1. Kesava (Keśava) Another name of Kapha(1).
1. Utt. 22.2, Jha. 122, NanM. pp. 60-2, Vis. 1485, PrasA. p. 88, Utts. p. 489.
2. Kesava Son of Suvihi(2), a physician of the city of Pabhamkarā and previous birth of Usabha(1).
1. AvaCu. I. pp. 179-180.
3. Kesava Identical with Vāsudeva(1).
1. Sam. 158, Tir. 603, AvaN. 416, NisCu. I. p. 56, BrhKs. p. 1341, JivM. p. 129.
1. Kezi (Kesin) A preceptor of the line of Titthayara Pása(1). He is also known as Kumārasamaņa. Once he was staying in a garden called Timduga(1) outside the town of Sāvatthi, whereas Goyamā (Imdabhui), the first principal disciple of Titthayara Mahāvīra, was staying in the Kotthaga(1) garden of the same town. The pupils of both of them who controlled themselves, who practised austerities, who possessed virtues and who protected their 'self' made the following reflection.? 'Is our law the right one or is the other Law (the Law of Pāsa or the Law of Mahāvira) the right one? Are our conduct and doctrines right or the other ? The Law as taught by Pāsa which recognised four vows or the Law taught by Mahāvīra which recognises five vows? The Law which forbids clothes for a monk or that which allows an under and upper garment ? Both pursuing the same end,
caused their difference ?' Knowing the thought of their pupils, both Kesi and Goyama, made up their minds to meet each other.3 Goyama, knowing what is proper and what is due to the older section of the church, went to the Timduga garden accompanied by his disciples. Kesi received him with full respect.4 Goyama answered all the questions put by Kesi thoroughly and gently. In this meeting of Kesi and Goyama, the subjects of the greatest importance were settled. For the nature and topics of the discussion, see Imdabhūi.
Kesi had another discussion with king Paesi of Seyaviyā. Paesi had no faith in the independant existence of soul and body. He recognised them as identical. Kesi convinced him on the strength of empirical arguments that soul is an independent entity different from body. 1. Utt. 23.1-8.
4. Ibid. 23.15-17. 2. Ibid. 23.10-13.
5. Ibid. 23.88. 3. Ibid. 23.14.
6. Raj. 157 ff.
2. Kesi Nephew (bhāgineya) of king Udayana(1), of Vitībhaya. Udāyana, instead of giving his kingdom to his own son gave it to Kesi and took to asceticism. Once ascetic Ulāyaṇa paid a visit to the city of Vitibhaya.
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