398 1. Dhannamtari (Dhanvantari) Physician of king Kanagaraha(2) of Vijayapura and previous birth of Umbaradatta(1), son of merchant Sāgaradatta(5) of Pädalasamda. He was well-versed in all the eight branches of äyurveda."
1. Vip. 28, SthA. p. 508. 2. Dhaņņamtari A physician belonging to the city of Bäravai.'
1. AvaN. 1300, AvaCu. I. pp. 460-1. 3. Dhannamtari A physician being the founder of the science of ayurveda.
1. NisCu. III. p. 512, IV. p. 340, BrhKs. p. 302. Dhaạpā (Dhanyā) Wife of Surādeva(1) of Vāņārasi and a lay votary of Mahāvira.
1. Upa. 30. Dhaņņiyā (Dhannikā) Maid-servant of a barber and wife of a weaver of Gobbaragāma.
1. BrhBh. 6096, BrhKs. p. 1611. 1. Dhamma (Dharma) Disciple of preceptor Hatthi and teacher of preceptor Siha(2). He belonged to the Suvvaya(5) lineage.
1. Kalp. pp. 265-6, 2. Dhamma Disciple of preceptor Sība(2) and teacher of preceptor Samdilla(2). He belonged to the Kāsava(1) lineage.
1. Kalp. pp. 265-266. 3. Dhamma Fifteenth Titthařkara of the current descending cycle. In his previous birth he was Siharaha(2).2 Dhamma was son of king Bhäņu(1) and his queen Suvvayā(2) of Rayaņapura. His height was forty-five dhaņuşas. His complexion was like that of heated gold." He had renounced the world along with one thousand men. He used Sāgaradattā palanquin on that occasion. He had broken his first fast at the house of Dhammasiha(2) in the town of Somanasa(2).7 Dadhiparna was his sacred tree. His first disciple was ascetic Arittha(2).9 Sivā(3) was his first woman disciple.10 He had forty-eight groups of ascetics as well as the same number of group leaders under him. He had 64000 male disciples and (62400 female disciples.12 He attained liberation after enjoying the longevity of one million years, before three Säyaropama years of Malli's(1) death. He was a prince for 21 lakh years and a king for 5 lakh years.13 1. Sam. 157, Nan, V. 19, Vis. 1759, Tir. 1 7. AyaN. 324, 328, Sam. 157.
328, AvaN. 371, 1094, Sth. 411, 8. Sam. 157, Tir. 406. 2. Sam. 157.
9. Sam. 157, Tir. 450. 3. Sam. 157, AvaN. 383, 386, 388, Tir. 10. Sam. 157, Tir. 460. 478.
11. Sam. 48; According to AvaN. 267, and 4. Sam. 45, AvaN. 379, Tir. 363.
Tir. 450, the number is 43. 5. Avan. 377, Tir. 341.
12. AvaN. 256 ff. 6. Sam. 157, AvaN. 225, Tir. 392. 13. AvaN. 272-305, Kalp. 190, Sth. 735.
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