(modern Valā of Kathiawar).' Hemacandra Sūri, in his commentary (p. 207) on Yogaśāstra says that the Ayamas were got written by Skandila Sūri and Nāgārjuna Sūri. Unfortunately it so happened that the version of one did not tally with that of the other in its entirety. So an attempt to improve this situatoin was however later on made by the council that met at Valabhī, under the able presidentship of Devarddhi 1 "अत्थि 'महुरा'उरीए सुयसमिद्धो खंदिलो नाम सूरी, तहा 'वलहि'नयरीए नागज्जुणो नाम मूरी । तेहि
य जाए बारसवरिसिए दुक्काले निव्वडभावओ विफुट्टि (?) काऊण पेसिया दिसोदिमि साहवो। गमिउं च कहवि दुत्थं ते पुणो मिलिया सुगाले। जाव सज्झायति ताव खंडुखुरुडीहूयं पुव्वाहियं । ततो मा सुयवोच्छित्ती होउ त्ति पारद्धो मृरीहिं सिद्धतुद्धारो। तत्थ वि जं न वीसरीयं तं तहेव संठवियं । पन्हुट्ठाणं उण
yoqrafiqtag a rra FT HEUT"-A Ms. of Bhadreśvara Sūri's Kahāvali 2 "जिनवचनं च दुष्पमाकालवशादुच्छिन्नप्रायमिति मत्वा भगवद्भिर्नागार्जुन-स्कन्दिलाचार्यप्रभृतिभिः
पुस्तकेषु न्यस्तम् ।” 3 "इह हि स्कन्दिलाचार्यप्रवृत्तौ दुष्षमानुभावतो दुर्भिक्षप्रवृत्त्या साधूनां पठनगुणनादिकं सर्वमप्यनेशत् । ततो
दुर्भिक्षातिक्रमे सुभिक्षप्रवृत्तौ द्वयोः सङ्घयोर्मेलापकोऽभवत् । तद् यथा-एको 'वलभ्या'मेको 'मथुरा'याम् । तत्र च सूत्रार्थसङ्घटने परस्परं वाचनाभेदो जातः ।"
-Malayagiri's com. (p. 41 ) on Jorsakarandaga This is thus the 3rd council that tried to restore the Jaina scriptures, and in a way it is the 4th, in case we admit that a council had met at Pataliputra in the life-time of Sthūlabhadra. Some believe that the following rendering of the Ilāthīgumphā inscription of the Emperor Khi ravela suggests this:
"The four-fold Auga-saptika of 64 sections lost in the time of the Maurya king, he restores."-J. B. O.R.S. (IV, p. 236).
In A His. of Ind. Lit. (vol. II, p. 431 n) it is said: "If Sten Konow (Acta Or. 1, 1922, p. 20 11: ) is right in his explanation of the Häthigumphū inscription of Khāravela, then this inscription would furnish a confirmation of the Jaina tradition regarding the Council of Pāțaliputra and the Ditthivāya, and King Khāravela (170 B, C.?) would in that case have compileil a recension of the Angas in 64 sections. Konow's explanation is ingenious, but very much open to doubt."
Turning to the Bauddha literature, we find parallels to these Jaina councils. For instance as noted in A His. of Ind. Lit. (vol. II, pp. 4 and 5) 3 councils were convened in connection with the restoration and adjustment of the Baudha scriptures: The 1st council was organized by the immediate disciples of Lord Buddha and was held in the city of Rājagaha ( modern Rajgir); the 2nd was held at Vesāli, 100 years after the nirvāņa of Lord Buddha; and the 3rd was convened in the time of King A soka when the compilation of a real canon of the sacred texts of the Bauddhas was undertaken.