Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
handful in general. - A kind of liquor (Ha); Cetus- trog part alt 3 67 Mb. 8. 44. 28. ugers To swallow in one draught; &: gar TETT 7034 utsfat Bhag. 9. 15.3.
TOSTS: 1 Raw sugar. -2 A mouthful. Ta, fa, &c. see under 14.
TE I. 1 P. (afa, ea) 1 To speak articulately, speak, say, relate; Tea TC1974 Si. 2. 69; az FT 9TETTEU ATTI PRIEH 11.39; T T TT 411 R. 6. 45.-2 To enumerate.-II. 10 U.Tufc- &c.) To thunder.
T: [77-349] 1 Speaking, speech. -2 A sentence. -3 Disease, sickness; 312: 60 à
si. 2. 84; 79:
Y U R. 9.4; 17. 81. -4 Thunder. The younger brother of Krisna. -6 N. of Kubera. -7 A weapon. ... TEISET | 3 u
g e cottनुजेऽपि च Nm. -दम् A kind of poison. -Comp. -अगदी (du.) the two Aşvins, physicians of gods. -37FT: an epithet of Krisna ; ET 79195741 Si. 2. 69 ; - गदाग्रजकथासु रतिं न कुर्यात् । Bhāg.-अग्रणी: the chief of all diseases. i. e. consumption. -3777T: a cloud. -37fa: a drug, medicament. TH indistinct utterance.
Tefera a. 1 Loquacious, garrulous, talkative. -2 Libidinous, lustful. - : N. of Kama, the god of love.
TET (117-347 219 ) A mace, club; eta a GATE Ve. 1. 15. Comp. -39 arfer a. having a mace in the right hand. -7: an epithet of Vişņu; Bhag. 1. 8. 39. a. a club-bearer, one who fights with a mace. (-m.) an epithet of Vişnu. -Te a fight with clubs. - a. armed with a club.
TIe: f. Speaking, speech; gaia: farlar: Bhag. 11. 12. 19.
Tha: p. p. [ 12- ] Spoken, said, related; neca fast a t ayance Ks. 60. 63.
fez a. (aft f.) [ fa] 1 Armed with a club; Falla afera foi a Bg. 11. 17. - Affected with sickness, diseased. -m. [Tel 3 44 STA] An epithet of Visņu. -Comp. : N. of a grammarian.
Thea. Stammering, stuttering, faltering; Tifere a THT Amaru. 57; TT syarat agila at Bh. 3.8; Hataya a gata Git. 10. -दम् ind. In a faltering or stammering tone; विललाप # 10901394 R. 8. 43; CC U. 2. 30 producing a gurgling sound. -i, -9 1 Stammering. -2 Indistinct or convulsive speech; सगद्गदं भीतभीतः प्रणम्य Bg. 11. 35. -Comp. -ara: a low, inarticulate sound expressive of joy or grief. -54 inarticulate speech. -ai f. inarticulate or convulsive speech, interrupted
by robbing &o. - Fat a. uttering stammering sounds. (-:) 1 indistinct or stammering utterance. -2 a buffalo.
Tilea a. Stammered. Trufa Den. P. To stammer. गद्य pot. p. [गद्-यत् ] To be spoken or uttered; गद्य1892 44 Bk. 6. 47. - Prose, elaborate prose composition, composition not metrical yet framed with due regard to harmony; one of the three classes into which all compositions may be divided; see Kav. 1.11.
TOTO (a ) A weight equal to 48 fun jas; cf. Y. 3. 258 com.
Top 4 P. ( fa) To be mixed. TETT a. Ved. To be seized (as booty); #99137 TEL 099 Rv. 4. 16. 11.
TFEL 10 A. (T99) 1 To injure, hurt. -2 To ask, beg.-3 To nove, go. -4 To adorn.
TEST: [ T79-92117 ] 1 Smell, odour ; T A1914 To: Me. 21; 34970 gfi coge: $. 4. 8; R. 12. 27. (79 is changed to a when as the last member of . Bah. comp. it is preceded by 3, qfa, g, g , or when the compound implies comparison; go , go,
a gan; fara fata R. 1.38; anglao 1.53; also when Tot is used in the sense of a little'). -2 Smell considered as one of the 24 properties or guņas of the Vaišeşikas; it is a property characteristic of पृथिवी or earth which is defined as गन्धवती पृथ्वी T. S. -3 The mere smell of anything, a little, a very small quantity; gati 1774 Sk. - A perfume, any fragrant substance; a 441 far tayfa: Mk. 8; Y. 1. 231; Mu. 1. 4. -5 Sulphur. -8 Pounded sandal wood. -7 Connection, relationship. -8 A neighbour. -9 Pride, arrogance; as in 1977 humbled or mortified. -10 An epithet of Siva. -11 A sectarial mark on the forehead. -12 Similarity (AE); 33HRIETE 70 frequefa Mb. 1. 10.3. 1 Smell. -2 Black aloewood. -Comp. -374 a kind of perfume. -374OTH removing smells. -377 n. fragrant water. -37FT the wild lemon tree. -3EHT m. sulphur. ...... TET* Ha:c 1 Siva. B. 30 19. -34044 a mixture of 8 fragrant substances offered to deities, varying in kind according to the nature of the deity to whom they are offered. Generally sandal, camphor, saffron, eft, cyperus pertenuis (Mar. ATTIT),
T a art and a flower are used in the mixture.-31€ the musk-rat. - fra: a vendor of perfumes. -37164 a. rich in odour, very fragrant; T2122: Mb. (- ) the orange tree. (- 4) sandal-wood. 1994 the organ of smell. -H, - : ,-fet, -effent m. 'the scentelephant', an elephant of the best kind; ET TE
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