As stated in Kalpasubodhikā (p. 7b) Pajjosaņākappa was read publicly for the 1st time in the assembly of King Dhruvasena ia Vira Samvat 980 or 993. Further, it is stated there that Sadhur used to recite it at night and sadhvis used to hear it by day, too, according to the vidhi prescribed in Nisīhọcunni.
KAPPA This is a Cheyasutta. It is popularly known as Brhatkalpa sūtra. Some name it as Brhatsādhukalpasūtra. It is divided into 6 uddesagas, and it deals with rules and regulations governing the lives of Jaina monks and nuns. Restrictions pertaining to their food, apparatuses, halting place etc. are here expounded, and expie: tions regarding violations or partial transgressions are prescribed. This Chcyasutta has some of the passages in common with other Agamas. As already noted on p. 40, this Kappa along with Vavahāra and Dasă form one suyakkhandha. At times it is mentioned with Vavahāra only. It is difficult to fix up the data of the compilation of this Cheyasutta; but its 50th suttaand the like may be helpful in this direction.
JIYAKAPPA At least now-a-days this work is tooked upon as the 6th Cheyasutta by several Svetämbaras. It consists of 103 verses ia Prākṣta, and its authorship is attributed to Jinabhadra Gæņi Ksamāsramana“. Herein are prescribed penances pertaining to vio. lations of rules enjoined for Jaina saints in their canon. It deals with 10 prāyascittus as usual, and not with 9 48 in Tattvārtha. Mr. M. D, Desai has noted in Jaina sähityno scwikşipta itihāsa 1 Soe D. C. J. M. (vol. XVII, pt. II, pp. 225-226). 2 See p. 39, fn. 1 and Droņa Sūri's com. (p, 1b) on Ohanijjufti where we
have: " HTTEHEER 4767aeTT:". 3 "कप्पड़ निग्गंधाण वा निग्गंथीण वा पुरित्थमेणं जाव अंग-मगहाओ एतए, दकिवणेणं जाव. कोसंबीची,
पच्चत्थिमेणं जाव थूणाविसेसाओ, उत्तरेणं जाव कुणालाविसयाभो एत्तए। एताव ताव कप्पर। एताव
ताव आरिए खेत्ते। णो से कप्पइ एत्तो बाहिं । तेण परं जत्थ नाण-दसण-चरित्ताई उस्सप्पंति ति बेमि।" 4 He has been praised by Siddhasena Sūri in his Cunni (v. 5-11) OR this
work Jiyakappa. His approximate date is Vira. Samvat 1115.