Doba Same as Doba.1
1. Praj. 37.
Dovai (Draupadi) Daughter of King Duvaya and his queen Culani(1) of Kampillapura in Pamcäla country. Prince Dhatthajjuna was her brother.2 She was Sukumaliya(1) in her previous birth. She chose Juhiṭṭhilla, Bhimasena(1), Ajjuṇa(2), Naula and Sahadeva, the five Pamdavas, five sons of king Pamḍu of Hatthiṇaura, as her husbands in a svayamvara and married them on account of her nidana in her previous birth. She was kidnapped by king Paumaṇābha(3) of Amarakamka(1) in the Dhayaisamḍa(1) island. Vasudeva(2) Kanha(1) helped her release.5 She gave birth to a son named Pamḍusena. Like her husbands she also renounced the world and became a disciple of nun Suvvaya(1). After death she was born as a god in the Bambhaloa heavenly region. After taking one more birth she will attain liberation in Mahavideha. Dovai, in her former life of Ṇāgasiri(2), had served an ascetic named Dhammarui(4) with a cooked vegetable prepared from a bitter gourd which caused his death. She, in her life as Sukumaliya(1), had resolved to make merry with five husbands. That is why she got the five sons of king Pamḍu as her husbands.9
1. Jna. 116, PrasA. p. 87.
2. Jna. 116.
3. Jna. 109.
4. Ibid. 120.
5. Ibid. 123-4.
Dosăuriya (Doṣapūrikā)
1. Sam. 18, Praj. 37.
Dosapuriya (Doṣapūrikā) 1. Praj. 37.
Dosiya (Dausyika)
1. Praj. 37.
6. Ibid. 127-8.
7. Ibid. 128-131.
8. Ibid. 106-8.
9. Ibid. 110-115, BhaA. p. 51.
One of the eighteen kinds of Bambbi(2) scripts.1
1. Dosiņābhā (Jyotsnābhā) second section of Ṇayadhammakahā.1
1. Jna, 156.
Jain Education International
See Dosăuriya.1
Second chapter of the eighth subsection of the
2. Dosiṇābhā Daughter of a merchant of Mahura(1). She had taken to asceticism. After death she was born as a principal wife of Camda(1).1 The same is the name of a principal wife of Sura(1).2
1. Jna. 156, Sth. 273, Bha. 406, Jam. 2. Sth. 273.
170, Sur. 97, 106.
An Ariya vocational group of cloth-merchants.
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