113 That the second suyakkhandha is a later addition to the 1st, is borne out by the following considerations:(i) As suggested in Āyāranijjutti (v. 287) Ayārangas (i. e.
to say the 5 Cūlās) have been composed by the Sthavirasthe Śrutakevalins, who extracted them from the 1st
suyakkhandha known as Ayāra. (ii) The sources for the five Cūlās are definitely pointed out
in Āyāranijjutti (v. 288–291). (iii) Several European scholars hold this view.5
Such being the case, I may mention the following particulars by way of a corroborative evidence:(i) Sīlāůka Sūri points out the mangalas, the initial, the mid
dle and the last from the 1st suyakkhandha only. we learn the names of the 1st four Sattikkagās as Thãņā, Nisihiya, Uccărapăsavara, and Sadda respectively. The rest can be named as Rūva, Parakiriya and Annamannakiriya.
This cannot be dated later than the composition of Ayāranijutti. 2 "थेरेहिऽणुग्गहवा सीसहि होउ पागडत्थं च। आयाराओ अत्थो आयारंगेसु पविभत्तो ॥ २८७॥" 3 szafat: yag-agangarafelagerata”-Sīlāúka's com. (p. 282a) ___ "बिइअस्स य पंचमए अट्टमगस्स बिइयंमि उद्देसे । भणिओ पिंडो' सिजा' वत्थं पाउग्गहो-५ चेव ॥ २८८॥
पंचमगस्स चउत्थे इरिया वणिज्जई समासेणं। छट्ठस्स य पंचमए भासजायं वियाणाहि ।। २८९ ।। सत्तिक्कगाणि"सत्त वि निग्जूढाई महापरिन्नाओ। सत्थपरित्रा भावण" निज्जूढाओ धुय विमुत्ती ॥२९॥
आयारपकप्पो"पुण पच्चकूखाणस्स तइयवत्थूओ। आयारनामधिज्जा वीसहमा पाहुडच्छेया ॥ २९१ ।।" 5 In S. B. E. (vol. XXII, intro., p. xli), it is said: "I am of opinion
that the first book of the Akârânga Sutra and that of Sætrakritânga Sûtra may be reckoned among the most ancient parts of the Siddhānta." On p. xLviL we have: "The first book, then, is the oldest part of the Akârânga Sûtra: it is probably the old Akârânga Sûtra itself to which other treatises have been added."
In A His. of Ind. Lit. (vol. II, pp. 435-436 ) it is said: "The first Anga is the Ayāramiga-Sutta. In two lengthy sections (s'ruta-skandha) it treats of the way of life (āyāra, Sansk. ācāra ) of a monk. The first section, which makes a very archaic impression, is most decidedly carlier than the second, and yet even the first is a mosaic pioced together from hetorogeneous elements." On p. 437 it is said: "Section II of the Ayāramiga is a much later work, as can be seen by the mere fact of the sub
divisions being described as Cūlās, i, e., "appondices”. 6 See intro. (p. XLVII) to S. B. E. (vol. XXII). Here it is said:
"Sîlâu ka points out as such the first sentence of tho first lesson of the