This morning I woke up, feet were cold, looking for socks Never could find a pair, there are a hundred socks, but not a single pair! Went in the kitchen, to pack grandchildren's school lunches The story repeats, cabinet full of containers but none with the right lid!
Is this same for feelings and reality? Never matching Do I feel what reality is, or do I imagine reality the way I want to feel I am clever at changing reality to match my feelings As I match or mismatch the socks and the containers
If I am true to my reality and feel the way it is My life could be very different, simpler, and more straightforward Not to maneuver, but to simply be aware One can know the true depth of reality and one's feelings
The adage says, “Think with your heart and feel with your mind." If I think with my heart, then I am truer to reality, and know more A player thinks with the heart and sees where the ball is going, Before it even leaves the hands of the thrower, by reading the emotions