(3) Uttarajjhayana, Dasaveyāliya, Avassaya, Pindanijjutti and
Ohanijjutti. (4) These five works with Dasavcyāliya as the last.
Out of these various orders, the first is mentioned by Prof. Weber and Prof. Bühler; the second by Dr. Charpentier, Prof. Winternitz and Dr. Guérinot; the third by Prof. Schubring;' and the 4th by Bhāvaprabha Sūri.
It is very difficult to say as to which order is to be preferred in view of its being more scientific than the rest. If we were to examine this question from the stand-point of authorship, we may allot to Pindanijjutti and Ohanijjutti, the last place in the lot. Previous to them may be assigned a place to either of the remaining three Mūlasuttas, and their inter-arragement may vary according to the stand-point we may take regarding their authorship. As for Dasavcyaliya, there is no difference of opinion pertaining to its authorship so far as the text embodying the 1st 10 ajjhayanas is concerned. This is of course the work of Sejjambhava (Sk. Sayyambhava) Sūri who was probably born in Vīra Samvat 36 and who died in Vira Samvat 98. The probable date of this composition is Vīra Samvat 72. The question of the authorship of the two Cūliyās viz. Raïvakka and Vivittacariā may be here taken up. Haribhadra Sūri is silent about the authorship of the 1st Cūliyā while as regards the 2nd, he says that according to the urddhavāda, some Āryā (a Jaina nun) brought it from Lord Simandharasvāmin.? Hemacandra Sūri, the well-known polygrapher observes in his Parisista parvan (IX, v. 83-100)that Jyesthā, one 1 See my Preface to D. C. J. M. (vol. XVII, pt. III). 2 “एवं च वृद्धवादः-कयाचिदार्ययाऽसहिष्णुः कुरगडुकप्रायः संयतश्चातुर्मासिकादावुपवासं कारितः, स तदा
राधनया मृत एव, ऋषिघातिकाऽहमित्युद्विग्ना सा तीर्थकरं पृच्छामीति गुणावर्जितदेवतया नीता श्रीसीमन्धरस्वामिसमीपं, पृष्टो भगवान्, अदुष्टचित्ताऽघातिकेत्यभिधाय भगवतेमां चूडां ग्राहितेति।"
In the very lst verse of Vivittacariū, of which the above lines form an explanation, it is said that this Culiya is told by an omniscient being.
The pertinent line is: “afasi I waarfa ya afufa" 3 "ततोऽयुस्ताः पुनस्तत्र स्वरूपस्थं निरूप्य च । ववन्दिरे स्थूलभद्रं ज्येष्ठा चाख्यन्निजां कथाम् ॥ ८३ ॥
श्रीयकः सभमस्माभिर्दीक्षामादत्त किन्त्वसौ। क्षुधावान् सर्वदा कर्तु नैकभक्तमपि क्षमः ॥ ८४ ।। मयोक्तः पर्युषणायां प्रत्याख्याह्यद्य पौरुषीम् । स प्रत्याख्यातवानुक्तो मया पूर्णेऽवधौ पुनः ॥ ८५ ॥