.... "आत्मप्रवादनामकं पूर्वमधीयानस्य तिष्यगुप्तस्यायं सूत्रालापकः सा(? स)मायातस्तद् यथा"एगे भंते। जीवपएसे जीवे त्ति वत्तव्वं सिया ?। नो इणटे समटे । एवं दो, तिन्नि, जाव दस, संखेजा, मसंखेज्जा भंते ! जीवपएसा जीव त्ति वत्तव्वं सिया ? । नो इणटे समरे, एगपएसुणे वि णं जीवे नो जीवे त्ति वत्तव्वं सिया। से केणं अटेणं । जम्हा णं कसिणे पडिपुन्ने लोगागासपएसतुल्ले जीवे त्ति वत्तव्यं सिया, से तेणे अटेणं" इति।
In the com. (p. 960) on v. 2390 of Visesão he says:
"तत्र च्छिन्नच्छेदनकनयवक्तव्यतायामालापकाः समायाताः, तद यथा-"पडप्पन्नसमयनेरइया सव्वे वोच्छिजिस्संति, एवं जाव वेमाणिय त्ति, एवं बीयाइसमएसु वि वत्तव्वं"।"
Abhayadeva Sūri in his com, (p. 9a ) on Pañcāsaga, notes the following verse as occurring in Puvvagaya:
"जारिसओ अइभेओ जह जायइ जह य तत्थ दोसगुणा।
जयणा जह अइयारा भंगो तह भावणा नेया ॥" For, there he says: "न चेयं गाथा न प्रमाण, पूर्वान्तर्गततयाऽस्याः प्रतिपादनात् ।"
Vinayavijaya in Lokaprahāśa (III, v. 803 f.) says on p. 51":"उक्तं च भाष्यकृता
"सदसदविसेसणाओ भवहेउजहिच्छिओबलंभाओ।
नाणफलाभावाओ मिच्छद्दिट्रिस्स अन्नाणं ॥" -पूर्वान्तर्गतेयं गाथा ।" So this gāthā, too, belongs to some Puvva.
Before we proceed further we may note that in Visesčio (v. 2513), its author alludes to Kamappavāya Puvva. The pertinent verse is as under:
"कम्मप्पवायपुव्वे बद्धं पुटुं निकाइयं कम्मं ।
जीवपएसेहिं समं सुईकलावोवमाणाओ ॥ २५१३ ॥" Entracts from the Puvvas:-According to the Juina tradition the Dasapūrvadharas extract portions from the Puvvas necessarily and the Caturdaśapūrvadharas, if a special occasion arises. This
1 Cf. Kotyācārya's com. (p. 687). 2 In Kotyācārya's com. (p. 699) we have a variant पढमसमयउप्पन्ना" for this. It
appears that the entire älāvaga is not given here. 3 This very verse occurs four times in Visesão as v. 115, 319, 521 and 2844. 4 The Prākrta word for this is nijjuhaņā whereas the Samskrta one, niryūhanā. The
former occurs in Visesā (v. 551), and there it means "composition" (racana). The words निज्जूढं, निज्जूहन and निज्जूहिया are found in verses 12, 14 and 15 of