of the Jaina scriptures. Furthermore, he must be aware of the fact that it is possible to say that kathānuyoga is more beneficial and more appealing than dravyānuyoga so far as laymen are concerned. So it is not unnatural if one assigns to Anuoga, a place prior to Purvagaya, on the ground that Anuoga is mostly, if not entirely, associated with dharmakathānuyoga (probably of a higher type), and Puvvagaya, with drevyānuyoga', which is, in a way, subordinate to kathānuyoga. Similarly one who may be attaching the greatest importance to dravyānuyoga in preference to any of the rest of the anuyogas, may very well turn the tables against Anuoga and assign to it a place next to Puvvagaya, and not ahead of it.
These are the only solutions I can think of, at present. Conse. quently I shall not now any more dwell upon this problem.
This finishes a rough survey of the genesis of the dvādaśāngā; but that does not mean the termination of the topic of this chapter. For, there are a good many Jaina scriptures besides the dvādaśāngi, though they are practically evolved out of this dvādaśāngī,
"देविंदवंदिएहिं महाणुभावेहिं रक्खियज्जेहिं । जुगमासज्ज विभत्तो अणुओगो तो कओ चउहा ।। २२७ ।।"
The following verses of the Avassayanijjutti may be also consulted :"जावंति अजवइरा अपुहुन्तं कालियाणुओगस्स। तेणारेण पुहुत्तं कालियसुय दिद्विवाए य ॥२२५ ।। अपुहुत्ते अणुओगो चत्तारि दुवार भासइ एगो। पुहुताणुओगकरणे ते अत्थ तओ वि वोच्छिन्ना ।। २२६॥"
These very verses occur in Avassayabhasa as v. 763 and 773 and in Visesavassayabhāsa as v. 2284 and 2286. It may be noted that it is only kūliya suya which is mentioned here. This has been done with a view to show that it is mukya (principal), and that ukkâliya suya is gauna (subordinate). So says Hemacandra Sīri in his com. (p. 928) on Visesīvassayabhasa
(v. 2289). 1 Cf. the following verse of the Avassayamülabhisa: ---
"कालियसुयं च इसिभासियाई तइआ य मरपन्नत्ती।
मञ्चो य दिदिवाओ चउत्थओ होइ अणुओगी ॥१२४ ।।" This very verse occurs in l'isesīvassayabhāsa as v. 2294. 2 So far as this dvadasiingi is concerned, its 12 Angas are evolveil out of
Ditthivaya also known as Bhūyivāya, So says the following verse of Visestīvassayabhasa:"जा वि भूयावाए मुवस्स वओमस्स ओयारो । निज्जहण तहावि हु दुम्मेहे पप्प इत्थी य ।। ५५१॥"