VI ]
The Bhasa on Dasaveyaliya comprises about 63 verses, and that on Uttarajjhayana about 451 verses.
For Kappa, there are two Bhāsas small and big. The former is composed by Sanghadasa Gaņi Kṣamasramana and contains about 6600 gāthās. The latter is anonymous, and its extent is 8600 slokas or so. This latter Bhasa appears to be preceded by the corresponding Cunni and Visehacunni.3
There seem to be two Pañcakappabhāsas (vide p. 38). Out of them the authorship of the bigger one is attributed to Sanghadasa Gani Ksamā śramana. It comprises about 2574 verses.5 The available Bhasa on Vavahara is printed. It is anonymous and consists of about 4629 verses.
In Jainagranthavali (p. 10) there are noted two Nisihabhasas. Out of them, one having about 6439 verses is anonymous. But it may be that either this work or the bigger one is composed by Jinabhadra Gani Kṣamasramana. Muni Kalyāņavijaya in his Gujarati intro. (p. 48) to Prabhavakacaritra says that either this Bhasa itself or a metrical composition expounding Nisiha may be the work of Siddhasena Divākara. He further says on p. 49 that this Siddhasena seems to have written Tikas and Bhāsas on several Agamas; but, now all of them are lost.
Jiyakappabhasa is anonymous, and its extent is about 3300 slokas. There is one Ms. of it in the Limbdi Bhandara. Its first 3 verses and the last 3 ones are given on p. 17 of the intro. to Titakalpasūtra. Therein it is stated on p. 18 that this Bhasa is posterior to Siddhasena Suri's Jiyakappacunni.
1 Two gathas of this Bhasa are noted in Vadivetāla santi Suri's com. (p. 1813) on Uttarajjhayana where on p. 178b, Pancakappa is referred to.
2-3 See D. C. J. M. (vol. XVII, pt. II, p. 254).
4-5 Ibid., p. 261.
In his Visesa, v. 235 begins with "." This very verse and the illustrations here referred to occur in Nisthabhasa. This is borne out by Kotyācārya's com. (p. 95) on Visesa where he says: "garft fantà agam:". Further, the 1st hemistich of this verse occurs in Jiyakappacunni (p. 29). See D. C. J. M. (vol. XVII, pt. III, p. 468)..