As stated in the Bhasa (p. 108b) on culiya is a culiya of Mahākappasuya.1 as under:
" अंगाणमंगचूली महाकप्पसुयस्स वग्गचूलीओ । विवाहचूलिया पुण पण्णत्तीए मुणेयव्वा ॥ १०७ ॥ २ Mahāpannavaṇā-This work treats of the topics of Pannavaṇā to a greater extent than what is done in Pannavana. Along with this it makes up the two Urangas of Samavāya.3
Pamayappamaya-This ajjhayana deals with five types of pramada and the cessation from them (i. e. apramāda).
Porisimandala-This work mentions the porisis pertaining to the different mandalas.
Vavahara (X), VaggaThe pertinent verse is
Mandalapavesa-This work throws light as to how the sun and the moon go from one mandala to another.
Vijjacaranavinicchaya-This work deals with the nature and fructification of knowledge and character.
Jhanavibhatti-This work deals with the classifications of dhyana (meditation).
Ayavisohi-This work points out repentence etc. as the ways of purifying a defiled soul.
Viyarāgasuya-This work explains the nature of the passionate and the dispassionate.
Abhayadeva Stiri in his com. (p. 513) on Thana (s. 755) however strikes a different note. For, he says:
“अङ्गस्य-आचारादेश्चलिका यथाऽऽचारस्यानेकविधा, इहोक्तानुक्तार्थसङ्ग्राहिका चूलिका, वग्गचूलिय त्ति इह च वर्गः–अध्ययनादिसमूहः, यथा अन्तकृदशासु अष्टौ वर्गास्तस्य चूलिका वर्गचूलिका, विवाहचूलिय त्ति व्याख्याभगवती तस्याश्चूलिका व्याख्याचूलिका ।"
Malayagiri Suri while commenting upon this says:
“ अङ्गानामुपासकदशाप्रभृतीनां पञ्चानां चूलिका निरावलिका अङ्गचूलिका महाकल्पश्रुतस्य चूलिका वर्गचूलिका व्याख्या पुनः प्रज्ञप्तेः - व्याख्याप्रज्ञप्तेश्चलिका मन्तव्या ।" - p. 108b
See p. 31, fn. 1.
Cf. - "मज्जं विसय कसाया निद्दा विगहा य पञ्चमी भणिया । एए पंच पमाया जीवं पाडम्ति संसारे ॥" This is a verse quoted by Yasodeva Suri in his com. (p. 64a) on Pakkhiyasutta.