are classed as.micclhrisuyu. According to the 2nd definition, all the works included in these two classes are sammasuya so far as a samyagdrsti (one having a right sort of faith) is concerned, whereas they are micchiscy so far as a mithyādisti (one having wrong faith) is concerned.2 Consequently, according to this second definition, any and every sacred work, Juinn or non- Jaing is a Jaina scripture to a scomyagdisti. But I here do not use the phrase
Jaina scriptures' in this wide sense but in the previous sensethe restricted sense. That is to say, I interpret "Jaina scriptures' as authoritative works4 composed by eminent Jaina saints such as the Ganadharas, Śrutukeralins, Dasapūrvadharas, Pratyekabuddhas and the like. To be explicit, I should now enumerate these works.
Bhadralāhusvāmins is the last i. e. the 5th Śrutakevalin, in case we use this word Śrutakecalin in the strictest sense; if not, 1 "जं इमं अण्णाणिएहि मिच्छादिट्टिएहिं सच्छंदबुद्धिमइविगप्पिअं तं जहा-भारहं रामायणं भीमासुरुक्खं
कोडिल्लयं सगडभद्दिआओ खोड( ? घोडग)मुहं कप्पासिअं नागसुहमं कणगसत्तरी वइसेसियं बुद्धवयणं तेरासि कावालिअं लोगाययं सद्वितंतं माढरं पुराणं वागरणं भागवं पायंजली पुस्सदेवयं लेहं गणिअंसउणरु नाडयाई, अहवा बावत्तरि कलाओ चत्तारि अवेआ संगोवंगा, एआई मिच्छदिहिस्स मिच्छत्तपरिग्गहिआई मिच्छासुअं, एयाई चेव सम्मदिट्टिस्म सम्मत्तपरिग्गहिआई सम्मसुअं, अहवा मिच्छदिहिस्स वि एयाई चेव सम्मसुअं, कम्हा ! सम्मत्तहेउत्तणओ, जम्हा ते मिच्छदिहिआ तेहिं चेव समएहिं चोइआ समाणा केइ सपक्खदिट्टीओ चयंति, से तं मिच्छासु।" --Nandi (s. 42).
"जं इमं अरहंतेहिं ... पणीअं दुवालसंगं गणिपिडगं ... चोदसपुव्विस्स सम्मसुअं आभिण्णदसपुव्विस्स ___सम्मसुअं, तेण परं भिण्णेसु भयणा, से तं सम्मसुअं"-Nandi (s. 41 ). See also in. 1. 3 This is true in the case of some of the mithyādrstis too, in case works like
the Vedas lead them to the right path and thus enable them to leave the non
Jaina fold and to become followers of Jainism. See the concluding lines of fn. 1. 4 In this connection, I may quote the following verse:
' अर्हत्प्रोक्तं गणधरदृब्धं प्रत्येकबुद्धदृब्धं च । स्थविरग्रथितं च तथा प्रमाणभूतं त्रिधा सूत्रम् ॥"
This is quoted by Drona Sūri, in his com. (p. 3a) on Ohanijjutti in support of his statement as under:" अर्थतस्तीर्थकरप्रणीतं मूत्रतो गणधरनिबद्धं चतुर्दशपूर्वधरोपनिबद्धं दशपूर्वधरोपनिबद्धं प्रत्येकबुद्धोपनिबद्धं च।"
This idea can be seen in the following verse of Vattakerasvāmin's Mülāyāra (V), too:
"सुतं गणधरकथिदं तहेव पत्तेयबुद्धिकथिदं च। सुदकेवलिणा कथिदं अभिण्णदसपुधकथिदं च ॥८०॥" 5 He died in Vira Samvat 170. So says Hemacandra Sūri in his Parisistaparvan
(IX, 112). 6 The strictest sense means to use the word 'Srutak evalin' for one who is
conversant with all the 14 Puvvas, both in words and meanings.