disciple Maņaga in this very city.16 Tittkayara Mahāvīra had spent three rainy seasons here.17 It is identified with modren Campānagar, four miles to the west of Bhagalpur.18
There is another Campā in the island of Dhāyaikhamda. It was the capital of Vasudeva(1) Kavila(1), contemporary of Vasudeva(2) Kanha(1).19 16. DasCu. p. 7.
II. pp. 164, 204,211; Mar. 489; NisBh. 17. Kalp. 122, Kalpv. p. 188, AvaCu.
5741; Ant. 2, Vip. 34, Bha. 350, I. pp. 284, 320; AvaN. 524, Bha. 491.
UttCu. p. 80, Aup. 27, Utt. 21.1, 18. GDA. p. 44.
BrhBh. 5225, AvaCu. I. pp. 89, 397; 19. Jna. 125. See also Jna. 44, AvaCu.
AvaN. 1288. 2. Campā See Campā(1)1
1. Jna. 125. Campijjiyā (Campiyā) One of the four branches to Uduvādiyagaña
1. Kalp. p. 259. Cakka (Cakra) A god under Vesamaņa(9).
1. Bha. 168. Cakkapura (Cakrapura) A town where Kumthu(1), the seventeenth Titthamkara performed his first Parana.' Purisapumdaria, the sixth Vāsudeva(1) and Anamda(1) the sixth Baladeva(2) belonged to it.? 1. Avan. 325.
2. Ibid. 408, Sam. 158.
Cakkapurá (Cakrapuri) Capital of Vaggu, a (district) to the north of river Sītodā in Mahāvideha.1
1. Jam. 102, Sth. 637. Cakkavatti (Cakravartin) Supreme king of the earth up to its four ends and master of Caturdaśaratna (fourteen gems). He is a god among men. Disc (Cakka-a weapon) is his main gem. He is additionally master of navanidhi (nine treasures) and thirty-two thousand kings. His kingdom comprises of the land with sea as its border. In the case of the Bharaha(2) region a Cakkavatti is the lord of all its six divisions comprising the territory from Himavamta(5) to the sea. He is a king like one umbrella and one lord, i. e. a sovereign king. He has four-fold army of horses, elephants, chariots and infantry. He has sixty-four thousand wives.7 The mother of a Cakkavatti like that of a Titthamkara sees fourteen dreams while 1. Utt. 11.22, Utts. p. 350, Jiv. 111, 4. Pras. 15, Prasa. p. 68, AvaCu. I. Bha. 461, Sth. 558, Pras. 15, AvaCu.
p. 208. I, p. 208.
5. Pras. 15. 2. Bha. 461, BhaA. p. 585, Pras. 15, 6. Pras. 15, Utts. p. 350.
AvaCu. I. p. 208, Tir. 294 ff, Sth. 7. Pras. 15, Prasa. p. 68, AvaCu. I. 558, 673, Sam. 14.
p. 208. 3. Utts. p. 350, Tir, 565,
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