Khattiyakumḍapurasamnivesa (Ksatriyakundapurasannivesa)
1. Aca. 2. 176, 179.
Khamaa (Kṣamaka)
1. AvaCu. I. p. 278.
2. Kharaa
1. Bha. 453, Sur. 105.
3. Kharaa
1. Kharaa (Kharaka)
A physician who pulled out the bamboo nails struck by a herdsman into the ears of Mahāvīra. He was a resident of Majjhimā– Pāvā.1
1. AvaN. 526, AvaCu. I. p. 322, KalpV. p. 171, KalpDh. p. 110.
1. BrhKs. p. 1647, VyaM. IV. p. 36.
Previous birth of Kosia(2).1
Another name of Rahu(1).1
Kharaga (Kharaka) See Kharaa.1
1. VyaM. IV. p. 36.
Minister of king Sayavahaṇa.1
Kharamuha (Kharamukha)
1. Sam. 18.
1. Praj. 37, Pras. 4, SutSi. p. 123.
See Pukkharasăriyā.1
Kharotti (Kharoştri)
1. Praj. 37, Sam. 18.
Jain Education International
An Aṇāriya country and its people.1
Kharoṭṭia (Kharoṣṭrikā) Same as Kharotti.1
1. Sam. 18.
Kharassara (Kharasvara) A family-member of Logapala Jama(2). He tortures infernal beings and belongs to the Paramahammiya class of gods." 1. Bha. 166. 2. SutN. 81, SutCu. p. 154.
Khalumkijja (Khalumkiya)
1. UttN. p. 9. Sam. 36.
See Khattiya
One of the eighteen Bambhi(2) scripts.1
Twenty-seventh chapter of Uttarajjhayaṇa.1
Khasa An Aṇāriya (non-Aryan) country and its inhabitants. The Khasas are identified with the present Khakha tribe to which most of the petty chiefs in the Vitasta Valley below Kashmir and the neighbouring hills belong.2
1. Pras 4, Praj. 37, SutSi. p. 123.
2. GESM. p. 75.
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