samudghātas or explosions (s. 586) and 7 schisms (s. 587). In section VIII we come across 8 types of philosophers (s. 607), 8 mahanimittas (s. 608), 8 vibhaktis (cases) with illustrations2 (s. 609) etc. Therein the 8 types of philosophers are: (1) Egāvātis or Monists, Theists or Monotheists, (2) Aṇegāvātis or Pluarists, (3) Mitavadis or Extensionists, (4) Nimittavādis or Cosmogonists, (5) Sayavatis or Sensualists, (6) Samucchedavātis or Annihilationists, (7) Nitāvādis or Eternalists and (8) Na-santi-paraloga-vātis or In section X we have 10 types of dravyānuyoga (s. 727), 10 kinds of satya (s. 741), 10 sorts of suddhavākyānuyoga (s. 7443), 10 types of calculations (s. 747), 10 sections of the Angas 7 to 9 (s. 755), 10 kinds of sons (s. 762) and 10 sorts of wonders (s. 777). At times, these enumerations contain parables in a nutshell. As for example, there are 4 kinds of baskets and also of teachers; there are 4 sorts of fish and also of mendicants; there are 4 varieties of ball and also of men etc.
This is the 4th Anga. It is divided into 160 suttas. These mostly deal with objects according to their number, and thus, in
their sources etc. are dealt with, in this sutta, with a passing reference to Sakkata (Sk. Samskṛta) and Pagata (Sk. Prakṛta) and to Isibhāsiya (Sk. Rṣibhāṣita). The pertinent portion is as under:" सक्कता पागता चेव दुहा भणितीओ आद्दिया । सरमंडलम्मि गिज्जंते पसत्था इसिभासिया ॥" with a variant "ff
(p. 394 )
for ar" for the 2nd foot occurs
This very verse in Anuogaddara (p. 181).
In short, this is a svaramandala, and it is entirely reproduced in Anuogaddara (s. 127).
See E. Leumann's article "Die alten Berichte von den Schismen der Jaina" published in Indischen Studien (vol. XXII, pp. 91-135).
2 The 6 verses given in this connection occur almost ad verbatim in Anuogaddāra (s. 128).
" दसविधे सुद्धावाताणुओगे पं० तं० - चंकारे १ मंकारे २ पिंकारे ३ सेतंकारे ४ सातंकरे ५ एगत्ते ६ पुधत्त ७ संजू ८ संकामिते ९ भिन्ने १० ।"
“सम्यगवायनं वर्षधरनद्यादिपर्वतानां यत्र स समवायः "
-Siddhasena Gani's com. (p. 91) on Tattvartha (I, 20)