Order--We may now take up the question as to the order in which Bhadrabāhusvāmin composed his Nijjuttis. Leaving aside the Nisīhanijjutti, the 10 Nijjuttis appear to be composed in the very order mentioned by him in Ävassayanijjutti (v. 82-83). As noted on p. 181 Avassayanijjutti was composed earlier than Ayāranijjutti, and the latter and Suyagwulanijjutti, too, are posterior to Dasaveyaliyanijjutti and Uttarajjhuyanconijjutti (vide p. 182, fn. 1-3). Further this last one is preceded by Dusaveyaliyanijjutti (vide p. 180). Padmamandira Gani' however strikes a different note' but adduces no arguments to support his statement. But I am inclined to side with Silauka Sūri and Vādivetala Sūri and not with this Gaņi. Further, for the following reasons, I am led to believe that out of ten, Avassaycunijjutti is composed first:(I) All the entrances such as uddesa etc., (vide p. 186)
are treated at length in Uvagghāyanijjutti, a section of
this Nijjutti. (II) This Uvagghayanijjutti is referred to in the Nijjuttis
of other Agamas. (III) No Nijjutti except the Avcıssayanijjutti is as complete
as desired. (IV) It is this Nijjutti alone that proceeds on a scientific
basis and follows the order of the suttas it deals with. From this exposition of the extant Nijjuttis their nature must have been realized. So, in order to have an exact idea we shall note the explanations of the word Nijjutti given in several places. Some of them are as under:
(1) Avassuyanijjutti. Here we have: "निज्जुत्ता ते अत्था, जं बद्धा तेण होइ निज्जुत्ती। तहवि य इच्छावेई, विभासिउं सुत्तपरिवाडी॥"
(2) Visesão. Herein the above-noted verse is incorporated and numbered as 1085. Besides, there runs a verse as under:-- " निच्छयाऽऽइजुत्ता, सुत्ते अत्था इमीऍ वक्खाया। तेणेयं निज्जुत्ती, णिज्जुत्तत्थाभिहाणाओ॥" 1 This Gavi in his com. on Isimandalapayarana --the com. dated
Samvat 1553 says: "क्रमाद् दशचतुःपूर्ववेदी सुरिगुणाग्रणीः। भद्रबाहुर्यशोभद्रेयस्तः सूरिपदक्रमे ।। दशवकालिकस्याचाराङ्ग-सूत्रकृताङ्गयोः। उत्तराध्ययन-सूर्यप्रज्ञप्त्योः कल्पकस्य च ॥ व्यवहारर्षिभाषितावश्यकानामिमाः क्रमाद्। दशाश्रुताख्यस्कन्धस्य नियुक्तीर्दश सोऽतनोत् ।।"