We think knowledge is to understand the world, things, systems, something new. To enjoy the novelties, varieties. The more topics we know about, the smarter we feel Or are we smarter to know fewer topics but with depth? Do we ever wonder about the knower?
The knower exists; independent, complete, free, blissful Gold remains gold in necklace, bracelet, white or yellow Sugar remains sweet even mixed with coffee The soul never changes with the change in body The flow and steadfast seem to be together, but they are completely separate
The respected do not react, but stay steadfast in their own belief They cope with the flow without any pain or suffering. They know reacting to the world generates desires and aversions The world is constantly changing, never stays the same, But I can stay the same, blissful, peaceful, happy
Even if nailed to the cross, totally naked Meditating in one posture or wandering Poor or have all the riches of the world With degrees or no formal education at all I stay the same forever and ever, never to change