Dihapăsa (Dirghapārsva) A would-be Titthamkara of the Eravaya(1) region.' See also Saccaseņa.
1. Tir. 1119.
Djhapattha (Dirghaprstha ) Minister of king Java(1) and Gaddabhilla. He was killed by Gaddabhilla. See also Gaddabhilla and Java(1).
1. BrhBh. 1155, Brh Ks. pp. 359-361.
Previous birth of Camdappabha(1), the eighth
1. Dihabahu (Dīrghabāhu) Titthamkara.
1. Sam. 157.
2. Dihabāhu Third would-be Vasudeva(1) of the Bharaha(2) region. is also called Sumdarabāhu(2).2 1. Sam. 159.
1 2. Tir. 1143.
3. Dihabāhu One of the hundred sons of Usabha(1).1
1. KalpDh. p. 152, KalpV. p. 236.
Dīhabhadda (Dirghabhadra) One of the twelve disciples of Sambhūivijaya(4).
1. Kalp. p. 255. Dība-Veyaddha (Dirghavaitāļhya). See Veyaddha(1).
1. Sam. 25.50. 1. Dihasena (Dirghasena ) First chapter of the second section of Anuttarovavāiyadasā."
1. Anut. 2.
2. Dihasena Son of king Senia(1) and his queen Dhāriņi(1) of Rayagiha. He took initiation from Mahāvīra, practised asceticism for sixteen years and was born as a god in Anuttara celestial abode after death. He will take one more birth in the Mahāvideha region and attain liberation there.1
1. Anut. 2.
3. Dihaseņa Eighth Titthamkara of the current cycle in the Eravaya(1) region. Samavāya mentions Juttisena in place of Dihasena.? According to commentator Abhayadeva, Dīhasena or Dirghabāhu is also mentioned in place of Juttisena, 3 1. Tir. 321.
3. Sama. p. 159. 2. Sam. 159.
4. Dībaseña Sixteenth Titthařkara of the current cycle in the Eravaya(1) region. According to Samavāya, Guttisena is the sixteenth Titthayara. 1. Tir. 329.
| 2. Sam. 159.
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