are extinct, and looking to Thāna (X, s. 755) Dogiddhidasa and portions of some of the remaining 9 dasās1 are extinct. Over and above these works, 147 adhyayanas recited by Lord Mahavira at the time of his nirvāņu are lost, with the exception of those that may have been existing in the available Āgamas.
These are the extinct works I have been able to trace up till now. So I shall now try to give details about them as far as possible and shall accordingly commence with Diṭṭhivaya.
Ditṭhivaya holds a unique place in the Jaina canon for several reasons, some of which are as under:
(1) It is the first work composed by each of the Ganadharas.2 (2) According to the opinion of Bhadrabahusvamin3 and others, females owing to some of their weaknesses are not entitled for its study. Thereby it is suggested that it is not within the reach of one and all, but it is meant for the deserving few.
(3) There is not a single subject or a topic which does not come within its compass. It deals with mantras, tantras, and yantras, too.
(4) It has got ten significant names, and thus it forms a glaring exception to the rest of the Jaina scriptures. (5) It is the very first work lost by the Jainas.
See p. 55, fn. 3.
For a difference of opinion see
pp. 6-7.
3 " तुच्छा गारवबहुला चलिन्दिया दुब्बला धिईए य ।
इति अइसेसज्झयणा भूयावाओं य नो त्थीणं ।। १४६ ।। " - Kappanijjulli
This very verse occurs in Visesävassayabhasa as v. 552.
4 By others I mean Jinabhadra Gani, Kotyācārya, Maladharin Hemacandra, Malayagiri Sūri, Jinadasa Gani Mahattara and Haribhadra Sūri.
5 See fn. 3 and J. S. E. (p. 239).
In Avassayacunni (pt. I, p. 35) it is said:
“बहवे दुम्मेधा असत्ता दिट्टिवायं अहिज्जिउँ अप्पाउयाण य आउयं ण पहुप्पति, इत्थियाओ पुण पाएण तुच्छाओ गारवबहुलाओ चलिन्दियाओ दुब्बलधिईओ, अतो एयासिं जे अतिसेसज्झयणा अरुणोववायमिसीहमाइणो दिट्टिवातो य तेण दिज्जंति ।”