Some information pertaining to the Jaina canon can be had from this Mulasutta. For instance in XXIV, 3 we come across the word duvalasanga, and in XXVIII, 21 we find the words Anga and bahira. Similarly in XXXI, v. 13 there is a reference to 16 Gahas', in v. 14, to (19) ajjhayanas of Naya, in v. 16, to 23 ajjhayanas of Suyagada, in v. 17, to (26) uddesas of Dasa etc., and in v. 18, to (28 ajjhayanas of) Pagappa. As regards this last item, there seems to have been some confusion. Prof. Jacobi and Mr. G. J. Patel, too, have equated Paggappa with Ayāra, and each of them has said that formerly Ayara had 28 ajjhayanas, and it now contains 24, the lost ones being MahaI think the author parinna, Ugghaya, Aṇugghāya and Arovanā. wants to convey by Paggappa, Ayara including Nisiha which as noted on p. 117 was somehow separated from Ayāra. Mahaparinna is lost as already stated on p. 78. Ugghaya, Anugghāya and Arovana are each a portion of the extant Nistha dealing with the penances having these very names. To be explicit, uddesas 2-5 and 12-19 deal with Ugghaya, 1 and 6-11 with Anugghaya and 20 with Arovana. Further, in support of this statement of mine I may quote the following line occurring in Avassaya (III):"उग्धायमणुग्धायं आरोवण तिविमो निसीहं तु । 4
So it follows that only one ajjhayana of Ayara is lost and not four. Besides, on this understanding it may be said that by the time Uttarajjhayana was composed, Nisiha still formed a part and parcel of Ayāra, and that it was composed after Ayaragga
1 These are the 16 ajjhayanas of Suyagada (I).
2 There are the 19 ajjhayanas of Nayadhammakaha (I).
3 By etc. are meant Kappa and Vavahāra.
4 This very line with the following one occurs in Santi Sūri's 617) on Uttarajjhayana:
" इह अट्ठावीसविहो आयारपकप्पनामो उ ॥"
It may be noted that in this com. (p. 616") we have: " प्रकृष्टः कल्पः - यतिव्यवहारो यस्मिन्नसौ प्रकल्पः, स चेह आचाराङ्गमेव"
com. (p.