamas: (1) Ayara?, (2) Suyagada", (3) Viahapannattis (4) Jivabhigama, (5) Jambuddivapannatti, (6) Nisiba, (7) Mahanisiha, (8) Vavahara, (9) Dasasuyakkhandha, (10) Kappa, (11) Pancakappa, (12) Ohanijjutti, (13) Pancamangalasuyakkhandha, (14) Jiyakappa, (15) Uttarajjhayana", (16) Avassaya', (17) Dasaveyaliya', (18) Nandiro, (19) Anuogaddara" and (20) Pakkhiyasutta. There were two Cunnis for (6) and (14); but, now-a-days only one is available in each case. The available one for (6) is 1-2 See the printed editions of these works. 3-4 The Cunnis of these Agamas are in press. 5 Its Cunni will be printed hereafter. Its press-copy is being revised by Anandasagara Suri. He says that the Cunnis on Nandi, Anuogaddara, Avassaya, Dasaveyaliya, Uttarajjhayana, Ayara, Suyagada and Viahapan. natti are in their order of composition. Vide his article "41fa 2413181 242 adj ya" published in Siddhacakra (vol. IX, No. 8, p. 165). It is doubtful if there is really a Cunni on this work. One noted by me in D. C. J. M. (vol. XVII, pt. I, pp. 233-236) is not any com.; but it is a treatise dealing with calculations pertaining to the Jambudvipa. This is what Prof. Schubring says. See my Preface (p. xxv ) of D. C. J. M. (vol. XVII, Pt. III). 7-11 The Cunnis of these Agamas are published from Rutlam.
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________________ VI] THE CANONICAL EXEGETICAL LITERATURE 191 called Nisihavisehacunni, and it is very prolific in contents.' Its author Jinadasa Gaoi himself has given it this name in this very work itself. Herein the author has ingeniously mentioned his name?, and has referred to Pradyumna Ksmasramana as his vidyaguru. Further he has explained the meaning of Addhamagaha, a Prakrta language, has mentioned works such as Siddhivinicchaya, Sammai, Jonipahuda, Naravahanadattakaha', Magahasenak, Taranyavuz etc., and has referred to Siddhasena Divakara and his creation of horseso and to a famine during the reign of Candragupta. He has composed Nandicunni, too, and there in the end, he has cleverly mentioned his name. In its several Mss., it is assigned a date Saka Samvat 598 i. e. Vikrama Samvat 733. Anandasagara Suri has edited this Cunni, and therein the date is given as Saka 500. This date as well as the upper one are challenged by him. He says that the line pertaining to the date comes from the pen of a scribe and not that of the author. He has not assigned any reason for it; but it appears that he says so as this date upsets his belief to the effect that Haribhadra Suri died in Vira Samvat 1055.9 In this Nandicunni (pp. 7, 21 etc.) differences of opinion are noted, and on pp. 21-22 there is a discussion about the coexistence of kevalajnana (omniscience) and kovaladarsana (absolute undifferentiated cognition). At times there are quotations in Prakrta (vide p. 43). From the last line of the printed edition of Anuogaddaracunni, it follows that this Cunni, too, is composed by Jinadasa Gani 1 Cyclostyled copies of this Nisihavisehacunni have been recently prepared and presented to several Acaryas and Bhandaras. Therein the topics are given in margins. 2 See D. C. J.M. (vol. XVII, pt. II, p. 357). 3-5 All these 3 works are extinct as is the case with Dvasaptatiprabandha a work mentioned by Kalyanavijaya in his intro. (p. 7) to Prabhavakacaritra. 6 For pertinent extracts see my article The Jaina Commentaries (pp. 299 300) published in the Annals of B. 0. R. I. (vol. XVI, pts. III-IV). 7 See D. C. J. M. (vol. XVII, Pt. III, p. xxy of Preface ). 8 See his preface to Nandicunni. 9 For details see my article "nandIsura ane enI suSNinuM vihaMgAvalokana" published in Jainadharmaprakasa (vol, LVI, no. 5, pp. 156-163),
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________________ 192 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS (CHAT. Mahattara. Several works are mentioned here e. g. Nandicunni (p. 1), Avassaya (p. 3), Tandulareyaliya (p. 3), Dharmasamhita (p. 12), Nundi (p. 16), Saddapahuda (p. 47), Jinabhadra Gani Ksamasramana's Cunni on sarirapada (p. 74 ) etc. Further this Cunni supplies us with quotations in Prakstaand notes differences of opinions. It explains the word dharmastikaya on p. 29 as "emailla taj 14 f #19: 3791&faalranta! st), afea arat 41929 enfEUR812:, . ara19169172 gaffeapta:". On pp. 37-40, are defined Puvvangu etc., up to Sisapaheliya, and their dots and numerical figures are explicitly mentioned. Avussayacunni is also a work of Jinadasa Gani Mahattarra according to Anandasagara Suri and Jaina Granthavali (p. 18); but, in none of the Mss. deposited at B. O. R. I., there is an entry whereby its authorship may be so attributed. This work is published in two parts. Several works are mentioned therein e. g. in Pt. I Govindanijjutti (p. 31), Ohanijjutticunni ( p. 341 ), Pascakappa (p. 415), Risibhasita (p. 501 ) and in Pt. II Divasagarapannutti (p. 6), Uttaraculiya (p. 157) and Vasudevahindi (p. 324). There are quotations in Samskrta; and Prakrtao. This Cunni is mostly in Praksta, and on pp. 416-417 and 569-576 of its Pt. I, we have passages in Samskrta. In Pt. I, on pp. 374 and 377, a pitcher is described, on p. 530 there is a reference to a writing on bhurjapatra, on p. 566 Canakka is mentioned, and on p. 601 we have "a gia 79EUR1." In Pt. II, on p. 233 there is mention of Siddasena Kha 1 "sarIrapadassa cuNNI jiNabhaddakhamAsamaNakittiyA smttaa||" From this I am inclined to infer that Jinabhadra had composed a Cunni and that, too, probably on Pansavana. 2 See p. 32 etc. 3 See pp. 12, 15, 82, 84 etc. 4 For some of the other works of their sections see pp. 31, 35, 80, 83, 142. 146. 151, 160, 210, 214, 341, 354, 384, 390, 416, 453, 504, 600 and 601 of Part I. O See pp. 84, 85, 121. 375, 427, 435 and 462 of Part 1 and pp. 52, 202, 306 and 307 of Part II. 6 See pp. 515 and 609 of Part I and pp. 24 and 306 Part II There are good many verses in Prakrta. See pp. 202-203 of Pt. I and pp. 115, 140-142 and 302 of Pt. II,
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________________ Vi] THE CANONICAL EXEGETICAL LITERATURE 193 masamana. Differences of opinion are noted in some places e. g. on pp. 380 and 553 of Pt. I and on p. 147 of Pt. II. On p. 515 we have the well-known story of weighing an elephant, and on p. there is a discourse between Kalaka Suri' and King Datta about the fruit of a sacrifice. Anandasagara Suri attributes the authorship of Dasaveyaliyacunni to Jinadasa Gaai Mahatlara in his preface to this work. Herein, too, there are quotations in Samskrta? and Praksta. Several sutras which can be traced to Panini's Astadhyayi are given here (vide pp. 66, 67, 75, 271-274 etc). Tarangavai is mentioned on p. 109, Avassagacunni on p. 118, Ohanijjutti on p. 175, Pindanijjutti on p. 178, and Anuogadara on p. 300. Jinadasa Gani Mahattara has composed Uttarajjhayanacunni-. So says Anandasagara Suri who has edited it. In this Cunni at the end, its author has given some account of himself; but, unfortunately he has not mentioned his name. As stated therein, he is one of the pupils of Govaliya Mahattara of Vanija kula, Kodiya gana and Vayara sakha. In this Cunni we 1 There have been in olden days at least 3 Suris by name Kalaka. Kalaka I lived from Vira Samvat 300 to 376. Kalaka II flourished in about Vira Samvat 453. He expounded the nature of nigoda to Sakra. This is what one can infer from Uttarajjhayananijjutti (v. 120); but, according to the Theravali (?) given in Pajjosanakappa, this exposition is associated with Kalaka I. Kalaka III died in Vira Samvat 465 or so. He is said to have gone to an Ajivaka for studying Astanganimitta (vide Pancakappacunni). He translated the versified prakaranas of the Jaina canon and became the founder of gandikanuyoga. Further he composed a standard work of narration known as Prathamanuyoga. He is the author of Kalaka samhita dealing with nimittas and associated with lokanuyoga. He transferred the date of paryusanaparvan from the 5th of Bha drapada to the 4th. He once left his disobedient pupils and went to his grandpupil Sagara who was in Suvarnabhumi. Out of these 3 Kalaka Suris, the one here referred to, may be Kalaka I or he may have nothing to do with any one of these. See Muni Kalyanavijaya's intro. (pp. 23-26) to the Gujarati translation of Prabhavakacaritra. 2 See pp. 105, 123 etc. 3 See pp. 35, 46, 159, 173, 217 etc. 4 lt. extent is about 5850 slokas. 25
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________________ THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAA. come across quotations in Samskrta' and Prachrta and differences of opinion3 regarding philosophical topics. On p. 274 we have: " tadanyatrAbhihitaM zeSaM dazavaikAlikacUrNau abhihitaM ". This Dasaveyaliyacunni may or may not be belonging to this very author. If it is his work it follows that Dusaveyaliyacunni was composed by him before he composed Uttarajjhayanacunni. 194 Abhayadeva Suri has used a Cunni and a com. on Viahapannatti while commenting upon it.4 On Kappa there are two anonymous Cunnis. to Jaina Granthavali (p. 12), one of them is Pralamba Suri. Vavaharacunni narrates an episodes pertaining to King Gardabhilla and Kalaka Suri wherein the latter succeeds in relieving his sister Sarasvati, a nun from this king who had abducted her, and in dethroning this king. In its 8th section it is stated that Arya Raksita Suri gave permission to the Jaina clergy to keep a matraka (a kind of small vessel) during the rainy season. But according composed by Dasusuyakkhandhacunni is anonymous, and it mentions Siddhasena (Divakara). See D. C. J. M. (vol. XVII, pt. II, p. 70). Jiyakappacunni, a Prakrta work of Siddhasena Suri, is mostly in prose. From p. 19, 11. 20-216 and p. 23, 1. 227 it follows that some one else also had composed a Cunni on Jiyakappa; but it seems that this is now lost. The extant Cunni explains the five varieties of vyavahara with their sub-varieties, gives etymologies and synonyms of some words (vide pp. 4-5, 28 and 30) and explains a rule of Prakrta grammar on p. 2.8 This Cunni mentions some works as well. Out of them Pindanijjutti (p. 14) and Jonipahuda (p. 28) may be here noted. On p. 17, there is a refe 1 See pp. 26, 30, 65, 152, 206, 223-224, 225 etc. 2 See p. 198, 225, 230 etc. 4 See D. C. J. M. (vol. XVII, pt. I, p. 86). 5 This episode and the transference of the date of the paryusanaparvan are mentioned in Nisihacunni. " biiyacunnikAramaeNa potthayapaNage vipurimaDhuM / " 7 " ahavA bitiyacunnikArAbhippAeNa cattAri vi sutteNeva gahiyA / " " pAyae cakArassa chakAro lakkhaNio / " 6 8 3 See pp. 145-146 etc.
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________________ VI ] THE CANONICAL EXEGETICAL LITERATURE 195 rence to games viz. atthavaya and caiiranga, to gambling, and to samasa, paheliya and kuhedaga. So far as the date of this Cunni is concerned, only its lower limit can be fixed; for, Sricandra Suri', devotee of Dhanesvara Suri, pupil of Silabhadra Suri has composed a com. on it in Samvat 12272. As regards its upper limit, it is certainly posterior to the date of the composition of Jiyakappa by Jinabhadra Gani. As regards the remaining Cunnis, I may simply say that those on Ayara, Suyagada and Pancakappa are described by me in D. C. J. M. (vol. XVII) whereas the Cunnis on Jivajivabhigama, Ohanijjutti and Pakkhiyasutta are noted in Jaina Granthavali etc., and one on Mahanisiha in Catalogue of Mss. at Jeselmere (p. 23). It may be remarked that the Cunnis on various Agamas are said to be belonging to a period running from the 4th century to the 8th of the Vikrama era. Before dealing with Tika we may note that out of the terms Nijjutti, Bhasa and Cunni, the first does not appear to have been used for a com. on any one of the non-Agamika works. Such is not however the case with the terms Bhasa and Cunni; for, they are used for other works, too, though seldom. As the typical examples may be mentioned the following works for which Bhasa is composed: (1) Kammatthaya, (2) Sadasii, (3) Sayaga, (4) Saddhasayaga and (5) Sittari. Out of these works, there is a Cunni for all except the first and the second. Further there are Cunnis for Kammapayadi, Samanovasagapadikkamana3 etc. Thus it will be seen that the non-Agamika works of which the commentaries are styled as Bhasa and Cunni are few and far between, and at least, so far as the Svetambara literature is concerned, these terms seem to have been used for works of sufficient antiquity. 1 Before he became Suri, he was known as Parsvadeva Gani. 2 See its printed edition (p. 59). 3 See D. C. J. M. (vol. XVII, Pt. III, pp. 290-293).
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________________ 196 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP It may not be amiss to note that the three works viz. Cezyavandanabhasa, Guruvandanabhasa and Paccakkhanabhasa collectively known as Bhasyatraya and Cezyavandanamahabhasa' are not commentaries, though the ending word Bhasa occurring there seems to suggest that. It is however true that each of them is a small work written in Prakrta in gathas. As regards Tikas i. e. the Samskrta commentaries on the Agamas, it may be said that there is at least one com. for almost every Agama. Further, all the Samskata commentaries are not available now, and Haribhadra Suri's commentaries are the first amongst the extant ones. That this Suri had written two commentaries on Avassaya and that the extinct com., was bigger than the available one, is an inference one can draw from its v. 2.2 He refers to one of these in his com. on Dasaveyaliya (pp. 24-4") as Adasyakavisesavivarana. He has commented upon Jivajivabhigama', Pannavana, Pindanijjutti-, Nandi and Anuogaddaras, too. Next to him comes Silanka Suri (Silacarya) alias Tattvaditya. He had commented upon the 1st 9 Angas as stated in Prabhavakacaritra'; but, now-a-days his tikas on only Ayara and 1 This is a work by santi Suri who has not been identified up till now. 2 "yadyapi mayA tathA'nyaiH kRtA'sya vivRtistathApi: saDakSepAt / tadacisattvAnugrahahetoH kriyate prayAso'yam // " From this it follows that persons other than Haribhadra Suri had commented upon Avassaya. One of them is probably Jinabhata. 8 See Catalogue of Mss. at Jesalmere (p. 18 ). 4 See D. C. J. M. (vol. XVII, pt. III, p. 484 ). 5 In the com. (p. 22) on this, Avasyakavivarana and Nandivisesavivarana are mentioned. These seem to be his own works. 6 "nivRtikulInazrIzIlAcAryaNa tattvAdityAparanAmnA vAharisAdhusahAyena kRtA TIkA parisamApteti" -Ayara with tika (p. 3172) Some identify this Tattvaditya with Tattvacarya, the diksaguru of Ud. dyotana Suri who completed Kuvalayamala when one day of Saka 700 was to elapse. This view is criticized by Anandasagara Suri in his Samskrta intro. (pp. 3-4) to Part II of Visesao edited with Kotyacarya's com. 7 See Abhayadevasuripra bandha (v. 104-105). This statement seems to be unreliable. For, Abhayadeva Suri in his com. (p. 1) on I hana says: "vividhAyaratnasArasya devatAdhiSThitasya vidyAkriyAbalavatA'pi pUrvapuruSeNa kuto'pi kAraNAdanunmudritasya...... FIITTTH *4......Johaufhargutt: 41 a 1" Besides Jinavallabha Suri, too, says in Astasaptatika that there are no commentaries on ? hana etc. composed by the Suris of olden days.
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________________ TI! THE CANONICAL EXEGETICAL LITERATURE 197 Suyagada are available. Different dates are given in different Mss. for Ayaratika. They are: Saka 772, Saka 784, Saka 798 and Gupta 772.' Out of these, I believe the third date is reliable. This Silanka Suri appears to be the author of Caiipannamahapurisacariya composed in Samvat 925. Herefrom we learn that Vimalamati is his real name. As stated by him in his Ayaratika (v. 3) Gandhahastin had commented upon Sastraparijna i, e. Ayara (1, 1); but this com, is now lost. Some identify this Gandhahastin with Siddhasena Gani, pupil of Bhasvamins and the well-known commentator of Tattvartha. If this is correct, he flourished sometime between the 7th and 9th centuries of the Vikrama era. In the Suyagadatika (p. 215) Silanka Suri has expounded the five anantarya sinso-a subject treated by Siddhasena Gani in his com. (pt. II, p. 67) on Tattvartha. Vadivetala santi Suri has written a com, on Uttarajjhayana. He has given narratives therein in Praklta? as has been done by Haribhadra Suri. He is said to have died in Samvat 1096. In the period between the 12th and 13th centuries of Vikrama era there flourished 8 commentators of Agamas. They are: (1) Abhayadeva Suri, (2) Drona Suri, (3) Malayagiri Suri, (4) Maladbarin Hemacandra Suri, (5) Nemicandra Suri, (6) Sricandra Suri, (7) Yasodeva Suri and (8) Sritilaka Suri. The former wrote commentaries on the Angas 3, 4 and 6 in Samvat 1120, a com. on 1-2 See D. C. J. M. (vol. XVII, pt. II, p. 389 ). 3 Is he the very one who is referred to in the com. on Rayanavali ( II, 20; VI, 96; and VII, 40)? 4 This Siddhasena Gani is addressed as Gandhahastin in the com. (p. 521) on Tattvartha by a pupil of Yasobhadra Suri. 5 He is a pupil of Simhasura, pupil of Dinna Gani Ksamasramana. Some are inclined to believe that this Simhasura is Simha Suri, a commen tator of Mallavadin's Nayacakra. 6 This topic is dealt with by Nagarjuna in Dharmasangraha (p. 13). 7 This is why this com. is known as Pazyatika. 8 Thus he has not followed Silanka Suri who translated into Samskrta narratives etc. occurring in Cunnis.
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________________ 198 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP the 5th Anga in Samvat 1128 and commentaries on Angas 71-11 during this interval or at some other time. As stated by him in his com. on Anga V there was a tika for Anga V which enabled him to compose his com., and this tika may be the work of Silanka Suri. But for Thana etc. he had no previous commentaries to consult. Abhayadeva Suri has also commented upon Ovavauya by taking the help of a previous com., which is now extinct. He has written Sangahani on Pannavana (III). Drona Suri has commented upon Ohanijjutti. He assisted Abhayadeva Suri by revising his cominentaries on Angas 3 etc. Malayagiri Suri has commented upon Uvangas II-VII. His com. on Pannavana is based upon that of Haribhadra Suri. For the rest, the sources, if any, remain to be investigated. He has written a com. on Viahapannatti (II), Avassaya, Kappa, Vavahara, Joisakarandaga and Pindanijjutti.3 Maladharin Hemacandra Suri, a senior contemporary of Kali. kalasarvajna Hemacandra Suri, has written a tippanaka on Haribhadra Suri's com. on Avassaya, a tippanaka on Nandi and a com. on Anuogaddara. Devendra Gani, later on known as Nemicandra Suri has written a com. on Uttarajjhayana in Samvat 1129. Herein he has given narratives in Praksta and thus followed in the foot-steps of Haribhadra Suri and Vadivetala santi Suri and not in those of Silanka Suria. 1 2 3 The com. on the 7th was preceded by the com. on the 6th as the latter is there referred to, in the end. Same is the case with the com. on the 8th. He is the author of Jayatihuyanathotta, a hymn in A pabhransa and that of Mahavirastotra of 22 verses. He is said to have converted in A. D. 1054 Sankaradasa a Brahmana guru of the Paramara kings of Dhara. In Jaina Granthavali (p. 20) it is said that in the Byhattippanika is noted Malayagiri Suri's com. on Visesao, but no Ms. is traced up till now. This shows that there is no hard and fast rule that since the time of Silanka, Praksta narrations got replaced by Samskrta ones in commentaries, though such a rule is practically laid down by Prof. Leumann in Z, D. M. G. (vol. XLVI, p. 581 ff.).
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________________ VI] THE CANONICAL EXEGETICAL LITERATURE 199 Sricandra Suri, pupil of Silabhadra Suri has written a com, Visiharischacunni (XX) in Samvat 1174. According to Mr. M. D. Desai, he is not a pupil but a grand-pupil. He takes him to be the author of (i) the com. on Samanovasagap adikkama? composed in Samvat 1222, (ii) Nandidurgapadavyakhya composed in Samvat 1226, (iii) the com. on Jiyakappacunni composed in Samvat 1227, and (iv-viii) the commentaries on Uvangas VIIIXII composed in Samvat 1228. Yasodeva Suri, pupil of Sricandra Euri, pupil of Vira Gani has commented upon Pakkhiyasutta in Samvat 1180. Sritilaka Suri, pupil of sivaprabha Suri has written a com. on rivassaya in Samvat 1296. Ksernakirti has completed Malayagiri Suri's com. on Kappa in Samvat 1332. So far as Painnagas are concerned, only a few are commented upon. For instance, Bhuvanatunga Suri' has commented upon Caiisurana, Airapaccakkhana and Santharaga, Gunaratna upon Bhattapparinna and Santharaga' and Vijayavimala upon Tandulaveyaliya and Gacchacara.? There are several commentaries on Jambuildivapannutti. Out of them one is composed by Hiravijaya Suri in Samvat 1639 and another named as Prameyaratnamanjusa by Santicandra Guni in Samvat 1650. Over and above these tikas on the Agamas there are some more. For instance, in Samvat 15724(?) Jinahamsa has written a com. on Ayara, and in Samvat 1583, Harsakula on Suyagada. Further there are Laksmikallola Gani's com. on Ayara, Danasekhara Suri's com. on Viahapannatti, Vinayahamsa's com. on Uttarajjhayana etc. Besides these there are some anonymous avacurnis and avacuris, toos. Thus it will be seen that a very great no. of 1 He is a pupil of Mahendra Suri who revised in Samvat 1294 his guru Dharmaghosa Suri's Satapadi. 2 A com. on this was composed before Samvat 1484. 3 The com. on it was composed in Samval 1634. 4 According to Jaina Granthavali (p. 2) this should be 1582. 5 See D. C. JM. (vol. XVII, ple. I-III).
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________________ THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP. commentaries has been written on the Agamus. But several have been lost by this time. Out of them the following may be here tentatively mentioned: 200 (1-3) Nijjuttis on Suriyapannati', Isibhasiya and Pancamangalasuyakkhandha, (4-5) Bhasa and Cunni on the last of these, (6-8) Cunnis on Nisiha, Mahanisiha and Jiyakappa, (9) Padalipta2 Suri's com. on Joisakarandaga3, (10) Gandhahastin Suri's com. on Ayara, (11) Jinabhata's com. on Avassaya, (12-13) Haribhadra Suri's com. on Avassaya, and one on Pindanijjutti, (14) a com. on Suyagada, (15-23) Silanka Suri's commentaries on Angas III-XI, (24) Malayagiri Suri's com. on Jambuddivapannattis, (25) Maladharin Hemacandra Suri's tippanaka on Nandi and (26) a com. on Ovavaiya." As already noted, Samskrta commentaries on the Agamas are here spoken of as Tika. This name is applicable to the Samskrta commentaries to the non-Agamika literature, too. There are other names which are used in both the cases e. g. (1) vrtti, (2) vivrti, (3) vivarana, (4) vivecana, (5) vyakhya, (6) vartika, (7) dipika, (8) phakkika, (9) avacuri, (10) avacarni, (11) arthalava, (12) aksarartha, (13) balavabodha, (14) panjika, (15) tippanaka, (16) paryaya and (17) chaya. Out of them the avacuri and the following are not big commentaries; but they are more or less explanatory notes. This finishes the discussion about the commentaries of Agamus. So I shall now say a few words about those who have written super-commentaries. Kotyacarya is perhaps the 1st amongst them in case we neglect Bhasas and Cunnis and the extinct Tikas. 1 com. on Quotations from its Nijjutti are given by Devabhadra Suri in his Sangrahani, a work of his guru Sricandra Suri. See Mr. M. D. Desai's work (p. 254) noted on p. 147. 2 He is the author of Kalajnana, Prasnaprakasa, Nirvanakalika etc. 3 See (p. 26) of Malayagiri Suri's com. on it. 4 Silanka Suri in his com. (p. 1a) on Suyagada says: "afe qafq aftya:" Believing that this com. is not a Cunni, I take it to be extinct. 5 In Catalogue of Mss. at Jeselmere (p. 19) it is said: " " If this inference is correct, this name should be dropped. See D. C. J. M. No. 1099. I have excluded from this list Jinabhadra Gani's com. on Visesa since there is a M. of this work in Jesalmere. Vide Catalogue of Mss. at Jesalmere (p. 19). 6 7
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________________ Vil THE CANONICAL EXEGETICAL LITERATURE naya He has written a Tika on Visesa, a com. on an Agama (and there on p. 416 he has styled this Visesa as vartika). Thus his work is a super-com. on an Agama. In this work he has neither referred to Haribhadra Suri nor to any work of his, even when he had a chance to do so on pp. 142, 237 and 876. So Anandasagara Suri infers that either Kotyacarya must be his predecessor or his contemporary. On pp. 978-980 there is an exposition of jnana and kriya-naya, and it tallies with one occurring in Haribhadra Suri's com. (pp. 488b-490a) on Avassaya. This coincidence may be due to both of them borrowing from Jinabhata's com. on Avassaya. Kotyacarya has referred to the Mulatika of Avassaya in several places e. g. pp. 609, 674, 675, 793, 846 and 855, and this Mulatika appears to be none else than that of Jinabhata whom he even mentions. Kotyacarya has hardly mentioned the name of Jinabhadra Gani Ksamasramana but has mostly referred to him by honorifics. This may be owing to his being a grandpupil or so. For, he cannot be his direct pupil as can be inferred from the following line occurring on p. 224: " bhASyAnanuyAyi cedaM bhUyasISu pratiSu dRzyate. " So he may be Jinabhadra's grand-pupil or So1. He is referred to as an old commentator by Maladharin Hemacandra Suri in 1 201 Prof. H. D. Velankar in his Descriptive Catalogue of Sanskrta and Prakrta MSS. in the Library of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society (vols. III-IV, p. 396; No. 1520) says: "According to Hemacandra, Jinabhadra himself with Kotyacarya had written a com. on his own Bhasya. But I take this to be a slip. It may be that his view is based upon the following line quoted by him in No. 1553 from the Catalogue of Mss. at Jesalmere (p. 19):"jinabhadragaNikSamAzramaNaprArabdhA samarthitA zrIkoTyAcAryavAdi (hari) gaNimahattareNa0 ". The full quotation is given as under at the end of a Ms. of a com. on Visesathe Ms. which is dated as Samvat 1491 and which is noted on p. 246 of A Descriptive Catalogue of Mss. in the Jain Bhandars at Pattan: " sUtrakAraparamapUjyazrIjinabhadra gaNikSamAzramaNaprArabdhA samarthitA zrIkoTyAcAryavAdigaNimahattareNa zrIvizeSAvazyakalaghuvRttiH "" The word af ln the 1st quotation seems to be added by the late Mr. C. D. Dalal, who probably thought if to be a misreading for . If so, it is wrong. Prof. Velankar seems to have taken this quotation as coming from the pen of 26
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________________ 202 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS ( CHAP his com. on Visesao. So he must be a senior to him at least by about 300 years or so. Anandasagara Suri says that since in the time of Haribhadra Suri Amba, Kusmandi and others are mentioned as vidyas and Vidyaraja Harinaikamisin for mantra whereas Kotyacarya mentions only Kusmandi vidya and Harinaikamisi mantra, the latter must be a predecessor of the former. If this argument is correct, we must assign to Kotyacarya, a date? prior to that of Haribhadra Suri, and in that case there remains no possibility of identifying Kotyacarya with Silanka Suri, the commentator of Ayara, though so done by Prof. H. D. Velankar in No. 1520. As regards others who have written super-commentaries in Samskrta, Maladharin Hemacandra Suri and Sricandra Suri may be here mentioned. Now we may take up the question about the date of Samskrta commentaries of the Jaina canon. But, before doing so we may mention the fact that though it is difficult to exactly define the periods of the various strata underlying the four types of commentaries on the Agamas two of which are often much intermingled, yet it should not be forgotten that they serve "as a depository of very many ancient, historical or semi-historical traditions on the one hand, and of a great mass of popular narrative themes on the other." About the date of the Samskrta commentaries pertaining to Jaina canonical literature, it may be safely asserted that they had Hemacandra. But, from p. 17 of A Des. Cat of MSS. in the Jain Bhandaras at Pattan it appears that it occurs in a MS. of Kotyacarya's work. Whatever it may be, I am unable to accept his view unless I get a satisfactory reply to each of the following querries: (i) Does this quotation occur in other Mss? And, if so, what are those Ms8 ? (ii) Who is the father of this quotation ? (iii) Does the word samarthita convey the idea of collaboration ? (iv) If Kotyacarya had helped Jinabhadra Gani as suggested by Prof, Velankar, they would be contemporaries. And, in that case how can the inference drawn from the line 7161agaifa...... be reconciled with this view ? 1 Anandasagara Suri considers it to be the 10th century of Vira era. 2 See A His of Ind. Lit. (vol. II, p. 484).
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________________ VI] THE CANONICAL EXEGETICAL LITERATURE, 203 been composed even before the time of Haribhadra Suri. If we do not confine ourselves to this Agamika literature, we can very well point out Vacakavarya Umasvati's Bhasya on his excellent work Tattvartha as the oldest Jaina Samskrta com., that has come to our hands. Besides, this Bhasya stands first amongst the Jaina Sanskrta svopajna commentaries available at present. Several Jaina authors' have written svopajna commentaries to their works written in Praksta and Samsksta, and so far as the Agamas are concerned only two names viz. those of Bhadrabahusvamin and Jinabhadra Gani Ksamasramana may be mentioned. The exegetical literature of the Agamas is not only in Samsketa and Praksta; for, it is in Gujarati, too. The Gujarati commentaries are given different names such as (1) Taboa, (2) Balavabodha, (3) Aksarartha, (4) Vartika, (5) Bhasa-tika etc. The words I abbo, Taba?, Tabu", Tabankas and Tabartha are also used for ?abo, and the last has Stabakartha for its Samsketa equivalent. It means a small com. Words such as Balavabodha need no explanation. There are Gujarati commentaries for several Agamas. For instance we have Tabos for Angas III, X and XI, Jambuddivapannatti, Nirayavalisuyakkhandha, Mahanisiha, Vavahara, Kappa, Uttarajjhayana, Sadavassaya, Causarana and Aurapaccakkhana, Balavabodhas for Angas I, III and VI, Uttarajjhayana, Sadavassaya, Santharaga and Nandi, Aksarartha for Aurapaccakkhana and Vartika for Ayara and Anuogaddara.? 1 (1) Candrarsi Maha'tara, (2) Haribhadra Suri, (3) the celebrated polygra pher, Hemacandra Suri, (4) Munisundara Suri, the sahasravadhanin and (5) Nyayavisarada Nyayacarya Yasovijaya Gani may be cited as the Sve tambara authors, and A kalanka and Vidyanandin as Digambara ones. 2 In the Catalogue of Mss. of the Limbdi Bhandara, the word Stabbaka is used in this sense. See pp. 2, 5 etc. 3 This is the designation used by H. T. Colebrooke. See Prof. A. B. Keith's Descriptive Catalogue of the Mss. in the Library of the India Office (p. 1257). 4 See D. C. J. M. (vol. XVII, pt. I, p. 186 ). 5 This word occurs in the Ms. (702 s of 1899-1915, B. O. R. I) of Santisagara's Tabo of Bandhasamitta. 6 See D. C. J. M. (vol. XVII, pt. I, p. 280). 7 For description of the corresponding Mss. see D.C..M. (vol. XVII, pts.I-III).
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________________ 204 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP. I have not come across commentaries on Agamas which are written in Hindi', Kannada and such other regional languages of India. So I shall end this topic by noting that the Gujarati commentaries were composed at best in the 13th century2 or so when Gujarat became a powerful centre of Jaina activities and when Jaina saints commenced to preach and explain their holy canon in Gujarati. Anyhow these commentaries cannot be dated earlier than the Gujarati language itself. Perhaps there must have been some commentaries in A pabhramsa, too, from which the old Gujarati language is derived. But none seems to be available now. Up to the time of Vajrasvamin, there were 4 anuyogas for each of the Agamas. But, since Aryaraksita Suri specified the anuyogas for different Agamas, 3 anuyogas out of 4 for the various Agamas became extinct. Jinaprabha Suri furnishes us with a specimen4 where we see the application of all the 4 anuyogas. Vide Anekartharatnamanjusa (pp. 127-133). These anuyogas may be regarded as exegesis. The English translations (and the like) of the Agamas may 1 2 3 4 5 Vacanika is a name for a Hindi com. usually belonging to a Digambara school which seems to designate sutra as Kaphi. Parsvacandra, pupil of Sadhuratna has written a Balavabodha on Ayara. One of its Mss. is dated as Samvat 1606. It was from the 5th century of the Vikrama era that Jainas had begun to settle in Gujarat, and by the 12th or 13th century, Gujarat had become a chief centre of Jainism. This is what Muni Kalyanavijaya says in his intro. (pp. 11-12) to the Gujarati translation of Prabhavakacaritra. It is v. 336 of Avassayanijjutti, and it begins with 45414. Out of them the following may be here noted: Ayara and Pajjosanakappa are translated (in A. D. 1884) into English with introduction, notes and an index by Prof. Jacobi, and they form vol. XXII of S. B. E. He translated in A. D. 1895 Suyagada and Uttarajjhayana on the same lines. This forms vol. XLV of S. B. E. Dr. Rudolf A. F. Hoernle translated the 7th Anga in A. D. 1888-1890, and Dr. L. D. Barnett the 8th and the 9th Aigas in A. D. 1907. Dr. Schubring translated and annotated Dasaveyaliya in A. D. 1932 and Prof. K. V. Abhyankara, too, in the same year. Mr. A. T. Upadhye has translated the 11th Anga
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________________ 205 VI ] THE CANONICAL EXEGETICAL LITERATURE not be looked upon as forming a part and parcel of the exegetical literature of the Agamas; but such is not the case with the critical notes thereon. Even then I cannot express any opinion about them as I have not gone through all of them. So I shall simply mention Dr. P. L. Vaidya's editions of the Angas 7 to 9 and 11, the Uvaigas II (Part II) and VIII to XII wherein he has given glossary, notes and introduction. Before I conclude this chapter I may note that Sangahanis1 are in a sense a type of exegetical literature, and it consists of verses It seems in Prakrta- the verses which are so to say mnemonic.2 some Sangahanis have got mixed up with their corresponding Agamas. Sangahanigahas occurring in Anga V (vide p. 127), Jogasangaha and Padikkamanasangahani are probably some of them. There is Isibhasiyasangahani. Besides these, as noted on p. 17 were Sangahanis for Uvangas, and their authors Dasapurvadharas. were there 2 Prof. H. B. Gandhi has translated with notes etc. in A. D. 1935. and annotated Rayapaseniya in A. D. 1938, and Prof. N. V. Vaidya has recently translated some chapters of the 6th Anga. The latter had translated Angas VIII and IX in 1937. 1 This word is used in Pakkhiyasutta (p. 66b) and in Pupphiya (the last sutta). This is the inference I draw from sangahanigahas occurring in Anuogaddara (s. 130, p. 145b), Paiiosanakappa (s. 117) etc.
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________________ CHAPTER VII COMPARISON AND EVALUATION The Jaina contributions are vast, varied and valuable. They have enriched in no small measure the treasures of the Indian literature. But, even then, till recently, their value was not probably realized. The Jaina contributions have many new things to suggest; but this requires a deep and scientific study. This is borne out by Prof. Winternitz who sounded a clarion call and 1 Prof. A. Weber has said very little about the Jaina literature in his famous Lectures on the History of Indian Literature (2nd German edn., 1876). But that was not his fault; for, it may be ascribed to the state of knowledge at that time. He made up this deficiency by giving a splendid account of the Jaina literature in the "Indische Studien" vols. XVI and XVII (1883-85) and in his Reports on Jaina Mss. in the Royal Library at Berlin (1888-91). He was the very pioneer of the Jaina Studies in Europe. "The brilliant and much-red book on the Literature and Culture of India by Leopold von Schrader, published in 1887, devotes half a page to the sect of the Jainas without even mentioning anything about Jaina literature." This is what is said by Prof. Winternitz in The Jainas in the History of Indian Literature published in "Indian Culture" (vol. I, No. 2, p. 143). History of Sanskrit Literature by the late Prof. A. A. Macdonell, published in 1900 has nothing to say about the Jaina literature.-Ibid., p. 143. A, Baumgartner in his learned compilation Die Literaturen Indiens und Ostasiens (forming a part of a voluminous Geschichte der Weltliteratur, 3rd and 4th edn. 1902) devotes 4 pages to the Jainas and their literature, and winds up this topic by quoting the following line from E. Washburn Hopkin's Religions of India (Boston, 1895, p. 296 f.): "The Jainas have no literature worthy of that name."--Ibid., p. 143. R. W. Frazer in his Literary History of India (1898) has well pointed out on p. 310 f., the great influence the Jainas have exercised on the Dravidian literature of the south India but he has nothing to say about Jaina literature and its place in the Samsksta and Praksta literature of India. --Ibid., p. 144 . H. Oldenburg in Die Literatur des alten Indien, published in 1903 disposes of the Jainas in three lines.-Ibid., pp. 143-144.
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________________ COMPARISON AND EVALUATION 207 awakened us from lethargy by contributing his scholarly quotawriting 172 pages on the religious literature of the Jainas in his marvellous work "AHistory of Indian Literature" vol. II. He says: "In the English translation of Vol. II of my 'History of Indian Literature' which has been just published, I had to devote 172 pages to Jaina literature. But I have treated in these pages only the religious literature, while reserving the non-religious poetical and scientific literature of the Jainas to the third volume of my book. I am, however, fully aware that I was not able to do full justice to the literary achievements of the Jainas. But I hope to have shown that the Jainas have contributed their full share to the religious, ethical, poetical, and scientific literature of ancient India." -Ibid., p. 144. The subject that I have selected for this book debars me from entering the majestic domain of the non-canonical literature' of the Jainas on the one hand, and the magnificient archive of their religious literature ( which for some reason or other could not be completely included in the canonical literature), on the other. With these preliminary remaks I shall proceed to examine the relative value of the canonical literature of the Jainas - a subject which has been incidentally hinted at, in the foregoing chapters. Languages--To begin with, we may take a survey of the linguistic field. Prakrta as a language holds no insignificant a place therein. It has several varieties, Pali, Addha:agahi and Soraseni being some of thein. Just as we owe the existence of the Pali literature to the Bauddhas and that of Avesta and Pahlavi to the Zoroastrians, so for the varied and vivid specimens of the Addhamagahi literature, we are grateful to the Jainas. As a crest-jewel of Addhamagahi specimens I may mention Ayara (I, 1). To my mind, its reading appears as it the very words of the first sermon delivered by Lord Mabavira or by his first apostle Indrabhuti are embodied herein; for, I notice here that there is 1 This topic has been discussed by me in A Comprehensive History of the non-eanonical Literature of the Jainas, but this work can be published only after the war is over. See Dr. S. M. Katre's article Names of Prakrit Languages published in "A Volume of Indian and Iranian Studies presented to Sir E. Denison Ross, Kt., C. I. E." 2
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________________ 208 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP. sublimity in thought, serenity in expression and veracity in words. In short it is a panacea for the afflicted and aspirants after truth. Had the Jainas not resorted to Addhamagahi language and developed and preserved it as they have done, perhaps we would not have been in a position to explain some of the forms and words occurring in the Rg-Veda, Suklayajunpratisakhya, Atharvasamhita, Taittiriyasamhita, Vajasaneyisamhita, Satapatha Brahmana, Gopatha Brahamana, Taittiriya aranyaka etc. Now a word about Apabhraiba language. It appears that the A pabhramsa literature consists mostly of the Jaina works, those composed by the non-Jainas being few and far between. Hemacandra Suri is the Panini of Apabhramsa grammar, and he has quoted several verses from the works of his predecessors. It remains to be ascertained if the following verse occurring in Silaka Suri's com. (p. 107) on Suyagada is found in any of his works: "koddhAyao ko samacitta kAho'vaNAhiM kAho dijjau vitta / / ko ugghADau parihiyau pariNIyau ko va kumAra paDiyau jIva khaDapphaDehiM baMdhai pAvaha bhaaru|" Probably the following verse, too, occurs in this com. "vari visa khaiyaM na visayasuha ikkasi visiNa mrNti| visayAvisa puNa ghAriyA Nara NaraehiM vi paDaMti // " These verses help us to some extent in fixing the period of the origin of A pabhramsa literature, though it may be argued that the very fact that the Addhamagahi language also known as Arsa and Rsibhasita is defined as one consisting of 18 Desi bhasas distinctly suggests that A pabbramsa is very very old and can be said to have its origin at least as early as the composition of the Jaina canon. I may now turn to the Samskrta language. We do not come across any Jaina canonical treatise which is written in Samskrta; but, if we can believe that the Puvvas were composed in Sams. krta (vide p. 89), their bulk can speak volumes about the Jaina contributions in Samsksta. But, as these Puvvas are now extinct, 1 For illustrations see Paja-sadda-mahannava (vol. IV, intro., p. 11). Dr. P. D. Gune's An Introduction to Comparative Philology (p. 192) may be also consulted.
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________________ VII] COMPARISON AND EVALUATION 209 I may refer to the Cunnis and Samskrta commentaries on the canonical treatises. Just as in the Vaidika mythology, we hear about the Nrsimha watura (the 4th incarnation) of Visnu and about Ardhanarisvara ripa (form) of Mahadeva, so in the Cunnis almost in every sentence we come across a portion in Prakrta? followed by a portion in Samskyta. This hybrid as some might term it, is probably due to the transitional period when an attempt was slowly but surely being made to compose the Juing exegetical canonical literature in Samskrta and not in Prakrta as before, Is there any parallel instance of this type anywhere else ? Samskyta language has been freely and fairly resorted to by Haribhadra Suri and other saints who followed him, while the were engaged in composing Samskrta commentaries on the Jaina canon. These commentaries and the Samskrta quotations occurring in Cunnis enrich the Samskrta literature. In the end I may say that the Gujarati commentaries on the Ayumas are very helpful for the study of the old Gujarati language. Intonation-It seems that most of the people are under the impression that intonation is associated with the Vedas only, so far as the Indian literature is concerned. But it is not so; for, in Anuogaddura (s. 151) we find the word ghosa used while delining this sutta and while indicating as to how it should be pronounced. This word ghosa meaning udatiadisvaravisesc occurs in Vavahara (X), too. In Tattvartha which is a compendium of a portion of the preachings of Arhat as stated in its Bhasyakorika (v. 22) we have in IX, 25, the word amnaya. It is explained as under in its Bhasya (p. 258):-- "mAmnAyo ghoSavizuddha parivartanaM guNanaM, rUpAdAnamityarthaH / " Siddbasena Gani while commenting upon it observes on p. 258: " AmnAyo'pi parivartanaM udAttAdiparizuddhamanuzrAvaNIyamabhyAsavizeSaH." From this it will be clear that udatta, anudatta and svarila are associated with the canonical literature of the Jainas, too; but, strange to say that neither do we come across any Juina Mss. 1 At lines llis prosents song features to bu had in thu Suurascui language. 27
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________________ 210 THE CANONICAL, LITERATURE OF THI: JAINAS ( CHAP of these works indicating udatte etc., nor do we find any Juina saint reciting their holy scriptures by paying attention to uduttu etc. Versificil commentaries---A work may be either in prose or in verse. Usually the text is in prosc, and at times it is in verse. But, probably a versified cornwentary is it novelty, and the fact that we have at least two versified commentaries' on one and the same text of the canonical literature of the Juinas, is still a greater novelty. For, I do not think that in the Indian literature there is any parallel to this feature of the Juinc literature. Synonyms -We have already noticed that yattu is one of the features of Vijjutti, and it should be 50; for, otherwise a commentary is not worth the name. A thing or a point gets correctly understood, when synonyms are suggested.3 This is one of the reasons why even in the original texts we find at times words practically having the same meaning used in one and the same sentence. Some of the Bauldhu texts may be cited as parallels. The cgulthuis of several words are referred to in Chapter VI. To this list may be added cythes of nikkheva (v. 150), sutta (v. 174), aruga (v. 187) and vili (v. 208) given in Kuppanijjutti above referred to. Some scholars go to the length of suggesting that the egottha we come across in the Nijjuttis is a progenitor of lexicography. If so, it immensely adds to the value of the canonical literature of the Juinus. I may add that at times the synonyms are purely Desya words, and hence they are very useful for the stud languages of olden India. 1 One of them is a Nijjuli and the othor Bhusa or at times Bhusas. 2 These occur in Sulraka's Mycchakatika (Act I, v. 18, 21, 23 ctc.). 3 Cf. "TaggaraagittiHITTUATA hufuzzri afarrziarz" -Haribhadra's com. (p. 17") on Dasaveyciliya. 4 Cf. the following verse of Kappanijjutti: "baMdhANulomA khalu muttammi ya lAghavaM asammoho / satthaguNadIvaNA vi ya egaTTaguNA havaMte / / 173 // " .5 "suya sutta gaMtha siddhata sAsaNe ANa vayaNa uveso| paNNavaNamAgame iya egaTTA pajjavA sutte // 174 // " In v179 the etymology of siddhantu (scripture) is given, and in v. 181-183 4 types of a scripture are outlined. 6 Sec Haribhadra Suri's collie (p. 17) on Dustlityuliya.
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________________ VII ] COMPARISON AND EVALUATION 211 Nilkheva'- Nikkheva is another constituent of Nivutti, and it seems to be a special feature of the Jaina literature. I think it owes its origin to anekantavida popularly known as syaduuda. It leaves no room for confusion so far as metaphysical discussions are concerned. For, every object is denoted by a word, and every word is usually seen to be used in four senses viz. numan, sthapana, dravya and bhava. Out of them drary has further varieties, and they are to be met with, in several Jaina works c. g. Anuogaddura (s. S-27). Here the word uvoussriya is discussed, and all the varieties pertaining to it are noticed therein. Nirutta-Nirukta is an etymological interpretation. It is a name of one of the six Vedangas, and it contains glossarial explanation of obcure words occurring in the Vedas. It is also a name of Yaska's com. on the Nighantu; but it may be noted that this is not the name given by Yaska himself. This topic of nirukta (Pr, nirutta) is discussed in Anuogaddura (s. 130; p. 150") etc. Some of the words for which niruttas occur in Nijjuttis are noted by me in Chapter VI. So I shall here simply add that in v. 188 of kirppanijjutti with its Bhusa, nirutta is defined, and its two varieties viz. suttri-nirutta and attha-nirutta are mentioned, and in v. 29-30 of Dasavcyuliyanijuttia the word wjhayance is derived. All the extant Ninjuttis more or less indulge in the discussion of niruttas. So it will be a matter of great pleasure, if some one undertakes to collect and co-ordinate them; for, it will be then easy to compare these etymologies with ones discussed elsewhere. This is another instance how the Indian literature gets cnriched by Jaina contributions. GrammarThe caronical literature furnishes us with some 1 The nikkovas of several worls have been already noteil. So it will suffice if I add that those of mangala, inda, nandi, suya, sutta, gantha and vayana are treated in Kanpanijjutti mixed up with its Bhasa in its verses 5, 12-15, 24, 175-177, 178. 178 and 185 respectively. Haribhadra Suri in his com. on this work mentions etymologies of some worls e. g. YA (p. 212 ), faq (p. 22), arta (p. 23a), A HOT (p. 23a) etc. 2
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________________ 212 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP grammatical information, which has its own importance', though it does not by any means add to our stock of knowledge by way of an original contribution. To begin with, Ayara (II, 4, 1; s. 355) mentions 3 numbers, 3 genders, 3 tenses and 3 persons. Thana (s. 609) deals with 8 cases and their functions. The pertinent portion occurs almost rod verbatim in Aruogadtara (s. 128). This latter work notes in s. 130 Thuvappamang and its 4 varieties viz. samusiya, tadahiya, dhauya and niruttiya. Under the 1st variety, 7 kinds of compounds are noted along with their illustrations, The 2nd variety is cight-fold. Herein while explaining iloiinima Maladharin Hemacandra Suri says that since Srbdaprubhrta is extinct, it is not possible to explain it in its entirety. Under the 3rd variety we have "ANTI PREA#191 gaat" etc., whereas under the 4th we have etymologies attended to e. g. "Hai ta Afya:" etc. This portion is to some extent in Sanskrta which is rather unusual. In s. 123 there is an exposition of genders and the corresponding endings (see pp. 1110-112"), and in s. 124 that of euphony. Verse 325 of Kappanijjutti mixed up with its Bhasa mentions 5 types? of paya - a topic discussed in s. 123 of Anuogaidara, and v. 320, 4 types of payattha such as simasiya etc., already noted. In the com. (p. 3j to v. 2 of this work, it is noted that certains letters and the dual number have no place in Praketa whereas in the com. (p. 99) on v. 326, are given the names of 7 kinds of compounds along with their examples, S varieties of touldhita etc. Kotyacarya in his com. (p. 129) on Viscsao quotes a verset whereby we learn that in Prakrta, the dual number is represented by the plural, and the dative case is replaced by the genitive.s 1 For instance, it is in Prakrta. Bharata's Natyasastra (SVII, pp. 367-369) is another example of this type; for, it mentions in Prakrta some characteristics of this language. Further the Agamas give its an idea about concorl in Prakrta works-a topic discussed by Prof. A. M. Ghatage in his article entitled Concord in Prakrit Syntax and published in the "Annals of B. O. R. I" (vol. XXI, pts. I-II, pp. 73-96). 2 " nAma nivAubasagaM akkhAiya missayaM ca nAyavvaM / paMcavihaM hoi payaM lakkhaNakArehi niddidraM // 325 // " 3 See Visesao (v. 3455). It begins with "0.84 TomTTON" 4 Its 2nd foot is quoted by Haribhadra Suri in his com. (p. 1b) on Da saveyaliya. 5 For details see my article Grammatical topics in Parya to be published hereaftor,
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________________ VII] COMPARISON AND EVALUATION 213 Portics--As noted on p. 161 Anuogaddara (s. 130) mentions 9 kavyarasas along with their illustrations. Therein the mention of velanai as one of the rasas seems to be unique'. Incidentally I may state that Thana supplies us with a lot of upamiis, and various descriptions occurring in the Agamns show the poetical ability of the authors concerned. Sutta.--- Leaving aside the 1st suyakkhandha of Suya gada and the 6th qilayana, of its and soyakkhandha, and several ajjhayanas of Uttarrilayima and some of the Painnages, we have the rest of the Juina, canon mostly written in prose. They consist of small sentences which are styled as sutrus (Pr. suttrus), and this is supposed to have led to every Agama being designated as siitra". Even Prof. Winternitz uses this terminology; for, he has used the word Ayaramgasutta in his article (p. 147) referred to on p. 206, fn. 1.5 It is true that these suttas appear at times 1 For details see my article "694101' 24" published in Manasi ( vol. VI, No. 1, pp. 19-24). 2 Some of these are noted in the foregoing pages. To these may be added the escription of Kacchulla Narada given in Nuyadhammakahu (I, XVI; s. 122) anul that of a person to be executed in Vivagasuya ( II; $ 37). 3 This word is used in the Indian literature of olden days in various senses: (i) A short rule, a concise sentence or an aphorism used as an aid to memory. This is what is conveyed by the following verse: ***9127Hafa Anat faxalqal sala 74 afar fare: ll"-Cf. p. 214, fn. 4. The main idea is to achieve the utmost economy of language that can be hail without marring the intended sense. (ii) Awork consisting of pithy sentences e. g. Astadhyayi known as Pininisutra. (iii) Awork having short sentences where the utmost verbal economy is not strictly aimed at. The Pratisakhyas, Srautasatras, (irhyasutras and Dharmasutras are the works which may be cited as instances. (iv) A liscourse or a sermon. This meaning is applicable to the sacred works of the Jainas and the Bauddhas. 4 I am inclined to believe that this word here means a scripture and not a pithy sentence, though both these meanings are conveyed by this word. 5 It remains to be ascertained as to who was the first to have added the word sutta as a suflix to the name of an Agama, I do not think that the anthor of the work concerned, has done so.
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________________ 214 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP as disconnected members of a joint family. Commentators have tried their level best to show how a subsequent sutta is connected with the preceding one; but, even then this has failed to satisfy some of the modern critics. The nature of some of the sultas is such that the free translation is desirable, and Mr. G. J. Patel in his nivedana (p. 5) to Ayara has already said so, while justifying as to why he has preferred chayanuvada to the literal translation. In doing so he has said that the method he has adopted is one approved of by Prof. A. B. Dhruva. In this very Ayiara we find that Prof. Schubring splits up sentences --suttas in a way that differs from one to be noticed in the Agamodaya Samiti cdition. So it seems that the suttas are so composed that there is ample space for such differences of opinion. Perhaps this is true not only in the case of the Jaina suttas but also in the case of some of the Bauddha suttas and Vaiilika sutras, too. The word sutta is used in special senses in the Jaina canon, One of them is defined as under in Kappanijjutti mixed up with its Bhasa:"appAgaMtha mahatthaM battIsAdosavirahiyaM jaM c| lakkhaNajuttaM suttaM aTahi ya guNehi uvaveyaM // 277 // " From this it will be seen that brevity of expression is only one of the characteristics of a sutta, the others being absence of 32 defects and presence of 8 attributes. These 32 defects are treated in v. 278-281, and the s attributes in v. 282. Verse 3103 gives the various etymologies of the word sutta, and they, too, point out the special significance of this word. Verse 2854 defines a sutta spoken of by an omniscient being, and v. 315 mentions 3 varieties of sutta from two different stand-points. From one angle of 1 They can be grouped as has been done by Mr. G. J. Patel in his trans lation of Anga V. 2 "AyA raMgasUtrane A anuvAda sUtrakRtAMganA anuvAdanI mArUka chAyAnuvAda ja che. jUnAM Agamana bAbatamAM e anuvAdapaddhati ja vadhu upayogI che, ema AcAryazrI AnaMdazaMkarabhAI jevA zAstrajJa paMDitoe paNa kabUla karyuM che. 3 sutta tu suttameva u ahavA suttaM tu taM bhave leso| atthasma mRyaNA vA suvuttamida vA bhave suttaM // 31 // " 4 "appakkharamasaMdiddhaM sAravaM vissajomuhaM / atthobhamaNavajaM ca sutta sambannubhAmiyaM // 28 //
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________________ COMPARISON AND EVALUATION 215 VII 1 vision, sulla is three-fold viz, sanna-sutta,' karaga-sulta2 and payarana-sutta, and from another it is of two kinds viz. ussaggiya and aca voi ya In the com. (p. 97 on v. 318, 3 varieties of a sutra are differently noted. They are: utsargasutra, aparadasutra and utsargapavadasutra. Further, this com. adds apavadotsargasutra to these three and thus notes 4 varieties of a sutta. It also fur nishes us with corresponding examples. This exposition of the various varieties of a sutta has its own value, even when it has a parallel in the non-Jaina literature. equivalents such as Out of these the last The word sutta has several Samskrta supla, sruta, sukta, sutra, srotra and srotas. two are here, out of question. And so is the 1st meaning of sutra out of 3 viz. (i) a prologue of a drama (vide Mohaparajaya 48), (ii) a scripture (vide Thana iv, 4) and (iii) a thread. The meaning 'thread' is acceptable; for, it can be construed as a thread of tradition- the tradition preserved and perpetuated by a succession of Tirthankaras. There are two allegations made by some of the scholars" regarding the word sulta used by the Jainas and the Bauddhas. They are: (i) The word sutta is used in the loosest sense possible. 1-3 Ayara (I, 2, 5, 88), Viahapannatti (I, 9, 79) and Namipavajja are the respective instances of these suttas. J By adding vihi-sutta, ujjama-sulla, vannaya-sulla and bhaya-sutla to these 8 varieties we get 7. See Arhatadarsanadipika (p. 816). 5 A sulla becomes six-fold when two more varieties of it vi utsargotsargusitra and apavadapavadasutra, are taken into account along with this. Ibid., pp. 818-819. 6 Prof. Jarl Charpentier is one of them. In his intro. (p. 32) to his edition of The Ullaradhyayanusutra he says: "It may further be noted that the term sutra is in reality very inappropriate to the sort of compositions included in the Siddhanta, inasmuch as we usually understand by sutra's the very short and concise compendiums of ritual, grammar, philosophy and other sciences. But sutra has apparently another sense amongst the Jains and Buddhists, and there is little doubt that it was their purpose in adopting this name rather to contest the claims of their Brahmanical opponents to be solely in possession of real canonical works than to imitate the style and modes of expression of the Brahmanical sutra-literature."
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________________ 216 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP. (ii) The name siitra is adopted "for the canonical writinys more as a sort of formal counterpoise or set-off against Brahmanism than with a view to imitating the style and modes of expres. sion of the Brahmanical sutra literature."?! May I request these scholars and those who hold similar views to go through my exposition of sutlu, and to pronounce their verdict in this connection after linking it with the Juin tradition that every sulla was originally associated with I muyoy os and that a sutta has vot a number of meanings ?? Incidentally I may add that some of the Brahmanes and Upanisails are said to be loose in style, wanting in compactness and full of dreary repetitions. If so, it is perhaps owing to the mode of the theological style of olden days in India. Gata-pratyagatu-sutrast-One of the striking features of Ayuru is that is consists of a number of galu-pralyajala-sitrus, They may be roughly designated as scomaryaptiku-sulras or double-baralled pithy sentences. These sutros, though simple, are inore than forcible in producing a desired effect on the listener. As specimens I may note the following: "je loyaM abhAikkhai se attANaM abhAikkhai; batu pahrstag # 17az." (. 25 & 32) "je dIhalogasatthassa kheyaNNe se asatthassa kheyaNNe; BACHEH JUTOut #aletrachta agit." (s. 33 ) " JU A 2410; 3103 TOT." (s. 41) "je ajjhatthaM jANai se bahiyA jANai; afegt 57073 A 35853 FANUZ." (s. 57) " Tur # agrot; paid it." (s. 63 ) "Het siat aet aft; FED af agt sial." (s. 94 ) 1 Sce Thc Dasavaikalikasutra: A Study (p. 19). . Cf. "Haranaufrara 4724" occurring in Haribhadra Suri's com. (p. 4*) on Dasaveyuliya, 8 See Mr.M.C. Modi's intro, (p. xxxvii) to his edition of Angas VIII atid IX, 1 This is the designation we come across in silanka Suri's com. (2). 153*) on Ayara: a means fire, for, de signifies vonasputi. Similarly V (s. 36 meanwind. Words like 99 ( 62 ). 34iru (5. 88) etc. may also notod in this colinection.
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________________ VII J COMPARISON AND EVALUATION (s. 110) "je aNannadaMsI se aNaNArAme; je aNaNArAme se aNannadakhI. " ( s. 102 ) "je pajjavajjAyasatthassa kheyaNNe se asatthassa kheyaNNe; je asatthassa kheyaNe se pajjavajjAyasatthassa kheyaNNe. " "jaM jANijjA uccAlaiyaM taM jANijjA dUrAlaiyaM; ja jANijjA dUrAlaiyaM taM jANijjA uccAlaiyaM. " "je egaM jANai se savvaM jANai; je savvaM jANai se egaM jANai . " ( s. 123 ) (s. 119) 66 je AsavA te parissabA, je parissavA te AsavA." (s. 131) " je aNAsavA te aparistavA, je aparissavA te aNAsavA." (s. 131 ) 217 Prasnottara paddhati-We are even now in the dark about many things and phenomena. One of the ways to remove this darkness and to aquire the right sort of knowledge is to make an inquiry. This means putting questions either to oneself or to some one else who can enlighten us on the point concerned. Usually the latter course is easy to be followed.' This leads to a formation of prasnottara paddhati -a method adopted and approved of by even the present educational system. In this method, it is necessary to select pregnant questions. It is perhaps a peculiar feature of the Jaina canon that herein we come across entire works embodying such questions. They are Viahapannatti, Pannavana, Nandi and Anuogaddara. Out of them the first comprises thirtysix thousand (36,000) questions. Ethics-The Jaina ethics is not without its specialities. The doctrine of ahimsa forms the corner-stone of Jaina ethics, and its treatment and scope hold practically a unique place even when other systems of Indian thought which appreciate the virtue of ahimsa, are taken into account. The doctrine of ahimsa is not so 1 Indrabhuti and others did so. 2 It appears that this subject has not attracted as much attention of the scholars as it should, though there are materials whereby a comprehensive treatise can be written in this connection. I know of only three attempts made in this direction. One of them was made by Dr. Charlotte Krause as can be seen from her article An interpretation of Jaina Ethics. I think she has written another article in this connection, and it has been published in some standard journal of India. I remember to have read one article in German where the Jaina view about ethics was compared with the Zoroastrian one; but I am not in a position at present to specify the source. 28
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________________ 218 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [ CHAP. simple as it appears. It is a subtle science, and the Jainc pontiff's" have pointed out its various intricacies.2 Panhavagaruna (s. 21) mentions 60 synonyms of ahimsa and 30 of himsa in s. 2. Maxims-It is but natural that in works dealing with religion and ethics, one can easily come across maxims - apopthegms (subhasitas). In the canonical literature we find a lot of them. Mr. G. J. Patel has singled out some of them in his following works:1 Heratzearatat e attaa [Ha 3911827arcin' at 31415918 ] pp. 193-203. 2 2 8 ATA [, i again'at , pp. 241-250. 3 ,, eifah 3997 (eitsFiT1574gt glergara ) pp. 271-281. 4 astaigal 3927 [ xitariaaiisuga) pp. 138-146. The following remark made by Prof. Winternitz in connection with the contents of Uttarajjhayana may be here noted: "We find here many sayings which excel in aptitude of comparison or pithiness of language. As in the Sutta-Nipata and the Dhammapada, some of these series of sayings are bound together by a common refrain.- A His. of Ind. Lit. (vol. II, p. 467) Metaphysics-It is a well-known fact that the theory of kurman plays an important part in the Jaina metaphysics and ethics as well. It has engaged the attention of several Jaina authors who have developed it into a science. This has been possible in view of the various particulars pertaining to this theory being dealt with in the Agumas such as Thana (II, 4; s. 105; IV, s. 268; & VIII; S. 596 ), Samavaya (s. 51, 52, 58, 69 & 97), Vialapannutti (I, 4, 1; VI, 3, 4-5; VI, 9, 1; & VIII, 10, 7), Kammapuyauli-pahuder, the 8th Puvva, Pannavana (XXIII-XXVII) and Uttar ujjhayana (XXXIII). Logic-By logic I mean pure logic having only one category viz. pramanu which, of course, touches upon other categories as far as they are necessary for its proper elaboration. Thus the doctrine of the nature and salvation of the soul has no direct place in this pure logic. So far as the Jainas are concerned, their logic deals with 3 topics viz. pramana, naya and nikscpa. The latter 1 - 2 See Arhatadarsanadipila (pp. 835-849). See Viahapannatti (1, 8; 68), Dasaveyaliyanijjutti (v. 45) and Haribhadra Suri's com. (pp. 246-25a) on this last work.
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________________ VII] COMPARISON AND EVALUATION 219 two topics are the special features of this logic. In Thana (VII; s. 552 ), Anuogaddara (s. 152) and Visesao (v. 2180-2278 ) there is a description of naya and its 7 kinds. Pramana or valid knowledge is classified in Thana (IV, 3; $. 3387), Viahapannatti (V, 4; 192) and Anuogaddara (s. 144; pp. 211-219a2). The word heii ( Sk. hctus ) is used in Thana in 2 senses viz., pramanct and reason - inference based on reasons. The word heii occurs in Dasaveyaliyanijjutti", too. In its v. 867, it is said to be four-fold. Several terms of debate occur in Suyagada. They are: pakkhas (a party), chala' (a quibble), viyakkaro (speculation) and takka". In Thana (s. 338) we come across the word nau (Sk. jnata ) meaning an example. It is there divided into 4 i " gefta qoulet, 77T-ara SWATT 3117A TAI 2 Herein pramana is said to be four-fold: pratyaksa, anumana, aupamja and agama. Out of these pratyalisa has two varieties viz. indriya-pratyalsa and no-indriya-pratyaksa. The former has 5 sub-varieties and the latter 3. Anumana is of 3 kinds: purvavat, sesavat and dystisadharmyavat, Out of these, the 2nd is of 5 types and the 3rd, of two types. Aupamya has 2 varieties, each of which has 3 sub-varieties. Agama is of 2 kinds and of 3 kinds as well. In v. 25-27 of kappanijjutti, there is a discussion about pratyaksa and paroksa pramanas. Visesao (v. 95 ) says that inferential knowledge is absolutely paroksa, avadhijnana etc. absolutely pratyaksa, and one based npon sense-organs and mind saivyavahari-pratyaksa. 3 Hemacandra Suri in his com. (p. 2138-p. 213b) on Anuogaddara has discussed the characteristics of a hetu. While doing so he las quoted several verses one of which is ascribed to Nyayavadin Purusacandra by him. 4 See fn. 1. 5 atthi taM asthi so heU 1, atthi taM Natthi so heU 2, Natthi taM asthi so heU 3. patthi taM Natthi so heU / " (IV, 3; s. 338). Herein one can see the germs of a syllogism. 6 "jiNavayaNaM siddhaM ceva bhaNNae katthaI udAharaNaM / Asajja u soyAraM heU vi kahiMci bhaNNejja // 49 // " 7 "ahavA vi imo heU vinneo tatthimo cuviappo| jAvaga thAvaga vaMsaga lUsaga heU cauttho u / / 86 // " 8-9 "# 9970 TEC TEE Sorot 7 II"-I, 12, 5. 10 "gar faqafe at 31 45arfeyri 3000 faqafe 3TYAT FE GRE112311"-I, 1, 2 11 "ug 7 par qarT lfati arsa sot te ger119211"-1, 1, 2
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________________ THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP. kinds', each having 4 varieties. Further this Anga enumerates 6 expedients employed in a hostile debate or debate a l'outrance", and it enumerates 10 defects of a debate. In Dasaveyaliyanijjutti (v. 137) are mentioned 10 members of a syllogism, and in v. 138-148 is given a demonstration of this syllogism as applied to ahimsa. 220 Syadvada-Syadvada having anekantavada etc., for its synonyms, is a key-note of Jainism. So it is no wonder, if we find several references pertaining to it in the canonical and non-canonical philosophical works of the Jainas. The word aneganta occurs in Mahanisiha as can be seen from its quotation in Upadesaratnakara of Munisundara Suri (B. O. R. I., No. 1263 of 1884-87). The word siya (Sk. syat) is found in Jivajivabhigama (s. 125) and Anuogaddara (s. 142), and the word syadvada occurs in Hemacandra's com. (p. 266) on Anuogaddura. The origin and usage of syadrada can be traced in Viahapannatti (V, 7, 1) where it is said: "paramANupoggale NaM bhaMte eyati veyati jAva taM taM bhAvaM pariNamati ? goyamA / siya eyati, veyati jAva pariNamati, siya No eyati jAva No pariNayati". Another passage occurring in this Anga (s. 318) may be also noted: "star ari fa a fa." Saptabhangi-We notice the three fundamental bhangas which lead to seven on further investigation, in the following lines of the 5th Anga: "goyamA ! appaNo AdiTThe AyA, parassa AdiTThe no AyA, tadubhayassa Adi abattavvaM AtAti ya No AtAti ya / " "6 1 'cauvvihe NAe paNNatte, taM jahA-AharaNe, AharaNataddese, AhAraNataddose, uvaNNAsovaNae" (s. 388 ). Cf. Dasaveyaliyanijjutti (v. 53). 2 " chavvihe vivAde paNNatte, taM jahA - osakkatittA, ussakaittA, aNulomaittA, paDilomaittA, bhattA, bhelatittA / " -Thana (VI; s. 512) 3 " dasavihe dose paNNatte, taM jahA tajjAyadose, maibhaMgadose, pasatthAradose, pariharaNadose / salakkhaNa-kAraNa- heudose, saMkAmaNa, niggaha vatthudose ||" (X; s. 748 ) 4 "te upainna vibhattI heu vibhattI vivakkha paDiseho / dito AsaMkA tapaDiseho nigamaNaM ca // 137 // " 5 In v. 50, a syllogism having 5 members is referred to. These members appear to be the same as bratijna, hetu, udaharani, upanaya and nigamana mentioned in Gautama's Napasutra (2, 3, 32) 6 For a tentative list of sources dealing with syadvada see my intro. (pp. xi-xii) to Anekantajayapataka (vol. I) published with two commentaries. (G. O. S.) 7 Cf. "AyA puNa siya NANe, siya annANe" - Anga V ( ? )
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________________ VII) COMPARISON AND EVALUATION 221 Parallels in non-Jaina Literatura--Just as the word tripitaka and its Pali equivalent occur in the Bauddha literature so do the word gaaipitaka and its Praksta equivalent ganipidaga in the Jaina literature. This ganipidaga is twelve-fold inasmuch as it consists of 12 Angas. Out of them Ayara may be compared with the Vinayapitaka of the Bauddhas, and Thana and Samavaya, with their Anguttaranikaya. Further, the stories pertaining to the fructification of merit and demerit which are embodied in Vivagasuya may be compared with Avadanasataka and Karmasataka of the Bauddhas. Similarly the Paesi-Kesi dialogue occurring in Rayapaseniya has a parallel in the Payasisutta of the Dighanikaya Nr. 23. In this connection Prof. Winternitz says in The Jainaus. in the Ilis. of Ind. Lit. (p. 147): "The original may in this case be the Jaina dialogue, but it is also possible that both have to be derived from an older Itihasa-sanvada, forming part of the ancient ascetic literature."I All the Cheyasuttas such as Nisiha etc., have almost the same contents as we meet with under the name of vinaya in the Bauddha literature. Just as Pajjosanakappa deals with the life of Lord Mahavira, so does Lalitavistara, a Bauddha work so far as the life of Lord Buddha is concerned. The famous saying of King Janaka of Mithila (after he had adopted asceticism ) viz. "How boundless is my wealth as I possess nothing ! When Mithila is on fire, nothing that is mine will be burnt, occurring in the Mahabharata? (XII, 1 Prof. Winternitz in The Jainas in the His. of Ind. Lit. (p. 145, fn.) says: "If I am not mistaken, E. Leumann (2. D. M. G. 48, 1894, p. 65 ff.) was the first to speak of a 'Parivrajaka Literature', though not quite in the same sense as I use the term 'Ascetic Litereture'. See my lecture on 'Ascetic Literature of Ancient India' in Some problems of Indian Literature (Calcutta University Press, 1925), p. 21 ff." 2 "In many cases rerses and Itihasa-samvadas of the Mahabharata have actually been traced in Pali Gathas, and in Jaina books. A very remarkable example of the latter is the fine dialogue between a father and his son in the Mahabharata, XII, 175 (repeated XII, 277), which occurs also-with variants in the Markandeya-Purana, X ff., in the Buddhist Jataka (Nr. 509 in Fausbull's edition), and again in the Uttarajjhayanasutta (Adhy, XIV) of the Jainas."--The Jainas in the His, of Ind. Lit. (p. 146)
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________________ 222 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP, 178, 2) is found in the Jataka Nr. 539 g. 125 and has a parallel in the Uttarajjhayana (IX), a work about which Prof. Winternitz remarks: "from a literary point of view perhaps the most interesting book". The legend of King Nami where the ascetic ideal is contrasted with that of the ruler and the warrior is noted by Jarl Charpentier in Studien zur indischen Erzahlungsliteratur I, Paccekabuddhageschichten (Uppasala, 1908) and 2. D. M. G. (vol. LXVI, 38ff.). Ajjhayana XII has a counterpart in the Matangajataka Nr. 497 as shown by Charpentier in Z. D. M. G. (vol. LXIII, 171 ff.), whereas the legend of Citta and Sambhuta occurring in ajjhayana XIII has been long ago compared with Jatoka Nr. 498 by Prof. Leumann.' Ascetic Literature - This is the terminology coined by Prof. Win. ternitz, in view of his having noticed in Bauddha texts? Samanas and Brahmanas, and in Asoka inscriptions Samana-bambhana and on finding Megasthenes making a clear distinction between Brahmanas and Sramanas. He notes the following characteristic features of this literature in The Jainas in the His. of Ind. Lit. (p. 145): "It disregards the system of castes and asramas; its heroes are, as a rule, not gods and Rsis, but kings or merchants or even Sudras. The subjects of poetry taken up by it are not Brahmanic myths and legends, but popular tales, fairy stories, fables and parables. It likes to insist on the misery and sufferings of Sanisara, and it teaches a morality of compassion and Ahimsa, quite distinct from the ethics of Brahmanism with its ideals of the great sacrificer and generous supporter of the priests, and its strict adherence to the caste system." The ballad of King Nami (Uttara IX) and the legend of Citta and Sambbuta (XIII) are specimens of the ascetic literature3. 1 See Wiener Zeitschrift fur die Kunde des Morgenlandes (V, 111 fl.; VI, I ff.). 2 In Jaina works, too, we come across Samana and Bambhana (vide Si yagada I, 6, 1; II, 6, 4 & 12), and Lord Mahavira himself is at least four times addressed as Bambhana. Vide the ending verse of each of the 4 uddesas of Ayara (IX). 3 Many pieces of ascetic poetry are found in the Mahabharata, specially in its XIIth parvan. Out of them may be singled out the beautiful itihasa-samvada of Jajali and Tuladhara (261-264) where Tuladhara, the shopkeeper of Benares, teaches the Brahmana Jajali, 'the eternal religion of love'. For other instances see The Jainas in the His. of Ind. Lit, (pp. 145-146 ).
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________________ VII] COMPARISON AND EVALUATION Many verses of the Ayara and Suyagada which in form and contents, can just as well be included in the Bauddha Suttanipata or Dhammapada belong to the samana literature of ancient India. I need not dilate upon this topic any more. So I may conclude it by reproducing the following words of Prof. Winternitz: 223 "We sec, then, that in the sacred texts of the Jainas a great part of the ascetic literature of ancient India is embodied (the italics are not mine), which has also left its traces in Buddhist literature as well as in the epics and Puranas. Jaina literature, therefore, is closely connected with the other branches of postVedic religious literature."-The Jainas in the His. of Ind. Lit. (p. 147) Narrative Literature and Folk-lore-Students of narrative literature need not be reminded of the fact that as shown by Prof. Johannes Hertel, the most popular recensions of the Pancatantra are the work of the Jainas, and that it is in all probability a Jaina to whom we owe the so-called 'Textus Simplicitor' of the Pancatantra, and the Jaina saint Puranabhadra completed in 1199, the Pancakhyanaka or the Pancatantra in the Textus ornatior." Some of the Angas and their exegetical literature provide us with all sorts of narratives, legends3, stories, tales, parables, fables, anecdotes and ballads, to mention a few out of many. It is the careful investigation of this narrative litertaure of the Jainas that makes Prof. Hertel utter the following words in "On the literature of the Shvetambaras of Gujarat (p. 8): "Characteristic of Indian narrative art are the narratives of the Jains. They describe the life and the manners of the Indian population in all its different classes, and in full accordance with reality. Hence Jain narrative literature is, amongst the huge mass of Indian literature, the most precious source not only of folk-lore in the most comprehensive sense of the word, but also of the history of Indian civilization. "The Jain's way of telling their tales differs from that of the Bauddhas in some very essential points. Their main story is not that of the past, but that of the present; they do not teach their doctrines directly, but indirectly; and there is no future Jina to be provided with a role in their stories, "Jain stories are much more reliable sources of folk-lore than the stories handed down in the books of the Bauddhas."-p. 9 1 See The Jainas in the His. of Ind. Lit. (p. 149). 2 For 4 varieties of narrations see Thana (IV, 2; s. 282). 3 The legend of the sons of Sagara and the descent of the Ganges is found in Nemicandra Suri's com. (pp. 233-236) on Uttarajihayana (XVIII, 35).
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________________ 224 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [cuAP. These remarks and one made by him on p. 11 goad me to say that the narrative literature embodied especially in the Cunnis and sikas of the Agamas deserves to be specially studied by one who wants to have a complete picture of world-sociology in general and Indian sociology in particular. I may add that Aigas VI and VII furnish us with materials whereby we can prepare articles like Occupations and Professions as seen in the Ramayana." They supply us with specimens of short stories. Music- The seven svaras of the musical scale or gamut are mentioned in Thana (VII). These along with their sthanas, the birds and beasts that utter these notes, the musical instruments which give rise to these notes, the advantages occurring from singing particular svaras, 3 gramas, 21 murcchanas, and the art of singing are dealt with in Anuogaddara (s. 127). Further Abhaya. deva Suri in his com. (p. 659b) on Vialapannatti (XV; s. 539) notes gatamarga, the pertinent line being "mArgoM gItamArga-nRtyamArgalakSaNau arhiada". Staging of dramas-In Rayapaseniya (s. 24 ) we come across the staging of a drama in 32 ways. Out of them, some of the poses produce an appearance of some of the letters -- a feature hardly to be found elsewhere in the staging of any drama. In Nemicandra Suri's com. (p. 1966) on Uttarajjhayana (XIII), there is mention of a natyavidhi named Mahuyarigiya. Erotic-It niay sound strange that the Jain, canon which ought to discuss and define religion pure and simple, contains an exposition of erotic elements. But this can be explained on the ground that a novice is as much in need of being told what he ought to refrain from as he is in need of being told what he ought to indulge in. So erotic discussions do deserve to be treated. Even names of standard works of this science deserve mention in the canonical treatises, and this is exactly what we find in 1 This is an article by Mr. P. C. Dharma, M. A., L. T., and it is published in the Annals of B. 0. R. I. (vol. XIX, pt, II, pp. 127-146). * 2 Names of some of the musical instruments are given in, Viahapannatti (V, .. 4, 1), Rayapaseniya (s. 23), Malayagiri Suri's com. (p. 26) on Nandi eto.
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________________ VII ] COMPARISON AND EVALUATION Anuogaddara (s. 41) and Nandi (s. 42). Even the Dasaveyaliyanijjutti (v. 259-262) furnishes us with some materials in this direction. Four types of kama are treated in Thana (IV, 4; s. 357), and a detailed exposition of sexual indulgence is given in Thana (s. 116, 122 & 123), Viahapannatti (VII, 7; s. 289), Pannavana (XXXIV) etc. 1 225 Mathematics-In 1923 I was given a Research grant by the University of Bombay to carry on research on "Jaina Mathematics". The various results then arrived at have been dealt with at length by me in the intro. (pp. i-xlvii) to Ganitatilaka'. So I shall here mention only a few points: (i) Viahapannatti (s. 90) and Uttarajjhayana (XXV, v. 7, 8 & 38) inform us that knowledge of sankhyana and jyotisa is one of the main accomplishments of a Jaina saint. (ii) Geometry is spoken of in Suyagadanijjutti (v. 154) as the lotus of Mathematics. 3 4 (iii) Bhangas are likely to remind a student of Mathematics of 'Permutations and Combinations'. They are mentioned in Thana (X; s. 716), and their two varieties are noted and explained by Abhayadeva Suri in his com. (p. 478) to this Anga. Silanka Suri in his com. (p. 9") to Suyagadanijjutti (v. 28) has given us 3 verses which supply us with 3 rules. The first verse enables us to determine the total number of transpositions which can be made when a specific number of things is given, whereas the other two help us in finding the actual spread of representation. The problem known as Gangeya-bhanga and treated in Viahapannatti (IX; s. 372-374) may be specially mentioned as one of the typical problems connected with this branch of Mathematics.4 This is edited by me with the com. of Simhatilaka Suri, and it is published in Gaekwad's Oriental Series as No. LXXVIII. 2 In this com. (p. 317) there is mention of Simandharasvamin. He is a Tirthankara living in Mahavidcha ksetra according to the Jaina belief. Sce my intro. (p. xiii) to Ganitalilaka. Viscsao (v. 942-943) gives us a method of working out ananupurvi, leaving aside purvanupurvi and pascanupurvi, a subject pertaining to bhangas. 29
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________________ 226 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS ( CHAP (iv) Thana (X; s. 747) mentions 10 kinds of calculation which are differently interpreted by different scholars. (v) Thana (II, 4; s. 95), Suriyapannatti ( VIII, 29; p. 861), Jambuddivapannatti (s. 18 ) and Anuogaddara (s. 137) give us names of notational places, the last beiny Sisa puheliya which stands for (84 lacs)28 years, but which according to Joisakarandaga (v. 64-71) stands for (84 lacs) years. (vi) Uttarajjhayana ( XXX, v. 10, 11 ) furnishes us with the names of powers 2, 3, 4, 6 and 12, whereas Anuogaddaru (s. 142) deals with successive squares and square-roots. (vii) 21 kinds of numbers are treated in Aruvgaddara (s. 146). In this connection Dr. Bibhutibhusan Datta says:"It wlll be noticed that in the classification of numbers stated above, there is an attempt to define numbers beyond Alef-zero....... The fact that an attenpt was made in India to define such numbers as early as the first century before the Christian era, speaks highly of the speculative faculties of the ancient Jaina mathematicians."--The Jainu School of Mathematics (p. 142) published in "Thu Bulletin of the Calcutta Mathemetical Society" (Vol. XXI, No. 2, 1929). (viii) Anuoyaddaru (s. 131 ) supplies us with various tables of measurement which can be compared with those given in Kautilya's Arthasastra and elsewhere. Further, these tables incidentally throw light on the history of Magadha. (ix) Viahapannatti (XXV, 3; s. 721-726), Anuogadduri (s. 123 & 144) and Suriyapannatti (s. 11, 25 & 100) supply us with names of several geometrical figures, plane and solid as well. (x) Viahapannatti (s. 91), Jivajivabhiyama (s. 82 & 109) and Suriyapannatti (s. 20 ) furnish us with values of II. (xi) Suriyapannatti' and Joisakarandagie supply us with astro nomical knowledge. Prof. Weber observes: 1-2 These two works along with Lokaprakasu (pt. IV) were found very useful in understanding the knotty points of Vedangu-jyotisa. So says Mr. B. L. Kulkarni in his article entitled "fagfa fee aria tra a1944T HETT 11T 38 vast 19 " and published in Jainasatyaprakasa (vol. VI, No. 11, pp. 418-420).
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________________ VII ] COMPARISON AND EVALUATION "That not only do the astronomical works of Jainas furnish information about the conceptions of a religious sect but may, if rightly investigated, yield valuable material for the general history of Indian ideas." 227 (xii) Visesa (v. 351-372) provides us with a chapter on sound (accoustics) and Pannavana, with that of light (optics)subjects coming under the class of Applied Mathematics. (xiii) It may be that the 3 Prakrta verses quoted by Bhaskara I in his com. on v. 10 of the Ganitapada of the Aryabhatiya of Ayrabhata I, may be belonging to some extinct Agama2. (xiv) Rajaditya (1120 A. D.) has written Jaina-ganitasutrodaharana. It may be that the examples given here may have something to do with the Agamas and their exegis. Alchemy-The first verse of Dasaveyaliya mentions the process of preparing gold. Verse 336 of Avassayanijjtti does the same. The science of medicine-Some topics dealing with this subject have been already dealt with (vide pp. 136-137). So it now remains to add that Thana (VIII; s. 611) gives us names of the 8 kinds of Ayurveda, and Viahapannatti deals with the medicinal properties of certain articles of food. Modern branches of knowledge-Pannavana provides us with information pertaining to metaphysics and Physics, and Nandi regarding psychology and logic. Jivajivabhigama gives us some information about geology. Jambuddivapannatti gives us an idea about cosmo1 See "Sacred Literature of the Jainas" (I, p. 372 and II, p. 574 ff. ), and "Indian Antiquary" (XXI, p. 14 ff.). See Dr. B. Datta's article entitled as A lost Jaina treatise on Arithmetic and published in "The Jaina Antiquary" (vol. II, No. 2, pp. 38-41, September 1936). 3 See my intro. (p. x) to Ganita tilaka. 4 See Appendix III of my translation of Caturvimsatiprabandha. In Appendix I Gahajuyalathui of Padalipta Suri is given along with its avacari. The latter interprets this hymn whereby a base metal can be turned into gold. See pp. 116, 136, 137, 2 5
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________________ 228 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP. logy, in its own way. Elements of chemistry can be gleaned from Pannavana which deals with ontology, too. As regards biology, at least some information can be gathered from Panhavagarana (s. 3), and Dasaveyaliya (II, 6'; IV; V, 1, 70, and 73; V, 2, 14, 16, 18 and 20-24; VI, 64; IX, 1, 4; IX, 2, 1; and IX, 1).2 In Anga V (s. 324) names of certain trees are given, and in s. 274, food of trees is discussed. In Punnavan (I, s. 19-26) several items pertaining to vanaspati are mentioned. In Ayara (s. 47) it is stated that the organism of vanaspati is akin to that of humanity. Its s. 54 mentions a number of motives which lead to the destruction of the trasa and its s. 49 the 8 varieties of trasa Paleography-It was in 1936 that I was given a Research grant for Jaina Palaeography. The results arrived at by me in this connection have been embodied in two papers3: (i) Outlines of Paleography with special reference to Jaina Paleographical data and their evaluation and (ii) The Jaina Manuscripts. Some of them are: 1 (i) The word leha occurs in Samavaya (LXXII), Uvasagadasa (s. 7), Pajjosanakappa (s. 210) and Jambuddivapannatti (s. 30). 3 (ii) Samavaya (XVIII) supplies us with a list of 18 lipis. Pannavana (s. 37) gives us practically the same list ad verbatim. But Hemacandra's com. (p. 256) on VisesaR This notes two types of serpents Gandhana and Agandhana. In the 5th Anga (XV; s. 547) there is a reference to a kind of serpent known as Drstivisasarpa. He is alluded to in Kumaravalapadiboha, Abhayakumaracaritra and Seubandha (IV, 50). 2 For details see my article " zrIdazavaikA likasUtranuM digdarzana yAne eka Arhata AgamanuM avalokana " published in Citramayajagat (p. 248, Dec. 1932). Both of these papers are published in "The Journal of the University of Bombay, the corresponding numbers being vol. VI, pt. 6, May 1938 and vol. VII, pt. 2, September 1938. 4 My article A detailed Exposition of the Nazari Gujarati and Modi Scripts partly published in the Annals of B. O. R. I. (vol. XIX, pt. IV) and "gujarAta ane lipikadabaka, lekhanasa'hitya tathA akSarazikSaNa " published in 6 instalments so far, in the "Forbes Gujarati Sabha Traimasika", may be also consulted,
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________________ COMPARISON AND EVALUATION A third type gives altogether a different list of 18 lipis. of the list is furnished by Kalpadrumakalika (p. 203). (iii) Samavaya (LXVI) notes 46 letters of the Bambhi (Brahmi) script; but Abhayadeva Suri is not in a position to say for certain as to which these 46 letters are. VII] 229 (iv) Shapes of some of the letters in different scripts are recorded in the canonical literature. For instance shapes of a and tha are noted in the com. (p. 256) on Visesa, those of dha and na by Malayagiri Suri in his com. (p. 188) on Nandi and those of ca and dha by him in his com. (p. 46) on Avassaya, that of ma in the Puskarasari lipi in the Cunni on Kappanijjutti (v. 44) etc. (v) Five types of Mss. are mentioned in Thana (IV, 2), Nisthavisehacunni, Haribhadra Suri's com. p. 25) on Dasaveyaliya etc. (vi) Rayapaseniya (s. 43) furnishes us with a list of nine materials associated with writing. Educational topics-These are discussed in the canonical literature, and they have been treated by me in J. S. E., prepared in connection with the Research Grant given to me in 1938. So I shall here note only a few points: (i) Five types of svadhyaya are referred to in Thana (s. 465). (ii) When is artha to be taught and in what manner? This is discussed in Nandi (s. 59). (iii) A curriculum for the study of the Jaina scriptures is furnished by Vavahara ( (X). (iv) A question of the relative importance of jnana and kriya is treated in Anuogaddara (s. 152) etc. (v) 29 types of papasruta are mentioned in Samavaya (s. 291). (vi) The oral transmission of knowledge and prohibition of Looks for some time and the permission given later on are already referred to on p. 60. 1 "eguNatIsaivihe pAvasuyapasaMge NaM pannatte, taM jahA - bhome 1 uppAe 2 sumiNe 3 aMtavikhe 4 aMge 5 sare 6 vaMjaNe 7 lakkhaNe 8; bhome tivihe pannatte, taM jahA - sutte vittI vattie, evaM ekkka tivihaM 24; vikahANujoge 25 vijjANujoge 26 maMtANujoge 27 jogANujoge 28 aNNatitthayapavattANujoge 29 / ",
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________________ 230 THE CANONICAL LITERATURE OF THE JAINAS [CHAP.. Ethnology-Several tribes are noted in the Jaina canon. Vide pp. 129, 131 and 140. Characteristics of Arya and Mleccha along with their varieties are noted in Pannavana (I, 37), and 7 varnas and 9 varnantaras in Ayaranijjutti (v. 18-27). Incidentally it may be mentioned that in Anga VI (s. 18) there is a reference to 18 senippasenis, and in Prameyaratnamanjusa (p. 193) 3names of 18 srenis (guilds ?) are given. Further, several types of hermits are mentioned in Ovavaiya (s. 39) and Pupphiya (pp. 25-26) etc. Several heterodox schools are referred to by Silanka in his com. on Suyagada, and heretical works, in Anuogaddara and Nandi. Foot-wear & outfit-Five types of foot-wear to which a Jaina saint may resort to, under extra-ordinary circumstances are mentioned in Ayaras. The out-fit of a Jaina monk and that of a Jaina nun, too, are dealt with in Ohanijjutti etc. Nautical-In Siddhasena Suri's Cunni (p. 11) on Jiyakappa four types of ships are mentioned." In Anga VI we come across several terms connected with a ship, its movement etc. For instance, in VIII (s. 69 ) we have: saMjattAnAvAvANiyaga, potavaddaNa, samuddavAa, nAva, kucchidhAra, kannadhAra, gabbhija and baMdhaNa In IX (s.80) there are laMbaNa, kaTukuvara, meDhi, parimAsA, toraNa, jhayadaMDa and valaya and in XVII (s. 132 ) nijAmaa and gabbhilaga. Water-In Ohanijjutti (v. 33) water is said to be of 4 types according as it flows over (i) a stone, (ii) mud which is heel-deep, (iii) sand and (iv) deep mud. In the subsequent verse which really belongs to its Bhasa, water which is as deep as half the 1 In Suyagada (1, 3, 3, 18) a hill-tribe named Tankana is mentioned. 2 For details see my article Ethico-religious classifications of mankind as embodied in the Jaina Canon. It is published in the Annals of B. 0. R. 1. (vol. XV, pts. I-II, pp. 97-108). 3 These names differ from those given in two ways by Virasena in his Dhavala (pt. I, p. 57), a com. on Khandasiddhanta. 4 For details see p. 593 of Padmanandamahakavya (G. O. S.). 5 See also Haribhadra Suri's com. (p. 25b) on Dasaveyaliya. 6 In Sirisirivalakaha (v. 881-383) names of some of the varieties of ships are given.
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________________ VII] COMPARISON AND EVALUATION 231 thigh, is spoken of as sanghatta and one having a depth equal to that of a navel, leva. Stick-In Ohanijutti ( v. 730 ) measures of afs, faal, de and fass are mentioned whereas in its v. 731-735, different kinds of the former are described. Lullaby-Its specimen is given by Silauka Suri in his com. (p. 119') on Suyagada (I, 4, 2, 17). It runs as under: "sAmio si Nagarasya ya Nakaurasya ya hatthakappagiripaTTaNasIhapurassa ya uNNayasya ya ninnasya ya kucchipurasya ya kaNNakujjaAyAmuhasoriyapurassa ya." In the end I may say that it is possible to multiply instances in support of what I have said here, and that comprehensive intellects can throw ample light even in other directions than those I have aimed at. So I end this topic and this work, too, by reproducing the words of Dr. Barnett: "Some day when the whole of the Jaina scriptures will have been critically udited and their contents lexically tabulated, together with their ancient glosses, they will throw many lights on the dark places of ancient and modern Indian languages and literature. "I 1 See his intro. (p. ix ) to Aigas Vili and IX.
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________________ INDEX I (Names of authors & other persons and sects and the like) The numbers refer to pages. Abhayadeva 6, 26, 31, 32, 34, 55, 59, | Andhakavrsni 151. 79, 85, 87, 92, 97, 100, 103-107, Anegavati 125. 124, 126, 127, 132, 133, 136, 144, Angarisi 169. 1.4, 197, 198, 224, 225, 229. Annhilationist 125. Abhinandana 2. Aparajita 74, 179. Abhyankar K. V., 46, 204. Ara 2. Acalabhrat; 5. Arabi 129. Adda 169, 182. Aradhanarisvara 209, Adiccajasa 10. Ardra 123, 182. Aggibhui 3. Arista nemi 144, 151. Agnibhuti 127. Aritthanemi 169. Aimutta 134. Ariya 140, 169. Ajita 11. Arnikaputra 166. Ajitadeva 146, Aruna 100, 169. Ajivag(k)a 84, 85, 187, 193. Arya 140, 230. Ajiya 2, 10. Aryabhata I 227. Ajja Mangu 160. Aryanandila 73. Ajja Nagabatthi 160. Arya Raksita 52, 73, 97, 161, 178, Ajja Nandila 160. 194, 204. Ajja Rakkhiya 180. Aryasamita 95. Ajja Samudda'160. Arya-Syama 35. Ajja Suhamma 65. Arya-vairasvamin 73. Ajja Vaira 12, 73, 181. Aryika 142. Akalanka 8, 24, 68, 203, Asadhara 179. Akampit(y)a 3, 5, 6. Asita 169. Akkhavaya 188. Asoka 62, 222. Alsdolf L., 76. Asuri 164. Altekar A. S., 60. Atmaramji 47. Amaracandra 59. Atreya 178. Amba 202. Ayalabhata(i) 3, 6. Ammada 138, 169. Ayalabhaya 3. Amurtipujaka 27. Babbariya 129. Ananda 132. Bahula 160. Anandasagara 22, 128, 188, 190-193, Bahuyama hu 169, 196, 201, 202. Bala 150. Ananta 2. Baladeva 77, 126. Anarya 131, 135. Balarama 141, 151.
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________________ NAMES OF AUTHORS & OTHER PERSONS & SECTS & THE LIKE 233 Bambhaddivagasiha 160. Bambhana 222. Bambhi 59. Bana 188. Baparasidas Jain 16. Barnett L. D., 204, 231. Bauddba 27, 29, 35, 62, 98, 115, 118, 119, 123, 136, 148, 163, 207, 210, 213-215, 221-223. Baumgartner A., 206. Bengali 64. Bhadda 16, 46, 142. Bhaddabahu(saini) 16, 72, 160, 172, 180. Bhadra bahu(svamin) 3, 14-16, 35, 38, 40, 43, 44, 46, 47, 61, 7175, 78, 82, 88, 92, 93, 109, 112. 144-146, 154, 157-159, 168, 169, 172, 174, 179, 181, 183, 184, 186, Bhadragupta 17. Bhadresvara 62, 92. Bhandarkar R. G., 57, 156. Bharata (author) 212. Bharata (king) 141. Bharga va 164. Bhasarasi 145. Bhasmarasi 145. Bhasvamin 197. Bhatti 186. Bhavanapati 135. Bhava prabha 37, 45, 49. Bhayali 169. Bhimbhasara putta 137. Bhojavrsni 151. Bhutadinna 74. Bhuvanatunga 199. Bhuyadinna 160. Bindusara 85. Brahmadatta 150. Brahma-Hemacandra 74. Brahmana 150-152, 198, 216, 222, Brahmapical 29. Brahmi 59. Buddha 29, 62, 137, 147, Buddhilla 75. 30 Buddhist 28, 122, 145. Buhler G., 43, 45, 58, 144. Canakk(y)a 166, 192. Canda kausika 101. Candala 150. Candar aba!a 143. Candragupta 67, 95, 168, 191. Candrarsi 203. Caruganiya 129. Carvaka 163. Catura vijaya 173. Caturdasapurvadhara 87, 90. Cedaga 141. Cellana 143. Charpentier Jarl 42, 44, 45, 141, 222. Cilaiya 129. Cilatiputra 178. Citta 222. Colebrooke H. T., 203. Cosmogonist 125. Cunnigham Alexander 144. Dadhapaiana 138. Dalal C. D., 95, 201. Daukadanta 178. Damasara 100. Damili 129. Danasekhara 199. Danavijaya 146. Darsa navija ya 74, 165, Dasapurvadhara 14, 17, 87, 205. Datta B., 226, 227. Datta (king) 193. Datta R. C., 132. Desai M. D., 147, 199, 200. Devabhadra 200. Devacandji 37. Devagutta 80. Devaka 151. Devaki 134, 151. Devananda 5, Devananda 129, 134. Devarddhi 62, 63, 66, 69, 71, 74, 111, 145, 160. Devasagara 175. Deva Vadin 33, 75, 160,
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________________ 234 INDEX I Devendra 5, 7, 20, 86, 89, 91, 92, 100, Gandhahastin 197, 200. 198. Gandhi H. B., 205. Dhalla M, N, 68. Gangadatta 54. Dhamma 2. Gangadeva 75. Dhanapala 5, 186. Gardabhilla 194. Dhanapatisingh 50. Garula 100. Dhanesvara 29, 195. Gauda 163. Dhanya 135. Gautama 220. Dharana 100. Gautama (svamin) 3, 123, 147, 151. Dharani 132. German 118, 123, 129, 158, 217. Dharasena 75, 94. Ghatage A. M., 157, 179, 181, 212. Dharini 134, 137. Ghosh 52. Dharma 17. Ghoshal S. C., 58. Dharmaghosa 199. Ghota kamukha 162. Dharmaghosa 90. Gos(s)ala 84, 94, 123, 129, 133. Dharma P. C. 224. Govaliya 193. Dharmaruci 178. Govardhana 74. Dharmasagara 4, 146. Govinda 74, 109. Dharma sena 75. Goyama (prince) 134. Dhrti 141. Goyama (sami) 2, 4, 65, 220. Dhrtisena 75. Guerinot 42, 44, 57, 58. Dhruva A. B., 161, 214. Gunaratna 199. Dhruva K. H., 118, 120, 123, 124, Gunasundara 17. Dhruvasena 75, 147. Gune P. D., 208. Digambara 27, 28, 56, 57, 67, 68, 74- Gupta 17, 164, 197. 76, 83, 85, 91, 144, 145, 183, Haribhadd(r)a 3, 4, 32-34, 44, 45, 80, 203, 204. 82, 88, 96, 100, 116, 158, 162 Dinna 197. 172, 175, 178, 179, 182, 185, 186 Divayana 169. 188, 191, 196-198, 200-203, 209 212, 216, 218, 229, 230. Dovai 130. Draupadi 130. Harigiri 169. Drona 14, 17, 74, 88, 91, 147, 152, Harinaikamisin 202. 197, 198. Harsakula 199. Duppa saha 110. Hastitapasa 123. Dusa 160. Hedonist 125. Dusya 74, 160. Hemacandra (Kalikalasarvajna) 3, 7, 10, 14, 33, 45, 62, 77, 116, 188, Dusyanta 151. 203, 208. Egavati 125. Hemacandra (Maladharin) 11, 12, 22, Ekavatarin 135. 26, 29, 50, 51, 73, 82, 86, 88, 89, Eternalist 125. 93, 95, 152, 162, 166, 185, 198, Extentionist 125. 200-202, 212, 29, 220, 228. Farquhar 58. Heras H., 59. Frazer R. W., 206. Hertel Johannes 223. Gaddabba 169. Himavanta 74, 160. Gajasukumala 166. Hindu 59, 122.
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________________ NAMES OF AUTHORS & OTHER PERSONS & SECTS & THE LIKE 235 Hiralal Hansaraj 100. Jayanti 127, 129. Hira vijaya 31, 159, 199. Jayapala 75. Hoernle Rudolf A. F., 129, 204. Jayasagara 146. Hopkins E. Washburn 206. Jayavijaya 146. Hri 141. Jerome 13. Ilaputra 178. Jew 13. Indabhui 3, 54. Jinabhadra 2, 40, 82, 178, 188, 189, Indanaga 169. 192, 194, 195, 201. Indian 172. Jinabhata 174, 196, 200-203. Indra 137, 150. Jinacandra 52. Indrabhuti 3-5, 15, 47, 127, 138, 143, Jin(n)adasa 79, 80, 82-84, 92, 96, 101, 207. 191-193. Indranandi 74. Jinabamsa 199. Isiganiya 129. Jinakalpin 104. Isigiri 169. Jinalabha 100. Isvarakrsna 163. Jinamandana 95. Jacobi H., 69, 75, 111, 117-119, 121, Jinaprabha 4, 30, 92, 143, 146, 147, 123, 140, 149, 204. 204. Jaina 1-3, 5, 7, 10, 12-14, 16-18, 21, Jinasena 74, 23, 27-29, 34, 35, 37, 38, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 51-53, 57, 59-64, 66- | Jina vijaya 192. 73, 75-77, 82, 87, 94, 98, 109- Jivayasa 151. 111, 114, 117-120, 122, 128, 129, Jiyadhara 160. 132, 139, 140, 142-145, 147, 149, Jiyasattu 143. 150, 152, 154, 155, 159, 160-162, Jnanasagara 146, 175, 165, 167, 168, 170-172, 177-179. Jnanavijaya 146. 181, 186, 193, 194, 202-204, 206- Jonhiya 129. 211, 213-218, 220, 221, 223-225, Jupiter 165. 227, 229-231. Jyestha 45, 46, 116. Jaina Jagadisacandra 163. Kacchulla Narada 213. Jain Hiralal 132. Kala ka 178, 193, 194, Jaini J. L., 57. Kalakas I-III 193. Jajali 222. Kalelkar D. B., 131. Jakkhasena 80. Kali 130. Jakkhini 46, 116. Kalika 187. Jamali 129. Kalyana vijaya 37, 95, 189, 191, 193, Jambu(u) 64, 65, 96, 144, 160. 204. Jambusvamin 15, 168. Kamadeva 133. Janaka 221. Kamalakirti 146. Janna 169. Kamsa 75, 151. Jarasandha 151. Kanha 134, 169. Jasa vaddbana 80. Kapila 47, 163. Jassabhadda 52, 160. Kasava 169. Jaya 75. Katre S. M., 132, 207. Jayaghosa 151, 152. Kautilya 162, 226.
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________________ 236 INDEX I Kavila 163, Lohicca 160. Keith A. B., 203, Lohitya 74. Kesi 221. Lokayata 163. Kes(s)i(n) 47, 138, 151. Long J., 131. Keyali 169. Macdonell A. A, 206. Khandila 61, 62, 160. Madhara 14, 164. Kbaravela 62, 71. Mahadeva 209. Khimavijaya 146. Mahagiri 17, 24, 25, 39, 160. Kodillaya 14, 162. Mabasayaya 133. Kodiya 193. Mahattara 32, 82, 83, 192, 193, 203. Koniya 143. Mahavira 3, 5, 15, 18, 19, 29, 38, 41, Konow Sten 62. 42, 47, 49, 52, 63, 64, 70, 82, 101, Kotyacarya 82, 86, 87, 101, 188, 189, 115, 121, 123, 127-129, 131-133, 196, 200-202, 212. 135, 137, 138, 143-145, 151, 153, Krause Charlotte 217. 160, 167, 169, 171, 172, 176, 177, Krsna 134, 141, 151. 207, 221, 222 Ksamasramana 2, 16, 38, 63, 66, 74, Mahendra 199. 111, 147, 160, 165, 178, 189, 191, Makai 54. 192, 197, 201, 203. Makandiputra 127. Ksatriya 75, 150. Malayagiri 6, 10, 13, 22-24, 27, 32, Ksemakirti 92, 199. 34, 35, 40 62, 79, 82, 86, 88, 92, Kula karni B. G., 226. 97, 99, 103, 104, 112, 117, 129, Kulamandana 38, 148. 135, 139, 141, 152, 153, 162, 169, Kumarapala 32. 173-177, 182, 188, 197-200, 229 Kumma 169. Mallai 129. Kundakoliya 133. Mallavadin 197. Kundakunda 57, 91. Malli 2, 130. Kuniya 137, 138. Manaka 153. Kunthu 2. Manditaputra 127. Kuragaduka 45. Mandiya 3. Kurt von Kamptz 166. Manikyasekhara 146, 175. Kusila 142. Kusmandi 202. Mankhali 169. Laksmikallola 199. Manu 188. Laksmivallabha 5, 146. Marudeva 96. Laukayata 163. Mathara 163, 164. Lausiya 129. Maurya 62, 67. Mayanga 169. Law Bimal Churn 144-146. Megasthanes 222, Lecchai 129. Merutunga 170. Leopold von Schrader 206. Metarya 5, 178. Leumann E., 125, 140, 141, 158, 174, Meyajja 3, 6. 179, 198, 222. Milikkhu 140. Lhasiya 129. Mitavadin 125. Logavata 163. Mithyadrsti 14. Loharya 75 Mleccha 140, 230,
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________________ 237 NAMES OF AUTHORS & OTHER PERSONS & SECTS & THE LIKE Modi M. C., 216. Monist 125. Monotheist 123. Moriyaputta 3. Muggarapani 134. Municandra 33. Muniratna s. Munisundara 203, 220. Munisuvvaya 2. Murtipuja ka 27, 58. Murunda 188. Murundi 129. Naga 163. Nagabastin 74, 75. Nagajjuna 62, 160. Nagakumara 101, 135. Nagarjuna 61, 62, 74, 95, 197. Nagarjuniya 63, 64, 73. Nagasena 75. Nabar 52. Naila 142 Naksa tra 75. Nami 2, 150, 222. N(N)arada 16, 169, 213. Na-santi-paraloga .vati 125. Nastika 179, 180. Nemi 2, 150. Nemicandra 8), 197, 198, 223, 224. Neminatha 16, 151, 169. Nihnava 178, 180. Nimitta vadin 125. Nis(s)ad(d) ha 141. Nitavadi 125. Nrsimha 209. Oldenburg H., 206. Pabhasa 3, 6. Pabhava 160. Padalipta 92, 93, 95, 188, 200, 227. Iadmamandira 90, 181. Paesi 138, 221. Pallaviya 129. Pandu 75. Panhapra vana 52, 94. Panini 117 193, 208. Paramadharmika 178, 182.e e Para mesthin 168. Parasi 129. Parivayaga 138. Paisva 123, 138, 144, 151, 169. Parsvacandra 204. Parsvadeva 195. Parsvanatha 16, 129, 169. Pasa 2, 169. Patanjali 117, 165. Patel G, J., 127, 128, 149, 153, 154, 214, 218. Patwardhan M. V., 28, 42, 156. Payanjali 14, 161, 165. Peterson 16. Pinga 169. Pischel 152. Pluarist 125. Prabhacandra 89. Prabhasa 5. Prabhavasvamin 15. Prabhitajna 92. Pradyumna 30, 191. Pralamba 194. Prasnasravana 94. Pratyekabuddha 14, 16, 17, 19, 47, 169. Pravartini 142. Prosthila 75. Prth vicandra 146. Pukkhali 129. Pulinda 129. Punya vijaya 52, 173. Pupphasala 169. Pura na 65. Puranabhadra 223. Purohita 150. Purusacandra 219. Puspadanta 132. Puspa mitra 52. Pussadeva 165. Pusya 165. Pusyadaivata 165. Rabu 128. Rajaditya 227. Rajasekhara 88. Rajendralal Mitra 58. Rajimati 151, 156.
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________________ 238 INDEX I Rakkhiyajja 12. Rama 169, Ramacandra 186. Rathanemi 151, 156. Ratnasekhara 92, 186. Ravigutta 80. Rayanadivadevaya 132. Rayya 142. Revai 133. Revainakkhatta 160. Revati 128, 133. Revatimitra 17. Rockhill 129. Rola 127. Rohagupta 164. Rohini 151. Ross E. Denison 207. Rsabha 11, 18, 49, 59, 144, 176, 177. Rudolf A. F., 205. Rudradeva 93. Sabari 129. Saccasiri 80. Saddalaputta 133. Sadhuratna 204. Sagadala 73. Sagara 10, 96, 193, 223. Sahajakirti 146. Sahasravadhauin 203. Sai 160. Saka 96, 191, 196, 197, Sakalacandra 88. Sakra 100, 145, 193. Sakuntala 151. Salakapurusa 77. Salihipiya 133. Samajja 160. Samana 222, 223. Samantabhadra 57. Samayasundara 63, 146. Sambhava 2. Sambhuta 222. Sambhutivijaya 15. Sambhuya 160. Samucchedavati 125, Samudravijaya 151. Samyagdrsti 14. Samyama visnu 74. Sandilla 160. Sangaya 169. Sanghadasa 16, 38, 189. Sangha vijaya 146. Sankaradasa 198. Sankhya 163, 165. Santi 2. Santicandra 11, 31, 199. Santinatha 2. Santisagara 146, 203. Santi (Suri) 196. Santi (Suri, Vadivetala) 47, 89, 149 153, 180, 184, 189, 197, 198. Sarasvati 194. Sarvastivadin 64. Sasipupphadanta 2. Satiyaputta 169. Saurin 151. Savvarisi 80. Sayavati 125. S(s)ayyambhava 15, 45, 119, 153, 160. Schrader F. O., 123, 206. Schubring Walther 29, 42-45, 50, 51, 76, 120, 150, 155, 156, 190, 207, 214. Sejjambhava 45. Sejjamsa 2. Sen Amulya Chandra 123. Sen Dinesh Chandra 64. Seniya 134, 135, 143. Sensualist 125. Shab Shantilal 168. Siddha 134. Siddhartha 75. Siddbasena 6, 33, 36, 38, 85, 91-93, 114, 120, 124, 125, 127, 131, 132, 134-137, 117, 155, 169, 189, 191, 192, 194, 197, 209, 230. Siddhasena ( Divakara ) 80, 120, 174, 194. Siha 128 Sijjambhava 160. Silabhadra 187, 195, 199. Silacarya 77, 196.
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________________ NAMES OF AUTHORS & OTHER PERSONS & SECTS & THE LIKE 239 Silanka 11, 33, 78, 94, 112, 113, 119, Suppadibaddha 160. 122, 169, 181, 182, 184, 185, 188, Sura 151. 196-198, 200, 202, 208, 216, 225, Suriabha 138. 230. 231. Susthitacarya 95. Simandhara(svamin) 45, 46, 116, 225. Sutthita 160. Simha 197. Suvarnabahu 151. Simbasura 197. Suvira 151. Simhatilaka 77, 225. Suyyasivi 142. Sindhali 129. Svetambara 27, 28, 42, 56-58, 67, 68, Sirigiri 169. 75-77, 79, 83, 85, 89-91, 144, Sivanidhana 146. 145, 147, 183, 195, 203. Sivaprabha 199. Syama 14, 17, 35. Siyala 2. Syamarya 17. Skandila 17, 61, 62, 74. Tankana 230. Taruna 169. Skandiliya 63, 73. Soma 169. Tattvacarya 196. Somaprabha (Satarthika) 181. Tattvaditya 196. Somatilaka 2 Tavasa 138. Soriyana 169. Terapanthi 27. Sramana 222. Terasiya 84, 85, 161, 164. Sravaka 3, 113. Tetaliputra 178. Sravika 3, 127. Tetalisuta 169. Sri 141. Theist 125. Thibaut G., 140. Sricandra 29, 30, 32, 187, 193, 195, Thulabhadda 73, 160, 180. 197, 199, 200, 202. Tisyagupta 87. Sritilaka 175, 197, 199. Tosali 181. Sriyaka 45. Trairasika 164. Srutakevalin 14-17, 113. Tuladhara 222. Srutasthavira 21, 47, 158. Udaka 123. Sthanakavasin 27, 43, 44. Udayana 180. Sthavira 113, 115. Udayana (king) 129. Stha vira kalpin 104. Udayasagara 146. Sthulabhadra 15, 17, 45, 46, 62, 73,98. Uddyotana 179, 196. Subandhu 188. Ugrasena 151. Subhacandra 74. Ukkalavada 169. Subhadra 75. Umasvati 4, 57, 203. Subhavijaya 146. Upadhye A. T., 204. Sudharma(svamin) 80, 159. Usabha 2, 10, 170. Sudraka 210. Usaha 170. Suhamma(sami) 3, 51, 96, 160. Usahasami 24. Subastin 17, 61. Vacaspatimisra 117. Suhatthi 160. Vadabiya 129. Sukosala 166. Sumati 2, 142. Vaddhamana (sami) 24, 89, 169. Supasa 2. Vadivetala 184, 189. Suppabha 2. Vabari 196, 201.
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________________ 240 Vaidika 27, 29, 35, 59, 60, 123, 129, 156, 188, 209, 214. Vaidya L. R., 21. Vaidya N. V., 132, 204. Vaidya P. L., 65, 204. Vaira 181. Vairasvami 61. Vaisesika 163. Vaisesiya 163. Vaisramana 100. Vajjitaputta 169. Vajji Videhaputta 129. Vajra (svamin) 17, 35, 61, 73, 78, 86, 93, 178, 204. Vakkala 169. Vamaniya 129. Vanija 193. Varatta 169. Vardhamana (svamin) 16, 23, 89, 134. Varisa 169. Varisena 106, 107. Varsagana 163. Varsaganya 163. Varuna 100, 169. Vasavadatta 180, 188. Vasudeva 184, 151. Vasudeva 77, 126, 151, 176. Vasunandin 114, 179. Vasupujja 2. Vatsyayana 162. Vattakera(svamin) 14, 57, 114, 183. Vau 169. INDEX I Vaubhui 3. Vauliya 180. Vayara (sakha) 198. Vayarasami 80. Vayubhuti 127. Vedantin 123. Vedic 48. Velandhara 100. Velankar H. D., 201, 202. Vesamana 169. Vidu 169 Vidyacarana 102. Vidyanandin 203. Vidyavilasa 146, 163. Vijaya 75. Vijayadana 29. Vijayaghosha 151, 152. Vijayalavanya 128. Vijayananda 47. 89. Vijayavimala 199. Vikrama 27, 29, 30, 111, 191, 195, 197, 204. Vimala 2, 195. Vimalamati 197. Vimalavahana 10. Vimpu 169. Vinaspharni (?) 188. Vinayacandra 146. Vinayahamsa 199. Vinayavijaya 5, 8, 87, 143, 146. Vincent Smith 68. Vindhyavasin 163. Vinhu 105. Vira 3, 14, 35, 40, 45, 49, 61, 63, 67, 68, 73-75, 80, 96, 110, 146, 147. 164, 169, 170, 172, 191, 193, 202. Virabhadra 51, 52. Virasena 230. Visakha 75. Visnu 209. Visnukumara 74. Vitta 197. Viyatta 3. Viyoha 81. Vuddhavai 80. Weber 41, 43, 45, 49, 57, 75, 129, 137, 141, 216, 226. Winternitz M., 28, 39, 44, 45, 120, 130, 138-141, 144, 165, 206, 213, 218, 221-223. Yadu 151. Yakini 32. Yaksa 46. Yama 169. Vaska 211. Yasobhadra 15, 75, 184, 197. Yasodeva 16, 25, 30, 34, 49, 101, 103, 169, 197, 199. Yasovijaya 39, 88, 203. Yattala 169. Zoroastrian 68, 217.
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________________ INDEX II ('Names of works, their sections, doctrines, metres etc.) The numbers refer to pages. Aimutta 106. Akamamarana 148. Akkhobha 105, 106. Akriyavada 123. Agganiya 85, 88, 95. Aggia 136. Aggeniya 170. Agrayaniya 92. Anga 6, 7, 9, 12, 15, 20, 21, 26-29, 31, 32, 34, 35, 47, 48, 53-55, 57, 58, 62, 63, 71, 74, 76, 77, 79, 95, 111-113, 119, 120, 122-126, 128-130, 138, 141, 147, 149, 155, 162, 164, 170, 181, 196-198, 200, 203-205, 214, 216, 220, 221, 223, 225, 228, 230, 231. Angaculik(y)a 24, 25, 50, 55, 56, 81, 103, 108. Angapannatti 74. Angapavittha 20-23. Angapravista 20, 56. Angabahira 20, 23, 48, 54, 55. Angabahya 20, 56, 57. Angavijja 50, 56, 167. Aiga-saptika 62. Angutthapasina 107. Anguttaranikaya 27, 221. Acchinnacchedanaya 85. Acchinnacchedanayika 85. Ajiyasena 106. Ajivakappa 50, 168. Ajivarasi 126. Ajjhayana 16, 17, 19, 14, 45, 47, 55, 77, 78, 80, 88, 99-101, 103, 105112, 114, 117, 119-122, 124, 126, 130, 132-135, 139, 141-143, 148 156, 169, 170, 175, 178, 179, 211, 213, 222. Ajnana vada 123. Anjana 95. Anju 105. Atthapaya 83. Atthavaya 195. Anagaramagga 148. Anagarasuya 121. Ananatara 84. Anantasena 106. Anahitthi 106. Anadhiya 108. Anahapavvajja 148. Aniyasa 106. Aniruddha 106. Anuoga 7-12, 76, 83, 96, 98, 99, 161, 210. Anuogad(d)ara 10, 24, 26-29, 50, 52, 95, 110, 125, 128, 148, 161, 162, 164-166, 178, 185, 190, 193, 196, 198, 203, 205, 209, 211-213, 217, 219, 220, 224-226, 230. Anuogaddaracunni 162, 191. Anuogaddarasutta 166. Anugghaya 149. Anujogagata 54. Anutthanavihi 29. Anuttarovavaiyadasa 6, 28, 55, 106, 135, 145. Anuppavaya 90. Anuyoga 37, 76. Aneganta 220. Anda 105, 130. Atinna 130. Atimutta 106. 1 Names of works etc. written in English, German etc., are arranged according to their pronunciation. 31
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________________ 242 INDEX II Attha-nirutta 211. Abhagga 105. Atthinatthippavaya 85. Abhayakuwaracaritra 228. Atharvanaveda 29, 162. Abhicanda 106. Atharvasambita 208. Abhijnanasakuntala 137, 151. Addaijja 121. Abhidhanacintamani 7, 10, 31, 33. Addaga pasina 107. Abhidhanarajendra 36. Addhamagaha 191. Abbhutadhamma 28. Adhyayana 19, 46, 82. Amamacaritra 5. Anangapavittha 20-23. Ambada putta 105. Anangapravista 20. Ayala 105, 106. Ananupurvi 39, 225. Ara 59. Arunova vaa 81. Arugama 9, 161. Arunova vaganisiha 82. Anuttara 11. Arunovavat(y)a 24, 25, 55, 50, 100, 109. Anuttaropapatikadasa 28, 54, 135. Arthadipika 131. Anuttaraupapatikadasa (a) 54. Arthasastra 162, 226. Anuyoga 8-12, 52, 53, 57, 128, 161, Ardhamagadhi 120. 176, 177, 204, 216. Ardhamagadhi Reader 16. Anuyogadvara 161, 182. Arhat 209. *Anuyogadhara 61. Alakkha 106. Anustup(bh) 119, 123, 124, Alpa bahutva 140. Anekantajayapataka 220. Avagahanasthana 140. Anekantavada 211, 220. Avacuri 199, 200, 227. Anekartharatnamanjusa 201. Avacurni 146, 199, 200, *Antakrtkevaliu 134. Avanjha 85. Antakrddasa(a) 28, 54, 103, 134. Avadanasata ka 136, 221. Antakriya 140. Avadhi 140. Antagada 134. Avadhijnana 126, 132, 213. Antagada dasa 6, 28, 30, 51, 55, 105- Avantarasau 127. 107, 134, 145. Antarmuhurta 90. Avara kanka 130. Annamannakiriya 113. Avavaiya 215. Anyajiva (khanda) 127. Avasarpini 2, 15, 17, 59, 70, 126, 160. Anyatirthika (khanda) 127. Avestan 68. Asta saptatika 196. Apabhramsakavyatrayi 52. Astanga-nimitta 187, 193. Aparyapta 101. Astadhyayi 193, 213. Apavadasutra 215. Asankhaya 148. Apavadapavadasutra 215. Asajjbayanijjutti 174, 176. Asamahitthana 107, 143. Apavadotsargasutra 215. Abavvana veda 164. Apapapurisanksiptakalpa 4. Ahaccaya 84. Appamaa 118. Ahinayariu 106. Apramada 103. Outlines of Palaeography with special Aprasna 135. reference to Jaina PalaeographiAbaddhaditthi 73. cal data and their evalution 59, Abhaa 107. 60, 228. * This sign indicates the name of a particular class of human beings.
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________________ NAMES OF WORKS, THEIR SECTIONS, DOCTRINES ETC. Arapaccakkhana (a) 24-26, 48-51, 56, 165, 166, 168, 199, 203. Akasagamini vidya 78. Akhyayika 79. Akhyayikopakhyayika 79. Agama 52-56, 58, 62-64, 66, 71, 75, 82, 85, 89, 96, 109-111, 128, 146, 147, 153, 156, 157, 167, 169, 172, 184, 186, 187, 189, 190, 195-197, 199-205, 209, 213, 218, 219, 224, 227. Acaradinakara 89, 104. Acaraprabhrta 92. Acara vrtti 114, 179. Acaranga(sutra) 113, 118, 149, 157, 184. Ajaitthana 107. Ananda 105. 106. Aturapratyakhyana 50. Atmaprabodha 100. Atmapravada 87. Adanapada 148. Adidevastava 186. Agamika 200, 203. Agasapaya 83. Acara 6, 11, 27, 28, 31, 46, 54, 103, Ayarapahuda 92, 93. 114, 153, 158, 159, 181. Ayarappanihi 155. Ayurveda 227. Aradhanapataka 50. Arabananijjutti 183. Arahanapadaya 50-52, Arovana 149. Archaelogical Survey of India 144. Arcika 123. Ardraka 121. Adipurana 74. Anantarya (sins) 197. Aptamimamsa 57. Abhinibohi-nana 20. Amalata 105. Amnaya 209. Ayatitthana 143. Ayappavaya 85, 88. Ayariyabhasita 107. Ayariyavippadivatti 107. Aya vibhatti 26, 104. Ayavisohi 24-26, 56, 103. Ayagapata 71. Ayanijja 120. Ayara 6, 7, 11, 15, 16, 21, 27-31, 33, 35, 40, 46, 64, 65, 75, 77-79, 89, 91, 107, 108, 111-115, 117-120, 123, 143, 144, 149, 150, 153, 155157, 169, 173, 178, 180, 181, 185, 243 187, 188, 190, 195-97, 199, 200, 202-204, 207, 212, 214-216, 221223, 228, 280. Ayaragga 112, 149, 169. Ayaranga (sutta) 39, 112, 113, 120, 156, 213. Ayaraculiya 21. Ayaratika 197. Ayaran(n)ijjutti 6, 40, 54, 77, 78, 89, 112, 113, 115, 116, 157, 180, 181, 184, 230. Ayaradasa 37, 54, 55, 107, 128. Ayara pak (g)appa 51. 113, 149. 81, 89, 112, Aryabhatiya 227. Arya 118. Arhata agamonum avalokana yane Tattvarasikacandrika 22, 26, 63, 97. Arhatadarsanadipika 215, 218. Alavaga 65, 86, 87. Avalika 99. Avasyaka 23, 43, 50, 158, 159, 165, 184. Avasyakaniryukti 22. 159, 181. Avasyakavivarana 196. Avasyaka visesavivarana 196. Avassag(y)a 3-6, 15-17, 22, 23, 88, 42-45, 47, 48, 57, 59, 61, 70, 72, 102, 110, 128, 146, 148, 149, 156, 158, 161, 169, 173-176, 178, 181, 183, 187, 188, 190, 192, 196, 198-201, 211. Avassag(y)anijjutti 3, 11, 15, 36-38, 41, 43, 44, 78, 88, 144, 145, 152, 158, 159, 172-177, 179, 181, 183185, 204, 227.
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________________ INDEX II Avassayacunni 73, 78, 82, 96, 100, | Ukkaliya 23, 27, 41, 81, 104. 130, 138, 182, 192, 193. Avassayabhasa 11, 12, 161. Avassayamulabhasa 12. Avassaya-vairitta 23, 48. Asayana 107, 143. Asivisabhavana 25, 56, 81, 101. 244 Asrava 107, 135. Ahattahia 120. Ahavvaya 81. Abara 140. Aharaparinna 121. Itivuttaka 28. Itihasa 129. Itihasa-samvada 222. Interpretation of Jaina Ethics, An 217. Introduction to Comparative Philology, An 208. Indian ocean 67. Indian Historical Quarterly, The 179, 181. India 1, 2, 59, 123, 171. Indische Studien 41, 78, 125. Indravajra 123. Indriya 140. Indriya-pratyaksa 219. Uber ein Fragment der Bhagavati 137. Uber die vom Sterbefasten handelden alteren Painna der Jaina-Kanons 166. Uber den stand der Indischen Philo. sophie zur Zeit Mahaviras und Buddhas 123. Ubersicht uber die Avasyaka-Literatur 158, 179, 187, 188. Iriya 112, 113. Iriyavahiyasutta 70. Iladevi 108. Evolution of Gujarati verse 118, 121, 123. Isidasa 106, 107. Isibhasi(y)a 12, 15, 16, 24, 25, 53, 55, 58, 107, 109, 125, 169, 182, 187,200. Isibhasiyasangahan(n)i 169, 205. Isimandalapayarana 184. Iryapathiki kriya 70. Ukkaliyasuya 12, 19, 24, 26, 27, 35, 104, 154. Ukkhitanaa 130. Uggahapadima 112. Ugghaya 149. Uccarapasavana 113. Ucchvasa 140. Ujjama-sutta 215. Ujjusut (y)a 84. Ujjhiya 105. Utthanapariyaniya 104. Utthanapariyavaniya 56, 81, 101, 104. Utthanasu(y)a 24, 25, 56, 100, 104, 109. Utkalika 57. "Uttama-purusa 77. Uttara 153, 222. Uttaraculiya 192. Uttarajjha 15, 181. Uttarajjhayana 16, 17, 24, 25, 38, 43 45, 47, 48, 53-56, 89, 120, 126, 148-150, 153, 156, 169, 187, 189, 190, 197-199, 203, 204, 213, 218, 222-226. Uttarajjhayanacunni 193, 194. Uttarajjhayana nijjutti 148, 153, 173, 179, 181, 182, 184, 193. Uttarajjhayanasutta 221. Uttarajjha (y)a 48, 54, 158. Uttarapurana 57, 74. Uttaradhyayana (sutra) 11, 42, 43, 57, 88, 169, 181, 182, 184, 215. Utsargasutra 215. Utsargapavadasutra 215. Utsargotsargasutra 215. Utsarpini 2, 70, 126. Udaga 130. Udatta 209, 210. Udattadisvaravisesa 209. Udana 28. Udumbara 105. Uddesa (ka) 127, 176. Uddesa (ga) 111, 117, 119, 124, 127, 141, 142, 147-149, 155, 168, 134, 222. Uddesanakala 99. Upakrama 9, 98, 161.
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________________ NAMES OF WORKS, THEIR SECTIONS, DOCTRINES ETC., 245 Upajati 123. Upadesaratnakara 220. Upanisad 52, 216. Upapata 100. T'papatika 30. Upapatodvartana 140. tipamitibhavaprapancakatha 179. Upayoga 140. Upasa masreni 176. T'pasarga 79. Upakhyayika 79. panga 17, 18 29, 31, 33, 34, 129, 161, 180. Upasakadasa 51, 103, 132. Upasakadhyayana(clasa) 28, 54. Uppaya 85. Umbara 105. Uvaesapaya 96, Uvagghayanijjutti 174-177, 184, 185. Uvanga 27, 29-3.1, 54, 55, 58, 63, 80, 103, 137-141, 198, 199, 205. Uvajjatavippadivatti 107, Uvama 107. Uvayali 106, 107. Uvavai(y)a 24, 26, 31, 54, Ivavata 108. Uvasagga 175, 177. Uvasaggaparinna 120. Uvasagga harathotta 88. Uvasampajjanaseniapario 83. Uvasampajjna vatta 84. Uvahanasuya 77, 112, 118. Uvaiya 29. Uvasaga 132. Uvasagadasa(o) 6, 28-30, 55, 65, 105, 114, 129, 132, 228. Uvasagapadima 107, 143. Usuarijji 118. Ussaggiya 215. Rkkhayuveda 51, Rgveda 29, 162, 208. Rsibhasita 16, 125, 169, 184. Rsimandalaprakarana 90. Ekasthanaka 124. Egaguna 83. Egattha 179, 180, 210. Egatthiyapaya 83. Education in Ancient India 60. A detailed Exposition of the Nagari, Gujarati and Modi Scripts 228. Ethico-religious classifications of Mankind as embodied in the Jaina Canon 230. Annals of B. O. R. I., The 51. Epigraphica Indica 144. Epitome of Jainism, An 52. Apocrypha 13. Arabian Sea 67. Evambhuii 84. Esana 88. Astronomie, Astrology und Mathe matik 140. Aitariya Brahmana 156. Airavata 2, 70, 126. Occupations and Professions as seen in the Ramayana 224. Ogadbasenia-pario 83. Ogadhavatta 84. Ogabanasenia-pario 83. Oghaniryukti 43, 159, 177. On the literature of the Shvetambars of Gujarat 223. Orabbha 148. Orientalistische Literatur-Zeitung 36, 51, Ovai 30. Ovavaiya 19, 30, 31, 34, 54, 65, 102, 128, 137, 145, 164, 198, 200, 230. Ovaiya 24. Ohanijjutti 14, 16, 17, 37, 39, 41, 43 45, 47, 48, 56, 74, 88, 91, 147, 148, 152, 159, 166, 173, 183, 187, 190, 193, 195, 198, 230, 231. Ohanijjutticunni 192. Ohanijjuttibhasa 159, 190. Aupacchandasika 123. Aupapatika 31, 33, 137. Kankali Tila 144. Kanagasattari 14, 163. Kanba 106. Kathanuyoga 12, 136. Kanakasaptati 163.
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________________ 246 INDEX II Kappa 15-17, 24, 25, 37-41, 52, 55, | Kalpaprabhrta 92, 93. 60, 81, 89, 92, 93, 102, 107, 126, Kalpabalavabodha 146. 142, 147, 149, 172, 173, 179, 183, Kulpamanjari 146. 187, 189, 190, 194, 198, 199, 203. Kalpalata 146. 153. Kappacunni 188. Kalpa vyavahara 57, 147, Kappanijjutti 79, 82, 173, 182, 183, Kalpa subodhika 143, 146, 147. 210, 211, 212, 214, 219, 229, Kalpasutra 35, 39, 55. Kappapahuda 92, 93. Kalpasutradipika 146. Kappabhasa 160, 173, 182, 188. Kalpasutraniryuktya vacuri 146. Kappavadissa (i)ya 24, 25, 29, 30, 33, Kalpasutravrtti 146. 94, 141. Kalpasutravacuri 146. Kappasuya 24. Kalpanta ravacya 146. Kappasia 14, 163. Kalpavatamsika 30. Kappia 24, 30. Kalpasika 163. Kappiya(a) 25, 30, 54, 141. Kavayaddara 50, 51. Kappiya kappiya 24, 26, 102. Kasaya 140. Kampilla 105. Kasayaprabhrta 89. Kamma 107. Kasina 108. Kammatthaya 195. Kammapayadi 88, 91, 92, 148, 160, 195. Kabavali 62, 92, 94, 95. Kammapayadipahuda 92, 93, 218. Kaussagga 23, 158, 174, 183. Kaussagganijjutti 179. Kammapahuda 92. Katita 106. Kamma ppavaya 47, 85, 87-89. Kapila 47. Kammavivaga 5, 8, 20, 86, 89, 91, Kapiliya 169, 188. Kammavivagadasa 55, 105. Kaphi 204. Karana 180. Kama 225. Karanasattari 159. Kamadeva 105. Karananuyoga 57. Kamasastra 162, 163. Karman 86, 120, 121, 143, 218. Kayasthiti 140, Karmaprakrti 88, 89. Karaga-sutta 215. Karmaprakstiprabhrta 88, 92. Karpasika 163. Karmabandha 140. Kala 53. Karma veda ka 140. Kalaka sambita 193. Karmasata ka 136, 221. Kalacakra 2, 70. Karmaragrama 177. Kalajnana 200. *Kalikalasarvajna 3, 188, 198. Kala vela 24. Kalinga 170. Kalanuyoga 96. Kalpa 39, 40, 88, 177. Kalik(y)a 12, 23, 27, 41, 57, 81, 154, Kalpa (Vaidika) 27. 155. Kalpaka 184. Kaliyasuya 12, 19, 24-27, 38, 40, 60, Kalpakiranavali 4, 146. 61, 99, 104, 154, 155. Kalpakaumudi 146. Kali 106. Kalpajnanadipika 146. Kavilijja 148. Kalpadipika 146. Kavyarasa 161, 213, Kalpadruma kalika 5, 146, 229. Kasa va 106. Kalpapradipika 146. Kinkama 105, 106.
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________________ NAMES OF WORKS, THEIR SECTIONS, DOCTRINES ETC. 247 Kitti 108. Khanda 127 Kincidganadharavada 188. Khandasiddhanta 230. Kiriavisala 85 *Khamasamana 192, 193. See p. 236. Kiriyathana 121. Khalunkijja 148. Kunala 147. Khamanasutta 58. Kunda kolita 10.. Khuddiyayarakaha 155. Kutuhala (khanda) 127. Khuddi(y)avimana pavibhatti 24, 25, Kumarapalapra bandha 95. 55, 56, 81, 99. Kumaravalapadiboha 181, 228. Khettasamasa 40. Kumma 130. Khema 106. Kummaputtacariya 131. Khoda muha 14, 162. Kula 193 Khomagapasina 107. *Kulakara 11, 126, 176. Gaa 106. Gaccha 168. Kuvalayamala 179, 196. *Kusila 112 Gacchac(y)ara 50-52, 142, 168, 199. Kusalanubandhi ajjhayana 55, 56,165. | Gajja 179. Kusilaparibhasau 120. Gana 6, 80, 144, 193. *Ganadhara 3-6, 11, 14, 15, 21, 22, 38, Kuhedaga 195. 40, 41, 70, 80, 82, 93, 120, 144, Kuvaa 106. 151, 158, 160, 171, 172, 176, 177. Keubhua 83, 84. Ganadhara-namakarman 4. Catalogue of Mss. at Joselwere 195, Gana vijja 49. 196, 200, 201. Ganahara 175, 177. Catalogue of Mss. of the Limbdi Gana haravaya 175. Bhandara 203. Ganita(khanda) 127. Kenopa nisad 134. Ganitatilaka 77, 225, 227. Kelasa 106. Gaaitapada 227. Kevalajnana 191. Ganitanuyoga 11, 53. Kevaladarsana 191. Ganipit(a)ak(g)a 21, 221. *Kevalin 15, 74. Ganivijja 24, 26, 48, 50, 56, 167, Kesi-Gautamiya 47. Ganividya 50, 51. Kesi-Goyamijja 148. Ganisampad(y)a 107, 143, Kotakoti 126. Gandikanuyoga 193. Concord in Prakrit Syntax 212. Gandiya 10. Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current Gandiyanu(y)oga 10. English, The 13. Komala pasina 107, Gata - pratyagata -sutra 216. Kosambi 147. Gantha 120, 211, Kriya 140. Gandhadevi 108. Kriya-naya 201. *Gandhahastin 33. Kriyavada 123. Gandhari 106. Kriya-sthana 178. Gama 77, 117. Ksana 146. Gamika 83. Ksapakasreni 116. Gambhira 105. Ksullakanairgrantha 182. Garudova vaya 24. Ksullikacarakatha 182. Garulovavaa 81. Ksetra 2, 70, 86, 101, 225. Garulova vat(y)a 25, 55, 56, 100.
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________________ 248 INDEX II 154. Gahiyapaya 179. Cauda 108. Gatha 28, 41, 109, 120, 124, 166, 173, Candagavejjha 166. 183, 186, 187, 189, 196. Candaga vijjha 167. Gathanustubhi samsrsti 118, 124.. Canda (a)pan(n)n(n)atti 24, 25, 29, 30, Gathasoda saka 119. 32, 84, 56, 80, 140, 141. Gatbasaha sri 32. Candavijaya 49. Gathic 68. Candavijjhaya 24, 26, 48, 50, 167, Candima 107, 130. Gathika khanda 124. Candraprajnapti 30, 31, 57, 8). Gaba 119, 121, 149, 187, 190. Candra (a) vedhyaka 50, 51. Gahajuyalathui 227. Campa 65, 127, 138. Gabasoda saya 119. Carana 148. Gitamarga 224. Carana karananuyoga 11, 27, 53, 114, Gitartha 66, 168. Caranavihi 24-26, 56, 104. Gunana 90, 100. Caranasa ttari 159. Gunasthana 178. Carananuyoga 57. Gutta 108. Carama 140. Guruvandanabhasa 196. *Caramasa yalasuyanani 172. Guabadanta 107. Caujjama dhamma 151. Grhyasutra 213. Caranabhavana 25, 56, 81, 102. Ganges 223. Caritra (khanda) 127. Geya 179. Cittantaragandit(y)a 10, 96. Geyya 27. Cittasa mahitthana 107, 143. Geschichte der Welt-literatur 206. Citta-Sambhui 148. Gotama-Kesiya 47. Gottasa 105. Citramayajagat 228. Gopatha Brahmana 208. Cuacuasenia parideg 83. Goyama-Kesijja 148. Cuacuavatta 84. Gori 106. Cunna 179. Gole 115. Cunni 1-7, 10, 21, 22, 24, 27, 35, 38, Govindanijjutti 109, 192. 41, 48, 53, 60, 61, 72, 80, 81, 83, 85, 86, 147, 154, 175, 186, 188Gautamasta ka 5. 195, 197, 200, 200, 224, 229, 230. Grama 124, 224. Cullakappasuya 24, 26, 56, 102, Grammatical topics in Paiya 212. Culla vatthu 96. Ghodag(y)amuha 14, 162, Cullasatata 105. Ghosa 209. Caupannamabapurisacariya 77, 197. Cudamani 95. Curnikara 10, 74. Cauranga 195. Culanipita 105. Cairangijja 148. Cula 46-48, 78, 79, 108, 112-116, 156, Cauvisatthava 23, 158, 174, 183. 157, 180. Cauvvisatthavanijjutti 178. Culika 112. Causarana 49-51, 55, 165, 199, 208. Culikasutra 52. Caturvimsatipraba udha 88, 227. Culiya 7, 8, 15, 17, 45, 55, 76, 83, 96, Caturvimsatistava 57. 99, 103, 142. Caturvimsatistava na 186. Culiyasutta 27, 52, 58, 161, 178. Catuhsarana 50, 51. Ceiyavanda sabhasa 196. Catuska nayika 85. Ceiya vanda na mahabhasa 196.
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________________ NAMES OF WORKS, THEIR SECTIONS, DOCTRINES ETC. 249 Jivasamasa 89, 168. Jivajivavibhatti 148. Jivajivabhigama 32, 54, 128, 139, 195, 196, 220, 226-228. Jivabhigamasadhyanana) 23, 21, 26, 29, 30, 32, 34, 35, 51, 54, 190. Jaina Antiquary 144 146. Jaina Commentaries, The 191. Jaina-ganitasutrodabarana 227. Jaina granthavali 37, 49, 51, 80, 81, 167, 189, 19, 191, 195, 198, 199. Jainatattvaprakasa 4:3. Jaina treatise on Arithmetic, Alust 227. Jainadharmavarastotra 37, 13. 13. Jaina Prakrta 122. Jaina Maharastri 1.30. Jaina Manuscripts, Thc 228, Jaina y uga 37, 93, 95. Jainasatyaprakasa 74, 128, 165, 174, 226. Jainasabityano sanksipta itihasa 147, Jaitlaste Chajjivaniya 155. Chanda 27. Chaya 200. Chayanuvada 214. Chinnacchedanaya 85. Chinnaccbeda nayika 85. Cheda 36. Chedasu(u)tt(1)a 16, 18, 35, 36, 39. Cheyasutta 27, 34-37, 39-42, 58, 80, 102, 141-143, 147, 221. Cheyasuya 36. Jaijiyakappa 58. *Janghacaraia 102. Jajuvveda 164. Jannaijja 148. Jamali 105. Jamia 120. Jamba vai 106. Jambuddiva 2. Jambuddivapannatti il, 24, 25, 29, 30, 32, 34, 53, 56, 128, 140, 190, 199, 200, 203, 226-228. Jambudvipa 101. Jambu(dvipa)prajnapti 22, 30, 57. Jambusamiajjhayana 51, 56, 168. Jayatihuyanathotta 198. Jayapabuda 92. Jayaprabbrta 95. Journal of the German Oriental Se. al S@ ciety 122. Javiya 73. Jagatanustubhi samsrsti 124. Jataka 28, 221, 222, Jati 129. Jali 106, 107. Java 65, 137. *Jina 47. Jinacaritra 143. Jinacariya 148, 144. Jitakalpa(sutra) 37, 148, 189. Jiyakappa 16, 36-38, 40, 41, 58, 147, 187, 190, 194, 195, 200, 230. Jiyakappacunni 36, 189, 194, 199. Jiyakappabhasa 189, 190. Jivarasi 126. Jivasamsattanijjutti 170. 32 & Sa Jaina sahitya samsodhaka 188. Jains in the History of Indian Litera. ture, The 206, 221-225. Jaina System of Education, The 59, 65, 80, 82, 97, 229. Jaina School of Mathematics, The 226. Jaina Stupa and other Antiquities of Mathura 68. Jainahita isi 52. Joisa karandag(y)a 51, 62, 64, 91, 168, 198, 200, 226. Jogasaigaha 174, 176, 178, 205. Jogasangahanijjutti 176. Jonjpahuda 37, 51, 52, 55, 92-94, 191, 194. Jonivihana 51, 55. Jnata 219. Jnata(a)dharmakaha 28, 54, 131, Jnatndharmakatha 54. Jnana-naya 201. Jnana parinama 140. Jyoti 95.
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________________ 250 INDEX II 209. Jyotisa 225. Tattvasangraha 163, 164. Jyotisanga 152. Tattvartba(adhigamasastra) 4, 7, 20, Jyotis 27, 94. 28, 33, 34, 39, 57, 91, 92, 114, Jhanavibhatti 24-26, 56, 103, 120, 123-125, 127, 131, 132, 134Jhanasa ya 40, 174, 176, 178. 137, 144, 147, 152, 169, 197, 203, Zoroastrianism 68. Tabanka 203. Tattvartharaja vartika 8, 24, 54, 57,85. Taba 203. Tattvarthasaradipika 57. Tabartha 203. Taddhit(y)a 212. Tabu 203. Tantra 82. Tabo 203, Tandulaviyaliya 49. Tabbo 203. Tandula vealia 24. Times of India 68. Testament 13. Tandulaveyaliya(ya) 26, 48, 50, 56, 166, 192, 199. Tthiminabhavana 81. Tandula vaicarika 50, 55. Thana(nga) 6, 21, 28-30, 54, 55, 81, Tarangavai 188, 191, 199. 82, 92, 100, 103-108, 124, 127, Tava 148. 135, 141, 145, 170, 196, 198, 212, Tiguna 83. 213, 215, 218, 221, 223-227, 229. Titthogali(ya) 50, 51, 72, 73, 110, 168. Thana 113. Tiryac 101. Thiminabhavana 56, 81, 104. Tilaka manjari 5. Descriptive Catalogue of Jaina Manu- | Tivai 5. scripts 16, 32, 38, 40, 41, 45, 50- | Tirtha 13, 22, 48, 49, 110, 169. 52, 54, 56, 80, 89, 92, 94, 145- Tirthankara 2, 3, 11, 13, 22, 49, 70, 148, 158, 162, 163, 168, 169, 172, 77, 110, 126, 130, 144, 158, 160, 173, 175, 177, 189, 190, 191, 194 165, 176, 177, 215, 225. 197, 199, 200, 203. Tirthodgalika 50. Descriptive Catalogue of the Mss. in Tumba 130. the Library of the India Office 203. | Tuvattakasutta 118. Descriptive Catalogue of Mss. in the Tejolesya 102. Jaina Bhandars at Pattan, A 201, Tetali 106. 202. Teyaga nisa gga 25, 81, 102. Descriptive Catalogue of Sanskrta and Teyali 130. Prakrta Mss. in the Library of Taittiriya aranayaka 208. the B. B. R. A. Society 201. Taittiriyasambita 208. Nandinipiya 105. Trasa 228. Nami 105. Trikanayika 85. Namipavvajja 148. Tripadi 5, 6, 22, 23. Nayadhammakaha 131. Tripita ka 221. Nalandajja 121, Trivarnacara 57. Nisiba 37, 40, 93. Trividha 139. Taccavata 54. Trisasticalakapurusacaritra 3, 5, 7, 11, Tandula vicarana 50, 55, 166. 19, 48, 59, 102. Tandulavaitalika 51, 55. Tristubh 123, 157. Tattvanirnayaprasada 89. Tristubbi 123. Tattvarasikacaudrika 96, 63, 97. Tristbauaka 121.
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________________ NAMES OF WORKS, THEIR SECTIONS, DOCTRINES ETC. 251 2.D.M.G. (Zeitschrift der Deutschen Daruzi 106. Morgenlandischen Gezellschaft) Davaddava 130. 119, 141, 198, 221, 222. Ditchivai 28, 77. Thinnia 105. Ditthivatd)a 54, 72, 82, 83, 99. Thiparinna 118, 120, 124, Ditthivaya 6-9, 11, 12, 21, 53, 54, 61, Theragatha 115. 62, 71, 72, 74, 75, 77, 81-83, 89, Theravali 71, 73, 143-145, 160, 174, 96, 97, 99, 156. 175, 193. Ditthi(i)visabhavana 25, 56, 81, 101, Dadhanemi 106. Die alten Berichte von den Schismen Datta 108. der Jaina 125. Darsanata 140 Diksaparyaya 36, 99. Daviyanuyoga 53. Dighanikaya 221. Dipika 200. Davvanuoga 53. Dasavidhasamacari 152. Die Literaturen Indiens und Osta - siens 206. Dasa vidha 139, 184. Die Literatur der alten Indien 206. Dasavaikalika 43, 46, 57, 153, 154, 157, 194. Divasamuddova vatti 108. Dasa vaikalikaniryukti 180. Divasagara pannatti 24, 25, 34, 56, 192, Dasavaikalikasutra: A study. The 216. Divasagarapannattisangahani 51. Dasasthanaka 124. Divasagara pannatti 30. Dasa(srutaskandha) 37, 38, 40, 184. Dihadanta 107. Dihadasa 55, 108. Dasa kalik(y)a 15, 38, 55, 148, 154, 181. Dihasena 107. Dasan nabhadda 106. Dukkhamapahuda 92, 94. Dasa veyaliya 4, 15-17, 24, 26, 27, 4348, 53, 54, 56, 60, 88, 110, 115, Duppa diggaha 84. 116, 153-157, 179, 185, 187-190, Duma 107. 196, 204, 210, 212, 216, 227-230. Dumapattaya 148. Dasaveyaliyacunni 53, 88, 154, 167, Dumapupphiya 155. 193, 194. Dumasena 107. Dasaveyaliyanijjutti 44, 46, 56, 88, Dummuha 106. 109, 116, 155, 156, 166, 172, 173, Duyavatta 84. 179-182, 184, 185, 211, 218-220, Durga padanirukta 146. 225. Duvalasanga 21, 29, 149, Dasa veyaliyasutta 36, 42, 43, 178, 182. Dubavivaga 136. Dasaveyaliya sutta, The 155. Drstip(v)at(d)a 4, 7, 28, 31, 47, 54, 57, Dasa 15, 16, 24, 25, 37-40, 54, 55, 81, 75-77, 89, 97. 82, 105, 108, 134, 143, 147, 149, Dsstivisasarpa 101, 228. 172. Destisadharmyavat 219. Dasaramandalevita 107. Deva(kbanla) 127. Dasasut(y)a 40, 54, 160, Devajasa 106. Dasasuyakkhandha 15-17, 54, 89, 143, Devadatta 105. 182, 187, 190. Devaddhi 107. Dasasuyakkhandhacunni 194. Devin dattha (yla 24, 26, 50, 56, 167. Dasasuyakkhandhanijjutti 172, 173, Devinda pariyavana 104. 182. Devindovava(y)a 24, 25, 56, 81, 100, Danadipika 146, 104. 7-190' D guna apab
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________________ 252 Devendranarakendraprakarana 33. Devendrasutra 49. Dhiti 108. Dhuya 77, 112, 113, 116. Dhyana 72, 90, 103. Nandamai 106. Nandasamhita 188. Nandaseniya 106. Nanda 106. Nandavatta 83, 84. Nandiajjhayana 56. Nandisena 105. Nandi 6, 7, 9, 10, 14, 18, 20-29, 33, 35, 37, 38, 48, 49, 52, 61, 70, 7679, 81, 83-86, 90, 96, 97, 105, 110-112, 117, 126-129, 135, 141, 145, 153, 154, 159-165, 175, 176, 178, 190, 192, 196, 198, 200, 203, 211, 217. 224, 225, 227, 229, 230. Nandicunni 77, 83, 84, 96, 99-101, 160, 162, 191, 192. Nandidurgapadavyakhya 199. Nandiphala 130. Nandivisesavivarana 196. Nanduttara 106. Namipav(v)ajja 148, 215. Namokkaranijjutti 175, 178. Namo'rhat 90. Namo'stu Vardhamanaya 90. Naya 9, 84, 85, 124, 161, 177, 219. Nayacakra 89, 197. Naraka 127. Narakavalikasrutaskandha 55. Narayavibhatti 120. Dharanovava (y)a 24, 25, 56, 81, 100. Naravahanadattakaha 191. Dharma 17 Navangivrttikara 31. Dharma 143, 155, 156, 166, 178. Na 219. Dharmakathanuyoga 11, 12, 53, 169. Devendrastava 50, 51. Desinamamala 188. Desibhasa 208. Desya 210. Dogiddhidasa 55, 82, 108. Dravida 170. Dravya 4, 84-86, 104, 211. Dravyasamlekhana 104. INDEX II Dravyanuyoga 11, 12, 53, 57, 125. Drumapuspika 47. Dvadasanga 21. Dvadasangi 3-7, 12, 13, 21, 47, 70, SO, 110, 171. Dvara 85, 86. Dvaravati 134. Dvasaptatiprabandha 191. Dvividha 139. Dvisahasrayugapradhanas varupa 92. Dvisthanaka 124. Dvipabdhiprajnapti 51. Dhanna 106, 107. Dhamma 120. Dhamma kaha 130. Dhammakahanuoga 53. Dhammatthakama 155. Dhammapada(m) 118, 119, 218, 223. Dhammapannatti 88, 155, Dhammanuyoga 53. Dhammavata 54, Dharana 106. Dharmasastra 29. Dharmasahita 192. Dharmasangraha 197 Dharmasutra 213. Dharmasunu 32. Dharmamrta 1.9. Dharmastikaya 192. Dhavala 230. Dhauya 212. Dhiidhara 106. Naga 104. Naga pariyavania(ya) 24, 25, 56,81,101. Nagasuhuma 14, 163. Nagasuksma 163. Nazarjuni 61. *Nagarjuniya 64. Natyavidhi 224. Natyavidhiprabhrta 92. Natyasastra 212. Nadayavihipahuda 92. Nanappavaya 85, 89.
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________________ 253 NAMES OF WORKS, THEIR SECTIONS, DOCTRINES ETC., 253 Naman 161, 211. | Nisadya 4, 5, 22. Nayai 153. Nisadyatraya 4. Nayakumara cariya 132, Nisiha 16, 24, 25, 38-41, 54, 56, 60, Nayasuya 129. 61, 78, 89, 94, 109, 115, 117, 141, Naya 29, 130, 149. 142, 148, 149, 157, 178, 181, 183, Nayadhammakaha(o) 6, 28, 80, 79, 187, 189, 190, 200, 221. 115, 129, 149, 164, 178, 213. Nisihacunni 147, 194. Naraka(khanda) 127. Nisihajjhayana 54, 56. Nalanda 121. Nisihanijjutti 183, 184, Nikkheva 179, 180, 182, 185, 210, 211. Nisihabhasa 54, 173, 183, 188, 189. Nikkheva-nijjutti 185. Nisibavisehacunni 191, 199, 229. Niksepa 9, 79, 161, 176, 182, 218. Nisibiya 113. Nigama 52. Nisejja 4, 25. Nigoda 193. Niseha 141. Nighantu 128, 129, 211. Names of Prakrit Languages 207. Nijjutti 3, 4, 15, 16, 38, 39, 41, 44, 46, Neuniya 91. 47, 53, 55, 58, 60, 78-80, 109, Nepal 72, 73, 170. 112, 115, 154, 169, 172, 173, 175, No-indriya-pratyaksa 219. 176, 178-187, 195, 200, 210, 211, Notices of Sanskrit Mss. 58. Nijjuhana 87, 88. Nyaya 29. Ninhavavattavva 175. Nyayasangraha 88. Nimitta 94, 193. Nyayasutra 117, 220. Nimittajnana 94. New Indian Antiquary 76, 157. Nimitta pabuda 92, 94, 95. New version of the Agadadatta Story, Nimitta prayoga 94. A 76. Nimittaprabhrta 92. Paitthapahuda 92. Nimittasastra 95, 167. Painna(ga) 26, 27, 48-51, 58, 70, 71, 80, Niyanthi 148. 81, 165-167, 168, 199, 213. Niyanthijja 148. Painnagajjhayana 48. Niraya vibhatti 47. Painnajjhayana 48. Nira y avisohi 26, 56, 104. Paumacariya 11. Nirayavali(k)a 30, 32, 103, 141. Paumavai 106. Nirayavaliya 24, 25, 29, 30, 33, 34, 54. Pakkhiyasutta 16, 24-26, 28, 31, 43, Nirayavali(ya)suyakkhandha 29, 30, 33-35, 55, 141, 203. 49, 58, 81, 101, 103, 109, 165, 190, Niruk(t)ta 27, 179, 185, 211. 195, 199, 205. Niruttiya 212. Pag(g)appa 54, 149. Nirgrantha 121. Paccakkhana 23, 55, 89, 113, 130, Niryukti 121, 122, 172, 181. 158, 174, 183. Niryuhana 87. Paccakkhana kiriya 121. Nirvartapadhikara 93. Paccakkhana nijjutti 179. Nirvana 19, 38, 41, 47, 62, 63, 76, 82 Paccakkhanappavaya 85, 88, 89. Nirvanakalika 92, 94, 108, 109, 200. Paccakkhanabhasa 196. Nivedana 214. Pajjantarabana 51, 52. Nisitha 37-39, 78, 189, Pajjunna 106. Nisithadhyayana 78. Pajjusana 145.
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________________ 254 INDEX II Pajjosanakappa 15, 19, 55, 58, 64, 88, Padmananda mahakavya 59, 230, 102, 115, 143-147, 164, 182, 193, Pannatti 29. 204, 205, 221, 228. Pannavana 29, 30, Pajjosanakappa nijjutti 146. Pabhavati 108. Pajjosavana 107. Pamayathana 148. Pancakappa 16, 37, 38, 40, 41, 80, 81, Pamayappamaya 24, 26, 103. 89, 173, 182, 183, 187, 189, 190, Pamba 108. 192, 195. Paya 112, 139, 140, 188, 212. Pancakappacunni 182, 193. Payattha 212. Pancakappanijjutti 182, 183. Payannaya 166. Pancakappabhasa 16, 36, 37, 173, Payarana-sutta 215. 182, 183, 189. Parakiriya 113. Pancakalpa 38, 182. Parampara 84. Pancatantra 223. Pariavania 24. Pancanamokkara 174. Parikam(r)ma 7, 8, 57, 76, 83, 84, Pancapratikramana 88. 97, 98. Pancamangala 80. Parinayaparinaya 84, Pancamangalasuyakkhandha 80, 109, Parinama 140. 187, 190, 200. Paribbasa 95. Pancavatthuga 100, 104. Paribhasa 190. See Cunni. Pancasang(r)aha 89. Parisista 48. Pancakhyanaka 223. Parisista parvan 14, 45, 72, 90, 116. Pancasaga 87. Parisahadhyayana 47. Panjika 143, 200. Parisaha 79, 148 Padikkamana 23, 158, 165, 174, 183. Parisahajjhayana 88. Padikkamananijjutti 178. Paryzya 84, 85. Padikkamanasangabani(i) 178, 205. Paryaya 140, Padikkamasangahani 176. Paryaya 200. Padigga ha 83. Paryusana parvan 193, 194. Padilehana 159. Paryusanakalpatippanaka 146. Padhamanuoga 8, 96, Parvan 222. Padhamavaravariya 175. Pallata 105. Panama 84. Pavayanasara 57. Pannatti 54, 55, 65, 103, 168. Pavayanasaruddhara 2, 7, 85, 86, 102. Pannavana 17, 24, 26, 30, 32, 84, 56, Pascanupurvi 40, 225. 103, 127, 128, 189, 188, 192, 196, Pasenai 105. 198, 217, 218, 225, 227, 228, 230. Passasa 84. Panavagarana(dasa) 6, 28, 54, 55, Pahana 19. 79, 107, 135, 170, 218, 228. Paheliya 195. Panhavagaranaim 6. Paiyatika 197. Pada 4, 79, 86, 112, 127, 157. Paiyasaddamahanna va 89, 208. Padatraya(i) 5, 23. Pauggaha 113. Padavi 142. Paesa 112. Padanusarinilabdhi 80. Paksika(sutra) 31, 159. Padotthapaya 83. Pagata 125. Padma purana 57. Pat(a)aliputr(t)a 62, 67, 72.
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________________ NAMES OF WORKS, THEIR SECTIONS, DOCTRINES ETC. 255 ladhoamasa pa ya 83. Panau 85. Paninisutra 213. Papa-sruta 178, 229. Payasisutta 221. Paritthavaniyanijjutti 174, 176, 178. Pali 118. Pavasamanijja 148. Pahuda 91-95. 140, 168. Pabudapahuda 91. l'iusenakanha 106. Pinda 88, 113, 159. Pindanijjutti 16, 17, 37, 39, 41, 43 45, 47, 48, 56, 58, 148, 159, 173, 183, 187, 190, 193, 194, 196, 198, 900. Pindanijjuttibbasa 190. Pindaniryukti 43, 44, 49, 159. Pindavisuddbi 49, 51. Pindavisohi 52, Pindesana 112. Pindesana nijjutti 56. Pindesana 44, 88, 155, 181. Pindesana 78. Pindesana-ajjhayana 159. Pindaisana 159. Putthaseniapari(r) 83, 84. Putthaputtha 84. Putthavatta 84, Putthima 107. Pundaria 121. Pundariya 130. Punnabhadda (ceiya) 65, 137. Punnabhadda 106. Punnamanibhadda 108. Punnasena 107. Pupphacula(i)(y)a 24, 25, 29, 30, 33, 34, 108, 141 Pupphia 30. Pupphiya (a) 24, 25, 29, 30, 33, 34, 108, 141, 205, 230. Purana 14, 29, 57, 65, 122, 164, 165 Puratattva 129. Purisa vijja 148. l'urisasena 106, 107, l'ufolita 150. Puvva 6-8, 14, 15, 17, 70, 73-76, 85 91, 93, 96-99, 140, 154, 156, 157, 168, 170, 174, 208, 218. Puvvagat(y)a 6-9, 12, 53, 54, 74-77, 83, 85-87, 89, 90, 96, 98, 99. Puvvanga 192. Puvvaruoga 8. Puskarasari 229. Puspaculika 30. Puspika 30. Pusyadaivata 165. Pustakarobana 63. Pussadevaya 161, Puyaca uvvisi 174. Purana 106. Purva 75, 76. Purvapaksa 76. Purva vat 219. Purvanupurvi 40, 225. Purvanuyoga 8, 96. Pedbabandha 188. Pedbalaputta 107. Pedhiya 174-176. Peyyalam 65. Parallel Passages in the Dasavaikalika and the Acaranga 157. Pellaa 107. Pahalvi 68. Pottila 107. Porisi 103. Porisimandala 24, 26, 103. Paurusi 24, 154. Prakarana 193. Prakalpa 149. Prakirna(ka) 17-19, 31, 48, 57. Prakirnakadhyayaua 48. Prajnapti 103. Prajnapana 30-32, 139. Pratikramana 57. Pratipatti 139. Pratima 143, 178. *Prativasudeva 77. Pratisthakalpa 88. Pratisthapaddhati 95. Pratisthaprabhita 95. Pratyakhyana 51, 86.
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________________ 256 INDEX II Prathamanuyoga 8, 57, 77, 96, 193. Bahupasina 107. Pradhana 19. Biiyavaravariya 175. Prabhavakacaritra 73, 89, 93, 189, Buddhavayana 14, 163, 191, 193, 196, 204. Buddhasasana 163. Prameyaratnamanjusa 11, 31, 32, 199, Buddhi 108. 230. Bihattipanika 183, 198. Prayoga 140. Brhatkatha 77. Prava canasiddhi 175. Brhatkalpa (sutra) 37, 39, 55, 102, 147. Pravicarana 140. Bshatprajnapana 31. Prasnaprakasa 200. Behatsangrahani 40. Prasnaprasna 135. Bihatsadhukalpasutra 147. Prasnavyakarana 28, 54, 95, 135, 160. Bihadaturapratyakhyana 165. l'rasnottara paddhati 217. Bshadbhasya 181. L'rasnottarasamuccaya 90, 159. Brhadvacana 80, 81. Prasthana 128. Bezeihungen der Jaina-Literatur zu Praksta 16, 27, 30, 125, 166, 191, 203. Andern Literature-Kreisen InPrakrit 122. diens 140. Pracina 29. Brahmagupti 178. Pratisakhya 213. Brahmodya 151. Prabhrta 88, 91. Brahmi 126. *Prabhstajna 92. Bhaktaparijna 49-51. Prayascitta 142, 147, 148. Bhagava(t)i 29, 30, 53, 134. Prohibition of Flesh-eating in Jainism Bhagavati - Viahapannatti 53. 117. Bhagali 105. l'hakkika 200. Bhaggava 164. Phala 105. Bhanga 77, 83, 220, 225. Forbes Gujarati Sabha Trainasika Bhangika 160 228. Bhattikavya 186. Bandha 107. Bhatta parinna marana 166. Bandhadasa 55, 107. Bhattaparinna 50-52, 166. Bandhasamitta 203. Bhadda 106. Bambhadattacariya 96 Bhadrabahunimitta 188. Bambbi 59. Bhaya-sutta 215. Bala 108. Bharata 2, 70, 101. Bahassai 105. Bhasmaka 136. Bahubhangia 84. Bhagava 14, 161, 164. Bahula 84. Bhaga vata-purana 141, 165. Bahuvakta vya 140. Bhadra 145. Bahusuyapujja 148. Bharata 162. Babuputti 108. Bharaha 14, 162. Bahuputtiya 108. Bhava 86, 211. Bible 13. Bhavakalpa 183. Baratta 106. Bhavana 112, 118. Barasasutra 146. Bhavana 46, 55, 78, 107, 108, 112, Baravai 134. 115, 116. Babira 149. | Bhavappamana 212.
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________________ NAMES OP WORKS, THEIR SECTIONS, DOCTRINES ETC. 257 Bhavasanlekhana 104. Bhasa 140. Bhasa-tika 203. Bhasaslesa 186. Bhasya 20, 28, 33, 34, 39, 181, 168. 203, 209. Bhasyakarika 209. Bhasyatra ya 195. Bhasa 37, 38, 40, 41, 47, 59, 60, 80, 100, 102-104, 159, 172, 173, 177, 179, 182, 186, 187, 189, 190, 195, 196, 200, 210, 211, 212, 214, 230. Bhasajjaya 112, 113. Bhasa vija ta 54. Bhikkhupadima 143. Bhimasura 162. Bhimasurakhyana 162. Bhimasurukk(h)a 14, 162. Bhuyadinna 106. Bhuyava(t)a 54, 82. Bhuyavaly)a 12, 54, 82. Bhurja patra 192. Mai-nana 20. Makai 54. Magadha 71, 170, Maga hasena 191. Magabaa 147. Magga 120. Mankati 106. Majjhimanikaya 27. Manussaseniapario 83. Manussavatta 83. Mandala 103. Mandalapavesa 24, 26, 103. Mandukka 130. Mati 49, 70. Mati-jnana 18. Mathura 63, 64, 144. Mathura sculpture 144. Madhyama pada 79. Manusyaloka 101, Manusyasreni 97. Manussa seniapario 83, Mantra 82, 135, 202. Mandara 108. Mayali 106, 107. 33 Maranavibhak(t)ti 24-26, 50, 56, Maranavisohi 26, 56, 104. Maranavihi 51, 55, 56. Maranasama(d)hi 49-51, 55, 166. Marudevi 106. Marudevyadhyayana 19. Maruya 106. Malli 130. Mahatpanca kalpa bhasya 38. Mahapana 90. Mahamaruya 106. Mahallia-Vimanapavibhatti 24, 25. Mahalliya 56. Mahalliya-Vimanapavibhatti 55, 56, 81, 99. Mahakanha 106. Mabakappa 89. Mahakappasu (y)a 24, 26, 36, 41, 56, 102, 103. Mahakarmaprakstiprabhita 89. Mahakalpasruta 103. Mahakali 106. Mahajummasaa 127. Mahadumasena 107. Mahanimitta 125. Mahanisitha 37. Mahanisiba(sutta) 16, 24, 25, 38 41, 56, 80, 81, 142, 168, 190, 195, 200, 203, 220. Mahapaccakkhana 24-26, 39, 49, 50, 56, 166, 167. Mahapanna vana 24, 26, 56, 103. Mahaparijna 78. Mahaparin(n)n(n)a 77-79, 109, 112, 113, 149. Mahapurana 57. Mahaprajnapana 31. Mabapratyakhyana 50. Mahaprana 72, 90. Mahabharata 130, 162, 221, 222. Mahabhasya 117, 165. Mahayarakaha 155, Mahavideha 225. Mahavirathui 120, Mahavirabhasia 107,
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________________ 258 INDEX II Mahavirasvamino Antima Upadesa | Mulasutta 27, 41-45, 47, 48, 58, 80, 218. 148, 149, 153, 156, 158, 159, 165, Mahavirasvamino Acaradharma 218. Mulasuttagaba 41. , Samyama dharma 218. Mulasuya 41. Mahavyutpatti 148. Mulasutra 18, 36, 41-43. Mahavrata 60, 115, 151, 156, 165. Mulac(y)ara 14, 57, 114, 165, 179, Mahasatata 105. 183, 185. Mahasibasena 107. Micchakatika 210. Mabasumina 108. Mettasutta 118. Mahasuminabhavana 25, 56, 81, 102, Meru 159. 108. Meha 106. Mahasena 107. Mokklia 107. Mahasena kanba 106. Moggarapani 106. Mahuyarigiya 224. Mohanijjatbana 107, 113. Mahura 62. Mohanaghara 130, Maug(y)apaya 83, 97. Mohaniya 143. Matanga 105. Mohaparajaya 215. Matangajataka 222. Yajurveda 29, 162. Matika 98. Yantra 92. Matuapada 84. Yamaka 119, 121. Matrkapada 4. Yogacurna 94, 95. Matrkapadatraya 23. Yogasastra 62, 102. Matraka 194. Yogasutra 165. Yoni 140. Mathuri 61. Yoniprabhrta 92, 93. Marasi 213 Yonividhana 93. Mayandi 130. Raivakka 45. Markandeya-purana 221. Ratikalpa 46. Masana 84. Ratnakarandastavakacara 57. Mahana 105. Rayanavali 188, 197. Micchasuya 13, 14. Rasa devi 108. Mithila 221. Rabanemiya 148. Mithyasruta 13. Rajagaha 62. Miyacariya 148. Rajagir 62. Miyaputta 105, Rajagrha 128. Mimamsa 29. Rajaprasniya 30, 32, 33, 55. Mukkhagar 148. Raja prasenakiya 33, 55, Murcchana 124, 224. Raja prasenajit 33, 55. Mula 36. Radhavedha 167. Mulag(r)antha 148. Rama 108. Mulatika 201. Ramakanba 106. Muladatta 106. Ramagutta 105. Mula padhamanuoga 10. Ramaputta 107. Mulabhasya 181. Ramayana 14, 162, 224. Mulabhasa 187. Rayapasenaijja 128, 138. Mulasiri 106. Rayapasenaiya 29, 30, 33-35.
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________________ NAMES OF WORKS, THER SECTIONS, DOCTRINES ETC. 259 Raya paseni(y)a 24, 26, 32, 92, 131, Vaggaculi(y)a 24, 25, 52, 55, 56, 81, 138, 205, 221, 224, 229. 103, 108. Raya paseniya 30. Vaggaculi 103. Rasibaddha 83, Vanga culiya 25, 51, 52. Rasi 126. Vacanika 204. Riivveda 164. Vanna 137. Reduplicatives in Indo-Aryan 132. . . Vannau 64, 65. Religions of India 206. Vannaya-sutta 215. Review of Philosophy and Religion, Vanhi 105. The 117. Vanhia(a) 25. Risibhasita 192. Vanhidasa(a) 24, 25, 29, 30, 33, 34, Ruppini 106. 55, 141. Ruva 113. Vanhiya 25. Robini 130. Vattamanappaya 84. Lakkhana 106. Vattha 112, 113. Laghubhasa 38. Vatthu 90, 91. Laghu vrtti 188. Vandana 174. Lacchi 108. Vandananijjutti 178. Latthadanta 107. Vandanaya 23, 158, 183. Labdhi 102, 176. Vandana 57. Lalita vistara 221. Vandaru vitti 159. - Lalita Vistara 118. Vandittusutta 58. Lahuvaravariy, 175, 176. Vara variya 176. Life of the Buddha and the early / Varunovavaya 24, 25, 55, 56, 100. history of his Order, The 129. Vargaculika 103. , Literary History of India 206. Varnaka 64. Lectures on the History of Indian Valabhi 63, 137, 144, 145. Literature 129, 206. Valahassajataka 130. Lecchati 105. Vavahara 15, 17, 24, 25, 38-41, 52, Latin 13. 81, 89, 100, 102-104, 142, 147, Leva 230. 149, 168, 172, 187, 189, 190, 198, Lesya 140. 203, 209, 229. Lesa 148. Vavaharacunni 194. Lehre der Jainas (nach der alten Vavaharanijjutti 183. Quellen dargestellt, Die) 76. Vavaharabhasa 173, 188. Lokaprakasa 8, 87, 90, 226. Lokabindusara 85. Vasudevacariya 96. Lokanuyoga 193. Vasudevahindi 77, 96, 192. Logavija (y)a 77, 112. Vasule 115. Logasara 77, 112. Vastu 91. Vassa 145. Logayat(y)a 14, 163. Vagarana 164. Laukagata 163. Vacaka 4, 74, 109, 160. Vaisesiya 163, Vakkasuddhi 88, 155, 181. Vacana 61, 72, 80, 81, 106, 107, 146, Vakkhakkara 140. Vacya 143, 145, 146. Vagga 33, 99, 105-107, 127, 130, 134, Vaja sa neyisamhita 208. 135. Vaniyagama 65.
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________________ 260 : INDEX II Vata 108, Viyabaculiya 81. Vadivetala 47. Viyabapannatti 59. Vayana 146. Vivagasuya 6, 7, 19, 28, 29, 54, 55, Varisena 106, 107. 105, 116, 136, 213, 221. Vartika 117, 200, 201, 203. Vivata 108. Valabhi 61, 71, 73, 168. Vivahaculiya 24, 25, 55, 56, 103, 108. Viavatta 84. Vivahapan(n)n(n)atti 28, 53, 94, 126, Vialapannatti 2, 6, 26, 53, 59, 94, 156. 102, 104, 126, 140, 144, 160, 163. Vivittacari(y)a 45, 116. 190, 194, 198, 199, 215, 217-220. Vividhatirthakalpa 92, 93. 224-227. Vividhaprasnottara 29, 110. Vicaramrtasangraha 38, 159. Vivsti 51, 86, 200. Vicitracarya 46. Visalalocana 90. Vijayacariya 84. Visesa 140. Vijjappavaya 88. Visesavasyakalaghuvrtti 201. Vijjacarana viniccha(y)a 24-26, 103. Visnupurana 141. Vijjanuppavaya 85, 90, Visesana vai 2, 40. Vijjapahuda 92. Visesavassayabhasa 11, 12, 22, 26, 26, Vijnana(khanda) 127. 40, 51, 58, 73, 82, 86-89, 91, 93, Vinayasa mahi 155. 94, 101, 102, 152, 160, 175, 184, Vinayasuya 148. 187-190, 196, 198, 200-202, 212, Vinnanapahuda 92. 219, 225, 227-229. Visehacunni 37, 61, 92, 93, 109, 183, Vinho 105. 187, 189, 190. Vittharavayana 146. Vidya 86, 94, 135, 202, Viharakappa 24-26, 104. Vihi-sutta 215. Vidyatisaya 135. Wiener Zeitschrift fur die Kunde des Vidyaprabhrta 92, 95. Morgenlandes 222. Vidhiprapa 30, 78. Vinayapitaka 221. Viyaragasu(y)a 24-26, 103. Vinayavada 123. Virakanha 106. Vinayasruta 182. Viratthay(v)a 50, 56, 167. Vipakasutra 28, 54, 136. Virasta va 50, 51. Vippaccaiya 84. Virastuti 186. Vippajanasenia-pario 83. Viria 85, 120. Vuddbabbasa 38, 190. Vippajahanavatta 84. Vimanapavibhatti 55. Vuddhavaravariya 175-177. Vrddha khanda 124. Vimana 11, 99, 138, 167. Vtddhataragathikakhandi 124. Vimuk(t)ti 46, 78, 112, 113, 116, Veddhavaitaliya 123. Vimutti 107, 108. Vrsnidasa 30. Vimokkha 77, 112. Vea 78. Vimoksa 181. Vetalia 120. Viyatta 3. Veda 14, 27-29, 57, 60, 78, 112, 126, Viyaralesa 29, 30. 129, 131, 152, 162, 164, 177, 209, Viyarasara 30, 34, 41, 58. 211. Viyaba 81. | Vedana 140.
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________________ NAMES OF WORKS, THEIR SECTIONS, DOCTRINES ETC. Srutajnana 15, 20. Srutapurusa 21, 28. Srutaskandha 40. Srutavatara 74, 75. Sreni 230. Vedabandhaka 140. Vedalla 28. Vedavedaka 140. Vedanga 29, 211. Vedanga-jyotisa 226. Veya 152, 164. Veyaliya 55, 121, 154. Velana 213. Velandharova vaa 24, 81. Velandharovavat(y)a 25, 55, 56, 100. Vesamanovavaa 24, 81. Vesamanova vat(y)a 25, 55, 56, 100. Vesali 62, 141. Vesiya 163. Vehalla 107. Vehasa 107. Vaitaliya 119-121, 123, 157. Vaisika 163. Worte Mahaviras 29, 120. Vyavahara 37, 39, 40, 88, 177, 184, 194. Vyakhya 103. Vyakhyaculika 103. Vyakhyana 146. Vyakhyaprajnapti 28, 54, 103, 126, 127. Vyakhyabhagavati 103. Vyutkranti 140. Sakatabhadrika 162. Sakrastava 145. Sataka 89. Satapatha Brahmana 208. Satapadi 199. Satrunjayakalpa 93. Sabdaprabhrta 92, 95, 212. Sarira 140. Salakapurusa 77. Sakha 144, 193. Sastraparijna 197. Siksa 27. Sitalesya 102. Suklayajuhpratisakhya 208. Suddhavakyanuyoga 125. Sesavat 219. Sraddhavidhi 92, 95. Sribhagavatisara 127, 128. Sruta 20-22, 24, 27, 83, 215.. Srautasutra 213. Sadavasyaka 159. Sasthitantra 129, 131, 163. Saa 126, 127, 129. Samyama 140. Samlekhana 104. Samlehanasuya 24-26, 56, 104. Samvat 14, 27, 29, 31, 32, 35, 37, 40, 45, 49, 52, 61, 63, 67, 68, 73-75, 77, 94, 96, 146, 147, 164, 172, 175, 188, 191, 193, 195, 197-199, 201, 204. Samvara 107, 135. Samvegarangasala 52. Samsattanijjutti 56, 58, 170, 183. Samsaradavanala 186. Samsarapadiggaha 83. Samskrta 27, 125, 203, Samstara 51. Samstaraka 49, 50, 166. Samsthana 126. Samhanana 126. Sakkata 125. Sagada 105. Sagadabhaddiya 162. Sankha 107. Sankhitta 146. Sankheya 79. Sankhevitadasa 55, 99, 100, 108. Sankhyata 49. Sankhyana 225. Sangahani 40, 174, 198, 205. 261 Sangahanigaha 205. Sangrahani 17, 200. Sangrahanigatha 127. Sangha 3, 72, 160. Sanghatta 281. Sanghataka 72, 75. Sanghada 130. Saccanemi 106. Saccappavaya 85, 88,
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________________ 262 INDEX II Saccabhama 106. Samija 148. Saccasiti 80. Samisanjano Upadesa 218. Sanjaijja 148. Samutthana 101, 104. Sanjuha 84. Samutthanasu(y)a 24, 25, 56, 81, 100, Sanjna 140. 101, 109. Satthana 106. Samudghat(y)a 125, 139, 140. Satthit(y)anta 14, 163, 164. Samudda 105, 106. Sadasii 195. Samuddapalijja 148. Sadavassaya 203. Samuvatthanasuya 101. Saddhajiyakappa 58. Samosarana 120, 138, 175, 177. Saddhasa yaga 195. Sampada 143. Sattariya 89. Samba 106. Sattarisayasthana 2. Sambhinna 84. Sattasattikaga 78. Sambhutavijata 108. Sattasattikaya 112. Sammai(pa yarana) 188, 191. Sattikag(y)a 112, 113. Sammati 11. Sattusena 106. Sammatta 77, 112. Satthaparin(u)n(n)a 77, 112, 113, 115, Sammasu ya 13, 14. 116. Sammavata 54. Sadda 113. Sammurochima 170. Saddapahuda 92, 95, 192. Samyaktva 140. Saddala putta 105. Samyaksruta 13. Santharaga 50, 166, 199, 203. Sayaga 89, 195. Sandehavisausadhi 143, 146. Sarapahuda 92. Sanna-sutta 215. Sarirapada 192. Saptatika 89. Savvaobhadda 84. Saptabhangi 220. Savva panabbutajivasatta suhavaha 54. Sabaladosa 143. Savvarisi 80. Sabala 107. Savvasumina 108. Sabhikkhu 148, 155. Sahasuddaha 105. Samaa 120. Sahasrara 101. Samana sutta 156. Samvyavahari-pratyaksa 219. Samanovasagapadikkamana 195, 199. Sagara 105, 106. Samabhirudha 84. Sagaropa ma 126. Samaya 2, 90. Sankhyakarika 163, 164, Samayaksetra 101, Sankhyasaptati 163. Samayappavaya 85. Sata 107. Samaraiccacariya 21, 179. Sadhana(khanda) 127. Samavaly)a 6, 7, 11, 21, 28-32, 54, 59, Samannapuvvaga 155. 77, 78, 81, 83-85, 97, 99, 103, 112, 120, 121, 125-127, 148, 170, Samaveda 29, 162, 164. 173, 218, 221, 228, 229. Samaiya 23, 158, 174, 175, 183, 187. . Samavyaptika-sutra 216, Samaiyanijjutti 176, 178. Samana 84. Samaiyabhasa 187. Samahi 120. Samaiyasutta 70. Samahitthana 148. Samacari 29, 88, 143,
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________________ NAMES OF WORKS, THEIR SECTIONS, DOCTRINES ETC., Samacarisataka 63. Samayari 91, 143, 145, 148, 175, 177 Samayika 57, 178. Sarana 106. Saravali 51, 67. Salatiyapitu 105. Salibhadda 106. Sijja 113. Sittari 195. Siddhacakra 22, 190. Siddhanta 210. Siddhapahuda 51, 92, 95. Siddhaprabhrta 88, 92. Siddhabaddha 83. Siddhasreni 97. Siddhasenia 83, 84, Siddhaseni(t)a-parikkama 83, 84. Siddhanam buddhanam 159. Siddhanta 58, 69, 113. Siddhanta (khanda) 127. Siddhantastava 148. Siddhantagamastava 30, 51, 80, 96, 141, 148. Siddhavatta 83, Siddhiviniccha ya 191.. Siridevi 108. Sirisirivala kaha 90, 230. Siri 108. Siloanama 212. Siva 108. Siosanijja 77, 112. Sisapaheliya 192, 226. Siha 107, 128. Sihasena 107. Sumsama 130. Sukanha 106, Sukali 106. Sukka 108. Sukkhitta 108. Sukhavabodhavivarana 146. Sujaya 106. Supakkhatta 106. Sutta 7, 8, 41, 58, 83-85, 97, 98, 111, 115, 119, 122, 124-127, 133, 135, 137-139, 145-147, 158, 159, 161, 164, 172, 178, 184, 186, 205, 209211, 213-216. Suttak(g)ada 53, 181. Sutta-nirutta 211. Suttanipata 118, 119, 152, 218, 223. Suttapphasiyanijjutti 178, 185. Suttaim 76. Sudamsana 105, 106. Suddhadanta 107. Sunakkhatta 107. Supaittha 106. Suppadibaddha 160. Subodhika 5, 17, 19, 59, 86, 88. Subhadda 106. Sumanabhadda 106. Sumana 106. Sumaruya 106. Sumina 108. Sumuha 106. 263 Suya 26, 55, 211. Suyakkhandha 55, 74, 77, 78, 105, 111, 113, 114, 117, 119, 120, 123, 130, 134, 136, 147, 213. Suyanana 20, 21, 28, 91, 176. Suradeva 105. Suradevi 108. Suvan(r)nabhumi 180, 193. Susrutasambita 128. Susima 106. Suhabohasamayari 29, 31, 34. Suhavivaga 136. Sutagada 53. 1 Sutra 81, 193, 204, 213-216. Sutrakrta 24, 32, 54, 120. Sutrakrtanga 113, 118, 184. Suyagada 6, 7, 15, 16, 21, 28-30, 38, 76, 81, 94, 118-120, 123, 124, 149, 173, 178, 181, 187, 190, 195, 197, 199, 200, 204, 208, 213, 218, 222, 223, 225, 230, 231. Suyagadang asutta 120. Suyagadatika 197. Suyagadanijjutti 53, 119, 120, 181, 184, 225.
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________________ 264 INDEX II Sura 108. Sthana 28, 31, 54, 121, 124, 139, 196, Surata 108. 224. Sura pan(n)n(n)atti 12, 24-26, 29, 30, Sthapana 8, 211. 32, 34, 53, 56, 140. Sthapanakalpa 88. Suriyapannatti 15-17, 53, 80, 91, 109, Sthapanakula kasvadhyaya 88. 140, 141, 168, 187, 200, 226. Sthiti 140. Suryaprajnapti 11, 30, 57, 80, 184. Syadvada 211, 220. Seubandha 228. Syadvadamanjari 161, 163, 164. Second Book of Sanskrit 156. Svara 124, 224. Sacred Books of the East, The 75, 78, Svaraprabbrta 92. 111-113, 115, 118, 121, 140. Svaramandala 125. Sejja 112. Svarita 209. Seniya 106. Svopajna 102, 203. Hariesa 148. Senippaseni 280. Senaprasna 148, 158, 159. Haricandana 106. Septuagint 13. Harivassa-purana 57, 74. Halla 107. Selaga 130. Hathigumpha 62. Sesauvagghayanijjutti 175. Hara 108, Somila 105. Hebrew 13. Soriya 105. Hima vanta 106. Soriyadatta 105. Hinivanta theravali 71. Sovatthiavatta 84. Hiri 108. Sautta anustubh 123. History of Indian Literature, A 28, 29, Saurasena 61. 36, 39, 42, 43, 48, 50, 57, 62, 64, Sauraseni 61. 69, 113, 114, 120, 122, 128, 130, Saurastra 170. 131, 138-141, 144, 152, 161, 166, Skandili 61. 202, 207, 218. Schools and Sects in Jaina Literature History of Zoroastrianism 68. 123. History of the non-canonical Litera. Scripture truth in Oriental Dress 131. ture of the Jainas, A 207. Stabakartha 203. History of Bengali language and LiStabbaka 203. terature 64. Standard Sanskrit English Dictionary, History of Sanskrit Literature 206. The 21. History of Civilization in Ancient Studien zur indischen Erzalungs- India, A 132. literatur 222. Hiraprasna 90. *Sthavira 113, 115. Hunda 2. Heuvata 54. *Sthavira-kalpin 104. Hora 167. Sthaviravali 143. Hole 115. 1 Names occurring both in Samskrta and Paiya are given together where possible; in other cases they are given separately.
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________________ ADDITIONS & CORRECTIONS' 11 35 Page Line Rood out for off. , 4 , T . 4 19 Add or adesa after matrkabuda. 5 23 ,, at the end of fn. 1: Sec Svayambhustotra (v. 114), too. Read Upadhyaya's for Upadhaya's. the for our. ,, fenga for afsiga. ,, Hai for . , Dalfsegi for storagu. , Yggo for ygalyo. ,, Fifa foai for Flaifosi, Add Pt. II after see. last Read ezgaifa for 244aa. ,, 11 for 12. 19 ,, jnina for jnana. last ,, for 44157. 3 ,, nana tor nara. last ,, hart for arquitu. last Add qarari after gallazi. Read ukkaliy for kaliyii. Add: with the exception that in Dhaval, there is mention of Chedusutlu. Read Vyakurana for Veyyakururu. 14 , 12 such for such 12. prucina for brain. Add as suggested in Prabhavakucaritra after time. ,, Vide p. 137, fn. 2 after at present. Read available at for lost by. , Mulasutras for Mulasutra. 37 28 Add of Nisiha before we. 19 ,, a fn. on some: See Jaina sahityano sarksipta itihasa (p. 75), 41 29 ,, except Mahanisiha (vide p. 80, fn. 4) after antiquity. 1 In the transliteration of Paiya and Samskrta words, a diacritical mark has in some places dropped out or suffered displacement or wrongly given. This has given rise to errors. Of them, some have been rectified in Indexes, and hence they are not included here. 22 31 34
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________________ 266 ADDITIONS & CORRECTIONS Page Line 43 9 2 Add in the beginning: On seving that sAmAiyA I ekkArasa aMgAI ahijjai occurs in Antagudadasa (12, 89), Vivagasuyu (212), Nirayavaliya (71, 72, 186) etc., and on taking into account Avassayanijjutti, Jiyakappa and its Cunni (p. 5) and Dasaveyaliyanijjutti, Dr. A. M. Ghatage, in his article The Title Mula-sutra published in "The Jaina Vidya" (vol. I, No. 1, July 1941) remarks on p. 11: "The expression mulasutra, therefore would mean 'the texts which are to be studied at the beginning of the 'svadhyaya'." For further details see addition for p. 153, 1. 21. Read iMti for Iti. , Uttarajjhaya, Avassuyunijjutti, Dasaveyaliya for Utta: rajjhayanu, Dasaveyaliyu, Avassaya. Read inter-arrangement for inter-arragement. , TA1914: for a 1918. Add An before Epitome, and p. 692 and before Appendix. >> A. D. 1917 after Ghosh. ,, There are ten types of daviyanuoga. See Thana (s. 727). ,,, and some noted on p. 25 after Isibhasiya. ,, after p. XI": Adipurana (XXXIV, 135 ff.) and Harivamsapurana (II, 92 ff.) give some information about the 12 Angas. Read survivors for servivors. Add a fn. on ulavaga. This word is used in Thana (s.83,127, 160). Read soUNa for so UNa. , thenceforth for thence forth. Add to fn. 2: It may be that originally, there was an episode with different characters but the names of these characters were modified, the episode however, remaining the same as is possible since the history repeats itself many a time. Read with for wilh. ,, at for as. reconciliations for reconcilations. , they >> thev. 925 for 933. 1dd except Senaprasna (p. 55a) atter source. ,, Here pada is said to equal 510, 886, 840 slokas plus 23 aksaras. Read TETE BI4FIT for The Targ. Add a fn. on Ajivagas: See "Ajivaka sect-A New Interpretation" by Prof. A. S. Gopani published in "Bharatiya Vidya" (vol. II, pt. II, pp. 201-210 and vol. III. pt. I, pp. 47-59). 22 22 9 27 11 25 38 35 16
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________________ ADDITIONS & CORRECTIONS 267 10. 20 Page Line Read dravyas for drayas. 86 8 Add a fn. on lores: According to Sirisirivala kaha, the de scription of Siddhacalra given in its verses 196-206 is based upon the 10th Puvva. Add at the end of the line: faszefa occurs in Viahapannatti (xv, 8. 1). Abhayadeva Suri explains it as "Friga fa-qacau zrutaparyAyayUthAn nirdhArayanti, uddharantItyarthaH" 89 8 Add after Puvva (?): XXVI Samsattanijjutti, the 2nd Puvva and XXVII Puyacaivisi, some Puvva. Read Prasnottarao for Prasnottrao. Add to after added. Read as for a. 35 fn. 1 for fn. 2. 36 ,, fn. 2 fn. 1. 16 Add of Nisiha after Visehacunni. ___Read aTTha for aThTha. Add on p. 299 after thing. ,: From Abhidhanarajendra it appears that Mahapan navana is referred to in Panhavagarana and Avassaya. 107 Read intact for in tact. 112 ,, righteousness for righeousness. 114 >>, corresponding for correspesponding. 117 ,, afa for fa. 124 ,, matras for matras. >> 12 Add after samsrsti: The late Prof. Madhav T. Patvardhan has discussed the Vaitaliya metre of several verses of Suya. gada in his Chandoracana (pp. 107-108). 128 10 Read XXVII for XXVI. , 33 Add after noted: Mr. G. J. Patel must have seen at least some of these articles and must have come to a certain decision. I do not know what it is. It may be however inferred from the following lines occurring in his work Sri-Mahavirakatha (p. 388) published very recently: huM hamaNuM kAMi maraNa pAmavAne nathI. haju te huM bIjAM 16 varSa jIvavAne chuM. mATe tuM meMTika nagaramAM revatI nAme gRhapatnI che tene tyAM jA. teNe mAre mATe rAMdhIne bhejana taiyAra kareluM che. tene kahe che ke, mAre te bhajananuM kAma nathI. paraMtu teNe pitAne mATe je bhejana taiyAra kareluM che, te mAre mATe laI Ava." Here he has changed his original translation as can be seen from the omission of certain words which according to him conveyed flesh-eating. Read across for a cross. 131 23 ,, for 4AT. , arrest for attest. ,, unflinching for unflincting. 11 et
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________________ 268 ADDITIONS & CORRECTIONS Page 135 137 138 25 140 144 147 152 153 Line 30 Add after mantras: Dr. Amulya Chandt a Sen has composed A Critical Indroduction to the Panhavagaranain the Tenth Anga of the Jaina Canon.; but as I have not come across it, I cannot give any details, Reud upon for to ,, Ganadhara for Ganadahara. ,, encyclopaedia for encyclopedia. 10 an for as. 37 Epigraphica for Epigraphic, 35, 36 ,, across for accross. 16 s, forms for form. dogma for dogmatics. 21 Add a fn. after Ayura: Keeping in mind the meanings of mula. guna and ullaraguna and mulaprakrti and uttarapralsti, Dr. A, M. Ghatage contrasts uttaraddhyayanani with mulad dhyayanani and says: "The first expression should mean the latter group of chapters as contrasted with an earlier group of chapters. That they may refer to the two books Dasavaikalika and Uttaraddhyayana is probable from the fact that both of them are divided into ajjhayanas or addhyayanas. Not so the first book of this list. The six Avasyaka tracts are only known by the name sutra and they can be only referred to by an expression like mulasutra. To conclude, it may be suggested that the expression mulasutra 'sutra texts to be studied at the beginning of the svadhyaya' referred to the Avasyaka formulae, the expression muladdhyayana referred to the first group of addhyayanas now forming the Dasavaikalika and the next thirty-six chapters got the name Uttaraddhyayana. Later on, however, the first name was extended to cover the three books together and still later a fourth book was added, which was either the Pindaniryukti or the Oghaniryukti."-"The Title Mulasutra" (p. 11) Read intact for in tact. 30 Add after work: As regards the metres of Dasaveyaliya, the reader may refer to p. 119, fn. 1, p. 157 fn. 1, Prof. K. V. Abhyankar's article" "Dissertation on an old metre etc." published in "Gujarat College Magazine" (No. 31 of February 1931), The Dasavaikulikasutra: A study (chs. I-VI, pp. 20-27 & chs. VIIXII, pp. 101-106) and Chandoracana (p. 69). In this last work v. 2 of Dasaveyaliya (IV) is quoted as an illustration of the use of 31, T and 371 as short vowels, Read area for gife . 3 6 pp. 16-17 for Ip. 16. 157 22 , 159 160
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________________ ADDITIONS & CORRECTIONS 269 Page 161 Line 6 162 8 163 165 169 9 172 177 22 10 26 28 34 186 Add a fn. on Anrogaddara: This work is styled as pralarara by Siddhasena Gani in his com. (pt. I, p. 136) on Tattvartha. Add a fn, on non-laina works: Caraka and Susruta are mentioned in the com. (n. 42) of Ohaniijutli. Add a fn. on Rumuyana: This is also the name of a work on dramaturgy. Viile Bhasa's Avimuraka ( TSS No. 20, p. 16). Add a fu. on Kappusi: happusa (Sk, kirpiosa) is mentioned in v. 12 of Chanultibhisa. Add after this: and especially when the word pragaranam intervenes puranam and Bhagirain. Add after But: Haibhadra Suri (vide p. 48 of his com. on Dasaveyaliya), Read probability for probality, cursory for cursorary. is removal for removals. ,, erotic for erotics. Add the after on. y after cf.: Thana (IV, 2: s. 282). , Santi after Vadivetala. ,, after Prakrta: 15 is the case with silawitikathi occurring in Arthadipili (pp 85899) an Bhimakumuralathit, a Ms. of which exists in a Juina Bhandara in the Punjab). Add a fn. on Ohanijjutti: Ms. of its Bhasa is in Jesalmere. ,, a fn. on Bhasa: It appears that Haribhadra Suri in his com. (p. 21) on Dasar yilija use: the word Samayikabrhad - Whusya to denote Visesao. Read extinct, for extant. Add a fn. on Cunni: A com. composed by Yativrsabha Acarya on Rasiyaprabhrta is known as Curnisutra. Add a fn, on Addhamagaha: This is defined by Abhayadeva Suri in his com. (p. 78) on Ovavaiya. Add a fn. on Siddhivinicchaya. See my article "A Note on Siddhiviniscaya and Srstipariksa" published in the Annals of B. O. R. I. (vol. XIII, pts. III-IV, pp. 335-336). Adil after has: used the word Hindu in this Cunni. That this is the first reserence of its kind in the Juin literature is a statement occurring in "Jul 212121 24'*" (p. 63) dated 19-10-41. Add after attributed: An a vacuri on Siddhantugamastava published in the Kavyamuli is silent about the name of the author of this Cunni. Add a fn. on paheliyi: It means a poetical riddle. Dandin has mentioned 16 kinds of prahelika in his Rivjadarsa (111, 96-124), 187 24 191 11 192 15 1953
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________________ 270 Page 196 239 39 197 33 198 200 35 3:5 33 202 204 205 = Line 15 19 20 8 9 15 11 14 36 5 34 20 21 ADDITIONS & CORRECTIONS Read 2b, 4b, 9b, 15b, 19b, 20a etc. for 2a, 4b. 11 for 9. 33 Add a fn. on Ayara: In its com. (pp. 50, 87, 112, 118 and 131) grammatical forms are explained on the basis of prosody. Add a fn. on Gandhahastin: Is he the same as one mentioned by Gunaratna Suri in his Tattvarahasyadipika (p. 81b), a com. on Saddarsanasamuccaya? The pertinent line is as under: "yathoktaM zrIgandhahastinA mahAtarphe - dvAdazAGgamapi zrutaM vidarzanasya mithyA / " I find this quotation in Devagupta Suri's com. (p. 2) on the bhasyakarikas of Tattvartha. I do not think it occurs in Siddhasena Gani's com. on it. So has there been any confusion regarding the names and can Mahatarka be identified with this com. ? Add after lost: to us. It was utilized by Silanka, Nandi after Vavahara and add a fn. on this Nandi: The late Dr. Tessitori has discussed in Indian Antiquary (vol. 42, pp. 148 ff.) 4 versions from the Jaina literature regarding an example of Solomon's judgement motif. One of them is taken from Malayagiri Suri's com. on Nandi. See the English translation (vol. II, intro.) of Trisasti. There it is said: "Hemacandra follows Malayagiri in his com. to the Nandisutra." Add a fn. on Angas III-XI: Abhayadeva Suri in his com. (p. 659b) on Anga V says: "pArzvasthIbhUtA iti TIkAkAraH pAsAvaccijjatti f". Does he here allude to Silanka Suri by the word tikakara? If not, the com. here referred to should be included in the list of the extinct ones. "" Add after Ovavaiya: (27) a com, on Anga V noted by Abhayadeva Suri and (28) a com. on Jivajivabhigama (vide p.32, fn.3). Add to fn. 5: Malayagiri in his com. (p. 382 ) on Jivajvabhigama mentions Jambudvipaprajnaptitika. Add a fn. on Harinaikamesin: He is referred to as Harinegamesi in Thana (V, 1; s. 302 (), Viahapannatti (V, 3; s. 186), Antagadadasa (VII, 8; s. 38, 42) and Pajjusanakappa (s. 20), as Harinagamesi in Paumacariya (III, 104), and as Harinaigamesin by Hemacandra in Trisasti (I, 2, 338). Add after 1890: wherein he has given an Appendix entitled as "The History of Gosala Mankhaliputta briefly translated from Bhagvati, saya XV, uddesa I". Add to fn. 1: It also occurs in v. 1 & 364 of Brhatsangrahani, and its meaning is explained in its com. by Malayagiri Suri. Add after 1937: As regards translation of the exegetical literature, Dummuhacariya, Bambhadattacariya, Agadadattacariya and
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________________ ADDITIONS & CORRECTIONS 271 Page Line 207 208 34 21 26 in 27 2092 Mandiyacariya given by Nemicandra Suri in his com. on chapters IX, XIII, IV and IV of Ullarujjhayunu on pp. 1355136", 1856-1976, 842-949 and 951-956 respectively are translated into English. Of them the 1st and the last are translated by Prin. A. Woolner in his Introduction to Prakrit on pp. 148145 and 137-139 respectively. Read non-canonical for non-eanonicul. The word 'probably' may be dropped; for, this verse occurs in the com. (p. 107) on Suyagada according to Apabhramsapathavali, though I do not find it in this com. Add in the beginning: The following verse quoted in Apabhramsapathavali (p. 155 ) is quoted by Haribhadra Suri in his com. (p. 694 ) on Dusaveyaliyu and it occurs in Avassayucunni, too. Add a fn. on 18 Desibhasas. See Nayadhammakaha (p. 38), Vivagasuya (I, II; S34) and Ovuvaiya (p. 98 ) where the phrase Braathrarfait occurs. See also a Ms. (fol. 76) of Daksinyacihna Suri's Kuvalayumala at B. 0. R. I. Read Apabhramsa for Apabhramsa. Add a fu. on Cunnis: These are useful even for etymological information. For instance Dasaveyuliyacunni (p. 11) supplies us with the etymologies of rukkha, duma, tarava and vaccha, in a way which may remind one of Niruklu by Vaska. Add after literature: It may be added that just as Nijjutti is looked upon as an Agama, so is the case with the Niddesa, a section of Khuddakanikaya of the Bauddhas. This Niddesa has two divisions: Mahaniddesa and Cullaniddesu. The former is a com. on Atthakavagga, whereas the latter on Khaggavisona and on Parayanavagga, Vatthugatha excluded. Replace to be published hereafter by recently published in The Sarvajanikan (No. 43, October 1941, pp. 22-32). Add a fn. on upamus. For the appreciation of similes see pp. 88-89 of Dr. Amulyacandra Son's article "Mahavira as the ideal teacher of the Jainas" published in Bharatiya Vidya (vol. III, pt. I). Ad occurring after executed. after canon; as is the case with the words aslikaya, darsano, hetu, karman, gama, gaccha, dharma, tiryac etc. Add a fn. on 'defined': Sutta is also defined on p. 178. See fn. 3. , a fn, on varieties: There are 3 varieties of an authoritative sutra. See p. 14. Drop (?) and read: This is what is said in "Jaina Sahitya Samsodhaka" (I, IV, p. 146). Here it is further stated that 210 10 212 last 220 last
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________________ 272 ADDITIONS & CORRECTIONS Page Line 221 2 222 , 13 224 15 226 230 Mallavalin while quoting some lines from Aiga V for er: Waining the nature of naya has quoted this line in his Nayacakra. Idd i fu. on Literature: Sce Prof. A. M. Ghatage's article "A few paradlels in Jamna und Buddhist works" published in the mals of B. 0. R. 1. (vol. XVII, pt. IV, pp. 340-350). Jid lipithe after cquivalent. is wiler L.cumann: Verses 19-27 of ajjhayonu XXV have a parallel in 63 verses of luserthusullu, having the refrain "Him I call a Brahmana." Add after Leumann: Prof. P. V. Bapat's articie A Compamulutive Study of 5771229743 with Puli Cunonical Books published in "Jaina Sahitya Samsodhaka" (vol. I, No. 1, 19:20) and Upadhyaya Atmarama's article "a ait at yarat Ahrar" published in "The Jaina Vidya" (vol. I, No. 1, pp. 13-18) may be here noted, Add a fn.: Cf. the inscription pertaining to music and got preparet liy King Mahendravarman. Vide Epigraphicu Indica (vol. XII) as suggested in Juinusulyaprakasa (vol. VII, Nos. 1-3, p. 232). Rood attempt for attent. ,Mathematical for Mathenietical. Add utics" Nandi: Ohunijjulli mentions Cunuku and Susrula, and Malayagiri Suri's com. (p. 17a) on Nundi, Rumorasumbhavu. It may be mentioned en pussant that this com. contains quotatious from Ayurl, Thai, Kuppa, Dusuveyaliyo, Anuoguddara and Avussuyanijjulli and the text the first 5 padas of Nurulan of which two occur in Kharvela's inscription. Add: Amusements etc.- 'chu, a kind of gambling is referred to in Siyagodu (1, 9, 17) and gothi (a club) in Naya. hammabuhit (XVI; S. 114). Several festivites are noted in Ruyabusanimusuli. (s. 54). Read ninnarasa for ninnaraya. ama hilationist for annhilationist. Ricad Cunningham for Cunnig hann. Add wler line 22: Jitasatru 11. Roud Manu for Manu. Idd uflcr line 14: Naga 100. For a connected account about Silanka see my article **22041 142 ?" published in Juinusutyupruhasa (vol. VII, Nos. 1-3. pp. 117-119). ded: See p. 231. Read Ditthi(i)viya for Ditthivoya. 231 10 2327 233 235 236 34 237 14 239 247 251 40 6
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