It may be that these verses come from the pen of one who composed bhāsa on Dasaveyaliya. If so, we cannot argue on the basis of these verses alone, that they belong to the period of Bhadrabāhusvāmin. Anyhow, we may, for the time being, assume that the two Cūlās are composed during the life-period of Bhadrabāhusvāmin; but even then the question of the order of these two Cūlās with Pindanijjutti and Ohanisjutti remains practically unsolved.
So far as Āvassaya is concerned, its authorship is either attributed to Indrabhūti or to a contemporaneous Śrutasthavira. Of course, here, by Avassaya, I mean that portion of Avassaya on which we have Bhadrabāhusvāmin's Nijjutti and not the entire portion rightly or wrongly included in Āvassaya at present. If we were to accept the view of the majority that Āvassaya was composed by Indrabhūti on the very day he composed dvādaśāngī, it certainly deserves a place prior to the rest of the Mūlasuttas.
Bhadrabāhusvāmin's Nijjutti (v. 4)' throws light on the authorship of Uttarajjhayana which consists of 36 ajjhayaņas. There it is said that some of the ajjhayanas are taken from Anga, some are propounded by Jina, some by Pratyekabuddhas, and some are discourses (samvādas). Vādivetāla sānti Sūri in his com. (p. 5)2 to this work observes that the 2nd ajjhayana is taken from Drstivāda, the 10th is propounded by Lord Mahāvīra, the 8th is the work of Kapila, and the 23rd is a samvāda between Kesin and Indrabhūti. Some even go to the length of saying that all the 36 ajjhayanas have been revealed-propounded by Lord Mahāvīra when he was about to attain nirvana. This view is challenged and rightly by the late Vijayānanda Sūri alias ātmārāmji Maharāja, with whom I,
1 "अंगप्पभवा जिणभासिया य पत्तेयबुद्धसंवाया। बंधे मुक्खे य कया छत्तीसं उत्तरज्झयणा ।। ४॥" 2 "अङ्गाद्-दृष्टिवादादेः प्रभवः-उत्पत्तिरेषामिति अङ्गप्रभवानि, यथा परिषहाध्ययनं, वक्ष्यति हि
"कम्मप्पवाय पुव्वे सत्तरसे पाहुडंमि जे सुतं । सनयं सोदाहरणं तं चेव इहं पि णायव्वं ॥१॥" जिनभाषितानि यथा द्रुमपुष्पिकाऽध्ययन, तद्धि समुत्पन्नकेवलेन भगवता महावीरेण प्रणीत, यद् वक्ष्यति"तंणिस्साए भगवं सीसाणं देइ अणुसटुिं" ति, 'चः' समुच्चये, प्रत्येकबुद्धाश्च संवादश्च प्रत्येकबुद्धसंवादं तस्मादुत्पन्नानीति शेषः, तत्र प्रत्येकबुद्धाः कपिलादयः तेभ्य उत्पन्नानि यथा कापिलाध्ययनं, वक्ष्यति हि'धम्मट्ठया गीयं तत्र हि कपिलेनेति प्रक्रमः, संवादः-सङ्गतप्रश्नोत्तरवचनरूपस्तत उत्पन्नानि, यथा-केशिगौत10, agafa 7-"mapatay Harga