CLASSIFICATIONS OF THE AGAMAS This finishes a discussion about anga-pavittha and ananya-pavit. tha. So we shall now deal with the divisions of the latter. They are: (i) āvassaya and (ii) āvassaya-vairitta. Out of these, āvassaya has six sub-divisions viz , (i) sāmāüya, (ii) caivisatthava, (iii) vandanaya, (iv) padlikkamaņa, (v) kõiissagga and (vi) paccakkhāna, whereas avassayavaüritta has two viz. (i) kāliya and (ii) ukkāliya.' Before we mention the various works coming under the categories of kāliya and ukkāliya, we may present the results of this dichotomy in a tabular form as under:
Anaiiga-pavittha or Anga-bāhira
Sāmāïya Caüvisatthava Vandaņaya Paạikkamaņa Kāüssagga Paccakkhāņa
From this discussion, it will be seen that there are four principal divisions of the sacred canon of the Jainas viz. (1) angapavittha, (2) āvassaya, (3) kāliya and (4) ukkāliya. Leaving aside the six sub-divisions of avassaya, we may define kaliya and ukkāliya as under:
"वारत्रयं गणधरपृष्टस्य तीर्थकरस्य सम्बन्धी य आदेशः-प्रतिवचनमुत्पाद-व्यय-धौव्यवाचकं पदत्रयमित्यर्थः, तस्माद् यद् निष्पन्नं तदङ्गप्रविष्टं द्वादशाङ्गमेव, मुक्त-मुत्कलं-अप्रश्नपूर्वकं च यद् व्याकरणम्अर्थप्रतिपादनं तस्माद् निष्पन्नमङ्गबाह्यमभिधीयते, तच्च आवश्यकादिकम् ।" ।
Here, instead of tripadi we have its synonym padatraya. Malayagiri Sūri, in his com. (p. 3a) on Jivābhigama has used the phrase mătykāpadatraya as can be seen from the following line: " भगवान् हि वढमानस्वामी...एतन्मातृकापदत्रयमुक्तवान्-उप्पन्नेइ वा विगमेइ वा धुवेइ वा" "से किं तं अंगबाहिरं ? अंगबाहिर दुविहं पण्णत्तं, तं जहा-आवस्सयं च आवस्सयवइरित्तं च। से किं तं आवस्सय ? आवस्सयं छविहं पण्णत्तं, तं जहा-सामाइअं चउवीसत्थवो वंदणयं पडिक्कमणं काउस्सग्गो पच्चक्खाणं, सेतं आवस्सयं । से किं तं आवस्सयवइरित्तं ? आवस्सयवइरित्तं दुविहं पण्णत्तं, तं जहा-कालिमं 738ffesa a I”-Nandi (s. 44)