4th, with the existence and non-existence of objects from the stand-points of dravya, kşetra, kāla and bhāva; the 5th, with five kinds of knowledge; the 6th, with samyama and truth and their opposites; the 7th, with an exposition of ātman from various stand-points; the 8th, with eight kinds of karman and their subdivisions; the 9th, with pratyākhyāna; the 10th, with vidyāsmiraculous lores; the 11th, with merit and demerit and their fructifications; the 12th, with 10 types of prāna and various kinds of āyuşya; the 13th, with activities pertaining to samyama etc.; and the 14th, with a subject not mentioned.
In the Cunni (pp. 57–58) on Nandī, in Malayagiri Sūri's com. on it and in Pavayanasāruddhāra (dvāra 92), the number of the padas each Puvva consists of, is given; but some times, they differ. e. g. in the case of the 1st, 7th, 8th and 10th Puvvas.
Incidentally it may be noted that as stated in Subodhikā, the quantity of ink required for writing the 1st Puvva equals the volume of one elephant, that for the 2nd, that of 2, for the 3rd, that of 4 and so on in G. P. so that for the 14th it equals that of 213 i. e. 8192 elephants.
Quotations from the Puvvas-Maladhārin Hemacandra Sūri in his com. on Visesāvassayabhāsa has at times given the ālāvagas etc., from the Puvvas.' He believes that v. 117 of this Visesão which runs as under belongs to Puvvagaya:
"सोइंदिओवलद्धी होइ सुयं सेसयं तु मइनाणं ।
Al Frui saagi acest a Àg II 996 11" He ends the explanations of this verse with the words "fêt gårramie HERTTÉ: "
That this v. 117 belongs to a Puvva, is corroborated by the words "asfaqıfat i qafaanfer" occurring in Devendra Sūri's vivrti on Kammavivāga (v. 4). These words are followed by the 117th verse noted above.
Maladhārin Hemacandra while commenting on v. 128 ("afero)" identifies it as a gāthā from a Puvva. While commenting on v. 2335 of Visesão he observes on p. 946:1 It seems in doing so, he has probably followed Kotyācārya's com. on Visesa". 2 In Kotyācārya's com. (p. 53) we have: "la garantaretrů:”