two topics are the special features of this logic. In Thāņa (VII; s. 552 ), Anuogaddāra (s. 152) and Visesão (v. 2180-2278 ) there is a description of naya and its 7 kinds.
Pramăna or valid knowledge is classified in Thāna (IV, 3; $. 3387), Viāhapannatti (V, 4; 192) and Anuogaddāra (s. 144; pp. 211-219a2). The word heii ( Sk. hctus ) is used in Thāna in 2 senses viz., pramāņct and reason – inference based on reasons. The word heii occurs in Dasaveyāliyanijjutti“, too. In its v. 867, it is said to be four-fold. Several terms of debate occur in Sūyagada. They are: pakkhas (a party), chala' (a quibble), viyakkāro (speculation) and takka". In Thāna (s. 338) we come across the word nāü (Sk. jñāta ) meaning an example. It is there divided into 4 i " gefta qoulet, 77T-ara SWATT 3117À TÀI 2 Herein pramāna is said to be four-fold: pratyakşa, anumāna, aupamja
and agama. Out of these pratyalışa has two varieties viz. indriya-pratyalsa and no-indriya-pratyakşa. The former has 5 sub-varieties and the latter 3. Anumāna is of 3 kinds: pūrvavat, sesavat and dystisādharmyavat, Out of these, the 2nd is of 5 types and the 3rd, of two types. Aupamya has 2 varieties, each of which has 3 sub-varieties. Agama is of 2 kinds and of 3 kinds as well.
In v. 25-27 of kappanijjutti, there is a discussion about pratyakşa and paroksa pramāṇas. Visesão (v. 95 ) says that inferential knowledge is absolutely parokşa, avadhijñāna etc. absolutely pratyakşa, and one based
npon sense-organs and mind säivyavahāri-pratyakşa. 3 Hemacandra Sūri in his com. (p. 2138-p. 213b) on Anuogaddāra has
discussed the characteristics of a hetu. While doing so he las quoted several
verses one of which is ascribed to Nyāyavādin Puruşacandra by him. 4 See fn. 1. 5 अत्थि तं अस्थि सो हेऊ १, अत्थि तं णत्थि सो हेऊ २, णत्थि तं अस्थि सो हेऊ ३. पत्थि तं णत्थि सो हेऊ ।"
(IV, 3; s. 338). Herein one can see the germs of a syllogism. 6 "जिणवयणं सिद्धं चेव भण्णए कत्थई उदाहरणं । आसज्ज उ सोयारं हेऊ वि कहिंचि भण्णेज्ज ॥४९॥" 7 "अहवा वि इमो हेऊ विन्नेओ तत्थिमो चउविअप्पो। जावग थावग वंसग लूसग हेऊ चउत्थो उ ।। ८६॥" 8-9 "# 9970 TEC TÉE Sorot 7 II"-I, 12, 5. 10 "gar faqafe at 31 45arfeyri 3000 faqafe 3TYÁT FE GRE112311"-I, 1, 2 11 "ug 7 par qarT lfati arsa sot te ger119211"-1, 1, 2