... (6) Its contents are so to say preserved by the Svetāmbaras
and the Digambaras as well, though they differ in some
of the details.. . (7) It is a splendid example of the gamika śruta.'
(8) It abounds in bhangas. (9) Some of the works3 either partially or wholly are ex
tracted from this Ditthivāya.. As already noted on p. 6, Ditthivāya is divided into five sections viz., (1) Parikamma, (2) Sutta, (3) Puvvagaya, (4) Anuoga and (5) Culiyā, out of which at least the 1st two had become extinct at least by the time Jinadāsa Gaņi Mahattara wrote his Cunni on Nandī.
Parikamma-Just as it is necessary to know fundamental operations such as addition, subtraction etc., before one can solve arithmetical problems, so one should study Parikamma before one can commence the study of Sutta, Puvvagaya etc. Thus Parikamma is a stepping-stone for further study. It is of seven kinds: (1) Siddhaseņiā-parikamma, (2) Manussaseniā-pari, (3) Putthaseniapari', (4) Ogādhaseniā-parios, (5) Uvasampajjanaseniā-pario, (6) Vippajahanasenia-pari' and (7) Cuācuäseniā-pari°. Each of these kinds has sub-varieties which, in all, come to 83. Siddhaseņiā-pārio has 14 sub-varieties: Māugāpaya, Egatthiyapaya, Athapaya?, Pādhoāmāsapaya, Keübhūä, Rāsibaddha, Egaguna, Duguna, Tiguna, Keubhuä, Padiggaha, Samsārapadiggaha, Nandāvatta and Siddhavatta. Manussaseņião, too, has 14 sub-varieties. Out of them the names of 13 are practically the same as those noted for Siddhasenia, the 14th being Manussăvatta. Putthaseņião has 11 sub-varieties. The names of them are Pādhoāmāsapaya upto Nandāvatta as noted before,
1-2 See p. 77. 3 For their list see pp. 88, 89 and 96.
4 See p. 84, fn. 1 and 2. - f. "परिकम्म त्ति जोगकरणं, जधा गणितस्स सोलस परिकम्मा तग्गहिततत्थो सेसगणितस्स जोगो
wafa, á esqfT FAITU HENTET TA FTTT nafa"--Nandicunni (p. 55). 6-9 In Samavāya (s. 147) we have Ogāhanaseniā-pari', Padott hapaya, Agāsa
paya and Siddhabaddha respectively.