197 Sūyagada are available. Different dates are given in different Mss. for Āyārațīkā. They are: Śaka 772, Saka 784, Śaka 798 and Gupta 772.' Out of these, I believe the third date is reliable. This Silānka Sūri appears to be the author of Caiipannamahāpurisacariya composed in Samvat 925. Herefrom we learn that Vimalamati is his real name. As stated by him in his Āyāratīkā (v. 3) Gandhahastin had commented upon Šāstraparijñā i, e. Ayāra (1, 1); but this com, is now lost. Some identify this Gandhahastin with Siddhasena Gaņi, pupil of Bhāsvāmins and the well-known commentator of Tattvārtha. If this is correct, he flourished sometime between the 7th and 9th centuries of the Vikrama era.
In the Süyagadatīkā (p. 215) Šīlāňka Sūri has expounded the five ānantarya sinso-a subject treated by Siddhasena Gaņi in his com. (pt. II, p. 67) on Tattvārtha.
Vādivetāla sānti Sūri has written a com, on Uttarajjhayana. He has given narratives therein in Prākļta? as has been done by Haribhadra Sūri. He is said to have died in Samvat 1096.
In the period between the 12th and 13th centuries of Vikrama era there flourished 8 commentators of Agamas. They are: (1) Abhayadeva Sūri, (2) Droņa Sūri, (3) Malayagiri Sūri, (4) Maladbārin Hemacandra Sūri, (5) Nemicandra Sūri, (6) Sricandra Sūri, (7) Yasodeva Sūri and (8) Śrītilaka Sūri. The former wrote commentaries on the Angas 3, 4 and 6 in Samvat 1120, a com. on 1-2 See D. C. J. M. (vol. XVII, pt. II, p. 389 ). 3 Is he the very one who is referred to in the com. on Rayaņāvali ( II, 20;
VI, 96; and VII, 40)? 4 This Siddhasena Gani is addressed as Gandhahastin in the com. (p. 521)
on Tattvärtha by a pupil of Yaśobhadra Sūri. 5 He is a pupil of Simhasūra, pupil of Dinna Gani Ksamāśramana. Some
are inclined to believe that this Simhasūra is Simha Sūri, a commen
tator of Mallavādin's Nayacakra. 6 This topic is dealt with by Nāgārjuna in Dharmasangraha (p. 13). 7 This is why this com. is known as Pâżyațīkā. 8 Thus he has not followed Silānka Sūri who translated into Samskrta
narratives etc. occurring in Cunnis.