Appadibaa (Apratihata) King of the city of Sogamdhiyā. Sukanna was his wife. His grandson Jiņadāsa(7) was a disciple of Titthayara Mahāyira,
1. Vip. 34.
Appatitthāņa (Apratisthāna) See Appaitthäņa.
1. AvaH. p. 348.
Twenty-ninth chapter of Uttarajjhayaņa.
Appamāya (Apramāda)
1. Sam. 36, UttN. p. 9.
Apparājiya (Aparājita) See Aparāiya(6).1
1. Utt. 36. 213.
Abaddhigaditthi (Abaddhikadrsti) Same as Abaddhiya.1
1. AvaCu. I. p. 426.
Abaddhiya (Abaddhika) A doctrine propounded in V. N. 584 by Gotthāmāhila, who believed that karma only touches the soul. According to him it is wrong to believe that karma binds the soul.1
1. AvaN. 779-781, NisBh. 5619, Utts. p. 174, Aup. 41, Aupa. p. 106, AvaCu. I. p. 426.
Abbuya (Arbuda) A mountain where pilgrims arranged sankhadi (feast).1 It is identified with modern Mount Abu in the Sirohi District of Rajasthan. 1. BrhBh. 3150, Brh Ks. p. 884.
2. See GD. p. 10.
Abbha (Abhra) Seventh sub-section of the twenty-first section of Viyāhapannatti. It is divided into ten chapters.
1. Bha. 688. Abbhimtara-Pukkharaddha (Abhyantara-Puskarārdha) Inner half of the Pukkharavara continent. See Pukkharavara for details.
1. Jiv. 176.
Abhaa (Abhaya) Son of king Seņia(1) of Rāyagiha, born of Namdā(1) at Bennātada. He is a well known figure in the canonical literature of the Jainas. He is frequently quoted to illustrate intelligence in general and reasoning in particular. For the first time when he along with his mother went to Rāyagiha, he exhibited his power of reasoning. Senia was so impressed by his originality of thinking that he made him his chief 1. Jna. 7, Anut. 1, Nir. 1.1, Nirc.1 231, Na M. p. 151. 1.1, p. 5.
3. SthA. pp. 283, 516, BrhKs. p. 351, 2. AvaCu. I. p. 546, AvaCu. II. p. 159, KalpV. p. 8.
AvaH. pp. 418, 671, NisCu. II. p. 1
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