1. Jipadāsa (Jinadāsa) A lay-votary who attained liberation by, observing self-control.1
1. JitBh. 786-790. 2. Jipadāsa An unselfish lay-votary.
1. AvaCu. I. p. 522. 3. Jinadäsa A merchant of Mahurā(1). Sädhudäsi was his wife, He had two bulls : Kambala and Sambala. They too observed vows, like Jiņadāsa.
1. AvaN. 471, AvaCu. I. p. 280, KalpV. p. 163, Vis. 1925.
4. Jinadāsa A resident of Rāyapura who abandoned meat etc. After death he was born as Dāmannaga in the city of Rāyagiha,
1. AvaCu. II. p. 324. 5. Jinadasa A lay-votary belonging to Pādaliputta.
1. AvaCu. I. p. 528. 6. Jiņadāsa Fifth chapter of the second section of Vivāgasuya.
1. Vip. 33. 7. Jiņadása Son of Mahacamda(1) and his wife Arabadattā. of Sogamdtriya. He had renounced the world and became a disciple of Mahāvīra. He was king Meharaha(2) of the city of Majjhamiyā in his previous life.
1. Vip. 34. Jinadāsagapi or Jipadāsagañi-mahattara (Jinadāsaganimahattara), A.learned ācārya who composed, as is the tradition, Avassaga cunni, Namdi-euppi, Ņisīha visesa-cunni, Apuogadára-cuppi, Dasaveyaliya:cuppi, Uttarājjhayapat cuņni etc. 1. NisCu. IV (Subodhāvyākhyā), p. 443, NanCu. p. 83, See CLJ. pp. 192-194,
UttCu. p. 283, Niscu. IV. pp. 163; 411, Nisou, Vol. iy. Int. pp. 46-48. Niscu.
I. p, 1. Jiņadāsagani-khāmaga (Jinadāsagani-ksamaka) He had great respent for Mahāņisība. He seems to be the same as Jiņadāsagaội-mabattara
1. Mahan. p. 71. 1. Jinadeva: (Jinadeva) A follower of Titthayara Malāvitas He belonged to the town of Sāgeya. He had arranged a meeting of king CHāya(2) of Kodivarisa with Mahāvira.1
1. AvaN. 1305, AvaCu. II. p. 203. Jiņadeva Son of Arahamitta(2) and his wife Aņuddhari of Bāravaiz. Once he developed a disease that could have been cured only by taking meat. Jiņadeva was not prepared to take such a treatment. He died peacefully and attained emancipation.
1. AvaN. 1303, AvaCu. II. p. 202.
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